Somatic Mutations in the MTOR Gene Cause Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type IIb Mitsuko Nakashima, MD, PhD,1a Hirotomo Saitsu, MD, PhD,1a Nobuyuki Takei, PhD,2 Jun Tohyama, MD, PhD,3 Mitsuhiro Kato, MD, PhD,4 Hiroki Kitaura, DDS, PhD,5 Masaaki Shiina, MD, PhD,6 Hiroshi Shirozu, MD, PhD,7 Hiroshi Masuda, MD,7 Keisuke Watanabe, PhD,8 Chihiro Ohba, MD, PhD,1 Yoshinori Tsurusaki, PhD,1 Noriko Miyake, MD, PhD,1 Yingjun Zheng, MD, PhD,5 Tatsuhiro Sato, PhD,9 Hirohide Takebayashi, MD, PhD,8 Kazuhiro Ogata, MD, PhD,6 Shigeki Kameyama, MD, PhD,7 Akiyoshi Kakita, MD, PhD,5b and Naomichi Matsumoto, MD, PhD1b Objective: Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type IIb is a cortical malformation characterized by cortical architectural abnormalities, dysmorphic neurons, and balloon cells. It has been suggested that FCDs are caused by somatic mutations in cells in the developing brain. Here, we explore the possible involvement of somatic mutations in FCD type IIb. Methods: We collected a total of 24 blood-brain paired samples with FCD, including 13 individuals with FCD type IIb, 5 with type IIa, and 6 with type I. We performed whole-exome sequencing using paired samples from 9 of the FCD type IIb subjects. Somatic MTOR mutations were identified and further investigated using all 24 paired samples by deep sequencing of the entire gene’s coding region. Somatic MTOR mutations were confirmed by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. The effect of MTOR mutations on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase signaling was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting analyses of brain samples and by in vitro transfection experiments. Results: We identified four lesion-specific somatic MTOR mutations in 6 of 13 (46%) individuals with FCD type IIb showing mutant allele rates of 1.11% to 9.31%. Functional analyses showed that phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 in FCD type IIb brain tissues with MTOR mutations was clearly elevated, compared to control samples. Transfection of any of the four MTOR mutants into HEK293T cells led to elevated phosphorylation of 4EBP, the direct target of mTOR kinase. Interpretation: We found low-prevalence somatic mutations in MTOR in FCD type IIb, indicating that activating somatic mutations in MTOR cause FCD type IIb. ANN NEUROL 2015;78:375–386


ocal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a cortical malformation frequently associated with drug-resistant epilepsy that requires surgical treatment.1,2 FCD can be classified

into three types (I, II, and III) based on its clinicopathological features.3 Type I refers to abnormalities in cortical architecture without cellular anomalies,3 whereas type III

View this article online at DOI: 10.1002/ana.24444 Received Oct 8, 2014, and in revised form May 26, 2015. Accepted for publication May 26, 2015. a

These authors contributed equally to this work. b

These are co-last authors.

Address correspondence to Dr Naomichi Matsumoto, Department of Human Genetics, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, 3–9 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 236-0004, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] From the 1Department of Human Genetics, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan; 2Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan; 3Department of Child Neurology, Nishi-Niigata Chuo National Hospital, Niigata, Japan; 4Department of Pediatrics, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 5Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, University of Niigata, Niigata, Japan; 6Department of Biochemistry, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan; and 7 Department of Functional Neurosurgery, Epilepsy Center, Nishi-Niigata Chuo National Hospital, Niigata, Japan; 8Division of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan; and 9Division of Biochemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University, Tokyo, Japan. Additional Supporting Information can be found in the online version of this article.

C 2015 American Neurological Association V 375


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involves cortical lamination abnormalities associated with a principal lesion, which are usually adjacent and affect the same cortical area or lobes.3 FCD type II is characterized by severe architectural abnormalities and dysmorphic neurons and can be further subdivided into types IIb (with balloon cells) and IIa (without balloon cells).3,4 It has been suggested that FCDs are likely to arise from somatic mutations in cells in the developing brain, but that the molecular basis of the three types of FCD can differ.2,4 Several studies have demonstrated that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT3/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)–signaling pathway is activated in FCD type IIb.5–11 This pathway regulates cell proliferation, metabolism, autophagy, and apoptosis in developing cerebral cells. Furthermore, some cortical malformations are demonstrated to possess somatic mutations in genes of the PI3K/AKT3/mTOR-signaling pathway.12–19 In this study, we analyzed paired brain lesions and blood leukocytes (or saliva) from individuals with FCDs who underwent surgery to evaluate the possible involvement of somatic mutations in the disease.

