
Parasympathetic Activity Cardiac Transplantation


Michael L. Smith, POD, Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD, Dwain I-. Eckberg, MD, Helen M. Sheehan, BSN, and Marc D. Thames, MD

Heart period variability (standard deviation of 120 consecutive RR or PP intervals) was used to assess baseline parasympathetic activtty in 18 pattents wlth congestive heart failure before and after orthotoplc cardiac transplantatton, and was compared to that of 16 age-matched control subjects. Mean heart period variabtltty (f standard error of the mean) was significantly greater (p

Subnormal parasympathetic activity after cardiac transplantation.

Heart period variability (standard deviation of 120 consecutive RR or PP intervals) was used to assess baseline parasympathetic activity in 18 patient...
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