© 2014, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1111/echo.12602


The Additional Value of Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography in Complex Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis Wilco Tanis, M.D.,*,† Arco J. Teske, M.D., Ph.D.,* Lex A. van Herwerden, M.D., Ph.D.,‡ Steven Chamuleau, M.D., Ph.D.,* Folkert Meijboom, M.D., Ph.D.,* Ricardo P.J. Budde, M.D., Ph.D.,§ and Maarten-Jan Cramer, M.D., Ph.D.* *Department of Cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; †Department of Cardiology, Haga Teaching Hospital, The Hague, The Netherlands; ‡Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; and §Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Background: Two-dimensional transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography (2DTTE and 2DTEE) may fail to detect signs of prosthetic heart valve (PHV) endocarditis due to acoustic shadowing. Three-dimensional (3D) TEE may have additional value; however, data are scarce. This study was performed to investigate the additional value of 3DTEE for the detection of aortic PHV endocarditis and the extent of the disease process. Methods: Retrospective analysis of complex aortic PHV endocarditis cases that underwent 2DTTE, 2DTEE, and 3DTEE before surgery. Echocardiograms were individually assessed by 2 cardiologists blinded for the outcome. Surgical and pathological inspection served as the reference standard for vegetations and peri-annular extensions (abscesses/mycotic aneurysms). To determine if the proximal coronary arteries were involved in the inflammatory process as well, computed tomography angiography findings were added to reference standard. Results: Fifteen aortic PHV endocarditis cases were identified. According to the reference standard, all 15 cases had peri-annular extensions, 13 of which had a close relationship with the proximal right and/or left coronary artery. In 6 of 15 patients, a vegetation was present. Combined 2DTTE/TEE missed 1/6 vegetations and 1/15 peri-annular extensions. After addition of 3DTEE, all vegetations (6/6) and peri-annular extensions (15/ 15) were detected, without adding false positives. Compared to 2DTEE, in 3/15 cases, 3DTEE resulted in better delineation of the anatomical relationship of the proximal coronary arteries to the peri-annular extensions. As a result, 3DTEE had an additional value in 5/15 cases. Conclusion: In complex aortic, PHV endocarditis 3DTEE may have additional value compared to 2D echocardiography. (Echocardiography 2015;32:114–125) Key words: aortic prosthetic heart valve, endocarditis, two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography, three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography Prosthetic heart valve (PHV) endocarditis is a feared and potentially life-threatening complication that occurs with an incidence of 0.3–1.2% per patient year.1 The diagnosis is sometimes difficult to establish as two-dimensional (2D) transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography (TTE/TEE) are hampered by acoustic shadowing. Moreover, the blood Dr. Budde and Dr. Cramer contributed equally to this paper. Sources of Funding: Supported by a grant from the Dutch Heart Foundation (NHS- 2009B014). Address for correspondence and reprint requests: W. Tanis, M.D., University Medical Center Utrecht, Po Box 85500 Mail UMCU: E03.511, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31302581098; E-mail: [email protected]


cultures may remain negative in cases of PHV endocarditis with peri-annular extension (abscess/mycotic aneurysm).2–8 As a consequence, the modified Duke criteria are less reliable in PHV endocarditis. However, early and correct detection of PHV endocarditis is crucial as it has major therapeutic consequences. Uncomplicated PHV endocarditis may be treated with antibiotics alone, whereas the development of an abscess or mycotic aneurysm is an indication for urgent surgery.7 Development of such peri-annular extensions is not rare and occurs in approximately 50% of PHV endocarditis cases.2–6 Although TEE is superior to TTE, it may still fail to detect signs of endocarditis in up to 30% of cases.2–8 Cardiac computed tomography

