PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

Splitting probabilities and interfacial territory covered by two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface-mediated diffusion T. Calandre,1 O. B´enichou,1 D. S. Grebenkov,2 and R. Voituriez1,3 1

Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique de la Mati`ere Condens´ee (UMR 7600), CNRS/UPMC, 4 Place Jussieu, 75255 Paris Cedex, France 2 Laboratoire de Physique de la Mati`ere Condens´ee (UMR 7643), CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France 3 Laboratoire Jean Perrin (FRE 3231) CNRS/UPMC, 4 Place Jussieu, 75255 Paris Cedex, France (Received 14 October 2013; published 31 January 2014) We consider the mean territory covered by a particle that performs surface-mediated diffusion inside a spherical confining domain (in two and three dimensions) before exit through an opening on the surface. This quantity can be expressed in terms of the splitting probability between two targets on the surface. We derive a general formula that relates this splitting probability to the mean first passage time to a single target that has been recently calculated for such a surface-mediated diffusion process. This formula is exact for pointlike targets and is shown to be accurate for extended targets. The mean covered territory is then found and analyzed for an arbitrary extension of the exit region in both two- and three-dimensional spherical domains. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.012149

PACS number(s): 05.40.Fb, 82.65.+r


Interfacial chemical reactions, involving molecules that react on target sites localized on the boundary of a confining domain [1], have proven to play an important role in various contexts such as reactions in porous media, in vesicular systems [2–4], or in heterogeneous catalysis [5]. At the experimental level, the corresponding trajectories, which combine bulk and surface-mediated diffusion phases, can now be observed at the single molecule scale [6,7]. At the theoretical level, surface-mediated diffusion has raised a growing interest over the past years [8–17]. Such interest is partly due to the possibility of minimizing reaction times by a proper tuning of the desorption rate from the surface, which could constitute a general mechanism of enhancement of reaction kinetics [11,12]. Generally, an important observable that emerges in the context of trapping reactions is the territory covered by a diffusing particle. Interest in this observable, so far essentially studied for standard one-state transport processes (as opposed to surface-mediated diffusion), comes mainly from its relation to the so-called Rosenstock trapping problem, where a particle diffuses in a medium containing a fraction q of immobile randomly distributed reactive sites [18]. The survival probability of the particle after n steps can be written (1 − q)Sn , where Sn stands for the number of distinct sites visited after n steps. The mean and the leading behavior of the variance of the covered territory Sn have been obtained [18,19], and numerous generalizations have been proposed, including the calculation of the mean number of distinct sites visited by p independent walkers [20] and the determination of the asymptotic behavior of the mean number of distinct sites visited on fractal structures [21,22]. Recently, the question of the interfacial territory covered by a surface-mediated diffusion before exiting a confining domain was raised [23]. The mean of the territory C covered on the circle by a Brownian particle alternating phases of bulk and surface diffusion before exiting the domain has been calculated. However, this analysis was limited to pointlike exits in two-dimensional (2D) disks. Here, we extend these results in several directions: we first introduce a general formula that 1539-3755/2014/89(1)/012149(15)

relates the splitting probability between two targets on the surface (defined as the probability to reach a given target before the other) to the mean first passage time (MFPT) to a single target (defined as the mean time needed to reach the target for the first time). This formula is exact for pointlike targets and is shown to be accurate for extended targets. Since the MFPT for such surface-mediated diffusion processes has been recently analyzed in depth [11,12,24,25], this approach gives access to explicit expressions of the splitting probabilities. Using this formalism, we next derive analytical results for the mean covered territory (MCT) for an arbitrary extension of the exit in both 2D and three-dimensional (3D) spherical domains.


As an archetype of confined interfacial systems, we consider a particle inside a disk (2D) or sphere (3D) D of radius R (Fig. 1), alternating phases of surface diffusion on the boundary ∂D with diffusion coefficient D1 and phases of bulk diffusion inside D with diffusion coefficient D2 . The time spent during each surface phase is assumed to follow an exponential law with the desorption rate λ, which is characteristic of a first-order kinetics. At each desorption event, the particle is assumed to be radially ejected at a distance a from the surface (otherwise it would be instantaneously readsorbed). Although formulated for any value of this parameter a smaller than R, in most situations of physical interest one has a  R. We assume that the particle is instantaneously adsorbed on the surface upon encounter; the case of radiative boundary condition used for instance in [17] can be incorporated but is not presented here for the sake of simplicity. In the case of a pointlike exit on a disk (2D), the exact calculation of the splitting probability and the MCT was presented in [23]; we here generalize these results to extended targets on disks (2D) and spheres (3D). We are interested in the mean territory C(rS ) covered on the boundary ∂D of the domain by a particle started from S, before exiting through an opening O of angular extension O . Note that the opening could also be a reactive site, and is also referred to as target. In the case 3D, the definition


©2014 American Physical Society


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

(r,θ ). The starting point is the classical backward Fokker-Plank equation for the propagator P (r ,t|r) (see [27]), which gives the probability density for the particle started at t = 0 at r to be found at time t at r . This propagator satisfies ∂P (r ,t|R,θ ) = D1 1 P (r ,t|R,θ ) ∂t + λ[P (r ,t|R − a,θ ) − P (r ,t|R,θ )], ∂P (r ,t|r,θ ) = D2 2 P (r ,t|r,θ ), ∂t 2

FIG. 1. (Color online) Model of surface-mediated diffusion in a confining domain, with the two targets O and T . Example of crossing trajectory for which the entrance point is opposite to the exit.

of the covered territory requires the introduction of a finite angular particle size , as in the standard examples of Wiener sausages defined in bulk problems as the territory covered by a spherical Brownian particle of finite size [26]. To compute the MCT, it is useful to reexpress it in terms of so-called splitting probabilities (see [23]) according to  (rS )drT . (1) C(rS ) =


(2) (3)


where 1 = R2∂∂θ 2 and 2 = ∂r∂ 2 + 1r ∂r∂ + r12 ∂θ∂ 2 are the Laplace operators on the boundary ∂D and in the interior D of the disk, acting on the starting point r = (R,θ ) and r = (r,θ ), respectively. In Eqs. (2) and (3), the first term on the right-hand side (rhs) stands for the diffusion on the surface and in the bulk, respectively, while the second term on the rhs of Eq. (2) describes desorption events. Following standard methods (see [27,28]), these time dependent equations lead to time independent equations satisfied by the splitting probability: D1 1 (R,θ ) + λ[(R − a,θ ) − (R,θ )] = 0, D2 2 (r,θ ) = 0.

