Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 44: 700–703 Published online 6 November 2014 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/uog.13325

Sonographic finding of postpartum levator ani muscle injury correlates with pelvic floor clinical examination M. LIPSCHUETZ*, D. V. VALSKY*, L. SHICK-NAVEH†, H. DAUM*, B. MESSING*, I. YAGEL*, S. YAGEL* and S. M. COHEN* *Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers, Jerusalem, Israel; †Department of Physiotherapy, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel

K E Y W O R D S: 3D-TPS; levator ani; pelvic floor; primiparae



Objectives Correlation of the sonographic finding of levator ani muscle (LAM) injuries with clinical examination in primiparous women following vaginal delivery has not been fully described. We aimed to examine the correlation of three-dimensional transperineal ultrasound (3D-TPS) finding of LAM defects with results of clinical examination of the pelvic floor, at intermediate follow-up.

In recent years, the effects of parturition on the female pelvic floor have been the focus of intensive research. The pelvic floor is classically divided into two compartments: the posterior and the anterior. When trauma occurs in the posterior compartment (i.e. a tear to the muscles of the anal sphincter complex)1 , the damage is usually apparent clinically and can be imaged using ultrasound or magnetic resonance (MR)2 – 4 , although occult trauma has also been described1,4 . In the case of the anterior compartment, the situation differs. Levator ani muscle (LAM) injury is rarely visible clinically, apparent only in some cases of levator ani avulsion5 or separation from the anteromedial part of the symphysis pubis. LAM injury has been described as the ‘missing link’ between trauma during parturition and pelvic floor dysfunction, which is usually recognized only years later. The lesion is mainly defined by its imaging appearance, whether by ultrasound5 – 8 or MR9,10 . Over the years, correlations between the appearance of clinical and imaging findings of disordered pelvic floor function have been investigated2,8 – 14 . Some of these studies focused on women presenting to urogynecology clinics with complaints such as urinary incontinence or uterine prolapse11,12 or immediately following labor and delivery with known trauma to the posterior compartment9 . Correlation of sonographic appearance of LAM injuries with clinical examination, in an unselected cohort of women several months following primary vaginal delivery who were not referred for pelvic floor complaints, has not been fully described. Pelvic floor disorder complaints after childbirth have been widely described15 – 19 , particularly complaints of urinary incontinence. The prevalence of such complaints among primiparous women is estimated at 13–40%20 . Despite the prevalence of pelvic floor disorders there are few objective tools to examine this phenomenon. The correlation of ultrasound findings of LAM defects and physical examination may add to our overall understanding of

Methods Subjects were primiparae 3–21 months following vaginal delivery, who had not become pregnant or delivered in the interim. On 3D-TPS, LAM trauma was diagnosed when discontinuity and distortion were visible in the most anteromedial part of the pubovisceral muscle in the coronal C-plane or rendered image. Clinical examination was performed by a physiotherapist who was blinded to the ultrasound results, and included palpation of the medial and lateral parts of the LAM mass, evaluation of tissue quality and whether there was any palpable gap. Muscle strength was evaluated using the modified Oxford scale. Results Eighty-seven women were included, 19 (21.8%) of whom were found to have a sonographic LAM injury. Oxford score palpation parameter of asymmetric muscle mass or texture was significantly correlated with the finding of a LAM defect: of 68 women with normal 3D-TPS, 22 (32.4%) were found to have asymmetry of muscle mass or tissue quality on clinical examination vs 12 (63.2%) of 19 women with sonographic evidence of LAM injury (P = 0.016). Muscle strength and endurance parameters did not significantly correlate with the 3D-TPS findings. Conclusion Our findings suggest that persistent 3D-TPS LAM injury after primary vaginal delivery has clinical expression in changes in mass and texture of the LAM, as assessed by palpation. Copyright © 2014 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Correspondence to: Ms S. M. Cohen, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem 91240, Israel (e-mail: [email protected]) Accepted: 28 January 2014

Copyright © 2014 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Sonographic LAM injury correlates with clinical examination pelvic floor disorders in later life and why some women develop problems whereas others do not. In populations of women presenting to urogynecology clinics with complaints of pelvic organ prolapse, several studies of LAM clinical assessment have been performed11,12,21 – 23 . Dietz and colleagues developed a digital examination to palpate levator ani disruption11,12,21,22 and compared this clinical finding with both translabial two-dimensional (2D)11,22 and three/four dimensional (3D/4D)12,21 sonography, as well as squeeze pressure, as measured by perineometry11 , and signs and symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse11,12 . The authors compared interobserver agreement of the clinical examination, and digital examination with sonographic findings11,12,21,22 , and found that with training a high degree of accuracy can be achieved22 . We aimed to determine whether the 3D transperineal ultrasound (3D-TPS) appearance of the LAM defect correlated with results of clinical examination of the pelvic floor in women 3–24 months following primary vaginal delivery.