Subjects and Methods Study Subjects and Samples Thirteen individuals with FCD type IIb, 5 with type IIa, and 6 with type I were investigated in this study. All participants underwent preoperative clinical evaluations, including seizure charts, electroencephalography, and neuroimaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), followed by surgical treatment. Subjects or their families provided us with written informed consent for participation in this study. The institutional review boards of Yokohama City University, Nishi-Niigata Chuo National Hospital, Yamagata University, and the University of Niigata approved this study. Surgically operated brain tissues (lesions) and peripheral blood leukocytes (or saliva) (normal tissues) were obtained from all participants. Fresh surgical specimens were immediately cut into 5-mm blocks in the operating room, and some of the blocks were fixed with 20% buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin wax. Serial 4-lm-thick sections were then cut and stained with hematoxylin-eosin or Kl€ uver-Barrera stain. Histopathological diagnosis was performed according to the recent classification system.3 As controls for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blotting analyses, we selected 6 subjects (ID/age [years]/sex 5 15473/18/M, 15732/38/F, 15294/26/M, 16080/43/M, 16312/12/M, and 16337/12/M) who had suffered from localized neocortical seizures for years and underwent surgery to treat epilepsy. In all cases, histopathological evaluation of resected brain lesions revealed none of the obvious abnormalities in cortical layering that are required for a diagnosis of FCD type I.3 These cases could thus be regarded as mild malformations of cortical development.3


DNA Preparation Fresh frozen brain tissues were dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/sodium chloride–based lysis solution with proteinase K and incubated at 558C for 1 hour, then 378C overnight. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes and saliva using QuickGene-610L (Fujifilm, Tokyo, Japan) and Oragene (DNA Genotek Inc., Kanata, Ontario, Canada), respectively, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Somatic Variant Calling Using Paired Whole Exome Sequencing Data Paired brain lesions and blood leukocytes (or saliva) from nine individuals with FCD Type IIb were analyzed by whole-exome sequencing (WES). DNA was captured using a SureSelect Human All Exon V5 Kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Illumina, San Diego, CA) with 101-bp paired-end reads. Read bases below the Phred quality score of 20 were trimmed from the 30 end of reads. These cleaned reads were aligned to the human reference genome sequence (UCSC hg19, NCBI build 37) using Novoalign (Novocraft Technologies, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia). Paired WES data (from brain and blood/saliva) were analyzed by MuTect20 and VarScan 221 to detect de novo somatic singlenucleotide variants (SNVs) in brain tissues. For MuTect, we carefully examined both filter-passed and -rejected variants to avoid false-negative results, considering the cellular complexity in brain tissues. For Varscan 2, minimum read depth for somatic variant calls in normal and tumor samples was set to 12. Exclusion criteria were: (1) variants on mutant alleles with A, c.6644C>T) or 538C (c.4376C>A, c.4379T>C); and 10 minutes at 988C. Droplet reading and data analysis were performed using QX200 Droplet Reader and QuantaSoft software (Bio-Rad), respectively.

Statistical Analysis of Correlation Between MTOR Mutations and Clinical Features We assessed the relevance between MTOR mutations and clinical features, including seizure onset age, seizure frequency, neurological findings, IQ at pre- or postsurgery, and lesion volume, by Wilcoxon rank-sum or Fisher exact test (p < 0.05 was considered as significant). Lesion volume in each subject was calculated from MRI proton density weighted images (PDWIs) using OsiriX MD (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland). In brief, the margin of high-intensity signals in PDWIs, which indicates FCD, obtained just before surgery was delineated manually as a region of interest (ROI) area in both axial and coronal views, and the ROI area in each slice was calculated. Then, the volume of the lesion was automatically calculated based on each area and slice thickness. In subjects 14434, 17424, and 11683, lesion volume was manually calculated. All analyses were performed using R software (version 3.1.0; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

Immunohistochemistry Paraffin-embedded sections were immunostained with rabbit polyclonal antibody against the ribosomal protein, phospho-S6 (Ser235/236; diluted 1:1,000; Cell Signaling Technologies, Danvers, MA), as previously described.26

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FIGURE 1: Flow chart of somatic mutation analysis in subjects with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). The flow of analysis in this study is outlined. ddPCR 5 droplet digital polymerase chain reaction; PCR 5 polymerase chain reaction.

