Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptor–Receptor Interactions


Kenichi G.N. Suzuki*,{, Rinshi S. Kasai*,{, Takahiro K. Fujiwara*, and Akihiro Kusumi*,{ *

Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan { Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan { National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)/Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore, India

CHAPTER OUTLINE Introduction ............................................................................................................ 374 20.1 Receptor Expression and Fluorescent Labeling .................................................376 20.1.1 Expression of Receptors in Cell Plasma Membranes at Low Density 378 20.1.2 High-efficiency Fluorescent Labeling of Receptors ........................ 378 20.2 Single-Molecule Imaging.................................................................................380 20.3 Data Analysis..................................................................................................382 20.3.1 Determination of Receptor Monomer, Dimer, and Oligomer Fractions in Single-Color Experiments .......................................... 382 20.3.2 Determination of Receptor Dimer Lifetimes in Single-Color Experiments............................................................................... 384 20.3.3 Colocalization Lifetimes of Receptor Dimers in Dual-Color Experiments............................................................................... 385 20.3.4 Outline of the Theory for Estimating Colocalization Lifetimes ......... 386 Acknowledgments ................................................................................................... 387 References ............................................................................................................. 387

Abstract Single-molecule imaging is a powerful tool for the study of dynamic molecular interactions in living cell plasma membranes. Herein, we describe a single-molecule imaging microscopy technique that can be used to measure lifetimes and densities of receptor dimers and oligomers. This method can be performed using a total internal reflection fluorescent microscope equipped with one or two high-sensitivity cameras. For dual-color observation, two images obtained synchronously in different Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 117 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

ISSN 0091-679X



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

colors are spatially corrected and then overlaid. Receptors must be expressed at low density in cell plasma membranes because high-density expression (>2 molecules/ mm2) creates difficulty for tracking individual fluorescent spots. In addition, the receptors should be labeled with highly photostable fluorophores at high efficiency because short photobleaching lifetimes and low labeling efficiency of receptors reduce the probability of detecting dimers and oligomers. In this chapter, we describe methods for observing and detecting colocalization of the individual fluorescent spots of receptors labeled with fluorophores via small tags and the estimation of true dimer and oligomer lifetimes after correction with photobleaching lifetimes of fluorophores.

INTRODUCTION Receptor clustering after ligand binding is often the first key step for the induction of intracellular signaling (Kondo et al., 2012; Veatch et al., 2012). Even before ligation, many receptors, including epidermal growth factor receptors (Chung et al., 2010), several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) (Hern et al., 2010; Kasai et al., 2011), and several glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored receptors (Brameshuber et al., 2010; Seong, Wang, Kinoshita, & Maeda, 2013; Sharma et al., 2004; Suzuki et al., 2012), have been proposed to form dimers. Understanding the signal transduction mechanisms of these receptors requires investigation into how these receptors are organized in resting cells and how upon ligation they are incorporated into signaling complexes. Single-molecule imaging techniques are very important and are powerful tools to observe receptor clustering and interactions of receptors with signaling molecules in cell plasma membranes (Jaqaman et al., 2011, 2008; Nagata, Nakada, Kasai, Kusumi, & Ueda, 2013; Nguyen, Kamio, & Higuchi, 2003; Opazo et al., 2010; Sako, Minoghchi, & Yanagida, 2000; Yamagishi, Shirasaki, & Funatsu, 2013). Recent single-molecule imaging studies revealed that receptor–receptor interactions are very dynamic in steady-state cells. For example, Kasai et al. (2011) found that in live cells at 37  C, N-formyl peptide receptor (FPR), a chemoattractant GPCR, formed transient homodimers with an equilibrium constant of 3.6 copies/mm2 and dissociation and two-dimensional association rate constants of 11.0 s1 and 3.1 copies/m m2 s1, respectively (see Fig. 20.1A). Furthermore, Suzuki et al. (2012) have discovered that CD59, a GPI-anchored protein (GPI-AP), forms mobile transient homodimers induced by ectodomain protein interactions and stabilized by raft–lipid interactions (Fig. 20.1B). They also found that CD59 did not form heterodimers with prolonged lifetimes, but under higher physiological expression conditions, homodimers coalesced to form heteroand homo-GPI-anchored receptor oligomers through raft-based lipid interactions. After ligation, CD59 forms stable homo-oligomers, which induce intracellular Ca2þ responses dependent on GPI anchorage and cholesterol, suggesting that transient homodimers play a key role (Suzuki, 2012; Suzuki, Fujiwara, Edidin, &