3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

angiography (CTA) and (18)F-fluorodesoxyglucose/positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) have recently been introduced for PHV assessment. Diagnostic accuracy for PHV endocarditis improves when these diagnostic tools are combined with 2DTEE.9–13 However, CTA and PET are more expensive than echocardiography and expose patients to radiation as well as iodinated contrast in case of CTA. Data about the additional value of 3DTEE for the correct detection of vegetations and/or peri-annular extensions in aortic PHVs are scarce. This study aims to investigate whether 3DTEE accurately detects signs of aortic PHV endocarditis and whether it results in better delineation of peri-annular extensions with regard to important adjacent structures such as coronary arteries. The additional value of 3DTEE will be compared to conventional 2DTTE and 2DTEE using surgical and/or pathological inspection as well as CTA as the reference standard. Methods: Patient Selection: We searched the database of the cardiothoracic surgery department of the university medical center Utrecht for PHV endocarditis patients that were surgically explored from January 2010 until June 2013 and underwent 2DTTE, 2DTEE, and 3DTEE on the same day. Imaging studies were performed on clinical indication and therefore informed consent was not required according to our internal medical ethical board for this retrospective study. Echocardiography: All patients underwent both 2DTTE and 2DTEE with a commercially available ultrasound system (iE33, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands). TTE and TEE evaluations were focused on the detection of signs of PHV endocarditis: (1) vegetations and (2) peri-annular extensions (such as mycotic aneurysms, fistulae, abscesses) defined according to the ESC guidelines.1 In case of peri-annular extension, its anatomical relationship with the proximal right coronary artery (RCA) and/or LCA was also investigated. 2DTTE’s routinely consisted of two and four-chamber apical views, subcostal views, left parasternal long and short-axis views all with and without color Doppler. 2D and 3DTEEs were performed with a multiplane probe that included a 3D matrix-array (X7-2T, Philips Medical Systems). 2DTEE of the aortic PHV was performed following routine protocols including imaging of the PHV from 0 to 140° with and without color Doppler. The standard short-axis view was obtained at 3 levels (subvalvular, valvular and supravalvular). 2DTEE was followed by 3DTEE according to acquisition recommendations defined by Lang et al.14 For

this study, 3D full-volume (4–7 beat stitch) data were acquired from the 2DTEE short-axis (around 30°) and long-axis 2DTEE view (around 120°) during breath hold. In case of suspicion of (para) valvular leakage, full-volume color Doppler datasets were acquired in most instances. Gain settings were optimized to minimize dropout of visible prosthetic leaflets and annular surfaces. Images were reviewed offline (QLAB version 8.0, Philips Medical Systems) after optimal gain and color coding. Using the multiplane reconstruction (MPR) and freehand cropping mode the 3D image data were subsequently analyzed by 2 independent experienced reviewers blinded for the surgical outcome. CTA Acquisition: Cardiac CTA data were often available as these scans were performed on clinical grounds in most patients and because some patients were also participating in a prospective trial investigating the additional value of CTA in PHV endocarditis. CTA evaluation was performed by an experienced reader and focused on the detection of signs of PHV endocarditis defined according to the ESC guidelines (see echocardiography section). In case of peri-annular extension, the anatomical relationship with the proximal RCA and/or LCA was assessed and described. Contrast-enhanced retrospectively ECG-gated acquisition was performed on a 256-slice or dual-source CT system (iCT; Philips Medical Systems or Somatom Flash, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The following acquisition parameters were used:120 kV, 600–700 m As, collimation 128 9 0.625 mm or 2 9 64 9 0.6 mm and heart rate-dependent gantry rotation time (270– 420 msec) and pitch. A dual (400 mg iopromide/mL) or triphasic (300 mL iopromide/mL) contrast administration protocol was used with a flow rate of 5.0–6.7 cc/sec. Data Assessment: Two independent experienced reviewers blinded for the surgical and CTA outcome analyzed all echo data. Each case was presented in the following sequence with assessment moments 1 and 2: (1) clinical routine workup (clinical history, physical examination, laboratory testing, 2DTTE ,and 2DTEE) and followed by (2) 3DTEE using the MPR and freehand cropping modes. 3DTEE assessment was not blinded for 2DTTE/TEE findings, reflecting clinical practice. After each of the 2 assessment moments, the following items were scored: (1) vegetations as present or absent; (2) peri-annular extensions as present or absent; (3) if present the location of the peri-annular extensions was scored as near the former right, left or noncoronary cusp (RCC/LCC/NCC, 115

