Lung (1992) 170:41-50

New York Inc. 1992

Superoxide Anion Production by Rat Neutrophils at Various Stages of BleomycinInduced Lung Injury Elizabeth B. Tarnell, 1 Bonnie L. Oliver, 1 George M. Johnson, 2 Florence L. Watts, 3 and Roger S. Thrall ~ Departments of IMedicine, Pulmonary Division, 2Pediatrics, and 3Anesthesiology, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030, USA

Abstract. This study investigated the level of activation of neutrophils isolated from rats at various stages of bleomycin-induced lung injury. Neutrophils were collected from blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and their superoxide anion (O2)-generating capacity measured in response to phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and opsonized zymosan (OZ) stimulation. When stimulated with PMA, BAL neutrophils isolated from animals 3 days after bleomycin treatment had a significantly greater capacity to produce 0 2 than BAL neutrophils from animals 7 days after bleomycin treatment. The 0 2 levels of 7 day BAL neutrophils more closely resembled the resting levels obtained with circulating neutrophils from both control and bleomycintreated animals. There were no differences observed in any of the neutrophils when stimulated with OZ. Myeloperoxidase levels were measured in plasma and BAL and found to be elevated only in plasma at 7 days after bleomycin. These data demonstrate that neutrophil activation does occur in this model and that the activation appears to be transient, in response to specific stimuli and compartmentalized between the lung and blood.

Key words: Superoxide--Neutrophils--Bleomycin-induced lung injury. Introduction

Free radical generation by phagocytic cells has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several forms of acute lung injury, some of which lead to pulmonary fibrosis. Evidence has accumulated supporting the role of free radicals in diseases such as the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [2, 15, 41], radiation pneumonitis [18], hyperoxia [13, 16, 32], emphysema due to cigarette

Offprint requests to: R. S. Thrall


E . B . Tarnell et al.

smoking [6], exposure to a variety of drugs and toxins [4,10, 25, 29, 30], immune complexes, and in various experimental models [23, 33]. Mechanisms by which oxygen metabolites inflict tissue injury include protein denaturation resulting in enzyme inactivation, and lipid peroxidation, which contributes to plasma membrane instability [12, 24]. The lung uses a variety of antioxidant enzymes and substances to aid in its protection, and impairment of these defenses may alter susceptibility to injury [21, 27]. Bleomycin-induced lung injury in a variety of animals has been accepted as a model of acute lung injury that progresses to fibrosis [1, 3, 14, 28, 34, 35]. In the rat model, peak periods of acute inflammation are observed at 3 and 7 days after bleomycin administration, followed by chronic injury and scar formation. Because neutrophils have been shown to make up a large percentage of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and in lung tissue during the acute stages of bleomycin injury [36], their level of activation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of lung injury in this model. In addition, clinical studies have shown large influxes of neutrophils in BAL and lung tissue in acute stages of various adult human lung diseases such as bacterial pneumonia and ARDS. Whether these neutrophils are beneficial or harmful in all cases remains to be determined. Since uncomplicated bacterial pneumonias do not routinely progress to ARDS, we hypothesize that neutrophils can be activated to different levels in various lung diseases and that this may influence the extent and/or type of injury. To test our hypothesis we studied both in vitro and in vivo levels of neutrophil activation in the bleomycin model of lung injury. First, we directly studied the levels of in vitro O~- production by neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood and BAL and rats during the acute stages of bleomycin-induced lung injury. Second, we indirectly approximated in vivo activation of neutrophils by measuring myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in the plasma and BAL of these rats. Finally, to determine if neutrophil activation levels were different in various models, we compared the levels of both O2 and MPO to those we observed previously in the oleic acid model of acute lung injury [39].

Materials and Methods

Animals Adult male pathogen-free Fischer 344 rats, weighing 175-200 g, were obtained from Charles River Laboratories (Worthington, MA). The animals were free from respiratory disease and housed in isolation from all other laboratory animals. No evidence of infection was observed in any of our animals based on histologic evaluation.