Structural Analysis of mTOR FoldX software (version 3.0b3) was used to calculate free energy changes after mutation using the mTOR crystal structure (amino acids [aa] 1,376–2,549)/mLST8 complex (Protein Data Bank [PDB] 4JSN).27 The calculation was repeated three times, and the resultant data are presented as an average value with a standard deviation.

Western Blotting Analysis Fresh-frozen tissues of surgical specimens taken from the 5 subjects with MTOR mutations (ID: 16964, 17424, 11683, 14434, and 16578) and the six controls (described above). Fresh-frozen tissues of a patient with an MTOR mutation (ID: 15622) were not available for Western blotting. These were lysed with SDS sample buffer containing protease (Complete; Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails (PhosSTOP; Roche Diagnostics). Protein concentration was determined using BCA protein assay reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). Equal amounts of protein (40lg/lane for phospho and total S6 and 2lg/lane for actin) were separated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and analyzed by Western blotting with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against total S6 (Cell Signaling Technologies) and phospho-S6 (Ser235/236), and with a mouse monoclonal antibody against actin (Merck Millipore, Billerica, MA).



of Neurology

TABLE 1. Summary of Whole-Exome Sequencing in Individuals with FCD Type IIb (n 5 9)


11683 15035 15622 16129 16578

17562 14434

15381 16325


Mean Depthb (Brain/Blood)

%_bases_above_ 203 (Brain/Blood)


De novo SNV Call (Filter Passed)

Common Variants in Two Programs

Candidate Gene(s) Common in Two or More Cases




422 (13)



Varscan 2



446 (6)

Varscan 2



428 (10)

Varscan 2



318 (10)

Varscan 2



357 (12)

Varscan 2



348 (8)

Varscan 2



376 (9)

Varscan 2



460 (10)

Varscan 2



319 (6)

Varscan 2


192.9/194.5 146.3/121.3 109.2/67.37 117.8/143.2

158.2/166.2 154.2/259.4

127.5/108.6 131.0/141.2

94.9/94.7 95.6/94.6 93.8/88.4 94.5/95.4

95.8/95.8 92.8/95.5

94.8/93.7 93.7/94.0

25 11










23 22



DNA from saliva instead of blood was used. Against protein coding sequences of RefSeq genes. FCD 5 focal cortical dysplasia; SNV 5 single-nucleotide variant. b

Human WT MTOR complementary DNA (cDNA; NM_004958.3) and mutant MTOR cDNA (p.Ala1459Asp, p.Leu1460Pro, p.Ser2215Phe and p.Ser2215Tyr) were cloned in pEF-BOS-FLAG vector.28 Human EIF4EBP1 (NM_004095.3) was introduced into pCMV-FLAG.29 HEK293T cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and penicillin/streptomycin at 378C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2. HEK293T cells were cotransfected with FLAG-4EBP and WT or mutant MTOR plasmids using Fugene6 (Roche Diagnostics), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To assess the activity of MTOR mutants, cells were starved for serum and amino acids in Hank’s balanced salt solution for 1 hour. Cells were then lysed and incubated with antiDYKDDDDK antibody beads (WAKO, Osaka, Japan) at 48C for 4 hours. Immunoprecipitates were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with anti-phospho-4EBP (Thr37/46; Cell Signaling Technologies) or anti-DYKDDDDK (WAKO), as previously described.30