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respectively). In cases of disagreement, a consensus was reached via a third physician. The reference standard for vegetations and periannular extensions was visual inspection during surgery and/or pathological examination. Furthermore, an anatomical relationship of the proximal coronary arteries to peri-annnular extensions was scored as present when the coronary artery was in direct contact with, or close to, the inflammatory tissue and was absent when the distance between the coronary artery and the inflammatory tissue was more than approximately 7 mm. CTA served as the primary reference standard for assessment of the relationship between the peri-annular extensions and proximal coronary arteries. If CTA was not performed, surgical inspection/pathological examination was used as reference standard. Finally reviewers also scored the additional value of 3DTEE on soft endpoints: (1) confirmation of 2D echocardiographic findings; (2) better depiction of the extensiveness of the peri-annular extension than on 2D echocardiography, and 3. better depiction of the relationship between peri-annular extension and other cardiac structures such as right ventricle, mitral valve, left atrium compared to 2D echocardiography. As this is a descriptive study, no statistics were performed on these data. Results: Population: In total, we identified 24 PHV endocarditis cases that were operated on. For 15 of 24 cases 2D TTE/TEE and 3DTEE were available. Six of the 15

patients presented with early PHV endocarditis (60 >60 >60 35 34 >60 46 >60 60 >60 40 50 29

Type of Surgery Performed Homograft Homograft Homograft Homograft Homograft AVR-Bio Homograft Homograft Re-AVR Re-AVR Homograft AVR-M with Bentall Homograft Homograft Homograft

Age in years, AVR = aortic valve replacement; AVR-bio = biological aortic valve replacement; AVR-M = mechanical aortic valve replacement; F = female; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; mL/min = milliliters/minute; M = male; PHV = prosthetic heart valve.


3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

TABLE II Echocardiography Results Patient 1

















Correct Missed/correct Missed

Correct Missed/correct Correct

Mycotic aneurysm (NCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: / Vegetation Mycotic aneurysm (RCC/NCC/LCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: +/+ Vegetation Mycotic aneurysm (LCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: /+

Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct Correct Correct/missed

Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct

Vegetation Mycotic aneurysm (LCC/RCC)

Correct Missed

Correct Correct

Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: /+ Vegetation + Abscess (LCC) Close relation abscess with RCA/LCA: /+ Vegetation + Mycotic aneurysm (NCC/RCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: +/

Missed/missed Correct Correct Missed/missed Correct Correct Missed/correct

Missed/correct Correct Correct Missed/missed Correct Correct Correct/correct

Vegetation Mycotisch aneurysm (NCC/LCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA:


Correct Correct Correct/missed

Correct Correct Correct/correct

Vegetation + Mycotic aneurysm (LCC/NCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: /+ Vegetations Abscess (NCC) Close relation abscess with RCA/LCA: / Vegetation Abscess (LCC), Mycotic Aneurysm (RCC) Close relation peri annular ext. RCA/LCA: +/+ Vegetation Mycotic aneurysm (LCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA: +/ Vegetation Mycotic Aneurysm + fistula (LCC/RCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA +/+ Vegetations Mycotic aneurysm (LCC/RCC) Close relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA/LCA +/+ Vegetation + Abscess (RCC/NCC) Close relation abscess with RCA/LCA: +/ Vegetation +

Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/missed Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct

Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Correct/correct Correct Correct Missed/missed Correct Correct Missed/correct Correct

Diagnosis According to the Reference Standard Abscess (NCC/LCC) Close relation abscess with RCA/LCA: Vegetation +


Additional Value of 3DTEE

New vegetation detected None


Relation abscess with LCA detected New mycotic aneurysm detected


Relation mycotic aneurysm with RCA

Relation abscess with LCA detected








Correct = correctly diagnosed compared to the reference standard; LCA = left coronary artery; LCC = former left coronary cusp; Missed = not correctly diagnosed compared to the reference standard; N/A = not applicable; NCC = former noncoronary cusp; RCA = right coronary artery; RCC = former right coronary cusp; TTE = transesophageal echocardiography; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; + = present; = absent.


Tanis, et al.