FIGURE 20.1 Dynamic equilibrium of a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GPI-AP) among monomers, dimers, and oligomers. (A) The GPCR N-formyl peptide receptor (FPR) forms transient dimers that have three kinetic parameters: on rate, off rate, and two-dimensional association rate (2D-KD). (B) GPI-APs form transient homodimers stabilized by both protein–protein interactions and raft–lipid interactions (left), whereas raft–lipid interactions alone without ectodomain protein interactions barely induce GPI-AP heterodimers (right). Transmembrane proteins also form transient homodimers via protein–protein interactions with shorter lifetimes (center).

Kusumi, 2007; Suzuki, Fujiwara, Sanematsu, et al., 2007). All of these studies have been performed by detecting the transient colocalization of two individual fluorescent spots of receptors or by measuring fluorescent intensities of individual spots in living cell membranes. This chapter describes a protocol for single-molecule imaging and analysis of colocalizations of two individual fluorescent spots of receptors such as GPCRs and GPI-APs. Single-molecule imaging is also a basic technique for superresolution microscopies such as photoactivated localization microscopy (Owen, Williamson,



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

Magenau, & Gaus, 2012; Rossy, Owen, Williamson, Yang, & Gaus, 2012; Sengupta et al., 2011) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (Bates, Huang, Dempsey, & Zhuang, 2007), although these modalities are outside the scope of this chapter. Along with single-fluorescent-molecule imaging, single-particle tracking of gold (Fujiwara, Ritchie, Murakoshi, Jacobson, & Kusumi, 2002; Murase et al., 2004; Suzuki, Ritchie, Kajikawa, Fujiwara, & Kusumi, 2005), latex beads (Suzuki and Sheetz, 2001; Suzuki, Sterba, & Sheetz, 2000), and quantum dots (Chen, Veracini, Benistant, & Jacobson, 2009; Lidke et al., 2004) attached to receptors have unraveled the mechanisms through which receptor diffusion is regulated by cell plasma membrane structures such as meshes of cytoskeletal actin filaments (Kalay, Fujiwara, & Kusumi, 2012; Kusumi, Fujiwara, Chadda, et al., 2012; Kusumi, Fujiwara, Morone, et al., 2012; Morone et al., 2006), lipid rafts (Kusumi, Koyama, & Suzuki, 2004; Kusumi & Suzuki, 2005; Tanaka et al., 2010), and synapses (Bannai et al., 2009). However, these bulky probes would disturb associations between receptors, and the low efficiency of receptor labeling creates challenges for the detection of receptor–receptor interactions. Therefore, this chapter focuses on single-molecule imaging of fluorophores attached to receptors via small protein tags.

20.1 RECEPTOR EXPRESSION AND FLUORESCENT LABELING This section describes a method for expressing receptors in cell plasma membranes and labeling them with fluorophores for the observation of receptor– receptor interactions using single-molecule imaging. As mentioned in the introduction, receptor–receptor interactions can be detected by observing the colocalization of individual fluorescent spots, which represent receptor monomers. Observing the colocalization requires that conditions be optimized for receptor expression and fluorescent labeling. If the expression of receptors is high (Fig. 20.2A), the individual spots of the attached fluorophores are indistinguishable, precluding single-molecule imaging. By contrast, if the fluorescent labeling efficiency of the receptors is low and the photobleaching lifetime of the fluorophores short (Fig. 20.2B), dimerization and oligomerization of receptors are barely detectable. Therefore, observing receptor–receptor interactions using single-molecule imaging requires that the expression density of receptors be low enough to observe single molecules and fluorescent labeling efficiency of receptors be high enough to observe receptor clustering (Fig. 20.2C). If cells endogenously express receptors at a low density (2 molecules/mm2). (B) Labeling efficiency of receptors with a fluorophore is too low to detect receptor dimers and oligomers. (C) Low expression density of receptors labeled with fluorophores at high efficiency is appropriate for detecting receptor dimers and oligomers.