METHODS The Institutional Review Board of Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centers approved the study; all patients signed informed consent and were seen at Hadassah. We invited participants from a previous study7 to attend for 3D-TPS pelvic floor follow-up evaluation. Follow-up for the present study included 3D-TPS combined with clinical examination of the pelvic floor according to the modified Oxford scale. Women who were pregnant at the time of contact, or had given birth in the interim since the earlier study, were excluded. 3D-TPS examination was performed by a consultant in obstetrics and gynecology with particular expertise in 3D-TPS who was blinded to patients’ earlier results; clinical examination was performed by a physiotherapist with particular expertise in the female pelvic floor. 3D-TPS was performed as described previously6 – 8 . Briefly, with the patient in the lithotomy position and with an almost empty bladder, the covered transabdominal probe was placed in the area of the fourchette and perineal body. The transducer axis was oriented in the mid-sagittal plane, and the symphysis pubis, bladder neck and urethra, compressed vagina, distal part of the rectum with anorectal junction and the proximal part of the anal canal were imaged and a 3D ultrasound volume acquired. Post-processing was performed with the mid-sagittal plane in the ‘A’ frame of the multiplanar projection (MPR) screen; the pelvic hiatus was visualized on the coronal ‘C’ plane and in the rendered image. The structures visualized were the symphysis pubis with ramus pubis, urethra, vagina, the anal canal and the most superficial part of the levator ani–pubovisceral muscle, consisting of fibers of the vagina and the puborectalis and pubococcygeus muscles. Tomographic ultrasound images (TUI) of the volumes were also analyzed to exclude or confirm defects on successive planes.

Copyright © 2014 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Figure 1 Rendered image of pelvic floor 14 months postpartum, showing the levator ani muscle defect (circle).

LAM trauma was diagnosed when discontinuity and distortion were visible in the most anteromedial part of the pubovisceral muscle in the coronal C-plane or rendered image (Figure 1). This sonographic defect should be visible after symmetric adjustment of the image in the coronal plane and should be confirmed on the TUI image on at least three successive planes. The thickness of the LAM was not measured. Clinical examination was performed by a physiotherapist with specific training and expertise in the female pelvic floor, who was blinded to the results of the ultrasound examination. Examination was carried out with the patient in the lithotomy position and included several steps. First, the overall appearance of the perineum was evaluated and the presence of any scars was noted. Second, the woman was asked to cough and whether she contracted the pelvic floor muscles before coughing was visually observed. Third, the pelvic floor was palpated to evaluate muscle mass, tissue quality and whether there was any sign of gap or asymmetry. The index finger was applied at a 6 o’clock position to a depth of 3 cm to examine the medial portion of the LAM (the puborectalis) and between 3 to 5 o’clock and 7 to 9 o’clock to examine the lateral parts (the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles). Fourth, muscle strength was assessed according to the modified Oxford scale proposed by Laycock3 . The index finger was introduced into the vagina and the degree of muscle contraction was rated on a scale of 0–5, as follows: 0, no palpable movement; 1, flicker; 2, weak (palpable movement in the muscle without elevation); 3, moderate (elevation of the walls of the vagina and muscle mass); 4, good (palpable tension of the muscle, elevation of the vaginal walls against resistance of the examiner’s digit); 5, strong (elevation of the vaginal walls against strong resistance of the examiner’s digit), repeating the contraction six times. Finally, the patients were asked to

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 44: 700–703.

Lipschuetz et al.


contract the pelvic floor muscles to maximum contraction and to maintain this for as long as they could, then they were allowed to rest for the same length of time. The duration of maximum contraction (in seconds) was recorded. The examiner palpated the pelvic floor muscles to verify that the contraction was produced in the expected area, or was produced by activation of other muscles. The examiner visually verified that the contraction of the pelvic floor was achieved without involvement of the transversus abdominis, hip adductors, or glutei. Activation of adjutant muscles and decrease in the strength of contraction were signs of muscle fatigue, and at this point the subject was asked to rest. In any case, when the subject held her breath she was requested to exhale, or asked to count audibly. Data collection and analysis were performed with SPSS v.15 (Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were analyzed using ANOVA. Dichotomous variables were compared using the chi-square or Fisher’s exact tests, or the Eta statistic in the case of ordinal variables.

RESULTS Eighty-seven women examined in the postpartum period agreed to participate in the present study. Nineteen (21.8%) women had a sonographic finding of LAM defect. Background parameters of the study group are summarized in Table 1. No difference was observed on visual evaluation of the perineum between women with and those without LAM sonographic defects. Assessment of muscle tissue symmetry revealed asymmetry in 34 (39.1%) of the 87 women in the study group. Of those 34, a significantly higher proportion had sonographic evidence of LAM injury (P = 0.016) (Table 2). No significant difference was found between strength and endurance results of women with, compared with those without, a LAM defect (Table 2). Table 1 Background parameters of the study group Parameter


Maternal age (years) GA at delivery (weeks) Interval since delivery (months) Duration of second stage (min) Fetal weight (g) Fetal head circumference (cm)