Reagents Bleomycin sulfate (Blenoxane) was a gift from Bristol Laboratories (Syracuse, NY). Bovine serum albumin (BSA), cytochrome C (type VI), superoxide dismutase (SOD), n-ethyl maleimide (NEM), phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), HEPES, zymosan, and ficoll were purchased from Sigma

Neutrophil Superoxide Production in Bleomycin Injury


Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO). Hypaque (50%) was obtained from Sterling Drug, Inc. (New York, NY) and heparin (10,000/zg/ml) was purchased from Elkins-Sinn, Inc. (Cherry Hill, NJ). Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) without magnesium and calcium was obtained from Hazleton Biologics (Lenexa, KS). Ketamine hydrochloride was purchased from Parke, Davis Co. (Detroit,


Induction of Lung Injury Animals were anesthetized via an intraperitoneal injection of ketamine HCI. Each animal in the treatment group received a single intratracheal injection of 2.0/zl of bleomycin sulfate in 0.3 ml of sterile saline [35]. Control animals received sterile saline in a similar manner. Animals were sacrificed at 3 and 7 days after bleomycin or saline injection. It should be noted that these times represent the peak periods of inflammation. Insufficient numbers of neutrophits are recovered at earlier and later time points after bleomycin for the assays to be performed.

Histologic Evaluation of Lung Damage Lung damage was determined as described previously [34, 35]. Lungs were removed after the animal was killed and inflated with 10% buffered formaldehyde at a constant pressure of 20 cmHzO. Tissue sections were processed in the usual manner for light microscopic examination with hematoxylin and eosin stain. Only qualitative histologic evaluations were made.

Cell Harvests Circulating Neutrophils. Blood was collected via cardiac aspiration with a heparinized syringe. Blood from 4 rats was pooled to yield enough cells for the superoxide assay. Blood was diluted with an equal volume of heparinized saline and neutrophils were isolated as described below. BAL Neutrophils. BAL

was performed with 50 ml of sterile heparinized saline in 5-7 ml aliquots, injected intratracheally to inflate the lungs fully. Fluid was then retrieved by aspiration and strained through gauze to remove mucus. Cells from 4-7 rats were pooled to obtain enough cells for the superoxide assay. Ceils were washed and neutrophils isolated as described below.

Isolation of Neutrophils Cell suspensions were placed over an equal volume of ficoll-Hypaque gradient (ficoli 9% and Hypaque 34% in a ratio of 2.4 : 1) and centrifuged at 350 g/4°C for 20 minutes. The monocyte-rich upper layer was removed, leaving the neutrophil-rich pellet. Hypotonic lysis of erythrocytes was performed. Neutrophils were washed with HBSS containing 10 mM of HEPES. Cells were counted using a standard AO hemacytometer. This method of isolation yielded a cell suspension of >85% neutrophils. Viability was determined to be >98% with nigrosin dye exclusion.

Superoxide Assay. Cells

were suspended in HBSS containing 10 mM HEPES at 3 x 106 cells/m1. Superoxide release was determined at 37°C using the superoxide dismutase-inhibitable reduction of cytochrome C at 550 nm for 5 min [9]. Absorbance was read on a Beckman Model 24 spectrophotometer. The reaction mixture contained 119 mM cytochrome C, 1 mM sodium azide, 1 mM calcium chloride, 2.6 mM magnesium chloride, and was initiated with the addition of the appropriate stimulus, 100 ng/ml PMA or 1 mg/ml opsonized zymosan (OZ). The reaction was stopped after 5 min by the addition of 0.5 mM NEM. Generation of O~- was calculated using 21.2 x 103 m/cm as the molar extinction coefficient for reduced-minus-oxidized cytochrome [26].


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Myeloperoxidase Assay Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, used as an indicator of neutrophil degranulation [17], was measured by a micromodification [40] of the colorimetric assay measuring oxidation of o-dianisidine hydrochloride at 450 nm [20]. Plasma or BAL samples were diluted with phosphate-buffered saline fourfold before the assay. Sample measurements were done in triplicate. The molar absorbancy of oxidized o-dianisidine, 1.13 x 104/cm, was used to calculate the moles of hydrogen peroxide decomposed. One unit of peroxidase activity was defined as that degrading 1 t~molof peroxide/rain at 25°C.

Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was performed using 1-way analysis of variance followed by the Newman-Keuls procedure [42].