(4) (5)

These equations have to be completed by the boundary conditions


Here (rS ) is a shortcut notation for the splitting probability (rO | rT | rS ) to reach the target T of angular extension T centered at rT on the surface ∂D, starting from the starting point rS , before exiting the domain through the opening of angular extension O centered at rO on ∂D. Note that in contrast to the case of a pointlike exit analyzed in [23], the particle can exit the domain during both phases of surface diffusion and bulk diffusion in the case of an extended target, which makes its analyses much more involved. The splitting probability for surface-mediated diffusion is the central quantity that we analyze in this paper. We consider two typical configurations that are relevant to heterogeneous catalysis: the case of crossing, in which a particle enters the domain from the point opposite to the exit, and the case of return, where a particle enters and exits the domain by the same zone (Fig. 1). In Sec. III, we first analyze the case of pointlike targets in 2D domains and derive an exact relation between the splitting probability with two targets, and the MFPT to a single target. We then show in Sec. IV that this relation yields excellent approximations in the case of extended targets in both two and three dimensions.

(R,θ = 0) = 0,

(R,θ = θT ) = 1,

which come from the very definition of the splitting probability. Note that (r,θ ) is a continuous function of (r,θ ) (even for r → R). An explicit solution of Eqs. (4) and (5) with boundary conditions (6) has been given in [23] without derivation. In Appendix A, we present a detailed derivation of this result for the sake of completeness. Unfortunately, this method does not seem to be applicable for extended targets. For this reason, we introduce another approach for calculating splitting probabilities in terms of MFPTs. This approach relies on the methodology introduced in [29] to analyze first-passage properties of Markovian one-state processes and is extended here to surface-mediated diffusion. The key ingredient is the pseudo–Green function H (r |r) defined by Pst (r ) − δ(r − r) = D1 1 H (r |R,θ ) + λ[H (r |R − a,θ ) − H (r |R,θ )], (7) Pst (r ) − δ(r − r) = D2 2 H (r |r),


In this section, we consider pointlike targets and relate the splitting probability, which involves two targets, to the MFPT, which involves a single target. In the standard polar coordinates, the targets O and T are located at rO = (R,0) and rT = (R,θT ), respectively, while the starting point is S =



where Pst (r ) is the stationary probability to be at r and the Laplace operators 1 and 2 act on the initial state variable r. Note that these equations define H (r |r) up to a constant. First, we express the MFPT to a pointlike target T at rT in terms of pseudo–Green functions. Applying standard methods



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

(see [27,30]) to Eqs. (2) and (3), the MFPT TT (r,θ ) to the target T starting from rS = (r,θ ) is shown to satisfy

is well defined even for a particle size  = 0, as opposed to the 3D case discussed below. To compute (rS ) from Eq. (14), one can use either the exact or the approximate expressions of the MFPT to extended targets derived in [12] and summarized in Appendix B. However, for extended targets, the term TT (rO ) [resp. TO (rT )] in Eq. (14) is ambiguous since the starting point a priori has to be chosen on the arc [−O ,O ] of angular extension 2O (resp. on the arc [θT − T ,θT + T ] of angular extension 2T ). To ensure that (rS ) vanishes on the boundary of the target O [(R, ± O ) = 0], and satisfies the boundary condition (R,θT ± T ) = 1, we impose  tT (R,θT + O ), θT < 0, TT (rO ) = (15) tT (R,θT − O ), θT > 0,

D1 1 TT (R,θ ) + λ[TT (R − a,θ ) − TT (R,θ )] = −1, (9) D2 2 TT (r,θ ) = −1,


TT (rT ) = 0.


Direct substitution in Eqs. (9) and (10) yields TT (rS ) =

1 (H (rT |rT ) − H (rT |rS )). Pst (rT )


The splitting probability to reach the target T before exiting the domain through the opening O can also be expressed in terms of pseudo–Green functions. As in the case of the MFPT, one gets the exact expression for the splitting probability (rS ) =

TO (rT ) =

H (rT |rS ) + H (rO |rO ) − H (rO |rS ) − H (rT |rO ) , H (rO |rO ) + H (rT |rT ) − H (rO |rT ) − H (rT |rO ) (13)

TT (rO ) + TO (rS ) − TT (rS ) . TT (rO ) + TO (rT )


Here t (r,θ ) stands for the MFPT to reach a 2-extended target located in (R,0) starting from (r,θ ). One can show that this definition leads to an exact solution for λ = 0. One can then write the splitting probability explicitly as

which can be checked by direct substitution in Eqs. (4) and (5) and using that Pst (r) is independent of r ∈ ∂D. Finally, combining Eqs. (12) and (13), one finds (rS ) =

 tO (R,θT + T ), θT < 0, tO (R,θT − T ), θT > 0.

(rS ) =


tT (R,θT + O ) + tO (r,θ ) − tT (r,|θ − θT |) (17) tT (R,θT + O ) + tO (R,θT + T )

for θT + T < θ , and

Note that this expression, which plays a key role below, is exact and independent of the domain shape. It can be verified explicitly by using analytical expressions for both the MFPT and the splitting probabilities in the case of circular domains (see below).

(rS ) =

tT (R,θT − O ) + tO (r,θ ) − tT (r,|θ − θT |) (18) tT (R,θT − O ) + tO (R,θT − T )

for θT − T > θ . At this stage, one can employ the exact expression of t (r,θ ) derived in [12], which involves the numerical inversion of an infinite-dimensional matrix (see Appendix B). Alternatively, one can find in [12] an approximate but fully explicit expression of t (r,θ ), which is exact for pointlike targets and was shown (in the case r = R) to be accurate also for extended targets. This approximation is given here for an arbitrary starting position (r,θ ) for the sake of completeness:  2 R2 − r 2 R2 21 − x 1 + λR ψ(r,θ ), (19) + t (r,θ ) = 4D2 D1 4D2


In the case of extended targets, Eqs. (12) and (13) are no longer exact. However, we now show that the above approach is still useful and that the relation (14), which is exact for pointlike targets, provides very good approximations in the case of extended targets. A. Two-dimensional case

We assume here that the target O is defined by the arc θ ∈ [−O ,O ]. Note that in the 2D case, the covered territory

where ∞

1 2ω2  Lk (,ω,x) (π 3 −  3 ) − 2 [sin k + k(π − ) cos k] 3π π k=1 k ∞ ∞ sin n + n(π − ) cos n 2   r n ω2  Lk (,ω,x)Ikn − cos nθ, + π n=1 R π k=1 n3

ψ(r,θ )  ( − π ) +

with ω2 = R 2 λ/D1 , x = 1 − a/R, and Ikn = (1 − δk,n ) Lk (,ω,x) =

  sin 2k 2k π −  + (n cos n sin k − k cos k sin n) + δ , k,n n3 − k 2 n 2k

(1 − x k )(k(π − ) cos k + sin k) 

 . 2 k 3 k 2 + ωπ (1 − x k ) π −  + sin2k2k 012149-3



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

1 0.8

=0 = 100 = 1000

0.6 0.4 0.2 O

0 0



= 0.01,


= 0.01



(a) 2.5


1 0.8

=0 = 100 = 1000

0.6 0.4 0.2 O

0 0



= 0.1,


= 0.1


(b) 2



1 0.8

=0 = 100 = 1000

FIG. 3. (Color online) The normalized MCT C(rS ) in two dimensions as a function of the desorption rate λ, with D1 = 1 (arb. units), R = 1 (arb. units), and the starting point at (R,π ) (“crossing” case), with (a) a = 0.01R and (b) a = 0.1R. Two angular sizes of the opening, O = , are 0.01 (blue solid line) and 0.1 (red dashed line), with T = 0. Lines show the results of Eqs. (1) and (17), where exact expressions of the MFPTs have been used, while symbols stand for Monte Carlo simulations.

