Path. Res. I'mct. 187,472-476 (1991 )

Small-Cell Carcinoma of Gallbladder An Immunocytochemical and Ultrastructural Study A. O. Cavazzana, A. S. Fassina, M. Tollot and V. Ninfo Istituto di Anatomia ed Istologia Patologica della Universita di Padova, Padova, Italy

SUMMARY An unusual carcinoma of the gallbladder in a seventy·one·year·old woman displayed features of a well·differentiated adenocarcinoma, atypical carcinoid and small cell undifferentiated carcinoma. The patient died from progressive hepatic failure four months after surgery. Autopsy showed bulky liver masses and several peritoneal nodules exclusively composed of small, hyperchromatic cells. The neuroendocrine nature of the small cell component of the tumor was documented by the presence of neurosecretory granules at the ultrastructuralleve! and by immunocytochemical positivity to NSE and SynalJtophysin. The epithelial markers, cytokeratin and CEA, were also positive in the carcinoid and in the undifferentiated portions of the tumor. A common endodermal origin is suggested for carcinoid and small cell carcinoma of the gallbladder.

Introduction Small cell carcinoma of the gallbladder is a rare lesion, representing about 4% of all carcinomas in this organ 29 . Predominantly a disease of older women with a clinical history of stones, these tumors show an aggressive clinical course and dearh usually occurs within a few months of the diagnosis'. Only four cases of small cell carcinoma associated with a well·differentiated adenocarcinoma have been previously described 29 • This report illustrates the immunocytochemical and ultrastructural features of small cell carcinoma, and addresses its histogenetic relationship with neuroendocrine tumors and the more common adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder. Case Report A 71·ycar·old woman was hospitalized for extrasys· toles; during her stay she developed a severe obstructive jaundice. Laboratory data showed an elevated total biliru· bin (262.6 UmollL) and a slight increase in carcinoem· bryonic antigen (CEA) (13 U). Hepatic echography and abdominal tomography revealed the presence of a 30 X 52 mm mass involving the common bile duct. 0344-0338/91/0187-0472$3.50/0

Cholecystectomy was performed, and the hepatic hilar lymph nodes were excised. Four months after surgery, the patient was again hospitalized for severe jaundice, and died a few days after admission with progressive hepatic failure.

Post-mortem examination disclosed a conspicuous

hemorrhagic ascites with many peritoneal nodules. The liver was extensively involved (liver weight 1300 g) by voluminous, centrally necrotic and superficially ulcerated masses, measuring from 5 to 10 em in diameter. Mesenteric, aortic and mediastinal lymph nodes were free of metastases. There was no evidence of metastatic disease or other primaries in lungs, small and large intestine, pan· creas, ovaries and uterus. Material and Methods Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues were available for histochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Five micron thick paraffin sections were stained according to the H & E, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS ), diastase-PAS, Aleian Blue and Grimelius methods. Immunocytochemical analysis was per-

formed using the Avidin-Biotin- Complex (ABC), technique as

previously described lt , employing a Vectastain ABC kit (Vector Lab, Burlingame, California, USA). The presence of the following © 1991 by Gustav

Fisch~r V~r1ag,


Small-Cell Carcinoma of Gallbladder· 473

antigens was investigated: cytokeratin PKK 1 (1 : 10, Labsystem, Finland); CEA (1: 400, Dakopatts, Copenhagen, Denmark );

chromogranin A (1 : 100, Boehringer Mannheim, \Vest Germany); synaptophysin (5 micrograms/ml, Boehringer Mannheim, West Germany), and neuron specific enolase (NSE, 1: 200, Dakopatts), Normal large bowel sections were used as positive controls; in the same sections primary antibodies were omitted for negative control. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material was also deparaffinized and processed for electron microscopy by routine techniques l2 .

Results The gallbladder was enlarged and showed a whitegreyish mass of 5 X 3 X 3 em involving the cystic and common hepatic duct. The lumen was filled by dense bile and no stones were observed.

