Bmch~muca et Bwplg. uca Attn, 1037(1990) 221-226 El.~vie~ BBAPgO 33564

The ot and isoenzymes of glutathione S-transferase in human fetal lung: in utero ontogeny compared with differentiation in hmg organ culture D a v i d C o s s a r n, J e a n n e Bell n R i c h a r d S t r a n g e ~, M a r y J o n e s t, A n n S a n d i s o n and Robert Hume 2 Departments of ~ Pathology" and : Chdd L~fe and Health. Unu'er.u(y oJ E,6nburgh. Ed,nburgh and ~ Clinical BLot'hovllMl).and Res¢',~'~'k Laboratory. Detriment o/Postgraduate Medtcine. Umrer~ty of K,~ele. Central Patholo~ Lat~atc~,): North Staffiwdsh~re Hospital Centre. Stoke-on- Trent ¢U.K.) ~i~ocglveO "3 UCt,H'~'i 1'~'¢!

K ~ v,ord.~: Glutath~one S-transferase: t~x',~.'nz,,n~:Orgar~ culture; (Human): (Lue~p

Pedbdmud anlisera to the a and 5r isoen~'rnes of glutathione S-W.msferase have been used in inummohistocbemical of dkmdopin~g Imemm lung. In utet, o e x p c e s s i o n o f the ~ set w a s down-regulated in distal xinvay cells xml the first alzl~ma'zlm~ ol tr-aega~.e cells coim~k~ with phenolpie differentiation. !,, contrast, in the early. ~ o( felxi lung o r p n ¢~dmre ~r ~ w . , ; ~ --~.--:,A,,; ~ ~tl ~fferemiated epithelial ceils and only ~ culM'e progre~,d dkl focal nepUvi~' develop. T I ~ e set sho~ed no de~elopm~utal changes in utero or in organ culture.




The glutathione S-transferases arc dimeric enzymes that catalyse the conjugation of glutathionc (GSH) with various electrophiles. The human isoenz)mes are classified into a. p or ¢ sets [1]. The isoforms that comprise the ,, set were originally thought to be products of a single locus, GST2, "although subsequent investigations revealed separate monomers B I and B:. that are encoded by different genes [2] and are located on chromosome band 6p12 [3] These monomers combine to give homodirects BIB~. ~ and a he',erodimer BnB:. Ti,¢ p-class i,u x ' ~ r r w s are the products of a polymorphic locus GST1 [4]. Immunological studies of ~--class isoenzymes, which are expresso0 in a wide variety o[ human tissues. indicate that they are products of a single locus. GST3, [ 5 - 7 ] , t h a t is l o c a t e d o n churomo6ome 11 [8]. The developmental expre~ion of these isoenzymes is of interest because the different gene

The alpha and pi isoenzymes of glutathione S-transferase in human fetal lung: in utero ontogeny compared with differentiation in lung organ culture.

Polyclonal antisera to the alpha and pi isoenzymes of glutathione S-transferase have been used in immunohistochemical studies of developing human lung...
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