(Medof, Walter, Rutgers, Knowles, & Nussenzweig, 1987); and 240 copies/mm2 for folate receptor in MA104 cells (Rothberg, Ying, Kolhouse, Kamen, & Anderson, 1990). Therefore, we usually transfect cells with the complementary DNA (cDNA) of a receptor and express small numbers of a receptor that is not endogenously expressed in cells, as described in the succeeding text.



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

20.1.1 Expression of receptors in cell plasma membranes at low density We often use Chinese hamster ovary K1 (CHO-K1) cells and T24 cells (ECV304, a subclone of T24 human bladder carcinoma) because their cell membranes are flat and we can easily observe single molecules of receptors by total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy. If the cell membranes are exceptionally rough, the fluorescent intensities of diffusing individual receptor spots vary significantly, making quantitative analysis of the intensities difficult. These cells are cultured in HAM’s F12 medium (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Using Lipofectamine PLUS (Life Technologies), we transfect the cells with cDNAs encoding membrane receptors. cDNA sequences of GPI-APs are placed in the Epstein–Bar virus-based episomal vector pOsTet15T3—which carries tetracycline-regulated expression units, a transactivator (rtTA2-M2), and a Tet operator sequence (a Tet-on vector)—and expressed in the cells. cDNA sequences of GPCRs are placed in pcDNA3 þ (Invitrogen). The cells that stably expressed the molecules of interest are selected and cloned using 800 mg/ml G418 (final concentration). These cells are sparsely seeded (4  103 per coverslip) in a glass base dish (35 mmf with a window of 12 mmf, 0.15 mm thick glass; Iwaki). The expression levels of the GPI-APs are adjusted by finely controlling the concentration of doxycycline added to the cell culture medium. Specifically, the cells are grown for a day in the glass base dish and are then incubated with various concentrations of doxycycline for a day and used for single-fluorescent-molecule imaging. The doxycycline concentrations are optimized by measuring the spot number densities of fluorophores attached to the expressed receptors in cell plasma membranes. Typically, the optimized doxycycline concentrations are 1–5 ng/ml for GPI-APs and 10–50 ng/ml for transmembrane (TM) proteins. The optimal number density of receptors for single-molecule observation is 0.1–2.0 molecules/mm2 or 500–10,000 molecules/cell.

20.1.2 High-efficiency fluorescent labeling of receptors We usually use two methods to label membrane receptors with fluorophores. One method is to label receptors with fluorophore-conjugated Fab fragments of the antibody. These fragments are conjugated with fluorophores with an amine-reactive succinimidyl ester according to manufacturer instructions. The dye/protein (D/P) ratios of fluorophore-labeled Fab fragment are estimated with optical density measurements. When a receptor is tagged with Fab conjugated to a fluorescent probe and the D/P ratio is 1 on average, the number of fluorescent probes on a single Fab generally follows a Poisson distribution, varying mostly between 0 and 3 (no probe/Fab ¼  37%, 1 probe/Fab ¼  37%, 2 probes/Fab ¼  19%, and 3 probes/Fab ¼  7%). Therefore, whether a single fluorescent spot in a single image represents two Fab molecules or one Fab molecule conjugated with two or more

20.1 Receptor Expression and Fluorescent Labeling

fluorescent probes is indiscernible. In addition, fluorophore-conjugated Fab is applicable to the observation of receptor–receptor interactions only when Fab has high affinity to receptors, because high labeling efficiency of receptors with fluorophores is required for this experiment. Furthermore, for high-efficiency fluorescent labeling of receptors, cells must be incubated with fluorescent Fab fragments with a concentration much higher than the Kd value. Another method is to label receptors with fluorophores via small protein tags. Of course, we can observe the colocalization of individual fluorescent spots of receptors fused with monomeric GFP (mGFP, A206K mutant). However, photobleaching must be carefully taken into account because the photobleaching lifetime of mGFP is shorter than 1 s when single molecules of mGFP are observed at a high signalto-noise ratio. The short photobleaching lifetime makes precise estimation of colocalization lifetimes difficult. Therefore, instead of mGFP, we often used protein tags, especially Halo7-tag (Promega) (Keuning, Janssen, & Witholt, 1985) and acyl carrier protein (ACP)-tag (New England Biolabs) (Meyer et al., 2006; Rock & Cronan, 1979; Sielaff et al., 2006), which are fused with receptors and covalently conjugated with photostable organic dye molecules. These tags can be labeled with fluorophores at a precise 1:1 mol ratio. Furthermore, neither Halo7 nor ACP form dimers and therefore do not induce receptor clustering. Notably, however, when these tags are inserted at the extracellular side of receptors, the signal peptides of the receptors sometimes need to be replaced by others for expression of the receptors in cell plasma membranes. Table 20.1 shows the characteristics for these tags. Halo7-tag (molecular weight ¼ 33 kDa) is a modified haloalkane dehalogenase designed to bind covalently to synthetic ligands that are suicide substrates.