Fig. 2. Glandular lum ens were lined by epithelial cells gradually merging into nodules composed of small round cells (a) ( H& E, X 250). Cells with pale cyroplasm, hyperchromatic round or oval nuclei arranged in a lobular fashion were also observed in the neoplasia (b) (H & E, x 400).

Fig. 1. A well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder (top left) is associated with a diffuse proliferation of small round

cells (bottom right) (H & E,


200 ).

Microscopic examination of the mass revealed a welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma admixed with a diffuse proliferation of small round cells and nests of atypical carcinoid (Fig. 1). The undifferentiated component consisted of round andlor spindle cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and a rim of scanty and poorly defined cytoplasm. The cells were arranged in solid sheets that infiltrated the hepatic parenchyma. Transitional features of well-differentiated carcinoma and small cell carcinoma were occasionally noticed (Fig. 2a). Solid nests of round cells with palc eosinophilic cytoplasm and slightly irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei and small nucleoli, reminiscent of atypical carcinoid (Fig. 2 b), were also present. The luminal portion of the neoplasia was composed of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The hepatic hilar lymph nodes showed microscopic foci of metastatic adenocarcinoma.

474 . A. O. Cavazzana er al. Histochemical srudies demonstrated PAS positive, diastase-resistent and Aleian Blue positive material exclusively in the adenocarcinomatous portion of the tumor. Grimelius-positive granules were derecred only in the cytoplasm of the undifferentiared small cells and in rhe atypical carcinoid areas (Fig. 4, insert). No features of intestinal metaplasia were encountered in the normal mucosa adjacent ro the tumor. Immunocytochemical invesrigation disclosed thar cyrokeratin and CEA were strongly positive in the welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma and focally in the other two neoplastic components (Fig. 3a ). CEA immunoreactivity varied in the different portions of rhe tumor. The apical border of cells lining the neoplastic glands was heavily decorated by anti-CEA antibody, while a diffuse cytoplasmic CEA reactivity was detecred in the small cell component. NSE and synaptophysin were positive only in the carcinoid and undifferentiated small cells (Fig. 3 b), while chromogranin was negative in all portions of the tumor.

Fig. 4. Small cell carcinoma seen ar E.M. (x 6000). The Grime·

lius positive granuJcs detected at the light microscope (upper left

insert, x 400) were still well recognizable ultrastructurally (lower left insert, x 15000).

Ultrastructurally, the small cell carcinoma was composed of a uniform population of round or oval cells, characterized by a few electron-dense granules, bundles of intermediate filaments, and rare primitive intercellular


junctions (Fig. 4). Microscopic evaluation of the liver and peritoneal nodules found at autopsy, revealed a uniform population of small cells with dark hyperchromatic nuclei, arranged in ribbons, strands and small solid nests, with no evidence of glandular differentiation. The nodules displayed diffuse cytoplasmic positivity to cytokeratin, NSE and synaptophysin. Discussion

Fig. 3. Evident perinuclear positivity

to allti-cytokerarin anti· bodies was presenr in the small cell carcinoma (a) (ABC-method,

x 400) as well as a st rong cytoplasmic positivity to anti-

Synaptophysin (b) (ABC-method,



Small cell carcinomas of the gasrro-intcstinal traer are rare tumors generally occurring in elderly individuals, with an unfavorable prognosis, regardless of their site of origin and size 1,9, 16,2S Histologically, these tumors are made up of sheets, cords or festoons of uniform small round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Fusiform cells with more abundant cytoplasm are also observed',.lo. The origin of small-cell