Results Somatic Mutation Screening and Validation A flow chart of our analysis is illustrated in Figure 1. Using MuTect20 and VarScan 2,21 we detected a number of possible somatic variants in WES data of nine paired samples (Table 1). To quickly narrow down candidate variants, we first searched for those variants commonly detected by the two programs, then focused on candidate genes whose variants were found in two or more cases (Table 1). Among six candidate genes, MTOR is of interest. It encodes the serine/threonine kinase mTOR, a key regulator of the PI3K/AKT3/mTOR-signaling pathway,31,32 and an MTOR somatic mutation has been reported in hemimegalencephaly.13 Considering the possible involvement of the mTOR pathway in FCD, we investigated variants in candidate genes involved in the mTOR pathway (Supporting Table 2). We only detected Volume 78, No. 3

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c.1820C>T (p.Ala607Val)

c.6644C>T (p.Ser2215Phe)

c.4379T>C (p.Leu1460Pro)

c.1897T>C (p.Ser633Pro)

c.4376C>A (p.Ala1459Asp)

c.6644C>A (p.Ser2215Tyr)

Variant in MTOR by MuTect





2/59 (3.28)

6/314 (1.88)

4/199 (1.97)

2/67 (2.90)

3/221 (1.34)

4/357 (1.11)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)





0/59 (0.00)

0/502 (0.00)

0/174 (0.00)

0/97 (0.00)

0/187 (0.00)

0/318 (0.00)















20/11,990 (0.17)

160/6,876 (2.27)

623/28,382 (2.15)

24/26,447 (0.09)

406/28,605 (1.40)

406/28,719 (1.39)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)








74/42,140 (0.17)

1/17,069 (0.01)

52/103,377 (0.05)

29/35,285 (0.08)

18/38,815 (0.05)

9/31,396 (0.03)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)















Mean depthd (Brain/Blood)

c.6644C>A (p.Ser2215Tyr)

c.4379T>C (p.Leu1460Pro)

c.6644C>T (p.Ser2215Phe)

c.4379T>C (p.Leu1460Pro)

c.4376C>A (p.Ala1459Asp)

c.6644C>A (p.Ser2215Tyr)


74/721 (9.31)

111/2,167 (4.87)

24/747 (3.11)

150/9,303 (1.59)

33/1,970 (1.65)

38/2,426 (1.54)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)


MTOR-Targeted Deep Sequencingc


DNA from saliva instead of blood was used. Percent of mutant allele was calculated by mutant allele reads/(mutant allele reads 1 reference allele reads). c Variants were called by MuTect, and reads were manually counted by Integrative Genomics Viewer software (IGV). d Against protein coding sequences of MTOR. FCD 5 focal cortical dysplasia; Mut 5 mutant allele; N.D. 5 whole-exome sequencing and variant-targeted sequencing were not performed; Ref 5 reference allele.





Whole-Exome Sequencing

Variant-Targeted Deep Sequencingc (Validation)

TABLE 2. Summary of Deep Sequencing of MTOR in Individuals With FCD

3/3,665 (0.08)

4/8,255 (0.05)

0/2,556 (0.00)

26/42,551 (0.06)

6/10,394 (0.06)

0/1,242 (0.00)

Mut/Ref Counts (%b)


Nakashima et al: Somatic MTOR mutations and focal cortical dysplasia



of Neurology somatic MTOR mutations were verified in 6 individuals with FCD type IIb (6 of 13 [46%]; Fig 2A; Table 2). No candidate mutations were identified in individuals with FCD type I or IIa (Supporting Table 3). Mutant allele frequencies in brain lesions were very low (range, 1.54–9.31%; average, 3.67%) but were clearly higher than those in blood leukocytes or saliva (all A (p.Ala1459Asp); c.4379T>C (p.Leu1460Pro); c.6644C>A (p.Ser2215Tyr); and c.6644C>T (p.Ser2215Phe; Table 2). No variants in other genes were validated because they were absent in targeted deep sequencing, suggesting that they were false positive. We also examined germline or somatic mutations in candidate genes involved in the mTOR pathway (Supporting Table 2) using nonbrain Varscan 2 data, but we could not detect any pathogenic variants in these genes. We then screened the entire MTOR coding region using deep sequencing of PCR amplicons from 13 individuals with FCD type IIb, including the 9 analyzed by WES. In addition, to explore possible involvement of somatic MTOR mutations in other types of FCD, we also screened 5 subjects with FCD type IIa and 6 with type I. We identified two recurrent mutations (c.4379T>C and c.6644C>A) in an additional two individuals with FCD type IIb. A total of four lesion-specific 380