0.6 0.4 0.2 O

0 0



= 0.1,



= 0.5

(c) 2



FIG. 2. (Color online) Splitting probability to reach the target T of angular extension T placed in (R,π ) before the target O of angular extension O placed in (R,0), as a function of the starting angle θ, in two dimensions, with a = 0.01R, three values of λ, and (a) O = T = 0.01, (b) O = T = 0.1, and (c) O = 0.1, T = 0.5. Lines stand for theoretical formula (17) (in which we used the exact expression of the MFPT), while symbols stand for Monte Carlo simulations. Note that approximate expressions (not shown) resulting from Eqs. (19) and (20) almost coincide with the exact ones.

Several comments are in order: (i) One can show that the limits T → 0 and O → 0 yield the exact result for (rS ), explicitly derived in Appendix A. (ii) Figure 2 shows that the splitting probability obtained by Monte Carlo simulations (see Appendix D) is in excellent agreement with Eq. (14), where the MFPTs are computed according to the exact expression reminded in Appendix B, both for targets of identical [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)] and different [Fig. 2(c)] extensions. Note that the agreement holds even for large values of O and T .

(iii) The calculation of the splitting probability (rS ) gives access to the mean covered territory C(rS ) according to Eq. (1). In the 2D case, we can simply consider T = 0 (and O = ). These results show that the MCT exhibits very different dependencies on λ which are controlled by the position of the starting point rS , as illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. In the case of crossing when the particle starts from a point (R,π ) opposite to the exit, the mean covered territory C(rS ) is a monotonically decreasing function of the desorption rate λ. In the opposite case of return when the particle enters and exits the domain by the same zone [the starting point being set at (R, + a), at a distance a from the opening O], C(rS ) is on the contrary an increasing function of λ for small λ: the bulk excursions tend to prevent the particle from being localized in the neighborhood of the opening O and favor longer trajectories. For larger values of λ the probability to reach a pointlike target T before the extended opening O vanishes, and C(rS ) eventually becomes a decreasing function of the desorption rate. The combination of both effects for intermediate values of λ yields a nonmonotonic variation. Finally, C(rS ) can also be a nonmonotonic function of λ for other specific regions of the starting points, as illustrated in



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

spherical coordinates. We define the second angle φ of the standard spherical coordinates so that S ≡ (r,θ,φ = 0). In the 3D case, the definition of the covered territory requires the introduction of a finite angular particle size ; this is equivalent to consider a target T ≡ (R,θT ,φT ) of angular extension T = . For the sake of simplicity, we consider here two kinds of trajectories: the crossing trajectories [starting from the south pole (R,θS = π )] and the return trajectories [starting from the north pole (R − a,θS = 0)]. In both cases, there is no dependence on φ so that  π 2 (rS ) sin θT dθT . (21) C(rS ) = 2π R 

FIG. 4. (Color online) The normalized MCT C(rS ) in two dimensions as a function of the desorption rate λ, with D1 = 1 (arb. units), R = 1 (arb. units), the starting point in (R,a + ) (“return” case), and two choices both for a (a = 0.1R and a = 0.01R) and O =  ( = 0.1 and  = 0.01), with T = 0. Lines show theoretical results of Eqs. (1) and (17), while symbols stand for Monte Carlo simulations.

Fig. 5. Note that such nonmonotonic behavior can also occur in the case of a target T with nonzero extension: T > 0. Indeed, the first argument for making C(rS ) an increasing function of λ for small λ is still valid, and by taking T small enough (but not zero), it is clear that (rS ) can be arbitrarily small in the limit λ → ∞, so that C(rS ) is a decreasing function of λ for large λ. This nonmonotonic behavior is seen in Fig. 5. Such optimization of the MCT, already pointed out in the case of pointlike targets, can have important applications in the context of heterogeneous catalysis [23].

As in the 2D case, we now use Eq. (14) to express the splitting probability in terms of the MFPT. Denoting t (r,θ ) the MFPT to reach a target of extension  located at (R,0) starting from (r,θ,ψ), the splitting probability can be written as t (R,θT ) + tO (r,θS ) − tT (r,|θS − θT |) . (22) (rS ) = T tT (R,θT ) + tO (R,θT ) Exact expressions of the MFPTs to the extended targets (either T or O) involved in Eq. (22) have been derived in [12] and are summarized in Appendix C. As in the 2D case, one can employ either exact expressions (which involve numerical matrix inversions), or explicit approximate formulas for the MFPT from a starting point (R,θ ) to reach a target of extension  at (R,0), which we recall here:  2 R2 21 − x 1 + λR ψ(θ ), (23) t (R,θ ) = D1 6D2 where

We consider now the target O defined by the sector of the sphere θ ∈ [0,O ], where θ is the elevation angle in standard


1 − cos θ 1 − cos 

∞ 2n + 1 ω2  [Pn (cos θ ) − Pn (cos )] (1 − x n ) 2 n=1 n(n + 1)   (cos ) cos  Pn (cos ) + Pn−1n+1 1 + nn+1 , (24) × 2 n(n + 1) + ω2 (1 − x n )(2n + 1)I (n,n)



 I (n,n) =


eT eT eT


eT eT -1














FIG. 5. (Color online) The normalized MCT C(rS ) in two dimensions as a function of the desorption rate λ, with D1 = 1 (arb. units), R = 1 (arb. units), O = 0.05, and a = 0.05R, for a particle starting from a “middle” position: (R,0.6). Lines show theoretical results of Eqs. (1), (17), and (18), while symbols stand for Monte Carlo simulations in the case T = 0.