Figure 1. Large mycotic aneurysm missed by two-dimensional (2D) TEE, but correctly detected by 3DTEE. Patient 5 with a A. long-axis and B. short-axis 2DTEE view detecting a paravalvular leakage with color doppler flow (*) and a vegetation. The large mycotic aneurysm (arrow) was missed by 2DTEE due to acoustic shadowing of the PHV. 3DTEE, however, (C, D. MPR mode) detected the mycotic anaeurysm as well as the vegetation correctly. E. The perioperative view with thickened leaflets and multiple small vegetations. F. The CTA reconstructed in the same imaging plane as the 3DTEE, confirming the vegetation and the large mycotic aneurysm. (*) =paravalvular leakage; arrow (?) =large mycotic aneurysm; arrowhead (►) = vegetation; LA = left atrium; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; CTA = computed tomography angiography; PHV = prosthetic heart valve; MPR = multiplane reconstruction.

of 3DTEE resulted in correctly diagnosing one additional case of inflammatory involvement of the proximal RCA (Fig. 2, patient 7). 2D echocar118

diography excluded or detected inflammatory involvement of the proximal LCA in 10/14 cases. Addition of 3DTEE resulted in 2 extra (correctly)

3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

Figure 2. Correct detection of inflammatory involvement of the proximal RCA by three-dimensional (3D) TEE. Patient 7 with a A. long-axis and B. short-axis 2DTEE view detecting a cavity with color Doppler flow near the former right coronary cusp of the AVR-M, suggestive of a mycotic aneurysm. C, D. 3DTEE detected not only the peri-annular extension, but also the right coronary artery and its close relation to the mycotic aneurysm. The crosshairs of the MPR mode in C resemble the same location of the crosshairs in D. These observations were confirmed by surgical inspection and CTA reconstructed in E, F. the same imaging plane as the 3DTEE. (*) = mycotic aneurysm; arrow (?) = RCA; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; RCA = right coronary artery; AVR = aortic valve replacement; CTA = computed tomography angiography; MPR = multiplane reconstruction.

detected cases of inflammatory involvement of the proximal LCA (12/14). In patient 5 in whom 2D echocardiography missed the peri-annular

extension, 3DTEE could not visualize the RCA, but detected LCA involvement correctly. As a consequence in 3/14 cases, 3DTEE resulted in 119

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Figure 3. Confirmation of two-dimensional (2D) TEE findings by 3DTEE. Patient 2 with a A. long-axis and B. short-axis 2DTEE view detecting a cavity with a new color Doppler flow near the former noncoronary cusp of the AVR, suggestive of a mycotic aneurysm (*placed next to the mycotic aneurysm). 3DTEE (C, D. MPR mode) confirmed this observation. The crosshairs of the MPR mode in C resemble the same location of the crosshairs in D, E. The 3D-cropping mode with the mycotic aneurysm and all the important surrounding structures. (Movie clip 1 is the video clip of E, F). The 3D color cropping mode of the AVR with the mycotic aneurysm and paravalvular leakage. (*) = next to mycotic aneurysm; arrow (?) = paravalvular leakage; LAA = left atrial appendage; MV = mitral valve; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; AVR = aortic valve replacement.

better delineation of the coronary arteries in relation to the peri-annular extension compared to 2D echocardiography. 120

Additional Value on Soft Endpoints: In 10/15 patients, 3DTEE did not have an additional value in terms of detection of additional

3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

Figure 4. Acoustic shadowing in two-dimensional (2D) TTE/TEE and 3DTEE. Patient 15 with a A. short-axis and B. long-axis parasternal TTE view. 2DTTE correctly detected the abscess near the anterior side of the AVR (arrows). Images of the posterior side of the AVR are hampered by acoustic shadowing. C. Short-axis 2DTEE and D. long-axis 2DTEE show not only an abscess near the former non/left coronary cusp (*), but also a vegetation (arrow). Optimal delineation of structures on the anterior side of the AVR is hampered by acoustic shadowing. E, F. Although 3DTEE is also hampered by acoustic shadowing, it also detects the vegetation (arrow). The crosshairs of the MPR mode resemble the same location in E and F, detecting the mycotic aneurysm to be near the former non (and not the left) coronary cusp (*), excluding a close relation with the LCA. Arrowheads (►) = acoustic shadowing; arrow (?) = vegetation; (*) = mycotic aneurysm; TTE = transesophageal echocardiography; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; AVR = aortic valve replacement; LCA = left coronary artery.