FIGURE 3: Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathological features of subjects with somatic MTOR mutations. Coronal or axial brain MRI of subjects with somatic MTOR mutations. T2-weighted (A, D, G, J, M, P) and proton-density–weighted (B, E, H, K, N, Q) images show abnormal configurations of cerebral gyri and high signal, respectively. Yellow arrowheads indicate focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) lesions. Photomicrographs of hematoxylineosin–stained histology sections (C, F, I, L, O, R) demonstrating characteristic dysplastic features with dysmorphic neurons (arrowheads) and balloon cells (arrows) in surgical specimens taken from 6 individuals with somatic MTOR mutations. Bar 5 20lm.

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Nakashima et al: Somatic MTOR mutations and focal cortical dysplasia

FIGURE 4: Expression of phospho-S6 in focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type IIb. Immunohistochemical features (A–D) and Western blotting (E) for phospho-S6 in brain tissues taken from subjects with FCD type IIb and controls. (A–C) Many dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells in an FCD type IIb brain section with an MTOR mutation (A: 16578, B: 15622; Table 2 and Supporting Table 3) and without a mutation (C: 15381; Table 2 and Supporting Table 3) showed intense immunoreactivity to phosphoS6. (D) Neurons in the control (#16080) showed no or very faint reactivity. Bar 5 120lm. (E) Expression of phospho-S6 (Ser235/ 236), total S6 protein, and actin are depicted in the upper, middle, and lower panel, respectively. Western blotting showed a larger amount of phosphorylated S6 in brain tissues of FCD type IIb (lanes 1–5: 16964, 17424, 11683, 14434, and 16578, respectively), compared to controls (lanes 1–6: 15473, 15732, 15294, 16080, 16312, and 16337, respectively). Equal amounts of protein (40lg/lane for phospho and total S6 and 2lg/lane for actin) were applied.

sequencing data (Fig 2B). Fractional abundance in blood was extremely low or zero (0–0.034%; Fig 2B), being equivalent to no-template control. Low-prevalence mosaic rates for all mutations were reproducible by ddPCR. Correlation Between MTOR Mutations and Clinical Features Correlation of MTOR mutations with clinical phenotypes was statistically analyzed. Clinical features of the 13 individuals with FCD type IIb are described in detail (SupSeptember 2015

porting Table 4). Brain MRI showed severe architectural abnormalities in 6 individuals with somatic MTOR mutations (Fig 3), as well as in 7 without MTOR mutations (data not shown). We found no statistical difference for any clinical feature between mutation-positive and -negative groups. Phosphorylation of Ribosomal Protein S6 in FCD Samples At primary histopathological examination, all specimens with FCD type IIb (Table 2 and Supporting Table 4) 381


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FIGURE 5: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling activation by MTOR mutations. Structural consideration of the four mutations. (A) Crystal structure of mTOR (residues 1,376–2,549) in complex with mLST8, ATPcS, and magnesium ions (Protein Data Bank [PDB] code 4JSP). FAT domain, N- and C-lobes of the kinase domain, and the FRB domain in the N-lobe are colored blue, magenta, cyan, and light blue, respectively. Nonhydrolyzed ATP analog, ATPcS, and magnesium ions are shown as gray sticks and orange balls, respectively. Residues at mutation sites are shown as van der Waals spheres in red. The secondary structure assignment is according to published nomenclature. (B and C) Close-up of regions around the mutation sites from the front and back. Side chains of some residues near the mutation sites are represented as transparent van der Waals spheres. (D) Free energy change upon amino acid mutations, estimated from calculations using FoldX software. (E) HEK293T cells were transfected with FLAG-MTOR or pcDNA3.1-MTOR hyperactive mutant and FLAG-4EBP plasmids. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-Flag antibody beads and then probed with anti-phospho-4EBP (Thr36/47; left, upper panel), anti-Flag for mTOR (left, middle panel), and 4EBP (left, lower panel). Three separate experiments were performed. Transfection efficacy was almost the same in each transfection. Note that all the mutants found in this study led to significant activation of the mTOR pathway, and the mutants are comparable with the hyperactive mutant (right panel). n 5 3 for WT and mutants. *p < 0.0001 by analysis of variance. Western blotting were quantified by densitometric analysis using ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD). Bars represent means 6 standard error of the mean. ATP 5 adenosine triphosphate; FCD 5 focal cortical dysplasia.