Histologic Analysis of Lung Damage Histologic changes induced by b l e o m y c i n administration in the lungs of the experimental animals were similar to those described previously in this laboratory [35]. Severe intra-alveolar e d e m a and h e m o r r h a g e with a diffuse interstitial and inra-alveolar neutrophil cell infiltrate were o b s e r v e d 3-7 days after bleomycin administration.

Superoxide Generation in Circulating Neutrophils W h e n stimulated with PMA, circulating neutrophils (CN) isolated f r o m animals at 3 and 7 days after b l e o m y c i n p r o d u c e d O f levels similar to conrol (Fig. la). W h e n stimulated with OZ, C N f r o m animals at 7 days after t r e a t m e n t p r o d u c e d significantly lower (p < 0.01) 0 2 levels than C N f r o m 3 days, but neither s h o w e d a significant change f r o m control (Fig. lb).

Superoxide Generation in BAL Neutrophils The O{ levels p r o d u c e d by B A L neutrophils isolated 3 days after b l e o m y c i n administration w e r e significantly elevated a b o v e the levels p r o d u c e d b y either the B A L neutrophils obtained 7 days after b l e o m y c i n (p < 0.01) (Fig. 2a) or any of the C N (p < 0.01) f r o m Fig. la, which w e r e stimulated with PMA. After stimulation with OZ, 0 2 levels in B A L neutrophils were not significantly different b e t w e e n the 3 and 7 day animals (Fig. 2b), nor was there a significant difference b e t w e e n these B A L neutrophils or any of the OZ-stimulated C N in Fig. lb.

Neutrophil Superoxide Production in Bleomycin Injury





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Fig. 1. a. Superoxide generation in circulating neutrophils (CN) after stimulation with PMA at 3 and 7 days after bleomycin treatment. PMA stimulated CN produced O2- levels similar to control. b Superoxide generation in CN after stimulation with OZ. OZ-stimulated CN produced significantly lower (*p < 0.01) O~- levels at 7 days after bleomycin treatment compared to 3 days. Vertical bars represent mean + / - SEM of 4 experiments.

Myeloperoxidase Levels Plasma levels of M P O were significantly (p < 0.01) elevated 7 days after bleomycin treatment c o m p a r e d to both control and 3 day levels (Fig. 3a). There were no significant differences between B A L levels of M P O at any time (Fig. 3b).


We have d e m o n s t r a t e d that at the period of p e a k acute inflammation, 3 days after bleomycin treatment, B A L neutrophils are activated to produce high levels of O2 when stimulated in vitro by PMA. Later, at 7 days after b l e o m y c i n treatment, PMA-stimulated B A L neutrophils a p p e a r to be at " r e s t i n g " or con-


E . B . Tarnell et al.




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Fig. 2. a. Superoxide generation in BAL neutrophils isolated 3 and 7 days after bleomycin and stimulated with PMA. At 3 days, O~- levels were significantly (*p < 0.01) higher than at 7 days. This level of activity was also significantly higher (p < .01) than those observed in any CN from Fig. la. b Superoxide generation in BAL neutrophils isolated 3 and 7 days after bleomycin and stimulated with OZ. There was no significant difference between BAL ceils at 3 and 7 days after bleomycin treatment, nor was there a difference between these cells and OZ stimulated CN from Fig. lb. Vertical bars represent mean + / - SEM of 4 experiments.

trol levels of activity. In contrast, the phagocytic stimulus, OZ, did not increase O2 production in BAL neutrophils at either time point. Our data therefore suggest that activation of neutrophils does occur in the bleomycin model and that the activation may be in response to a specific stimulus. The activation also appears to be transient depending on the stage of lung injury. Plasma levels of MPO were significantly elevated 7 days after bleomycin treatment, further indicating in vivo neutrophil activation. MPO levels were not elevated in the BAL at any time after bleomycin treatment. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that 0 2 levels in CN and BAL neutrophils obtained at peak periods of inflammation in the oleic acid model of acute lung injury were not elevated above "resting" levels [39]. In contrast, BAL neutrophils isolated from the bleomycin model in this study were activated above "resting" levels. In addition, different plasma and BAL MPO

Neutrophil Superoxide Production in Bleomycin Injury






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Fig. 3. a. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in plasma from control and bleomycin-treated animals. There was a significant (*p < 0.01) increase in the MPO level at 7 days compared to both control and 3 days after bleomycin treatment, b MPO levels in BAL fluid from control and bleomycintreated animals. There was no difference between MPO levels at any time point. Vertical bars represent mean + / - SEM of 6 samples.