27.9 ± 5.1 (19–47) 39 + 3 ± 1.5 (32 + 1 to 42 + 0) 8.7 ± 3.5 (3–21) 77 ± 52 (2–251) 3203 ± 52.3 (1940–4080) 34.0 ± 1.2 (31.4–36.7)

Values are given as mean ± SD (range). GA, gestational age. Table 2 Comparison of clinical examination results in patients with normal vs abnormal three-dimensional transperineal ultrasound (US) levator ani muscle findings Parameter Asymmetry Strength (Oxf. scale 0–5) Endurance (s)

Normal US

Abnormal US


22/68 (32.4) 2.5 ± 1.0 (0–5)

12/19 (63.2) 2.5 ± 1.1 (1–4)

0.016* NS

6.4 ± 3.5 (1–10.5)

5.9 ± 3.9 (1–10)


Values are given as n positive/total n (%) or mean ± SD (range). *Fisher’s exact test. NS, not significant; Oxf., Oxford.

Copyright © 2014 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

DISCUSSION In the present study we sought to investigate the possible correlation of sonographic findings of LAM defects in primiparous women following vaginal delivery with clinical examination of the pelvic floor at an intermediate follow-up period (i.e. neither immediately following birth nor only on the appearance of symptoms). Our findings suggest that 3D-TPS of the LAM is consistent with the finding of a levator defect observed during clinical examination. This was shown through the correlation between an ultrasound finding of the LAM defect, observed as sonographic drop-out in the LAM on 3D-TPS, and the finding of asymmetric muscle mass or texture on physical examination (P = 0.016). However, asymmetry, as recorded by the physiotherapist, did not always correlate with a sonographically demonstrable defect in the ultrasound image. Clues to understanding the observed lack of correlation between the strength and endurance parameters, which assess how strongly and for how long the patient can contract the pelvic floor, and sonographic findings of the levator ani defect, may be found in the muscle morphology. It is probable, in this circular structure made up of multiple fibers and connective tissue, that the presence of an isolated defect will not wholly prevent contraction. Furthermore, muscle strength is only one factor in contraction: insufficiency may result from many other factors that may impact on the pelvic floor, even in the absence of a LAM defect. Therefore, women without a 3D-TPS defect may experience clinical complaints, whereas others with defects may not. Several groups have examined the correlation between imaging and clinical findings of levator ani avulsion11 – 13,23 . Kearney and colleagues compared the findings on MR imaging and clinical examination, and found strong correlation between both23 . Dietz et al. assessed the sonographic appearance of contraction of the pelvic floor in a population of women of mixed age and parity presenting to a urogynecology clinic with complaints of pelvic floor dysfunction or prolapse. The investigators found that translabial sonography successfully imaged the changes in pelvic floor anatomy during contraction and that these changes correlated with digital palpation11 . In a later study, Dietz and colleagues found that the levator ani defect palpable on their examination was visualized on translabial 3D-TPS12 in a similarly mixed population. Among their patients they found that some 30% had a sonographically apparent levator ani injury12 . In contrast, our physical examination focused on the mass of the levator ani, as opposed to the method proposed by Dietz and colleagues, which focused on the muscle insertion12 . This may have impacted our results. We sought to correlate the results of 3D-TPS with parameters of the Oxford scale in primiparous women, specifically limiting our study to a homogeneous group of gravidae, evaluated relatively early following delivery, before another pregnancy and/or delivery intervened, in order to focus on the effects of first delivery on the pelvic floor. In studies based on mixed populations of vaginally

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 44: 700–703.

Sonographic LAM injury correlates with clinical examination parous and nulliparous women presenting with clinical complaints11,12 , the effect of parturition could not be isolated. It has been shown that prenatal preventative interventions are effective in reducing pelvic floor problems postnatally24 – 26 . Women found to have evidence of levator ani defects may be at higher risk of developing pelvic floor problems later in life12 and may also benefit from exercises to strengthen and maintain this complex system24 – 26 . Our approach may help to identify high-risk women who may be referred for pelvic floor physiotherapy. Intrapartum management, focusing on modifiable risk factors in subsequent deliveries, such as a lengthy second stage in fetuses with a large head circumference, may help prevent development of symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. Our study has several strengths and limitations. Both the sonographer and the physiotherapist were blinded to results that may have influenced their examinations. We evaluated pelvic floor anatomy and function both sonographically and clinically. Our 3D-TPS approach is accessible (being more readily available and much less expensive than MR imaging, for example) and acceptable to patients. In addition, whilst the clinical pelvic floor examination is subjective, the modified Oxford scale3 is well recognized in clinical practice. We recognize the study’s limitations, such as small group size. When recruiting patients from our earlier study we found that many were pregnant or had delivered a second child. In conclusion, the 3D-TPS LAM defect correlates with palpable asymmetry of pelvic floor musculature in primiparous women.

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Copyright © 2014 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.




















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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 44: 700–703.

Sonographic finding of postpartum levator ani muscle injury correlates with pelvic floor clinical examination.

Correlation of the sonographic finding of levator ani muscle (LAM) injuries with clinical examination in primiparous women following vaginal delivery ...
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