Structures of Large RNAs and RNA–Protein Complexes: Toward Structure Determination of Riboswitches Jason C. Grigg, Ailong Ke1 The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA 1 Corresponding author: e-mail address: [email protected]

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Rational Construct Design for Structure Determination 2.1 Sequence Gazing, Devil Is in the Details 2.2 Do Your Homework, Do Not Skip the Biochemistry 2.3 Which Sequence to Choose for Crystallization? 2.4 Maximize Your Chance of Success by Rational Construct Engineering 2.5 Use of RNA-Binding Proteins as Crystallization Aid 3. Crystallization and Structure Determination 4. Structure–Function Validation 4.1 Mutagenesis Assayed by In Vivo and In Vitro Experiments 4.2 Guide the Design and Interpretation of Single-Molecule Measurement and Molecular Simulations 4.3 Capturing Ligand-Free and Other Important Functional States 5. Conclusions Acknowledgments References

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Abstract Riboswitches are widespread and important regulatory elements. They are typically present in the mRNA of the gene under their regulation, where they form complex threedimensional structures that can bind an effector and regulate either transcription or translation of the mRNA. Structural biology has been essential to our understanding of their ligand recognition and conformational switching mechanisms, but riboswitch determination presents several important complications. Overcoming these challenges requires a synergistic approach using rational design of the constructs and supporting methods to biochemically validate the designs and resulting structures.

Methods in Enzymology ISSN 0076-6879


2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Jason C. Grigg and Ailong Ke

ABBREVIATIONS SAM S-adenosyl-L-methionine tRNA transfer RNA

1. INTRODUCTION Structured RNAs perform numerous important roles in biology, with historically well-characterized examples in protein synthesis by RNA components of the ribosome and transfer RNA (tRNA) (Ban, Nissen, Hansen, Moore, & Steitz, 2000; Muth, Ortoleva-Donnelly, & Strobel, 2000; Nissen, Hansen, Ban, Moore, & Steitz, 2000). The breadth of other activities performed by RNA has begun to be understood, including everything from structural scaffolding to catalysis and regulation of transcription or translation. Riboswitches are an important type of structured RNA; they are broadly distributed regulatory sequences present in mRNA that sense and respond to an effector to control gene expression (Breaker, 2012). They can act at the levels of transcription, translation, and even splicing, independent of protein cofactors. Riboswitches were first described in 2002 (Mironov et al., 2002; Nahvi et al., 2002; Winkler, Cohen-Chalamish, & Breaker, 2002), but have been intensely studied over the past 12 years and are now appreciated to perform regulation in many bacteria, archaea, and even higher organisms with recent examples from plants, fungi, and algae (for reviews, see Breaker, 2012). Riboswitches are generally comprised of separate aptamer and effector domains (Fig. 1). The aptamer domain is the ligand-binding region, where binding induces structural changes that are transmitted to the effector domain. The effector domain then converts the input signal into a regulatory output. In the case of translational riboswitches, the effector typically exposes or sequesters the ribosome binding site (Shine–Dalgarno sequence) to turn translation on or off. In transcriptional riboswitches, the effector enables or disrupts the formation of a premature transcription terminator that dissociates the RNA polymerase, producing a truncated mRNA. Alternative regulatory mechanisms, such as ligand-induced mRNA self-cleavage, have been reported (Winkler, Nahvi, Roth, Collins, & Breaker, 2004). Riboswitches in eukaryotes can regulate alternative splicing (Cheah, Wachter, Sudarsan, & Breaker, 2007; Li & Breaker, 2013) or bacterial riboswitches can possess additional levels of complexity, such as controlling

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Figure 1 Two popular mechanisms for riboswitches to regulate gene expression in bacteria. The general principle of translational (top) and transcriptional (bottom) riboswitches is the same. Ligand binding drives formation of alternate structures that either restrict or expose necessary sequences for ribosome binding (top), or to terminate RNA polymerase extension (bottom).