ψ(θ ) ≈ ln

B. Three-dimensional case

cos  −1

Pn (u) [Pn (u) − Pn (cos )] du,

and where Pn (z) are Legendre polynomials. Note that we here took r = R for the sake of readability. These expressions allow us to compute explicitly the splitting probability (rS ), and hence the MCT. Several comments are in order: (i) We performed Monte Carlo simulations in order to check the accuracy of the analytical approximations. To speed up simulations of surface-mediated diffusion, the bulk phases have been taken into account by using the harmonic measure density which is explicitly known in the case of spheres. A more detailed description of the algorithm is given in Appendix D. (ii) Figure 6 illustrates an excellent agreement between the splitting probabilities obtained numerically by Monte



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

1 0.8

=0 = 100 = 1000

0.6 0.4 0.2 O

0 0



= 0.05,


= 0.1






FIG. 7. (Color online) The normalized MCT C(rS ) in three dimensions as a function of the desorption rate λ, with D1 = 1 (arb. units), R = 1 (arb. units), a = 0.1R, and O = T = . Two upper curves correspond to the crossing case [i.e., starting from (R,π )], while two lower curves correspond to the return case [i.e., starting from (R − a,0)]. In both cases, the MCT for  = 0.01 is larger than for  = 0.1, as expected. Exact expressions for the MFPT have been used.

1 0.8

=0 = 100 = 1000

0.6 0.4 0.2


0 0



= 1,








FIG. 6. (Color online) The splitting probability to reach the target T of angular extension T placed in (R,π ) before the target O of angular extension O placed in (R,0), as a function of the starting angle θ , in three dimensions, with D1 = 1 (arb. units), R = 1 (arb. units), and a = 0.01R, three values of λ, and (a) O = 0.05, T = 0.1, and (b) O = T = 1. Lines stand for theoretical formula (22) (in which the exact expressions for MPFTs were used), while symbols stand for Monte Carlo simulations.

Carlo simulations with the prediction of Eq. (14), where the MFPTs are computed using the exact expression reminded in Appendix C, both in the case of targets of identical [Fig. 6(b)] and different [Fig. 6(a)] extensions. Note that the agreement holds even for large values of O ,T [Fig. 6(b)]. (iii) These calculations of the splitting probability (rS ) give access to the mean covered territory C(rS ) according to Eq. (1). For the sake of simplicity, we just consider here the case T = O = . Note that it can also be understood as the case of an extended particle (of radius ) and two pointlike targets O and T . As in the 2D case, the MCT exhibits different dependencies on λ controlled by the position of the starting point rS , as illustrated on Fig. 7: the MCT is decreasing with λ in the case of crossing and increasing with λ in the case of return. Note that, in contrast to the 2D case, here both targets T and O are considered to have the same spatial extension, so that the splitting probability to reach T does not vanish when λ → ∞. However, as in the 2D case, by taking T small enough, the splitting probability to reach T can be arbitrarily small when λ → ∞, so that the optimization of the MCT is also possible in three dimensions.

In conclusion, we have considered the mean territory covered by a particle that performs surface-mediated diffusion inside a spherical confining domain (in two and three dimensions) before its exit through an opening on the surface. We have derived a general formula that relates the splitting probability between two targets on the surface, to the mean first passage time to a single target that has been recently calculated for such surface-mediated diffusion processes. This formula is exact for pointlike targets and holds for domains of arbitrary shapes in two dimensions; we have checked numerically that it is also accurate for extended targets in 2D and 3D spherical domains. The determination of the mean covered territory, made possible by the calculation of splitting probabilities, showed that it can be a nonmonotonic function of the desorption rate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Support from the European Research Council starting Grant No. FPTOpt-277998 and the French National Research Agency (ANR) Grants Micemico and DynRec are acknowledged. APPENDIX A: EXACT CALCULATION OF THE 2D SPLITTING PROBABILITY FOR  = 0

In this Appendix, we present a detailed derivation of an exact representation for the splitting probability (r,θ ) to reach the target at (R,θT ) before exiting the disk through the target at (R,0), when started from (r,θ ). Both targets are pointlike (i.e., O = T =  = 0). We introduce two splitting probabilities, 1 (θ ) and 2 (r,θ ), for the starting point belonging to the boundary [i.e., (R,θ )] and to the interior of the disk [i.e., (r,θ )], respectively.



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

These splitting probabilities satisfy coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) 

1 (θ ) − ω2 (1 (θ ) − 2 (R − a,θ )) = 0,


2 2 (r,θ ) = 0,


Splitting the integration interval [0,θT ] into two subintervals, [0,θ ] and [θ,θT ], and substituting Eq. (A9), one gets


1 (0) = 1 (2π ) = 0,


1 (θT ) = 1.

A(θ ) = α0 N0 (0,θ,θT ) +

+ βn On (0,θ,θT )),


 Kn (θ,θ+ ) ≡


one gets

1 (θ ) = h(θ ) +

Ln (θ− ,θ ) ≡  Mn (θ,θ+ ) ≡

sinh (ω(θ  − θ− )) sin(nθ  )dθ  ,


sinh (ω(θ+ − θ  )) sin(nθ  )dθ  ,

Nn (θ− ,θ,θ+ ) ≡ sinh (ω(θ+ − θ ))Jn (θ− ,θ ) + sinh (ω(θ − θ− ))Kn (θ,θ+ ), On (θ− ,θ,θ+ ) ≡ sinh (ω(θ+ − θ ))Ln (θ− ,θ )

+ sinh (ω(θ − θ− ))Mn (θ,θ+ ).

G(θ,θ  )[−ω2 2 (R − a,θ  )]dθ  ,

After simplification, one gets ωA(θ ) = α0 [sinh(ωθT ) − sinh(ωθ ) − sinh (ω(θT − θ ))]

where h(θ ) is the solution of the homogeneous equation h (θ ) − ω2 h(θ ) = 0 with the boundary conditions h(0) = h(2π ) = 0 and h(θT ) = 1 [31]: sinh(ω min{θ,θT }) sinh (ω(2π − max{θ,θT })) . sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT )) (A8)



kn [αn (sinh(ωθT ) cos(nθ )− cos(nθT ) sinh(ωθ )


+ sinh (ω(θ − θT ))) + βn (sinh(ωθT ) sin(nθ ) − sin(nθT ) sinh(ωθ ))], where

A general solution of Eq. (A2) can be written as ∞ 

r n [αn cos(nθ ) + βn sin(nθ )] ,

kn ≡ (R − a)n (A9)



F (θ ) ≡

with the unknown coefficients αn and βn to be determined.


