Medical Teacher

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Teaching Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine To cite this article: (1983) Teaching Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Medical Teacher, 5:2, 56-56 To link to this article:

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The Undcrgraduotc Medical


Teaching Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Methods of teaching gerontology and geriatric medicine in the European Region, and recommendations for action, were the theme of a recent Workshop, organized jointly by the Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Edinburgh and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. The major conclusions were that health professionals must be familiar with ageing and care of the elderly, and that practitioners must be willing to adapt t o a multidisciplinary way of working. Specific recommendations were as follows:



Basic science teaching in medicine should include substantial instruction on normal ageing if it is to reflect the changing needs of society. Sociology and psychology of ageing should be incorporated in the behavioural science course. The basic science curriculum should reflect new knowledge on ageing, the effects of ageing on function, immune competence, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, cognitive function and personality. Sound clinical teaching in geriatric medicine should be provided, when the student has already acquired wider medical knowledge and clinical skills. An identifiable block of curricular time should be allocated specifically to teaching geriatric medicine. Teaching methods should exploit to the full the wide range of teaching opportunities available, including the patient's home, the day hospital, assessment and rehabilitation wards, continuing care units and nursing homes. The clinical course should place emphasis on prevention, the value of early detection of stress in patients and their supporters, and the benefits of appropriate intervention. The organization and teaching should be in the hands of identified clinical teachers who are themselves trained in the health care of the elderly. There should be proper evaluation of teaching.

Postgraduate Medical Education: Geriatric medicine should be included in training programmes in internal medicine and psychiatry. All doctors involved in primary health care should receive instruction in ageing and care of the elderly. Doctors intending to specialize in geriatric medicine should undergo postgraduate training on a level comparable to that for other specialties. There should be close training links with psychiatry. Disciplines such as rehabilitation medicine and orthopaedic surgery should be involved in teaching rehabilitation and locomotor and mobility problems among the elderly. Guidance in and opportunities for research in the field of gerontology, geriatric medicine or health care delivery should be available. The acquisition of management skills should be reflected in training programmes. Continuing Education in Gniatric Medicine: This should be comparable with that in other specialties in each country. Continuing education should be given high priority until undergraduate training in ageing and geriatric medicine has reached an adequate level. It was also recommended that resource centres should be given urgent priority and that a large and rapid increase is needed in the number of teachers in this specialty.

Medical Tcack Vol 5 No 2 1983

Teaching gerontology and geriatric medicine.

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