mRNA turnover by sequestering RNase cleavage sites (Caron et al., 2012). Regardless of their gene regulatory mechanism, the same general principles apply to most of the described riboswitches, that they are inherently unstable switches that alter their conformation upon binding of a ligand to turn gene expression on or off depending on their environment. Our understanding of riboswitch mechanisms has greatly expanded since their discovery, with structures now determined for most validated riboswitches classes (Serganov & Nudler, 2013). This is encouraging considering that riboswitches offer their own particular challenges for structural characterization, being flexible switches by design. In this chapter, we examine strategies used to overcome the challenges of working with riboswitches and outline strategies for solving new structures as well as validating the results. Where possible, we will draw from our experience characterizing the SAM-I (Lu et al., 2010), SMK box (Lu et al., 2011, 2008; Price, Grigg, & Ke, 2014), and T-box riboswitches (Grigg et al., 2013; Grigg & Ke, 2013a, 2013b) to illustrate these points.

2. RATIONAL CONSTRUCT DESIGN FOR STRUCTURE DETERMINATION A major obstacle in studying riboswitches is that they are inherently dynamic structures that often fold into alternatively base-paired conformers as part of their switching mechanism. The switching mechanism can also


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vary, being kinetically driven or with stable alternative conformers existing in thermodynamic equilibrium (Garst, Heroux, Rambo, & Batey, 2008; Lemay et al., 2011; Wickiser, Cheah, Breaker, & Crothers, 2005; Wickiser, Winkler, Breaker, & Crothers, 2005). Both mechanisms add their own complications when studying samples, in vitro, and neither X-ray crystallography nor NMR fair well with flexible structures or a mixture of multiple conformers. Accordingly, constructs for structure determination are designed with structural stability (or conformation homogeneity) in mind by accurately defining the nucleotides involved in alternative conformations, choosing inherently stable sequences to study, and by making rational modifications to enhance stability.

2.1 Sequence Gazing, Devil Is in the Details Accurately, defining the core structural elements is one of the most important initial steps for any successful in vitro riboswitch work. Extraneous regions that do not contribute to the key function of the riboswitch are not under the same level of selection pressure to adopt the most concise and stable conformation. As a result, they may possess unwanted flexibility that may impede structure determination, or form alternate structures. Most published riboswitch structures represent the aptamer domain, in isolation. By working with the aptamer domain alone, the possibility to form the alternative structure with the effector domain is eliminated. The same general characteristics that can be used to rationally identify riboswitches can be used to define the aptamer and the expression platform. For instance, transcription terminators are defined by a hairpin preceding a poly-U stretch and Shine–Dalgarno sequences (ribosome binding sites) consist of the AGGAGG consensus, approximately eight nucleotides upstream of the start codon. Identifying either feature in alternatively pairing helices could suggest the presence of a riboswitch. By including these regions in secondary structure predictions, with tools such as RNAfold (Lorenz et al., 2011) or Mfold (Zuker, 2003), the different folding states can often be identified. Since riboswitches have typically been identified by sequence first, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic covariation analysis, and secondary structure predictions provide a rich source of information to define secondary (and sometimes even tertiary) structure and core regions (Griffiths-Jones et al., 2005). For example, distal stemloops that are less important for riboswitch function may exhibit a higher degree of variation in loop length and sequence in multiple sequence alignments. Helices that only participate

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in secondary structure formation may show obvious signs of sequence covariation in base-paired residues. On the other hand, nucleotides that mediate either secondary and tertiary structures or RNA–ligand interactions, may display a higher degree of sequence conservation and less of covariation. For instance, in the SMK box riboswitch, the stretch of residues between nucleotides 68 and 74, CUUGUAA according to numbering in Fuchs, Grundy, and Henkin (2006), is not only part of the ligand-binding site in the off state but also part of the P0 helix in the on-state (Fig. 2). With these dual roles, not surprisingly, the CUUGUAA nucleotides are nearly completely conserved (Fuchs et al., 2006; Fuchs, Grundy, & Henkin, 2007) and as a result, so is the complementary strand in the P0 helix. In contrast, the P4 helix is only 2-bp long with a large, highly degenerate loop and was therefore not noticed in the initial studies. We noticed the high degree of sequence covariation in the two base pair region in preparation for the structural studies and designed our crystallization constructs with the goals of preserving the P4 structure, while reducing unwanted conformational

Figure 2 Construct engineering to obtain the SMK box riboswitch structure. The secondary and tertiary structures of the SMK box riboswitch are showing with unmodified regions (black) and modified regions (gray) indicated. The wild-type sequences are shown beside their corresponding element for comparison. SAM is drawn in the binding pocket as black spheres. The crystal packing contacts (gray mesh) are primarily mediated by engineered regions.