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Figure 5. Exclusion of inflammatory involvement of the LCA by 3DTEE. Patient 15: 3DTEE MPR mode showing the abscess near the former noncoronary cusp and A. visualization of the proximal RCA and LCA. B. Relation with the abscess and LCA could be excluded in D. by moving the crosshairs to the LCA. As the crosshair in C. resembles the same area, an abscess around the LCA could be excluded. E, F. This was confirmed by CTA showing the same crosshairs. Asterix (*) = abscess; LCA = left coronary artery; RCA = right coronary artery; TEE = transesophageal echocardiography; CTA = computed tomography angiography; MPR = multiplane reconstruction; LCA = left coronary artery.

vegetations, peri-annular extensions or better depiction of coronary arteries. However, in 8/10 of these cases, reviewers stated that 3DTEE was of complementary value as it confirmed the 2D diagnosis or gave a better delineation and/or 122

extension of the peri-annular inflammation (Fig. 3, patient 2). Furthermore, in some cases, involvement of the coronary arteries in the inflammatory process was more reliably excluded (Fig. 5).

3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

Discussion: This study was performed to investigate the additional value of 3DTEE in complex PHV endocarditis. In this, surgically confirmed population 2D echocardiography performed well, however, 1 vegetation and 1 abscess were missed in 2 different patients. Addition of 3DTEE on top of 2DTTE/ TEE resulted in the correct detection of all periannular extensions and vegetations without any false-positive findings. Furthermore, 3DTEE was of additional help in the detection of proximal coronary arteries and their relation to the infected peri-annular area. In almost all cases, the reviewers stated that the offline cropping of the 3D datasets was of additional value in terms of better depiction of the amount of inflammation and/or confirmation of the 2D findings. This is also very important as therapeutic consequences are major. Although 3DTEE is also hampered by acoustic shadowing (Fig. 4) wide-angled, full-volume datasets 3D echo incorporates the ability to manipulate and crop images not limited to conventional 2D planar views. This enables valvular visualization at angles not previously possible and to scroll through the 3D dataset to search for subtle abnormalities and relationships between different structures. It allows identification not only of vegetations, but also of discrete valvular dehiscence and their associated regurgitation jets if 3D color images are rendered. Furthermore, in our experience data acquisition and the offline reviewing of the 3D data is easy and in experienced hands it takes usually between 5 and 10 minutes. However, in more complex cases it may require more time. Especially, the detection of peri-annular complications in PHV endocarditis is of paramount importance as it is accompanied by a high mortality and requires urgent surgical treatment.2–6 It has been shown that 2D echocardiography may miss PHV endocarditis signs. A few studies have recently been published investigating additional imaging techniques in PHV endocarditis patients.10–12,13 Three small studies investigated the potential role of CTA.10,12,13 Fagman et al.10 showed in a surgically confirmed subpopulation (n = 16) that CTA combined with TEE improved the diagnostic accurracy for both vegetations and abscesses in patients with PHV endocarditis. Habets et al.12 confirmed these results and also showed that the addition of CTA to 2DTTE/TEE resulted in a change in the therapeutic regimen in PHV patients. Saby et al.11 prospectively studied 72 patients (29 surgically confirmed) with suspected PHV endocarditis to determine the accuracy of PET/CT (noncontrast-enhanced) to diagnose PHV endocarditis and the complementary value of PET/CT

