Molecular Cell
Editorial Technology: Fast Forward Remember when there was no CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing? No atomic resolution cryo-EM? Remember when high-throughput sequencing didn’t exist? You don’t have to think back very far, because it wasn’t that long ago. In the past few years, the pace of technological progress has been incredible. While many of the older technologies of molecular biology remain as useful and relevant as ever, new tools have increased the speed of research and expanded the scope of what’s possible. Take DNA sequencing, for example. The first drafts of the human genome required years of effort, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Now, with the latest instruments, you can sequence the same genome in about a day, for roughly two thousand dollars. It’s not hard to see the potential implications of this progress, both for basic research and for the future of medicine. In the spirit of progress and change, we are devoting an entire (special) issue of Molecular Cell to technology and its impact on science. The articles in the issue cover powerful, emerging tools for research, looking back to show how far we’ve come and ahead to show where we’re going. We’re publishing this issue because we want to showcase technologies and to put them into context. We also want to provide practical information, and we hope that the pieces in this issue will be useful to our community of readers. Truth be told, these aren’t our only reasons. Technology drives scientific research, and we believe that new technological advances are just as important to our readers as new biological findings. While Molecular Cell has published technology-focused papers before, we want to be a more consistent venue for technology papers, so we’re using this occasion to communicate our interest in the topic and to announce a new article format called, simply, ‘‘Technology.’’ What is this new format, and what does launching it mean for the journal? Basically, the format covers new reagents, methods, tools, and other technologies that are broadly useful to the scientists working in the fields covered by the journal. It also covers significant improvements to existing tools. Do you have something that fits the bill? Send it to Molecular Cell! We’ll give you space to discuss design, implementation, and validation of your new technologies; extra room to describe methods; and the option of including troubleshooting tips, protocols, and any multimedia that might be useful to readers or that might help promote uptake of your technology. As for what this means for the journal, we will modestly expand the scope and content of Molecular Cell. We will continue to publish the same level of high-quality mechanistic biology, gradually adding more coverage of technology with time. By doing this, we want be a venue where you, our readers, can learn about new biological findings and about new tools that are directly relevant and applicable to your research, all in one place. We hope you’ll send us your work, and we hope you enjoy the special issue! Thanks so much to all of the authors and reviewers who have put their time and energy into making this issue possible. As always, it could not have been done without you. On behalf of the Molecular Cell editorial team,
John W. Pham
Editor, Molecular Cell
Molecular Cell 58, May 21, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Inc. 559