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flexibility in this stemloop. The effort enabled us to successfully capture the S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-bound structure (Fig. 2; Lu et al., 2008). More careful analysis later revealed that the conformational flexibility is built into P4 as a mechanism to maintain an energetic balance between alternative conformers (Lu et al., 2011). Sequence conservation versus covariation is well utilized in databases such as Rfam to determine RNA consensus structures with great success (Griffiths-Jones et al., 2005). This information is readily available to anyone proceeding with structural work on structured RNAs and is crucial in the initial design stages.

2.2 Do Your Homework, Do Not Skip the Biochemistry Biochemical validation is indispensible at two different stages in characterizing riboswitch structures: during the construct design/optimization stages, and also in the function validation stage following successful structure determination. Prior to structural work, rational approaches are routinely used to modify the RNA sequences, but great care must be taken to modify regions without impeding biological functions under investigation. No matter how modest the changes, the onus is on the experimenter to demonstrate that the modifications do not appreciably alter function and relevance. For riboswitches, this typically entails validating both folding and maintenance of ligand binding (or whatever target feature is being examined). To illustrate this point, we will use a typical protocol from our lab. Numerous permutations exist, but in our lab, we primarily use T7 polymerase systems to transcribe RNA from a 50 T7 promoter and a 30 HDV ribozyme to ensure homogeneous blunt ends are produced (Ke & Doudna, 2004). The RNA of interest is subsequently separated from the HDV ribozyme and precursors on preparative denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and the RNA band of interest is visualized by UV shadow, excised, and crushed. RNA is eluted into water and buffer-exchanged into the refolding buffer. A purity of over 95% is typically achieved following this procedure (Ke & Doudna, 2004). Despite every care to engineer stable structures, each time a new RNA is produced, it is important to assess and optimize folding to ensure homogeneity. Native PAGE is an easy and inexpensive screening tool for folding. Typically, the gel is supplemented with the stabilizing cations, such as Mg2+. A single band in the lane is suggestive of one well-formed conformation, whereas multiple bands could indicate discrete conformations or poor folding (Grigg et al., 2013). If native PAGE calls for optimization of the refolding procedure,

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we typically test heating with quick (on ice) and slow cooling (removing heat block from heater) first and when necessary, move to ultraslow cooling (thermocycler) or equilibrium dialysis to slowly removed denaturant such as urea (Batey, Sagar, & Doudna, 2001; Ke & Doudna, 2004). Once folding has been optimized, other methods, such as chemical probing are ideal to demonstrate that the RNA is achieving a defined (and most often, predicted) structure. In our lab, we prefer to use selective 20 -hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) over traditional chemical probing tools (Wilkinson, Merino, & Weeks, 2006). Although SHAPE requires adding sequences to the 50 and 30 ends of the RNA, we always take care to avoid potential alternative structures, and in our hands, the modifications have not interfered with riboswitch function or folding (Grigg et al., 2013; Lu et al., 2011). In cases where primer extension is to be avoided, advancements to the technique, such as RNase detected SHAPE allow analysis of the native structure (Steen, Siegfried, & Weeks, 2011). Not only is SHAPE useful for folding analysis, but because it is a sensitive technique amenable to analysis by capillary electrophoresis, it has also proven very useful in monitoring ligand binding and subsequent structural changes. While structural probing is critical, function should also be investigated. For many riboswitches, this could simply entail using a ligand-binding assay specific to the system. This would be the ultimate assay for the fold of the riboswitch, and in many cases prove essential in choosing appropriate riboswitch homologs for structural study. As an example, our investigation of the T-box riboswitch (an atypical riboswitch that senses a macromolecule tRNA rather than a small molecule) proceeded in this fashion. The T-box is a large, multistem structure that binds to tRNA by recognizing its codon and its aminoacylation site to regulate various components of amino acid state. We began working with the full version (>180 nts) of several T-box riboswitches, but generally they folded into multiple conformations or failed to robustly bind tRNA, in vitro, as shown by native PAGE. We screened several homologs of Bacillus subtilis glyQS, including the thermophilic bacteria: Geobacillus kaustophilus and G. thermodenitrificans. While the B. subtilis construct displayed some folding heterogeneity, the G. kaustophilus glyQS folded homogeneously and bound tRNA robustly in vitro (Grigg et al., 2013). We further questioned what constituted the minimal functional unit of the G. kaustophilus glyQS riboswitch. Previous studies established that tRNA stably bound to the riboswitch regardless of its aminoacylation status, which is sensed by Stem IV (Green, Grundy, & Henkin, 2010). Further, it was established that a codon–anticodon interaction in Stem I determined