Table 20.1 Characteristics of Tag Proteins Suitable for Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptor–Receptor Interactions Characteristics


Molecular weight Reaction with ligand

33 kDa The ligand is a suicide substrate for the tag

Fluorophores for labeling at cytoplasmic site Fluorophores for labeling at extracellular site Signal peptide at N-terminus

Rhodamine 110 Tetramethylrhodamine ATTO488, Alexa488 Cy3, Dy547 ATTO594, Alexa594, etc. The original signal peptide of receptors sometimes needs to be replaced by others

Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) 8 kDa The ligand is covalently bound to the tag with enzyme None

Same as Halo7

Same as Halo7



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

Fluorescently labeled receptors tagged with Halo7 can be labeled at high efficiency (>80%) (Suzuki et al., 2012). To maintain receptor functions, some linkers with lengths between 15 and 21 amino acids should be inserted between Halo7-tag and receptors. Because the fluorophore-conjugated Halo ligand is often membranepermeable if the fluorophore molecules are membrane-permeable, Halo7-tag at the cytoplasmic site of receptors can also be labeled with membrane-permeable fluorescent ligands. The receptors are labeled with fluorescent halo ligands according to manufacturer instructions (Promega), but for single-molecule imaging, cells are incubated with 50 nM Halo ligand conjugated with fluorophores for 15 min to label the extracellular Halo7 of receptors and for 60 min to label cytoplasmic Halo7 (Suzuki et al., 2012). Under these conditions, more than 80% of the Halo7-tag can be fluorescently labeled. ACP-tag (molecular weight ¼ 8 kDa) is a small protein tag based on ACP from Escherichia coli. ACP-tag can be enzymatically conjugated with fluorophores using the substrates derived from coenzyme A (CoA). Because CoA and fluorescent CoA substrates are membrane-impermeable, receptors tagged with ACP at its extracellular surface can be fluorescently labeled. More than 95% of ACP tagged at the extracellular site of receptors can be labeled with fluorophores (Meyer et al., 2006). The receptors are labeled with fluorescent ACP ligand according to manufacturer instructions (New England Biolabs), but note that for single-molecule imaging, cells are incubated with 50 nM ACP ligand conjugated with fluorophores for 15 min (Suzuki et al., 2012).

20.2 SINGLE-MOLECULE IMAGING Single-fluorescent-molecule tracking is performed using an objective lens-type TIRF microscope (Tokunaga, Imamoto, & Sakata-Sogawa, 2008; Tokunaga, Kitamura, Saito, Iwane, & Yanagida, 1997) constructed on an inverted microscope. Figure 20.3 shows a schematic diagram of the TIRF microscope we built to perform single- or dual-color imaging at the level of single molecules. We used an Olympus IX70 microscope as the base with a modified mirror turret to allow side entry of the excitation laser beams to the microscope. A laser beam attenuated with neutral density filters and circularly polarized by a quarter-wave plate is expanded by two lenses (L1, f ¼ 15 mm; L2, f ¼ 150 mm for 488 nm excitation or L1, f ¼ 20 mm; L2, f ¼ 80 mm for 594 nm excitation), focused at the back focal plane of the objective lens with an L3 lens (f ¼ 350 mm), and steered onto the microscope at the edge of an objective lens with a high numerical aperture (Plan Apo 100; numerical aperture ¼ 1.49; Olympus). A single- or dual-color dichroic mirror (Chroma Technology) is also used. The laser beam is totally internally reflected at the coverslip–medium interface, and an evanescent field (1/e penetration depth ¼  100 nm) is formed on the surface of the coverslip. The basal membrane is locally illuminated with this evanescent field. The emission from the fluorophore is collected by the objective and passes the single- or dual-color excitation path dichroic. For dual-color observation, the emission is split into two imaging systems by an observation path dichroic mirror.