as a major criterion in the modified Duke criteria. The sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET for PHV endocarditis was 73% and 80%, respectively. When PET/CT was added as a new major criterion to the modified Duke criteria, the sensitivity rose from 70 to 97%. Both CTA and PET/CT studies showed that the diagnostic accuracy improved when it was combined with (2D) echocardiography. As a consequence, echocardiography will maintain its pivotal diagnostic role in PHV endocarditis. Moreover, CTA and FDG/PET have drawbacks such as extra costs, exposure to radiation, and exposure to iodine contrast in case of CTA. The addition of 3DTEE does not have these drawbacks and therefore may be even more beneficial. Sugeng et al.15 investigated the visibility of PHV ring and leaflets by 3DTEE in 40 patients, which were less visible in aortic PHVs compared to mitral PHVs. The ability to detect vegetations and/or peri-annular extensions, however, was not investigated. Only a few case reports and small case series concerning signs of complex aortic PHV endocarditis detected by 3D echocardiography are reported in the literature.16–18 Singh et al.16 reported on the additional value in detection of vegetations and peri-annular extensions by 3DTTE in three complex aortic valve replacement (AVR) endocarditis cases with surgical confirmation. Furthermore, Anwar et al.18 recently reported on the additional value of 3DTEE in the detection of not only vegetations but also paraaortic abscesses in seven complex aortic PHV (bio- and mechanical prosthesis) endocarditis cases. Our study confirmed these preliminary findings and additionally showed that 3DTEE is able to detect the relationship between peri-annular extensions in complex aortic PHV endocarditis and surrounding anatomical structures. From the surgical perspective, detailed preoperative knowledge of the extent of pathology such as the detection of inflammatory involvement of the proximal coronary arteries is relevant for the decision to use an allograft root replacement or not since these allografts need to be ordered timely. In this respect, Sasaki et al. recently showed the additional value of 3DTEE in the evaluation of proximal coronary involvement in Type A aortic dissections.19 Data in the present study also show additional value of 3DTEE compared to 2D echocardiography in the detection of involvement of the coronary arteries in the inflammation process of PHV endocarditis. However, the coronary arteries and their relationship with the peri-annular extension could not be identified in all subjects by 3DTEE in our study (Table II). For this indication, CTA seems to


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remain the imaging modality of choice. However, if coronary artery involvement is diagnosed this is of incremental value for the preoperative strategy and may omit an additional CT angiography. Limitations: (1) This study is limited to the infectious complications of aortic PHVs. However, in our practice, infectious complications of inflow PHVs are less common. Moreover, diagnostic problems are most often encountered in aortic PHVs, in which echocardiographic imaging is more frequently hampered by acoustic shadowing compared to mitral PHVs. Nevertheless, the additional value of 3DTEE in PHV endocarditis other than the aortic valve remains to be investigated. (2) The number of patients included in this study is relatively low and all included individuals are from one tertiary referral centre. However, surgically confirmed PHV endocarditis cases are relatively rare. As a result other high impact studies on surgically confirmed PHV endocarditis with low numbers of included patients as well related to this topic reported also on limited amount of surgically confirmed PHV endocarditis cases.3,5,20 (3) As only surgical inspected cases are included in our study, no individuals with a suspected PHV endocarditis or “normal” PHV patients were included. Our reviewers were therefore aware of the presence of endocarditis and more focused on detecting peri-annular extensions. This inclusion criterion was chosen to compare our 3DTEE findings with a reference standard (surgical inspection). This may partially explain the relatively good diagnostic performance of 2D echocardiography in this study, as positive (2D) echocardiographic findings consequently had resulted in an indication for reoperation. Despite this, 3DTEE further improved the sensitivity in this study population. The specificity, however, remains to be investigated. Conclusion: Three-dimensional TEE is able to detect periannular extensions and vegetations in patients with confirmed complex aortic PHV endocarditis that can be missed by 2D echocardiography. 3DTEE also allows better delineation of the relation between the coronary arteries and the infected tissue. These promising results should be confirmed in larger studies that also include patients with a suspicion of PHV endocarditis to establish the specific role of 3DTEE in PHV endocarditis.



4. 5.


7. 8.









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3DTEE in Aortic Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis

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Supporting Information Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article: Movie clip S1. for Figure 3E.


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The additional value of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in complex aortic prosthetic heart valve endocarditis.

Two-dimensional transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography (2DTTE and 2DTEE) may fail to detect signs of prosthetic heart valve (PHV) endocard...
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