Small-Cell Carcinoma of Gallbladdcr . 475 carcinomas, regardless of their location, is still controversial, and an undifferentiated endodermal 4 or neuroendocrine origin has been alternatively proposed2l • The presence of neurosecretory granules at the ultrastructurallcvcl 9 , 16 and positivity to neuroendocrine markers, such as NSE, LEU 7, neurofilaments, bombesin and chromogranin 6,13,3" strongly support a neuroendocrine origin for this tumor. According to Paladugu, neuroendocrine tumors of the lung present a spectrum of overlapping morphologic features, ranging from typical carcinoid to small cell carcinoma. Increased mitotic activity, single cell necrosis, nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia identify the atypical carcinoid as an intermediate form in the spectrum. The collective name of "Kulchitzky Cell Carcinoma" was then proposed for these tumors"). The origin of neuroendocrine cells has been extensively revised in recent years, and a common neuroectodermal origin for all cells belonging to the A.P.U.D. system 22 is now accepted with skepticism. Experimental animal models seem to support an endodermal origin for at least some of these cells s,24, and therefore the endodermal stem cell has been advanced as the common precursor of both epithelial and endocrine intestinal cells. Moreover, the co-expression of markers typical of embryonic intestinal (CEA), epithelial (cytokeratin) and neuroendocrine cells (NSE, bombesin and chromogranin) in human neuroendocrine tumors has been offered as supportive evidence of the endodermal origin of these tumors 17. This thesis seems further sustained by the occurrence of so-called "composite carcinoma-carcinoid" tumors of the gastro-intestinal tract 14,.12. These rare tumors, in fact, show both typical adenocarcinoma and carcinoid features. Carcinoids microscopically resembling a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma have already been reported in different organs, including the gallbladder I', 19,26. Furthermore, squamous, glandular and neuroendocrine differentiation were shown in small cell carcinomas of the lung and gastro-intestinal tract IS , 23. All these findings point to an intriguing histogenetic link between epithelial cells, neurosecretory cells and small-cell carcinoma. The gallbladder constitutes a unique model to study this problem, since neuroendocrine cells arc absent in the normal cholecystic mucosa2, 29. This partially explains the rarity of neuroendocrine tumors in this organ; in a series of 2837 carcinoid tumors only one was located in the gallbladder7 • Nevertheless, neuroendocrine cells may be found in the context of a metaplastic cholecystic mucosa. An intestinal type of metaplasia is known to occur in chronic conditions, such as cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis, and an entero-endocrine differentiation was observed in well-differentiated adenocarcinoma'. Metaplastic neuroendocrine changes in the non-neoplastic mucosa, in fact, were previously described in endocrine cell tumors admixed with adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder' 7,28. In our case, the absence of both metaplastic changes in the remaining normal mucosa and endocrine differentiation in the adenocarcinomatous portion of the tumor suggested a divergent, epithelial and neuroendocrine differentiation of the neoplastic cells. This hypothesis was further endorsed by the presence of transition areas

between the different components of the tumor. Areas of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma were intermingled with nests of pale, slightly eosinophilic cells with hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei, and diffuse sheets of small, dark, occasionally fusiform cells, representative of atypical carcinoid and small cell carcinoma, respectively. The positivity to CEA and cytokeratin in gastrointestinal tumors is considered supportive evidence for the endodermal origin of the neoplasia 3, 8, whereas NSE and synaptophysin are the two most reliable markers for neuroendocrine differentiation in gastrointestinal tumors. The majority of gastro-intestinal carcinoids have, in fact, been reported positive for these two markcrs 10 We observed a strong cytoplasmic positivity for NSE and synaptophysin in the small cell and carcinoid areas of the tumor. This finding confirmed the neuroendocrine nature of the small undifferentiated cells, which was further verified by argyrophilia and the ultrastructural observation of neurosecretory granules. Moreover, scattered cells in both the carcinoid and small cell portions of the tumor showed positive reactions with anti-CEA and anti-keratin antibodies. Our immunocytochemical findings and the above described transitional microscopic features appear to provide further evidence for a divergent epithelial-neuroendocrine differentiation of the endodermal stem cell. Acknowledgement We ar~ in debt with Prof. M. Rugge for critical reviewing the manllscnpt.

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Received January 18, 1990· Accepted in revised form August 28, 1990

Key words: Gallbladder - Adenocarcinoma - Neuroendocrine tumors Andrea 0. Cavazzana M.D., Istituto di Anatomia Patologica, Via Gabelli 6 1, 35 121 Padova, Italy

Small-cell carcinoma of gallbladder. An immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study.

An unusual carcinoma of the gallbladder in a seventy-one-year-old woman displayed features of a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, atypical carcinoid...
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