20.2 Single-Molecule Imaging

FIGURE 20.3 Microscope setup for simultaneous, dual-color imaging of two fluorescent single molecules of different species. For the observations of other dyes, the microscope is also equipped with 532 and 642 nm lasers. The excitation arm consists of the following optical components: BP, band-pass filter; DM, dichroic mirror; FD, field diaphragm; L1 and L2, working as a 10 beam expander (L1, f ¼ 15 mm; L2, f ¼ 150 mm) for 488 nm excitation or as a 4 beam expander (L1, f ¼ 20 mm; L2, f ¼ 80 mm) for 594 nm excitation; L3, focusing lens (f ¼ 350 mm); M, mirror; ND, neutral density filter; r/4, quarter-wave plate; and S, electronic shutter. The two-color fluorescence emission signal is split by a dichroic mirror (DM3) and detected by two cameras at the side and bottom ports. BF, barrier filter; I.I., image intensifier; PL, projection lens (2); and TL, tube lens (1 or 2 ).

The image in each arm is projected onto the photocathode of the image intensifier with a two-stage microchannel plate (C8600-03, Hamamatsu Photonics), which is lens coupled to the camera. We use Hamamatsu electron bombardment charge-coupled cameras (C7190-23). The cameras on the two detecting arms (side and bottom, two cameras of the same model number produced in the same batch placed on each arm) are synchronized frame by frame by coupling the sync out of one camera to the trigger of the second (gen-locked). Observations are performed only for individual fluorescent spots located within the central region (20 mm in diameter) of the illuminated area, in which nonuniformities appear to be small. The camera images are stored on a digital videotape (8PDV184ME, Sony) for postexperiment spatial synchronization.



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

20.3 DATA ANALYSIS 20.3.1 Determination of receptor monomer, dimer, and oligomer fractions in single-color experiments This section describes a method for measuring fractions of receptor monomers, dimers, and oligomers by determining fluorescence intensities of individual spots of receptors. A typical single-frame image of single molecules of fluorescently labeled FPR is shown in Fig. 20.4A. Fluorescent spots in the image are identified using a

FIGURE 20.4 Identification of individual spots. (A) Typical single-frame total internal reflection image of single FPR molecules labeled with Alexa594-formyl peptide. Individual spots are identified by taking the cross correlation of the observed image with a reference image of a singlefluorescent-molecule spot. Arrowheads and arrows indicate the spots with monomeric and dimeric intensities, respectively. (B) The image cross correlation method, in addition to identifying the fluorescent spots, finds the local peaks in the correlation image, determining whether an observed spot represents one unresolvable spot or two resolvable spots (bottom, spatial resolution). A representative image of a single-molecule intensity spot is superimposed on itself but at systematically varied shift distances between the two images (from 0 to 300 nm, every 10 nm along the x-axis). Top panel shows raw images; the bottom panel displays cross correlation images, with dots indicating local peaks. For each shift distance, the result of one or two peaks is registered in the cross correlation images (bottom).

20.3 Data Analysis

custom computer program, which takes the cross correlation of the observed image using a reference two-dimensional Gaussian function with a full width of 200 nm (Fujiwara et al., 2002). In addition to identifying fluorescent spots, this method generates the local peaks in the correlation image (Fig. 20.4B) and thus determines whether an observed spot represents one unresolvable spot or two resolvable spots. In this manner, the number density of distinguishable spots can be determined. Because the number of dyes attached to individual anti-Fab fragments exhibits Poisson distributions, the absolute number of molecules located within a single colocalized spot cannot be determined using fluorescent Fab fragments. Because ACP- or Halo7-tagged receptor molecules can be labeled with dyes at a 1:1 D/P ratio and high efficiency, the absolute number of molecules in a single colocalized spot can be determined by measuring the fluorescence intensities of individual spots of ACP- or Halo7-tagged receptors. After each individual spot in the image is identified, the fluorescence intensities of the identified spots are determined, yielding the histograms. Figure 20.5A shows the distribution of fluorescence intensities of individual spots of ACP-CD59 labeled with Dy547 in CHO-K1 cells. The histograms are fitted by the sum of three lognormal functions (Mutch et al., 2007) and provide the spot fractions of monomers, dimers, and tetramers via comparison with the histogram for the fluorescence intensities of individual spots of monomer reference molecules. To determine the fluorescence intensity distribution of monomers, we often measure the individual spot intensities of ACP- or Halo7-tagged proteins linked to the TM domains of nonraft molecule low-density lipoprotein receptors (ACP-TM or Halo-TM), which are