ω2 . ω2 + n2

kn [αn cos(nθ ) + βn sin(nθ )],




1. Solution for θ ∈ [0,θT ]

S ≡ α0 +

When θ ∈ [0,θT ], the Green function is G(θ,θ  ) = −





2 (r,θ ) = α0 +

sinh (ω(θ+ − θ  )) cos(nθ  )dθ  ,




h(θ ) =



1 (θ ) − ω 1 (θ ) = −ω 2 (R − a,θ ), 2


where we introduced the following notations:  θ sinh (ω(θ  − θ− )) cos(nθ  )dθ  , Jn (θ− ,θ ) ≡

with Dirichlet boundary condition G(0,θ  ) = G(2π,θ  ) = 0. Rewriting Eq. (A1) as 

∞  (R − a)n (αn Nn (0,θ,θT ) n=1

To solve Eqs. (A1) and (A2), we introduce the Green function G(θ,θ  ) on the circle, G (θ,θ  ) − ω2 G(θ,θ  ) = δ(θ − θ  ),



where ω2 = R 2 λ/D1 . In Eq. (A1), the second term describes random desorption events (ejection of a particle at distance a from the boundary). These equations are completed by the following boundary conditions: 2 (R,θ ) = 1 (θ ),

ωA(θ ) sinh(ωθ ) + , sinh(ωθT ) sinh(ωθT )

1 (θ ) =

sinh(ω min{θ,θ  }) sinh (ω(θT − max{θ,θ  })) ω sinh(ωθT ) (A10)

for any θ  ∈ [0,θT ], and zero otherwise. The splitting probability reads  θT ω sinh(ωθ ) 1 (θ ) = + sinh(ω min{θ,θ  }) sinh(ωθT ) sinh(ωθT ) 0


kn αn ,



Eq. (A12) becomes 1 (θ ) = α0 + F (θ ) + λ(θT ) sinh(ωθ ) + μ(θT ) sinh (ω(θT − θ )),



× sinh (ω(θT − max{θ,θ  }))2 (R − a,θ  )dθ  . (A11) 012149-7

λ(θT ) ≡ −

α0 − 1 + F (θT ) , sinh(ωθT )


S . sinh(ωθT )


μ(θT ) ≡ −


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

2. Solution for θ ∈ [θT ,2π ]

Similarly, one can solve the problem when θ ∈ [θT ,2π ]. The Green function reads G(θ,θ  ) = −

sinh (ω(min{θ,θ  } − θT ) sinh (ω(2π − max{θ,θ  })) ω sinh (ω(2π − θT ))

for θ  ∈ [θT ,2π ], and zero otherwise. One finds ω sinh (ω(2π − θ )) 1 (θ ) = + sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sinh (ω(2π − θT ))


sinh (ω(min{θ,θ  } − θT )) sinh (ω(2π − max{θ,θ  }))2 (R − a,θ  )dθ  ,


(A21) from which 1 (θ ) =

ωB(θ ) sinh (ω(2π − θ )) + , sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sinh (ω(2π − θT ))


with B(θ ) = α0 N0 (θT ,θ,2π ) +

∞  (R − a)n [αn Nn (θT ,2π ) + βn On (θT ,θ,2π )]



that can be simplified to ωB(θ ) = α0 [sinh (ω(2π − θT )) − sinh (ω(θ − θT )) − sinh (ω(2π − θ ))] +


kn [αn (sinh (ω(2π − θT )) cos(nθ ) − cos(nθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θ )) − sinh (ω(θ − θT )))


+βn (sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sin(nθ ) − sin(nθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θ )))]. One gets, therefore, 1 (θ ) = α0 + F (θ ) + η(θT ) sinh (ω(2π − θ )) + ν(θT ) sinh (ω(θ − θT )),


with η(θT ) ≡ −

α0 − 1 + F (θT ) S , ν(θT ) ≡ − . sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sinh (ω(2π − θT ))

Combining Eqs. (A17) and (A24), one can write the splitting probability as 1 (θ ) = α0 + F (θ ) + H (θ ), where

 H (θ ) =

λ(θT ) sinh(ωθ ) + μ(θT ) sinh (ω(θT − θ )), η(θT ) sinh (ω(2π − θ )) + ν(θT ) sinh (ω(θ − θT )),

(A25) (0 < θ < θT ), (θT < θ < 2π ).


A Fourier series expansion of H (θ ) is H (θ ) = a0 +

∞  [an cos(nθ ) + bn sin(nθ )],



with the explicit coefficients an and bn : 1 [λ(θT )J0 (0,θT ) + μ(θT )K0 (0,θT ) + ν(θT )J0 (θT ,2π ) + η(θT )K0 (θT ,2π )], 2π 1 an = [λ(θT )Jn (0,θT ) + μ(θT )Kn (0,θT ) + ν(θT )Jn (θT ,2π ) + η(θT )Kn (θT ,2π )], π 1 bn = [λ(θT )Ln (0,θT ) + μ(θT )Mn (0,θT ) + ν(θT )Ln (θT ,2π ) + η(θT )Mn (θT ,2π )]. π a0 =

Simplifications yield 2π ωa0 = [λ(θT ) + μ(θT )][cosh(ωθT ) − 1] + [ν(θT ) + η(θT )][cosh (ω(2π − θT )) − 1]   1 − cosh(ωθT ) 1 − cosh (ω(2π − θT )) =C + , sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT )) 012149-8



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

where C ≡ α0 − 1 + F (θT ) + S.


The other coefficients are (ω2 + n2 )π an = λ(θT )[−ω + ω cosh(ωθT ) cos(nθT ) + n sinh(ωθT ) sin(nθT )] + μ(θT )ω[cosh(ωθT ) − cos(nθT )] + ν(θT )ω[cosh (ω(2π − θT )) − cos(nθT )] + η(θT )[−ω + ω cosh (ω(2π − θT )) cos(nθT ) − n sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sin(nθT )] ω = [(C − S)(sinh(ωθT ) + sinh (ω(2π − θT )) − sinh(2π ω) cos(nθT )) sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + S(− sinh(2π ω) + cos(nθT )[sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + sinh(ωθT )])], (ω2 + n2 )π bn = λ(θT )[ω cosh(ωθT ) sin(nθT ) − n sinh(ωθT ) cos(nθT )] + μ(θT )[n sinh(ωθT ) − ω sin(nθT )] − ν(θT )[n sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + ω sin(nθT )] + η(θT )[ω cosh (ω(2π − θT )) sin(nθT ) + n sinh (ω(2π − θT )) cos(nθT )] ω = [(C − S)(− sinh(2π ω) sin(nθT )) + S sin(nθT )[sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + sinh(ωθT )]]. sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT )) The coefficients αn , βn can be related to an , bn by substituting Eqs. (A9), (A15), and (A27) into the boundary condition (A3): α0 +


R n [αn cos(nθ ) + βn sin(nθ )] = α0 + a0 +



[(an + kn αn ) cos(nθ ) + (bn + kn βn ) sin(nθ )].



This identity implies the following relations: a0 = 0,

an = (R n − kn )αn , bn = (R n − kn )βn .


From the first relation, one gets C = 0 according to Eq. (A28), from which α0 = 1 − F (θT ) − S.