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tRNA specificity (Grundy & Henkin, 1993; Grundy, Hodil, Rollins, & Henkin, 1997; Rollins, Grundy, & Henkin, 1997). We used two approaches to characterize the interaction: (1) we tried to crystallize several smaller fragments throughout the riboswitch in the absence of tRNA, regardless of their ability to maintain tRNA binding and (2) we used mobility shift assays to determine the minimal fragment of the T-box riboswitch that retained its ability to bind tRNA (Fig. 3; Grigg et al., 2013; Grigg & Ke, 2013b). Both approaches proved fruitful because we successfully determined the distal region of Stem I and the structure alone provided significant insight, which allowed us to demonstrate that it forms an intricate inverted T-loop motif that mediates RNA–RNA interactions, and guided our design of biochemical experiments to validate the hypothesis. This work also revealed that the region forms the second, requisite contact to tRNA outside of its anticodon (Grigg et al., 2013; Lehmann, Jossinet, & Gautheret, 2013). This was primarily supported by our biochemical validation, since the minimal fragment for robust complex formation between Stem I and tRNA included the anticodon and distal inverted T-loop (Grigg et al., 2013). Establishing the minimal stable structure for tRNA binding enabled us to crystallize and solve the ˚ resolution crystal structure of an 85-nt fragment of the T-box 3.2 A

Figure 3 Strategy to determine the T-box–tRNA complex structure. Deletion constructs were generated based on previous publications and secondary structure analysis of the Geobacillus kaustophilus GlyQS T-box (left). These constructs allowed structure determination of the distal T-box domain (top middle) and the biochemical identification of key tRNA interactions and the minimum tRNA-binding fragment (bottom middle). The combined efforts led to a robust reconstitution of the T-box–tRNA ternary complex and successful structure determination (right).

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riboswitch in complex with a 75 nt tRNA (Grigg & Ke, 2013b), a feat that would not have been possible without using the synergistic approach of rational design with biochemical validation.

2.3 Which Sequence to Choose for Crystallization? A given riboswitch family may contain thousands of homologs, but as structural analysis is quite expensive, usually only a handful can be chosen for crystallization trials. How does one choose the optimal structural targets? The following criteria have worked well for us and colleagues in the field: (1) choose the well-characterized sequences, as the published biochemical data will provide insight in construct design. (2) Choose the more concise sequences and those with less possibility of forming alternative structures qualitatively estimated by tools like Mfold (Zuker, 2003) and RNAfold (Lorenz et al., 2011). (3) Include some targets from thermophiles, as they generally possess less conformation flexibility at ambient temperature. (4) Diversify your targets by combining candidates from the above selection strategies and carry out a broad crystallization screening approach. (1) Choosing the well-characterized target. If foundational biochemistry has been done prior to crystallization, these data usually provide valuable insights in helping the design or modification of crystallization constructs. A prime example of this approach is our B. subtilis yitJ SAM-I riboswitch structure (Lu et al., 2010). A strong foundation had been built for this riboswitch from genetic and biochemical characterizations (Grundy & Henkin, 1998; McDaniel, Grundy, Artsimovitch, & Henkin, 2003; McDaniel, Grundy, & Henkin, 2005; Tomsic, McDaniel, Grundy, & Henkin, 2008; Winkler, Nahvi, Sudarsan, Barrick, & Breaker, 2003). In this case, we opted to work directly with this sequence by producing the aptamer domain (117 nt) in a largely unmodified form and fortunately, using established strategies, we were ˚ X-ray crystal structure (Lu et al., 2010). able to determine the 3.0 A (2) Choosing more concise structures is also a common approach in selecting starting constructs. Even closely related riboswitches can display a large variability in length of helices and loops at the periphery. The SMK box riboswitch family maintains the basic structural core with absolutely conserved SAM-binding sites, but the sequences display enormous diversity in length of insertions at both P3 and P4 varying by anywhere up to 200 nts (Fuchs et al., 2006). The Enterococcus faecalis SMK box riboswitch has a short extension at P3 relative to some others, but it also has the