FIGURE 20.5 Fractions of monomers, homodimers, and homo-oligomers of acyl carrier protein (ACP)CD59. (A) Distributions of the signal intensities of individual spots of Dy547-labeled ACPCD59 expressed at densities of 0.90 (n ¼ 788) copies/mm2 and fitted with three log-normal functions that represent the distributions for monomers, homodimers, and apparent homotetramers of ACP-CD59. This result was obtainable because more than 95% of ACP was fluorescently labeled. (B) Distribution of the signal intensities of individual spots of Dy547labeled ACP transmembrane (ACP-TM; nonraft monomer reference protein; 0.16 spots/mm2, n ¼ 868 spots) fitted with a single log-normal function.



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

sparsely expressed in cell plasma membranes. Figure 20.5B shows the distribution of fluorescence intensities of individual ACP-TM spots.

20.3.2 Determination of receptor dimer lifetimes in single-color experiments This section describes the method for determining receptor dimer lifetimes in cell plasma membranes by observing the colocalization of individual fluorescent spots. Figure 20.6A and B shows a typical video sequence and trajectories, respectively, indicating that virtually all CD59 molecules tagged with Cy3-Fab undergo diffusion and frequent colocalization and codiffusion events often lasting longer than incidental approaches. Separation into monomers follows these events. Similar to CD59,

FIGURE 20.6 Transient homo-colocalization of CD59 in steady-state cells. (A) Representative singlemolecule fluorescent image sequence of two diffusing CD59 molecules (Cy3-Fab-labeled CD59, arrowheads) undergoing transient colocalization and codiffusion. The number in the upper-right corner in each image indicates the number of frames (recorded at video rate). Trajectories are shown on a threefold magnified scale: black trajectory designates molecules during colocalization. (B) Trajectories of two Cy3-Fab–labeled CD59 spots that exhibited transient colocalization and codiffusion. Periods of colocalization (black) are indicated in milliseconds. (C) The histogram shows the distribution of colocalization duration of two CD59 fluorescent spots. It was generated by measuring the duration of each colocalization event and fitted with an exponential function. The decay time and the lifetime corrected with the photobleaching lifetime are shown in the box.

20.3 Data Analysis

many other receptors exhibit this frequent colocalization, codiffusion, and separation (Hern et al., 2010; Kasai et al., 2011; Suzuki et al., 2012). For determining the colocalization duration, the histogram of the durations of individual colocalization events is fitted with a single exponential decay curve, using nonlinear least-squares fitting by the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm, provided in the MicroCal Origin 7.5 package (Fig. 20.6C). The colocalized durations are then corrected for the photobleaching lifetimes of the probes, based on the equations described in 20.3.3, thus giving tCCD. The log-rank test is a useful statistical survival analysis for examining whether distributions of colocalization lifetimes are distinguishable.