That yields a simplification for the other coefficients an =

cos(nθT ) − 1 ωS(cos(nθT ) − 1)(sinh(ωθT ) + sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + sinh(2π ω)) = bn , 2 2 π (ω + n ) sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT )) sin(nθT )

from which

Using the definition of S in Eq. (A16), one finds αn =

cos(nθT ) − 1 βn . sin(nθT )

α0 = 1 − α0 −


 kn αn cos(nθT ) + 1 +


S(θT ) =


Substituting Eqs. (A15), (A16), and (A34) into Eq. (A32), one gets

α0 =


sinh(ωθT ) + sinh (ω(2π − θT )) + sinh(2π ω) , π sinh(ωθT ) sinh (ω(2π − θT ))

where 1 − g(θT )

g(θT ) ∞ kn

n=1 R n −kn

cos(nθT )−1 ω2 +n2


Finally one gets

one gets

(r,θ ) = αn = Sg(θT )


αn =

T (θT ) ≡ 2S(θT )g(θT ) =


kn cos(nθT )−1 n=1 R n −kn ω2 +n2

cos(nθT ) − 1 T (θT ) , 2 (R n − kn )(ω2 + n2 ) sin(nθT ) T (θT ) , βn = 2 (R n − kn )(ω2 + n2 )

 sin2 (nθT ) , cos(nθT ) − 1

1 . 2

1 − g(θT )

α0 ∞

We obtain, therefore,

in which all the terms in the sum are zero. One concludes that

g(θT ) = ω


cos(nθT ) − 1 . − kn )(ω2 + n2 )

∞  (r/R)n 1 + T (θT ) sin(nθT /2) 2 (1 − kn )(ω2 + n2 ) n=1

× sin(n(θ − θT /2)),

(R n




PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

where T (θT ) ≡

1 − g(θT )

g(θT ) ≡ ω

g(θT )  kn n1 1−kn

cos nθT −1 ω2 +n2

This eventually provides an exact expression of t (r,θ ). The limit  → 0 yields the following result:  1 α0 = 4 , 2 + (1 − x k )ω2 k k1


sinh ωθT + sinh ω(2π − θT ) + sinh 2π ω , π sinh ωθT sinh ω(2π − θT )

kn ≡ x n


(B11) 4 , n2 + (1 − x n )ω2 which is consistent with the first order of the perturbative expansion in [12]. αn = −

ω2 . + n2



Following [12], the 2D MFPT reads  2 R2 − r 2 R2 21 − x t (r,θ ) = + 1 + λR ψ(r,θ ), (B1) 4D2 D1 4D2 with ψ(r,θ ) = α0 +

  r n n1



αn cos nθ


2π− 1 ψ(R,θ ) dθ, 2π   1 2π− αn = ψ(R,θ ) cos nθ dθ, π 

α0 =

where ψ(R,θ ) = (θ − )(2π −  − θ ) +


The 3D analogs of Eqs. (B1)–(B3) are  2 R2 − r 2 R2 21 − x 1 + λR ψ(r,θ ), t (r,θ ) = + 6D2 D1 6D2    r n ψ(r,θ ) = α0 + αn Pn (cos nθ ), R n1  π 1 α0 = sin θ ψ(R,θ ) dθ, 2π   2n + 1 π αn = sin θ Pn (cos θ )ψ(R,θ ) dθ, 2π 

dk (cos kθ − cos k). (B4)

Uk =

x −1 k2 k


ω2 , (C4) π and Pn (z) stands for the Legendre polynomial of order n. The exact result (given for r = R for simplicity) is then    ∞ 1 − cos θ + ψ(R,θ ) = ln dn [Pn (cos θ ) − Pn (cos )], 1 − cos  n=1 (C5)


cos(kθ )(θ − )(2π −  − θ ) dθ, (B6)

with dn = [(I − Q)−1 U ]n (n = 1,2, . . .), and

Qk,k ≡ −

1 − xn I (k,k  ), n2



We obtain, therefore,    sin k 2 π α0 = (π − )3 − , dk (π − ) cos k + 3 k k1 π αn = −


 (x n − 1)(2n + 1) π dθ  sin(θ  )Pn (cos θ  ) n(n + 1)    1 − cos θ  × ln , (C7) 1 − cos   (1 − x n )(2n + 1) cos  Qn,n ≡ − Pn (u) n(n + 1) −1

Un =

2k Ikk = (1 − δk,k ) 3 (k  cos k   sin k − k cos k sin k  ) k − k2k   sin 2k , (B8) +δk,k π −  + 2k ω2 ≡ . π


with the notation

We introduced the following notations: (k = 1,2, . . .),




dk = [(I − Q)−1 U ]k


× [Pn (u) − Pn (cos )] du.


This eventually provides an exact expression of t (R,θ ). In the same way as in the 2D case, one can use an approximate expression given by   1 − cos θ ψ(R,θ ) ≈ ln 1 − cos 

sin n   4  + (π − ) cos n + dk I (n,k). n2 n k1 (B10) 012149-10

∞  2n + 1 [Pn (cos θ ) − Pn (cos )] (1 − x n ) n(n + 1) n=1   (cos ) cos  Pn (cos ) + Pn−1n+1 1 + nn+1 . (C9) × n(n + 1) + (1 − x n )(2n + 1)I (n,n)



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

APPENDIX D: NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS 1. Monte Carlo simulation for intermittent processes

To speed up Monte Carlo simulations of surface-mediated diffusion, the relocation during the bulk phase can be incorporated by using the harmonic measure density which is explicitly known for a disk and a sphere. a. Two-dimensional case

The harmonic measure density ω(r,θ,θ  ), i.e., the probability density for first hitting the circle at θ  having started at (r,θ ), is 1 − r2 2π [1 − 2r cos(θ − θ  ) + r 2 ] ∞  1 k  = r cos k(θ − θ ) . 1+2 2π k=1

ω(r,θ,θ  ) =


Suppose that we start at θ = 0. In this case, the new θ  coordinate on the circle can be generated with the probability density p(θ  ) = ω(r,0,θ  ), where r is the radius of the starting point in the bulk (typically,

ω(r,θ,ϕ,θ  ,ϕ  ) =


for which one finds for θ ∈ (−π,π )   1 1+r 1 tan(θ/2) , F (θ ) = + arctan 2 π 1−r

sin θ  1 − r2 . 2 (1 − 2r cos θ  + r 2 )3/2

where x ranges between 0 and 1. From a uniform number x, one can easily generate the relocation angle θ . b. Three-dimensional case

Similarly, the harmonic measure density (given by the Poisson kernel) is

Inverting this relation, F (θ ) = x, one finds  −2 1 + r2 (1 − r 2 )2 1 + r θ = arccos − −x . 2r (2r)3 2r (D8)

One can thus generate the random azimuthal displacement θ with the harmonic measure density from a uniform number x ∈ [0,1]. In summary, the random relocation by the bulk diffusion from the north pole (r,θ,ϕ) = (r,0,0) can be easily generated by using two uniformly distributed random numbers: ϕ  ∈ [0,2π ] and x ∈ [0,1] (the latter yields θ  ). When the starting point is different, one has to rotate the coordinates appropriately.


