698 s H O R T C O M M u N I C AT I O N s sidered is in minor surgery. A recent study showed that only a proportion of specimens were sent for examination: only 31% of specimens from a surgical day theatre (Hillan et ul., 1991). However, several reports have stressed the importance of submitting all specimens for histology, whatever the suspected diagnosis, due to the occasional unexpected identification of a malignant tumour, and for the assessment of the adequacy of excision (McWilliam et ul., 1991; Whimster &L Leonard, 1991). From the results of our audit of hysterectomy specimens removed during pelvic floor repair, we would strongly support the practice of submitting all specimens for histology.

Brooks S. G. & Hughes R. G. (1987) Selective histopathology for appendix specimens. Lancet ii, 1456. Channer J . L. &Jenkins M. (1988) Selective histopathologyof appendicectomy specimens. Lancet i, 1 10-1 1 1. Hillan K. L., Johnson C. P. & Morton R. (1991)Effect ofgeneral practitioner contract on referral of specimens for histological examination. Br M c d J 303, I 180. McWilliam L. J., Knox F.. Wilkinson N. & Oogarah P. (1991) Performance of skin biopsies by general practitioners. Br Med J 303, 1177-1 179. Whimster W. F. & Leonard R. A. (1991) Surgical pathology and general practice. Br M c d .I 303, 1 149-1 150.

References Alun-Jones T., Hill J., Leighton S. E. J. & Morrissey M. S. (1990) Is routine histological examination of nasal polyps justified? Clin Oto/aryr/go/3, 2 17-2 19.

British Journal of Obsteti ics and Gynaecology August 1902, Vol. 99, pp. 698-699

Sex ratio, testosterone and postpartum thyroid dysfunction WILLIAM H. JAMES MRC Mammalian Development Unit Wolfson House University College London 4 Stephenson Way, London NW I 2HE. UK The sex ratio (proportion of boys) of infants born to women with postpartum thyroid dysfunction is reportedly low. Table 1 gives all the data known to me on the topic. The pooled data yield a of 1 1.9 (P0.1) and it seems valid to pool them.

Farid N. R.. Hawe B. S. & Walfish P. G. (1983) Increased frequency of HLA-DR3 and 5 in the syndromesofpainless thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis: evidence for an autoimmune aetiology. Clin Emfoc,rino/19, 699-704.


M i d 306, 849-X52.


Fung H. Y. M., Kologlu M., Collison K., et al. (1988) Postpartum thyroid dysfunction in Mid Glamorgan. Br Med J 296, 241-244. GerenEer M., TajiC M., Kerhin-BrkIjatiC V. & KaStelan A. (1982) An association between serum testosterone level and HLA phenotype. Irnrnunol Lett 4, 155-158. James W. H. (1987a) The human sex ratio. Part 1: areview of the literature. Hum B i d 59, 72 1-152.


James W. H. (1987b) The human sex ratio. Part 2: a hypothesis and a program of research. H i m Biol 59, 873-900. Leader (1987) Postpartum thyroiditis. Luncet i, 962. Received 20 February 1992 Accepted 2 1 April I992

Sex ratio, testosterone and postpartum thyroid dysfunction.

698 s H O R T C O M M u N I C AT I O N s sidered is in minor surgery. A recent study showed that only a proportion of specimens were sent for examinat...
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