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shortest P4 helix, making it one of the more compact homologs and a good starting point for engineering. For this reason, it was chosen as a prime target for subsequent crystallization (Lu et al., 2008). (3) Riboswitches are also often chosen for their predicted inherent stability. For instance, many structures have been determined for riboswitches from thermophilic bacteria. These organisms grow at elevated temperatures and their genomes require higher G–C contents for stability. These characters are reflected in their riboswitches as well. Several successful examples of this approach include: the SAM-I riboswitch from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (Montange & Batey, 2006), the fluoride riboswitch was from Thermatoga petrophila (Ren, Rajashankar, & Patel, 2012), the lysine riboswitch from Thermatoga maritima (Garst, Porter, & Batey, 2012), and our T-box structures from G. kaustophilus (Grigg et al., 2013; Grigg & Ke, 2013b), to name a few.

2.4 Maximize Your Chance of Success by Rational Construct Engineering Even after selecting the most stable constructs and defining the minimal structures of the riboswitch, the construct will almost always need to be further engineered to enhance its stability, minimize flexible regions, and optimize crystallization. There are numerous strategies to achieve this, including stabilizing the structure by mutating base pairs to G–C, lengthening helices, removing or reducing loops, and adding highly stable turns. Several of these approaches were used in our SMK box riboswitch structures (Fig. 2): in this structure, the first base pair in P1 was swapped with a G–C pair for T7 transcription, P3 was largely replaced by a short run of four G–C base pairs and capped by a GAAA tetraloop, and P4 was shortened and replaced by two G–C pairs and another GAAA tetraloop (Lu et al., 2008). The resulting construct maintains the wild-type core with a highly stabilized periphery. All forms of nucleic acid crystallography share the same challenge, that structured nucleic acids have a negatively charged surface, which hinders crystal packing. To counter this, a common approach is to introduce crystallization modules to facilitate crystal contacts. Again, care must be taken to maintain the structure and ligand-binding abilities. Some common modifications include introducing GNRA- or UNR-turns into hairpins that not only facilitate a stable turn but also display the Watson–Crick edges of the bases in the turn, available to form base pairs at symmetry contacts, illustrated by both the P3 and P4 helices of our SMK box structure (Fig. 2). Crystal contacts are frequently observed across the base of helices where coaxial stacking leads to the formation of a pseudo-continuous superhelix. This interaction

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can form across blunt ends, but can often be further stabilized by single- or double-nucleotide overhangs. Therefore, the length and composition of major helices are often systematically screened in crystallization constructs. Ultimately, most successful attempts have utilized some combination of selecting more stable versions of riboswitches and engineering.

2.5 Use of RNA-Binding Proteins as Crystallization Aid Another crystallization strategy that has been successfully applied to RNA structure determination is to insert protein-binding motifs into RNA and use the bound protein to facilitate crystallization. The U1SnRNP U1A protein binds a specific loop sequence in RNA and the complex structure has been well characterized (Allain, Howe, Neuaus, & Varani, 1997; Oubridge, Ito, Evans, Teo, & Nagai, 1994). The motif has been used to successfully cocrystallize several riboswitch structures, including the c-di-GMP riboswitch (Kulshina, Baird, & Ferre-D’Amare, 2009; Smith et al., 2009; Smith, Lipchock, Livingston, Shanahan, & Strobel, 2010; Smith, Lipchock, & Strobel, 2012), the TPP riboswitch (Kulshina, Edwards, & Ferre-D’Amare, 2010), the glycine riboswitch (Butler, Xiong, Wang, & Strobel, 2011), and an artificial tetracycline aptamer (Xiao, Edwards, & Ferre-D’Amare, 2008). In these cases, the U1A protein is indispensible because it mediates important crystal contacts. The K-turn binding proteins have also been successfully used in crystallization (Hamma & Ferre-D’Amare, 2004). The advantage is that they tightly bind a common motif (the K-turn) in many structured RNAs and not only mediate crystal contacts but also rigidify the K-turn conformation that may otherwise be quite flexible. This strategy was used for crystallization of the SAM-I riboswitch (Baird, Zhang, Hamma, & Ferre-D’Amare, 2012) and for the T-box Stem I–tRNA ternary complex (Zhang & Ferre-D’Amare, 2013, 2014), again with YbxF involved in crystal contacts in both examples. Given the success of these techniques, they will undoubtedly continue to be a prominent strategy for crystallization. Another strategy coming to the horizon has been the use of RNA-binding antibodies to facilitate crystallization (Huang et al., 2014; Shechner et al., 2009). The large size of an antibody creates more opportunity for mediating crystal contacts, and this method also does not introduce nonnative sequences into the RNA prior to crystallization.