2. Simulation of displacements on the spherical surface in three dimensions

The following approach is inspired by [32]. The diffusion propagator on the sphere for the starting point at the north pole, (θ,ϕ) = (0,0), is well known:


The cumulative distribution function is    θ 1−r 1+r F (θ ) = . 1− √ dθ  p(θ  ) = 2r 1 − 2r cos θ + r 2 0 (D7)


which increases from 0 at θ = −π to 1 at θ = π . The inverse function is given as   1−r θ = 2 arctan tan (π (x − 1/2)) , (D4) 1+r

1 1 − r2 .  4π (1 − 2r[cos θ cos θ + sin θ sin θ  cos(ϕ − ϕ  )] + r 2 )3/2

Let us take the starting point (r,θ,ϕ) with θ = 0 and ϕ = 0, i.e., the north pole. Because of the symmetry, the polar coordinate ϕ  of the first hitting point has a uniform distribution, from 0 to 2π . In turn, the azimuthal coordinate θ  has the density p(θ  ) =

r = 1 − a, a being the reflection distance, and R = 1 the radius of the disk). The random angular displacement has the cumulative distribution function  θ dθ  p(θ  ), (D2) F (θ ) =

ρt (θ ) =

∞  2n + 1 n=0

4π R 2

e−Dn(n+1)t/R Pn (cos θ ), 2


where R is the radius of the sphere, D the diffusion coefficient, and Pn (z) the Legendre polynomials. The propagator does not depend on ϕ because of the symmetry. In practice, one can therefore generate the angle ϕ uniformly from [0,2π ], while the angle θ can be generated from the probability density pt (θ ) = 2π R 2 sin θρt (θ ) ∞


 1 2 sin θ (2n + 1)e−Dn(n+1)t/R Pn (cos θ ). (D10) 2 n=0

The orthogonality of Legendre polynomials implies the normalization of this density,  π dθpt (θ ) = 1. (D11) 0

The cumulative distribution function Ft (θ ) can be obtained by using the following relation for Legendre



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

polynomials: (2n + 1)Pn (x) = from which


Ft (θ ) ≡

When c is small enough, this sum can be truncated to few terms or even one term:

d (Pn+1 (x) − Pn−1 (x)), dx


dθ  pt (θ  )


∞  1 Pn (cos θ )[e−c(n−1)n = 1 + e−2c − 2 n=1 − e−c(n+1)(n+2) ] ,


where c = Dt/R 2 . As expected, this is a monotonously increasing function from 0 at θ = 0 to 1 at θ = π . The equation F (θ ) = x can thus be numerically solved for any x ∈ [0,1], in order to get θ = F −1 (x). This relation allows one to generate the angles θ from a uniformly distributed x. In practice, for c > 0.01, the truncation with N = 100 is fair enough for an accurate computation of the function Ft (θ ). The Legendre polynomials can be easily computed by the recursion formula, (n + 1)Pn+1 (x) = (2n + 1)xPn (x) − nPn−1 (x),


starting with P0 = 1 and P1 = x. In the limit of very small c, one needs to get an alternative representation for the probability density pt (θ ) or the probability distribution Ft (θ ).

gc0 (α) = αe−α

and the Jacobi θ -function relation ∞  e−cn(n+1) cos[(2n + 1)x] n=0




gc (α) =

(−1) (α + 2π k)e



gc (α)dα √ cos θ  − cos α

√ dαgc (α) cos θ − cos α,



so that

2ec/4 Ft (θ ) = 1 − √ 3/2 Gc (θ ). 4 πc


These two approaches for computing Ft (θ ) yield very accurate results. The direct summation in Eq. (D13) becomes more accurate for larger c, while the integral representation becomes more accurate for smaller c. They are therefore complementary to each other. In addition, the Gaussian approximation (D25) and its corrected version (D29) are also accurate. b. Short-time approximation

For short times, the diffusion propagator can be approximated by the Gaussian propagator in two dimensions, 1 1 2 2 e−r /(4Dt) = e−θ /(4c) , 4π Dt 4π R 2 c


1 1 2 2 sin θ e−θ /(4c) ≈ θ e−θ /(4c) , 2c 2c


pt (θ ) ≈ (D16)



 Ft (θ ) =


dθ  pt (θ  ) ≈ 1 − e−θ







where c = Dt/R 2 and −(α+2πk)2 /(4c)



from which

∞ π c/4  2 e (−1)k e−(x+πk) /c , 4c k=−∞





For this purpose, we get  π  Gc (θ ) ≡ dθ  sin θ 

ρt (θ ) ≈

to get an alternative representation for the density √ c/4  π g(α)dα 2e pt (θ ) = sin θ √ 3/2 , √ 4 πc cos θ − cos α θ ∞ 


Nevertheless, the computation of the integral in Eq. (D17) is still necessary. To overcome this difficulty, Carlsson et al. suggested to consider diffusion on a sphere in R4 (for which the computation is much easier) and then to project the resulting process on its equator, i.e., a sphere in R3 [32]. In spite of the elegance of this trick, it is worth mentioning that, in many practical cases, it is sufficient to compute the propagator pt (θ ) only once, for a given time step t. This computation can be easily and rapidly performed by a numerical integration in Eq. (D17). In what follows, we present the details of this computation. To generate random angular displacement θ with a probability density pt (θ ), one needs to invert the cumulative distribution function  π Ft (θ ) = 1 − dθ  pt (θ  ). (D20)

a. Alternative representation

For simulation purposes, one often needs to set a small time step and to perform random displacements generated according to the propagator. In that case, Dt/R 2 is a small parameter so many terms are required in order to accurately approximate the above propagator. As pointed out in [32], the convergence of the series in Eq. (D10) is slow and the oscillatory character of the terms creates additional difficulties. As suggested in [32], one can use the Dirichlet-Mehler representation for Legendre polynomials, √  π 2 sin[(n + 1/2)α]dα Pn (cos θ ) = , (D15) √ π 0 cos θ − cos α



from which the solution of the equation Ft (θ ) = x reads as  (D26) θ ≈ −4c ln(1 − x), where x is a uniformly distributed random variable. The same result can be obtained from the exact formula (D21). For short time, c is small so that large values of



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

α in the integral are negligible, while gc (α) can be accurately approximated by gc0 (α). Expanding cos θ and cos α into Taylor series and keeping the fourth order, one gets   π 2 2 α4 − θ 4 −α 2 /(4c) α − θ Gc (θ ) ≈ 2 − dααe 2 24 θ   π 2 −θ 2 √ 1 x + 2θ 2 2 = √ dxe−(x+θ )/(4c) x 1 − 12 2 0

 (π 2 −θ 2 )/(4c) 2 e−θ /(4c) ≈ √ dxe−x x 1/2 (4c)3/2 (1 − θ 2 /12) 2 0  2 2 (4c)5/2 (π −θ )/(4c) −x 3/2 − dxe x . (D27) 24 0 For small c, the upper limit can be extended to infinity so √ π /2 and (5/2) = that the integrals are simply (3/2) = √ 3 π/4, yielding √ (4c)3/2 π −θ 2 /(4c) e [(1 − θ 2 /12) − c/4], (D28) Gc (θ ) ≈ √ 2 2

FIG. 8. Illustration for rotations on the unit sphere.