20.3.3 Colocalization lifetimes of receptor dimers in dual-color experiments In two-color simultaneous single-fluorescent-molecule tracking experiments that use two fluorophores—such as pairs of Alexa488 and Alexa594, rhodamine 110 and tetramethylrhodamine, or ATTO488 and ATTO594—the two full images synchronously obtained in different colors are spatially corrected and overlaid (KoyamaHonda et al., 2005). A predefined mask is simultaneously imaged through each path to determine the individual path properties. This mask has a lattice of 1 mm diameter optical holes spaced 5 mm apart. Using this grid, we can map a point imaged through one of the imaging paths to the same point imaged through the other path. In this manner, a third-order spline fit can be used to correct for translations and rotations between the two observation arms and the optical distortions and inhomogeneities inherent in both the optical paths and each camera. The details of this procedure have been published previously (Koyama-Honda et al., 2005). In two-color simultaneous single-fluorescent-molecule tracking experiments, the distance between the two molecules can be measured directly from the coordinates (x and y positions) of each molecule (as in photoactivated localization and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopies), which can be determined independently in each image in different colors (Koyama-Honda et al., 2005; Suzuki, Fujiwara, Edidin, et al., 2007; Suzuki et al., 2012). Even when pairs of different colored molecules are known to be truly associated, the probability of scoring the two molecules as associated is limited by the localization accuracies of each molecule and the accuracies of superimposing the two images. Based on a method developed previously (Koyama-Honda et al., 2005; Suzuki, Fujiwara, Edidin, et al., 2007) and the accuracies determined herein, we found that for truly associated molecules, the probability of scoring the two molecules as associated increases to 99% using the criterion that the molecules lie within 240 nm of each other. Therefore, we used this criterion as the definition of colocalization in simultaneous two-color single-molecule observations. The distance of 240 nm coincided with the definition of colocalization in single-color experiments. Given this coincidence, we defined the colocalization of two fluorescent molecules as the event in which the two fluorescent spots representing these molecules become localized within 240 nm of each other.



CHAPTER 20 Single-Molecule Imaging of Receptors

FIGURE 20.7 Two ways in which two fluorescent molecules in a single spot lose their colocalization. (A) Two spots become colocalized and separated without photobleaching. (B) One of the two spots is photobleached during colocalization.

20.3.4 Outline of the theory for estimating colocalization lifetimes This section provides a protocol for correcting colocalization lifetimes with the photobleaching lifetimes of fluorophores. Two fluorescent spots that become colocalized lose their colocalization in one of the following ways: (1) They become separated after some time owing to dissociation and independent diffusion (Fig. 20.7A), or (2) one of the two spots is photobleached (Fig. 20.7B). We first consider the case in which twocolor fluorescent probes are used and spots with different colors are colocalized. The dis-colocalization process can be expressed by the differential equation: d½D ¼ kb1 ½D  kb2 ½D  koff ½D dt


where [D] indicates the number density of the colocalized fluorescent spots, kb1 and kb2 are the photobleaching lifetimes for the two fluorescent probes, and koff represents the off rate for the two colocalized spots (which includes the time needed for the dissociation of two molecules plus that required for the two molecules to be separated by more than 240 nm owing to diffusion, but the latter is likely to be considerably shorter than the former). Eq. (20.1) can readily be solved, giving ½D ¼ D0 exp½ðkb1 þ kb2 þ koff Þt


where D0 is an integration constant. Therefore, the apparent rate constant for dis-colocalization, kapp, which can be measured directly with colocalization experiments, can be written as follows: kapp ¼ kb1 þ kb2 þ koff


Each rate constant can be related to its associated time constant: 1 tapp ¼ kapp


1 tb1 ¼ kb1


1 tb2 ¼ kb2


1 toff ¼ koff



Therefore, Eq. (20.3) can be rewritten as follows: 1 1 1 t1 app ¼ tb1 þ tb2 þ toff


Because tapp is the lifetime directly determined from the histogram in single-molecule colocalization experiments, and tb1 and tb2 can be measured using the histograms of the photobleaching times for individual non-colocalized spots (therefore, this measurement is reliable because the photobleaching lifetimes are measured simultaneously with the apparent colocalization durations), toff can be obtained as follows: h i1 1 1 toff ¼ t1 (20.9) app  tb1  tb2 In single-color experiments, h i1 1 toff ¼ t1  2t app b1


For example, the colocalization lifetime of Cy3-Fab-labelled CD59 was estimated to be 151 ms from the single exponential decay fitting (see Fig. 20.6C). Because the photobleaching lifetime of the Cy3 probe on Fab is 5.4 s, the true colocalization lifetime was estimated using Eq. (20.10) to be 160 ms.

Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Specific Research (B) (No. 24370055) and on Innovative Areas (No. 2311002, Deciphering sugar chain-based signals regulating integrative neuronal functions) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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Single-molecule imaging of receptor-receptor interactions.

Single-molecule imaging is a powerful tool for the study of dynamic molecular interactions in living cell plasma membranes. Herein, we describe a sing...
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