3. CRYSTALLIZATION AND STRUCTURE DETERMINATION Significant advancements have been made for structure determination of nucleic acids by both crystallography and NMR. NMR structures of the


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preQ1 class I (Kang, Peterson, & Feigon, 2009) and preQ1 class II (Kang, Eichhorn, & Feigon, 2014) riboswitches, and small portions of the T-box (Chang & Nikonowicz, 2013), the Mg2+ riboswitch antiterminator (PDB ID: 24IL) and an engineered neomycin-sensing riboswitch (DuchardtFerner et al., 2010) have provided valuable information about their function. The majority of riboswitches and all large riboswitches have been determined using X-ray crystallography, so that will be the focus of this section. Many commercial crystallization screen kits specific to DNA or RNA are now available, so initial screening has become straightforward; however, an important part in crystallizing the modified RNAs is the feedback between crystal trays and constructs. Using iterations between crystallization screening, hit optimization, diffraction analysis, and tweaking rational design approaches listed above, optimized crystals can be obtained. Further optimization for diffraction follows general protocols for dehydration and optimizing cryoprotection. Due to the negative charge and large solvent channels, RNA crystals are particularly sensitive to cations and dehydration and optimizing these variables can significantly affect diffraction (Ben-Shem, Jenner, Yusupova, & Yusupov, 2010; Zhang & Ferre-D’Amare, 2014). Phasing riboswitch structures still primarily relies on heavy metal soaking or cocrystallization with heavy atoms. Cobalt hexamine is often used as an additive in crystallizations and tends to bind in the groove of helices and loops, behaving similarly to the typical binding of hydrated magnesium. Two heavy atom alternatives that have proven extremely useful have been iridium hexamine and osmium hexamines, either by cobalt hexamine replacement for cocrystallization or by crystal soaking. Tantalum cluster compound is also gaining population in phasing large RNA structures (Ding et al., 2011; Johnson, Reyes, Polaski, & Batey, 2012). In our hands, it has often worked when standard heavy metal compounds failed to yield interpretable solutions and has proven successful at moderate resolutions. Selenium phasing methods have been developed for RNA crystallization and have proven quite successful (Sheng & Huang, 2010), but do not yet share the broad adoption analogous to the use of selenomethionine in proteins crystallography, so soaking methods are still often favored. Once the structure has been phased, several tools now exist to optimize RNA model building and refinement, but only within the last few years, these have been implemented into common software packages used in crystallography. Two additions that we have found particularly useful are RCrane (Keating & Pyle, 2010, 2012) and ERRASER (Chou, Sripakdeevong, Dibrov, Hermann, & Das, 2013). RCrane was developed

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to aid in building RNA chains into density or improve current models. It aids with phosphate and bases/nucleoside placement and uses consensus backbone conformer libraries to assist with modeling (Keating & Pyle, 2010, 2012). RCrane has now become widely used and is implemented within the molecular visualization tool, Coot (Emsley, Lohkamp, Scott, & Cowtan, 2010). Another major development in RNA structure refinement is ERRASER (Enumerative Real-space Refinement Assisted by Electron-density under Rosetta) (Chou et al., 2013) that has now been integrated into the PHENIX suite of software (Adams et al., 2010). ERRASER is extremely powerful, using Rosetta RNA structure optimization with a weighted electron density restraint. ERRASER is generally useful throughout resolution ranges, but is particularly powerful for lowresolution structures, where density is often unclear and tight nucleotide geometry restraints are necessary for initial building. It functions by performing successive rounds of identifying geometric problems, rebuilding, and refinement. We have found it particularly useful in our work for correcting initial models at mid- to low resolution (Grigg et al., 2013; Grigg & Ke, 2013b).