The new point belongs to a circle on the sphere which is centered at (x,y,z). Finally, we denote C a point on this circle which has the spherical coordinates (θ + δθ ,ϕ), where δθ is the random change of the angle θ (Fig. 8). First, we have 1 + 1 − 2 cos δθ = |AB|2 = (x − x  )2 + (y − y  )2 + (z − z )2

from which one gets the approximation Ft (θ ) ≈ 1 − e

−θ 2 /(4c)+c/4

≈ 1 − e−θ



= 2 − 2(xx  + yy  + zz ),

[(1 − θ /12) − c/4] 2

(1 − θ 2 /12) ≈ 1 − e−θ




from which cos θ cos θ  + sin θ sin θ  cos(ϕ − ϕ  ) = cos δθ .

(D29) Neglecting the correction term 1/12 in comparison to the large 1/(4c), one retrieves the Gaussian approximation. Inverting the equation Ft (θ ) = x, one gets  − ln(1 − x) , (D30) θ≈ 1/(4c) + 1/12

|BC|2 = |DB|2 + |DC|2 − 2|DB||DC| cos δϕ = 2|DB|2 (1 − cos δϕ) = 2 sin2 δθ (1 − cos δϕ). (D35) On the other hand, we have |BC|2 = (sin θ  sin ϕ  − sin(θ + δθ ) sin ϕ)2 + (sin θ  cos ϕ  − sin(θ + δθ ) cos ϕ)2 + (cos θ  − cos(θ + δθ ))2 = 2(1 − cos θ  cos(θ + δθ )

3. Rotations on the sphere

The above results were derived for the starting point at the north pole. They are of course applicable to any starting point by an appropriate rotation. For completeness, we provide the derivation of the underlying equations. Let the starting point be at A = (x,y,z), parametrized in spherical coordinates as x = sin θ sin ϕ, (D31)

− sin θ  sin(θ + δθ ) cos(ϕ − ϕ  )),

cos θ  cos(θ + δθ ) − sin θ  sin(θ + δθ ) cos(ϕ − ϕ  ) = A ≡ 1 − sin2 δθ (1 − cos δϕ).

x  = sin θ  sin ϕ  , 

z = cos θ .


Two equations [Eqs. (D34) and (D37)] determine two unknown angles θ  and ϕ  . From the first equation, one gets cos(ϕ − ϕ  ) =

[in these coordinates, the north pole (0,0,1) corresponds to θ = 0]. After a random move, the new point B = (x  ,y  ,z ) is parametrized as


from which

z = cos θ

y  = sin θ  cos ϕ  ,


Second, we write

which allows one to generate the angle θ from a uniformly distributed random variable x. One can show that both approximations, Eq. (D26) and Eq. (D30), provide accurate results.

y = sin θ cos ϕ,


cos δθ − cos θ cos θ  . sin θ sin θ 


Substituting this expression into the second equation, one obtains after some transformations cos θ  = cos(θ + δθ ) + sin(θ ) sin(δθ )(1 − cos δϕ). (D39)


If the angular change δθ is small, the new angle is simply θ  = θ + δθ cos δϕ (in the first order of δθ ). However, this is



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 012149 (2014)

insufficient for computing the correction to ϕ  which needs the second order. For δθ  θ , one gets θ  = θ + δθ cos δϕ + ϕ  = ϕ + δθ

(δθ )2 cos θ sin2 δϕ + O(δθ 3 ), 2 sin θ

sin δϕ + O(δθ 2 ). sin θ

Nθ = 2σϕ /s0 . In other words, one has to ensure that cos θk are uniformly sampled on the interval (−1,1). Note that if the uniform distribution of θk was used, θk = kσθ , one would have sj k = σϕ [cos(kσθ ) − cos((k + 1)σθ )]


= σϕ [cos(kσθ )(1 − cos(σθ )) + sin(kσθ ) sin(σθ )] ≈ σϕ σθ sin(kσθ ).

It is expected that the correction to ϕ diverges as θ → 0 because the angle ϕ is not defined at θ = 0.


5. The algorithm

starting with θ0 = 0. In particular, setting s0 /σϕ determines the number Nθ of “layers” in θ in such a way that θNθ = π :

The Monte Carlo algorithm consists in the following steps. (1) Initialize the physical parameters (R, D1 , D2 , a, , λ) and the numerical parameters (number of walks M, discretization time step δ). √ The time step δ determines the spatial discretization σ = 4D1 δ. (2) Allocate memory for the array of explored territory counters on the discretized spherical surface. (3) Choose the initial position (θ0 ,ϕ0 ) (either fixed, or uniformly distributed over the sphere). (4) Check that the particle did not reach the target (i.e., θ > ). If reached, one moves to step 3 for a new walk. (5) Update the array of explored territory counters by the present position. (6) Generate a uniform random number x and check the condition x < e−λδ . If true, then the particle remains on the surface; otherwise, a desorption event occurs. (7) Generate the uniform angle δϕ ∈ (0,2π ) and the angle δθ according to either Eq. (D30) for surface displacement or Eq. (D8) for bulk displacement. (8) Update the current position (θk ,ϕk ). (9) Return to step 4.

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4. Discretization of the sphere

The final point is a discretization of the sphere. In practice, one needs to discretize both angles, θ ∈ (0,π ) and ϕ ∈ (0,2π ). The discretization of ϕ is naturally uniform: ϕj = j σϕ , j = 0, . . . ,Nϕ − 1, with σϕ = 2π/Nϕ . Let us assume that the angle θ is discretized by a set {θk }, k = 0, . . . ,Nθ − 1. One can easily compute the surface area for each “cell” of such discretization. In fact, the surface area of a spherical cap of angle θ is simply S(θ ) = 2π (1 − cos θ ) so that σϕ [S(θk+1 ) − S(θk )] = σϕ (cos θk − cos θk+1 ), (D41) sj k = 2π independently of the index j of the angle ϕ. If we require that all sj k are equal to some s0 , this naturally leads to the “optimal” choice of the discretization points θk : cos θk+1 = cos θk −

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Splitting probabilities and interfacial territory covered by two-dimensional and three-dimensional surface-mediated diffusion.

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