Volume 78, No. 3

Nakashima et al: Somatic MTOR mutations and focal cortical dysplasia

TABLE 3. Prediction of Somatic MTOR Mutation Pathogenicity





Mutation Taster

11683 and 17424

c.6644C>A (p.Ser2215Tyr)


Possibly damaging (0.876)

Disease-causing (0.999)


c.4376C>A (p.Ala1459Asp)


Benign (0.133)

Disease-causing (0.999)

16578 and 16964

c.4379T>C (p.Leu1460Pro)


Benign (0.352)

Disease-causing (0.999)


c.6644C>T (p.Ser2215Phe)


Possibly damaging (0.824)

Disease-causing (0.999)

SIFT ( scores of less than 0.05% indicate substitutions that are predicted as intolerant. PolyPhen-2 (http:// HumVar scores are evaluated as 0.000 (most probably benign) to 0.999 (most probably damaging). Mutation Taster ( rapid evaluation of DNA sequence alterations. Alterations are classified as disease-causing or polymorphisms.

showed numerous dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells regardless of the presence or absence of mutations (Fig 3C, F, I, L, O, R). We then examined the activation of the mTOR pathway in FCD type I, IIa, and IIb using IHC for phospho-S6, which is a downstream phosphorylated protein in the mTOR pathway. In FCD type IIb specimens with or without MTOR mutations, almost all dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells were distributed in both the cortex and subcortical white matter and showed intense reactivity for phospho-S6 (Fig 4A–C). A small proportion of normal-looking pyramidal neurons distributed in the cortex also showed a variable intensity of reactivity for phospho-S6. On the other hand, neurons showed no or faint reactivity for phospho-S6 in all control specimens (Fig 4D). We also confirmed the expression level of phospho-S6 by Western blotting of proteins extracted from lesion-specific brain sections. The ratio of phosphorylation (the ratio of intensities of phospho-S6/ total-S6) in each FCD type IIb individual with an MTOR mutation (range, 0.72–1.24; average 5 1.17) was much higher than that in the control specimens (range, 0.22–0.63; average 5 0.51; Fig 4E). Note that the lowest ratio (0.72) in FCD type IIb was still greater than the highest ratio (0.63) in the control. These results indicated that mTOR signaling was increased in FCD type IIb cases of MTOR mutations. MTOR Mutations Activate the mTOR Pathway mTOR (aa 1,376–2,549) consists of Huntingtin, elongation factor 3, a subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, and TOR1 (HEAT) repeats, a FRAP, ATM, and TRAP (FAT) domain, a kinase domain comprising N- and Clobes that form a catalytic cleft, a FKBP12/rapamycin binding (FRB) domain, and a FRAP, ATM, TRRAP, and C-terminal (FATC) domain (Figs 2A and 5A).31 The neighboring p.Leu1460Pro and p.Ala1459Asp mutations are located in the FAT domain, whereas p.Ser2215Tyr and p.Ser2215Phe are at the same residue within the September 2015