levels were observed in the bleomycin and oleic acid models. Although both models demonstrated high levels of MPO, the activity was expressed at different sites. In the bleomycin model MPO levels were elevated in plasma only, but in the oleic acid model MPO levels were elevated in BAL. Together, these data demonstrate that neutrophils obtained at peak periods of acute inflammation in different animal models of lung injury can be stimulated or primed to attain different levels of activation. The role that these differences may play in the pathogenesis of these models is unclear. The 3 day bleomycin BAL neutrophils appeared to be activated or "primed" in vivo since in vitro stimulation with PMA generated high levels of O~. The low BAL and plasma MPO levels at 3 days after bleomycin suggest that the neutrophils did not degranulate within the air spaces of the lung or in the plasma. It is possible that degranulation occurred in the interstitium of the lung where most of the inflammation resides and MPO levels in BAL or plasma would not


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reflect it. Another explanation could be that the PMA-stimulated 3 day bleomycin BAL neutrophils were "primed" in vivo but did not receive the secondary stimulus to become activated and degranulate. Priming agents such as lipopolysaccharide [19] and platelet-activating factor [38] have been shown not to be stimulus-specific and indeed primed cells are responsive to a variety of various stimulators other than the priming agent. Thus, if the cells were primed in this manner one would have expected them to also be responsive to OZ. However, a priming mechanism is still possible if priming occurred through activation of protein kinase C that has been shown to internalize and downregulate plasma membrane receptors while leaving the cell hyperactive to nonreceptor antagonists such as PMA [5, 31]. Thus, the cell would not be responsive to receptormediated activators such as OZ but still responsive to PMA. This may also explain the decreased CN response to OZ at 7 days after bleomycin treatment, when MPO levels were elevated in plasma. The cells could have been activated in vivo via protein kinase C, which downregulates membrane receptors for OZ and this, in turn, results in decreased responsiveness to OZ. The activated cells degranulate and release high levels of MPO into the plasma. These 7 day cells are not "primed"; they have already been activated and degranulated and now are in a state of "desensitization" or are incapable of responding to further stimuli, hence their inability to generate an elevated response even to PMA. The role of the neutrophil and oxygen metabolites in lung injury is controversial. Their significance in both the oleic acid and bleomycin models has been studied previously [7, 11, 22, 37]. Jenkinson and colleagues [22] administered bleomycin to vitamin-E-deficient rats and found no increase in mortality, evidence of lipid peroxidation, or lung collagen content when compared with controls and suggested that perhaps lipid peroxidation was not critical to development of the lesion. Chandler et al. [7] have subsequently shown that iron deficiency in bleomycin-treated hamsters reduced the severity of pulmonary fibrosis, possibly by preventing iron-catalyzed oxygen radical formation. We have further shown that neutrophil depletion in the oleic acid model suppresses lung injury, although the mechanism by which neutrophils contribute to damage may not be due to free radicals since treatment with catalase, dimethylsulfoxide, or superoxide dismutase had no effect on injury [11]. In contrast, we [37] and others [8] have shown that neutrophil depletion in the bleomycin model enhanced injury, evidenced by increased collagen. The neutrophil has a wide variety of capabilities and whether it is beneficial or harmful may very well depend on how that cell is stimulated or activated. Direct in vivo evidence demonstrating this is difficult to obtain and we believe that this is one approach to help us understand better in vivo neutrophil function during active stages of inflammation. In summary, our data suggest that in the bleomycin model, in vivo activation of neutrophils does occur and may be in response to specific stimuli, is transient, and appears to be compartmentalized. Furthermore, when comparing these results with similar data from the oleic acid model, we have shown that neutrophils are capable of attaining varied levels of activation in response to different types of lung injury.

Neutrophil Superoxide Production in Bleomycin Injury


Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank Ms. Debra Parkinson for the excellent illustrations.

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Superoxide anion production by rat neutrophils at various stages of bleomycin-induced lung injury.

This study investigated the level of activation of neutrophils isolated from rats at various stages of bleomycin-induced lung injury. Neutrophils were...
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