4. STRUCTURE–FUNCTION VALIDATION Even with a riboswitch structure in hand, it is important to validate the model biochemically for several reasons: (1) many riboswitch structures are determined to low or moderate resolutions, leading to some uncertainty in the final model. (2) The crystal structure of a riboswitch represents a single snapshot of a dynamic molecule. (3) Given the limited possibility for crystal contacts, it is not always clear if the crystallized form is a biologically relevant form.

4.1 Mutagenesis Assayed by In Vivo and In Vitro Experiments Structures provide the basis to make key mutants to perturb secondary or tertiary structure contacts or RNA–ligand interactions or to test hypothesized switching mechanisms. The methods used to assess riboswitch function using mutagenesis will vary with the system to be tested, but we have generally used a combination of techniques to support structural data. For instance, in our SMK box work, we used a combination of SHAPE and equilibrium dialysis to probe nucleotides involved in SAM binding (Lu et al., 2010, 2011, 2008). In our T-box work, the initial structures revealed a putative docking interface and there, we used electrophoretic mobility shift


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assays to probe various interface mutants for loss of binding (Grigg et al., 2013; Grigg & Ke, 2013b). Alternatively, the mutagenesis can also be performed on the ligand side of the interaction. Ligand analogs have proven extremely useful in probing the SMK box structure to validate the unique observation that the amino end of the methionine moiety in SAM is not recognized by the SMK box riboswitch, unlike all other known SAM riboswitches (Lu et al., 2008).

4.2 Guide the Design and Interpretation of Single-Molecule Measurement and Molecular Simulations Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) studies have proven extremely useful for probing the dynamic switching behaviour of riboswitches (St-Pierre, McCluskey, Shaw, Penedo, & Lafontaine, 2014). Structures enable rational placement of fluorophores for FRET, as well as determining hypothetical FRET changes corresponding to a particular motion. smFRET studies have provided significant insight into the purine (Lemay, Penedo, Mulhbacher, & Lafontaine, 2009; Lemay, Penedo, Tremblay, Lilley, & Lafontaine, 2006), lysine (Fiegland, Garst, Batey, & Nesbitt, 2012), and TPP (Haller, Altman, Souliere, Blanchard, & Micura, 2013) riboswitches. Another particularly powerful single-molecule method in riboswitch study is the use of optical tweezers (Savinov, Perez, & Block, 2014). In these excellent studies of the adenine riboswitch, the folding pathways of the riboswitch can be discerned and recent advancements have enabled direct observation of the cotranscriptional folding process of this riboswitch (Frieda & Block, 2012; Greenleaf, Frieda, Foster, Woodside, & Block, 2008).

4.3 Capturing Ligand-Free and Other Important Functional States A major hurdle in structural biology of riboswitches is capturing the spectrum of functional states. Since the majority of riboswitch structures represent the ligand bound structure, the structure themselves leave several open questions, including: Does ligand binding induce structural change? Are the changes induced by binding or by conformational selection? Is the switching driven by thermodynamic or kinetic principles? (Price et al., 2014). To begin to answer these deeper mechanistic questions, only a synergistic approach combining structure and biochemistry tools can provide key insights.

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5. CONCLUSIONS The field of riboswitch structural biology has made major strides in the last decade with improved strategies and techniques, making structure determination approachable for these dynamic structures. Future studies will undoubtedly see new riboswitch structures determined as regulatory structured RNAs continue to be revealed as a prominent strategy. Another area lacking major structural characterization has been alternate ligand-free structures and many of the mechanistic details involved in the switch remain unknown.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NIH operating grants GM-086766 and GM-102543 to A.K. J.C.G. was supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Canadian Institute for Health Research.

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Structures of Large RNAs and RNA-Protein Complexes: Toward Structure Determination of Riboswitches.

Riboswitches are widespread and important regulatory elements. They are typically present in the mRNA of the gene under their regulation, where they f...
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