kinase domain (Figs 2A and 5A). All altered amino acids are evolutionarily well conserved (Fig 2A), and the mutations were predicted to be deleterious by at least two online programs (Table 3). To evaluate the effects of missense mutations on mTOR function from a structural viewpoint, we mapped their location on the mTOR crystal structure (aa 1,376–2,549) in complex with mLST8, ATPcS, and magnesium ions.31 The FRB domain in the N-lobe and helix 9b in the C-lobe hinder substrate access to the active site, negatively regulating mTOR kinase activity.33–35 Because residues at sites Ala1459 and Leu1460 are located in an N-terminal helix of the FAT domain and are involved in a hydrophobic core (Fig 5A, C), mutations here would destabilize the local structure of the FAT domain and impair its interaction with the kinase domain. This could release it from the restriction of active site accessibility, thereby hyperactivating mTOR kinase activity as reported previously.33 Ser2215 is located in helix 3b, which is adjacent to the structural frame involving closely located helices 3, 9, and 9b (Fig 5A, B). Thus, mutations of Ser2215 to Tyr and Phe are likely to destabilize the structural frame and affect helix 9b conformation, restricting active site accessibility, and leading to mTOR kinase hyperactivation. Thus, all four somatic MTOR mutations were predicted to induce mTOR pathway hyperactivation. The free energy change calculated by FoldX software revealed a remarkable increase after all mutations, supporting our structural predictions (Fig 5D). Moreover, the MTOR mutations found in FCD type IIb were analyzed in cultured cells (in vitro). Plasmids carrying WT and mutant MTORs (p.Ala1459Asp, p.Leu1460Pro, p.Ser2215Phe, and p.Ser2215Tyr) were transfected into HEK293T cells together with FLAG-4EBP, the best-known substrate for mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1). Mutant MTOR-transfected cells exhibited significantly strong phosphorylation of 4EBP, compared to WT MTOR-transfected cells, indicating that all MTOR mutants are constitutively active 383


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FIGURE 6: Schematic presentation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-signaling pathway. Upstream regulators of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1), after stimulation with growth factors, are PI3K, Akt, TSC1/2, and Rheb. PTEN suppresses Akt activity. Another regulatory pathway that is activated by amino acids is Rags/Ragulator signaling. Gator1 suppresses mTORC1 activity. Activated mTORC1 directly phosphorylates 4EBP, p70S6K, and ULK1. Focal cortical dysplasia is caused by gain-of-function mutations (red arrows) or loss-of-function mutations (blue arrows) in mTOR-related genes. Black arrows and cross-end bars indicate activation of phosphorylation and inhibition of phosphorylation, respectively.

(Fig 5E). Signal intensities of all MTOR mutants were comparable with that of the plasmid carrying a hyperactive mutation of rat mTOR, which was used as a positive control.34

Discussion We found that the low-prevalence somatic MTOR mutations in 6 of 13 individuals with FCD type IIb (46%; Table 2 and Supporting Table 4). While this article was being reviewed, Lim et al also reported that somatic MTOR mutations caused FCD type IIb.36 These results corroborated that low-prevalence somatic MTOR mutation is one of the genetic causes in FCD type IIb. However, there may be mutations in up- or downstream genes in the mTOR cascade in the other subjects having no MTOR mutation (Fig 6). Indeed, somatic mutations in PTEN and germline mutations in DEPDC5, encoding a component of Gator1, were reported in FCD type IIb.16–18,37 PTEN is one of the tumor-suppressor genes, encoding plasma membrane lipid phosphatase, which antagonizes PI3K-Akt signaling.38 Gator1 has GTPaseactivating activity for RagA/B and thus suppresses mTORC1 activity in static and low-amino-acid conditions.39 Therefore, loss of function in PTEN and Gator1 384

may cause mTOR activation. Similarly, mutations in other genes involved in the mTOR cascade are involved in tuberous sclerosis (with mutations in TSC1 and TSC2) and hemimegalencephaly (with mutations in AKT3, DEPDC5, MTOR, PIK3CA, and PTEN), which share histopathological similarities.12–17,19,37 These findings strongly suggest that unidentified mutations in related molecules of the mTOR pathway may possibly be the pathogenesis of FCD type IIb. Somatic MTOR mutations in FCD type IIb are likely to cause hyperactivation of the mTOR-signaling pathway, which is involved in growth, migration, and the maturation of neurons and glial cells.8 All individuals with MTOR mutations showed distinctive balloon cells in their brain tissues (Fig 3 C, F, I, L, O, R). Such cells are also observed in tuberous sclerosis and hemimegalencephaly, in which the mTOR-signaling pathway is activated,2,8,10,13,32 raising the possibility that they are markers of aberrant mTOR signaling. Our IHC and Western blotting results clearly demonstrated high levels of phospho-S6, the well-known hallmark of mTOR cascade activation, in FCD type IIb lesions with MTOR mutations, specifically in dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells (Fig 4A, B, E). We failed to detect apparent differences on IHC expression of phospho-S6 between FCD type IIb with and without mutations (Fig 4A–C). In both cases, a large proportion of the abnormal cells (dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells) were phosphoS6-positive. Furthermore, we found no clinical differences between FCD type IIb individuals with or without MTOR mutations. These findings supported the hypothesis that MTOR-mutation–negative subjects may have mutations in other molecular members of the pathway, which lead to net activation of the mTOR signaling.19 We also investigated MTOR mutations in limited numbers of brain samples with FCD type I and IIa (six in type I and five in type IIa) and found no associated variants (Supporting Table 3). IHC examination of FCD type IIa revealed that many dysmorphic neurons showed phospho-S6-immunoreactivity as those noted in FCD type IIb (data not shown). In our series of FCD type IIa, both the number of dysmorphic neurons and intensities of phospho-S6-immunopositivity differed markedly among cases. Interestingly, Lim et al also reported somatic MTOR mutations in FCD type IIa.36 Therefore, a further study with a large number of FCD type IIa cases would be necessary for better understanding of the molecular profiles and precise pathomechanisms underlying FCD type IIa. In control neocortical tissues, we found no dysmorphic neurons, balloon cells, or apparent cytoarchitectural abnormalities without any trace of aberrant mTOR signaling (Fig 4D, E). Consistent with this, Volume 78, No. 3

Nakashima et al: Somatic MTOR mutations and focal cortical dysplasia

we observed no apparent phospho-S6 immunoreactivity in FCD type I (data not shown).mTOR activity is controlled by various extracellular cues, such as nutrients and growth factors in the brain.8 In a culture system, all of the mutants found in this study were constitutively active (Fig 5E), regardless of any extracellular stimuli. Therefore, these somatic mutations could induce dysregulation of growth of neurons and glia, or presumably of their progenitors during brain development. A large number of somatic mutations in cancer cells are clustered in the FAT domains or the kinase domains, and most activate the mTOR-signaling pathway.6,33 The mTOR protein can form two distinct complexes—mTORC1 and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2)—and involvement of these different complexes results in divergence of the signaling pathway into two distinct channels. mTORC1 is composed of mTOR, mLST8, and Raptor and phosphorylates the downstream proteins, S6K1 and 4EBP, which regulate cell growth, proliferation, ribosome biogenesis, and autophagy (Fig 6).32,40 mTORC2 is composed of mTOR, mLST8, Rictor, and mSin1 and phosphorylates Akt, PKC, and SGK, which are involved in cell cycle, cell survival, and actin organization and morphology.32,40,41 Rapamycin, an allosteric inhibitor of mTOR, binds to mTOR with FKBP12 and inhibits kinase activity of mTORC1. mTORC1 is known to play a pivotal role in cerebral cortical development, though little is known about mTORC2.8,9 The mutations, p.Ser2215Tyr and p.Leu1460Pro, lead to the constitutive activation of mTORC1 signaling, but not that of mTORC2, and both mutations are sensitive to rapamycin.6,42 These findings imply that mTOR inhibitors would be able to alleviate intractable epilepsy in FCD type IIb.

K. Takabe, and S. Nigorikawa for their excellent technical assistance. The plasmids of pCMV-FLAG and hyperactive mTOR mutant were kindly gifted by Dr K. Yonezawa and Dr T. Maeda, respectively.

Authorship M.K., A.K., and N.Ma. conceived the study. M.N., H.Sa., and N.Ma. designed and performed analyses. M.N., Y.T., N.Mi., and H.Sa. performed exome sequencing. M.N. and C.O. performed targeted amplicon sequencing. M.N. performed statistical analysis and ddPCR. M.S. and K.O. performed protein structural analyses. J.T., M.K., H.Sh., H.M., and S.K. evaluated patients and provided samples. H.K, K.W., H.T., Y.Z., and A.K. processed tissue samples and performed pathological evaluation. N.T. and T.S. validated mTORC1 signaling. M.N., H.Sa., N.T., A.K., and N.Ma. wrote the manuscript. M.K., A.K., and N.Ma. obtained research funding.

Potential Conflicts of Interest Nothing to report.

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Volume 78, No. 3

Somatic Mutations in the MTOR gene cause focal cortical dysplasia type IIb.

Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type IIb is a cortical malformation characterized by cortical architectural abnormalities, dysmorphic neurons, and ball...
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