Brain (1979), 102, 619-635

THE CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME LOCALIZATION OF CONDUCTION ABNORMALITIES WITHIN THE DISTAL SEGMENT OF THE MEDIAN NERVE 1 by JUN KIMURA (From the Division of Clinical Electrophysiology, Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242)

THE carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has been extensively studied electrophysiologically (Simpson, 1956; Gilliatt and Sears, 1958; Lambert, 1962; Kaeser, 1963; Phalen, 1966; Thomas, Lambert and Cseuz, 1967; Melvin, Schuchmann and Lanese, 1973; Duensing, Lowitzsch, Thorwirth and Vogel, 1974). When testing a patient for this syndrome it is customary to measure the motor latency of the median nerve from the wrist to the muscle and the sensory latency from the digit to the wrist. More recently, however, methods have been described to determine the conduction time in the segment across the carpal tunnel. For this purpose, the motor axons may be stimulated not only at the wrist but also at the palm to activate the median innervated thenar muscles (Roth, 1970). For the sensory axons the digital nerve may be stimulated to record the orthodromic sensory potential at the palm and wrist (Wiederholt, 1970a; Buchthal and Rosenfalck, 1971), or alternatively, the nerve may be stimulated at the wrist and palm and the digital potential recorded antidromically (Kimura, 1978). Buchthal, Rosenfalck and Trojaborg (1974), and Daube (1977), studying orthodromic sensory conduction, clearly demonstrated that electrophysiological abnormalities in the CTS were often limited to the wrist-to-palm segment of the median nerve. A subsequent study using palmar stimulation also showed focal slowing under the transverse carpal ligament for both sensory and motor axons in 13 patients with the CTS (Kimura, 1978). To further localize the point of maximal conduction delay in the CTS, 105 additional patients have now been studied with stimulation of the median nerve not only at midpalm but also at multiple sites 1 This work was presented in part at the Sixth International Congress of Electromyography, Stockholm, Sweden, June 17, 1979.

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across the carpal tunnel. The results will be compared to a similar study on surgically exposed median nerves (Brown, Ferguson, Jones and Yates, 1976) and to experimental work on entrapment neuropathy with sharply localized demyelination at the edges of compression (Ochoa, Fowler and Gilliatt, 1972; Ochoa and Marotte, 1973). The present series also confirms the clinical value of palmar stimulation as a diagnostic test of the CTS (Roth, 1970; Daube, 1977; Kimura, 1978). METHODS

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All studies were done with the subject supine in a warm room with the temperature maintained at 26 to 28° C. Skin temperatures were checked over the forearm and, if necessary, the limbs were wanned with an infra-red heat lamp to maintain the temperature at 34° C or greater. Based on the previously described anatomical course (Robbins, 1963; Johnson and Shrewsbury, 1970) the median nerve was stimulated percutaneously at 12 points between midpalm and the distal forearm in 1 cm increments. As shown in fig. 1, the zero level represented the proximal edge of the transverse carpal ligament and was at the distal crease of the wrist (Robbins, 1963). Each stimulus point was indicated by the distance in centimetres from the zero level assigning a ' —' sign distally. The distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament then lay at or close to the ' — 3' level (Johnson and Shrewsbury, 1970). An additional stimulus was given at the elbow on the anterior surface of the upper arm over the brachial pulse. At each stimulus site the anode was 2 cm proximal to the cathode and the ground electrode was placed around the forearm. In determining the origin of the thenar nerve at the palm, however, the anode was placed distally rather than proximally to the cathode. This reversal of electrode position was necessary since otherwise (Kimura, 1978) the thenar nerve was sometimes activated near the anode due to spread of stimulating current even if the cathode was clearly distal to the origin of the nerve. A surface distance measured to the cathodal point would then overestimate the nerve length, thereby resulting in an erroneously fast motor nerve conduction velocity. The stimulating electrodes were moved in small increments from the distal palm towards the wrist until an appropriate thumb twitch appeared, indicating that the cathode was just over the origin of the thenar nerve. In most subjects, the median innervated thenar muscles were first activated at ' — 3' or ' — 4' level, that is near the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament (Johnson and Shrewsbury, 1970). Stimulation further distally either failed to produce a twitch or caused adduction of the thumb with activation of a deep branch of the ulnar nerve. The compound muscle action potential was recorded with electrodes placed over the belly of the abductor pollicis brevis (Gl) and its tendon (G2) just distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint. The sensory nerve action potential was recorded antidromically with ring electrodes placed around the proximal (Gl) and distal (G2) interphalangeal joints of the second digit. At least two trials were given at each stimulus site to confirm the consistency of the response. Shock intensity was gradually advanced until a further increase no longer altered the size of sensory nerve or muscle potential. A specially designed amplifier with short blocking time (1.0 ms) and low noise (0.5 ^V RMS at bandwidth of 2000 Hz) was developed to overcome the problems of stimulus artefact (Walker and Kimura, 1978). Frequency response used was 20 to 2000 Hz for sensory nerve and 20 to 32000 Hz for muscle action potentials. For both sensory nerve and muscle action potentials, latencies were measured in steps of 0.1 ms from the stimulus artefact to the onset of the initial negative response (upward deflection). The amplitude was determined from the baseline to the negative peak. In studying the mixed nerve, the antidromically recorded sensory potential may be obscured by superposition of action potentials from distal muscles since some motor axons have a threshold similar to that of the large myelinated sensory



axons. In the present study, therefore, sensory fibres were selectively activated with palmar stimulation distal to the origin of the recurrent motor fibres. Moving more proximally, possible superposition of muscle action potential was easily recognized by a change in wave-form of the elicited response. Meaningful assessments of focal conduction abnormalities depended upon the accuracy in determining latency of serially elicited sensory nerve potentials. Certain precautions taken to achieve this goal will be briefly described below. In symptomatic hands, serial stimulation was conducted only in those selected primarily for the ease in eliciting sensory potential with stimulation at the wrist. Some of these hands were further excluded when calculating latency changes in 1 cm increments because responses were either absent or equivocal at one or more stimulus sites along the palmar branch. Even with the selected group, the localized increase in sensory conduction time was often associated with some reduction in amplitude.

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FIG. 1. Twelve sites of stimulation in 1 cm increments along the length of the median nerve. The '0' level was at the distal crease of the wrist, corresponding to the origin of the transverse carpal ligament. Sensory nerve and muscle action potentials were recorded from the second digit and abductor pollicis brevis, respectively.



None the less, onset latency measured to a corresponding point of each sensory potential could be determined with considerable accuracy if a series of eight responses were displayed simultaneously rather than individually with step-wise vertical shift of the baseline as shown in fig. 2. When a marker was positioned to the desired spot of the wave-form the latency was automatically displayed digitally, further reducing possible error in measurement.

Site of stimulation

i if o x 78 " 9"8'78


If the onset latency was not sufficiently clear, the peak latency was used as a point of reference. In normal hands, latency increase of sensory potential from one stimulus to the next was nearly the same whether it was measured to the onset or to the peak. This was also the case in most symptomatic hands, the exception being a double humped potential seen in a few subjects at the point of localized slowing. With simultaneous display of serial responses, an imaginary line connecting successive peaks was nearly linear in normals. A disproportionate latency increase exceeding 0.5 ms/cm was readily detectable by discontinuation of this line at the point of localized conduction delay (figs. 3-8). Hence, a focal slowing of the nerve was arbitrarily defined as conduction time exceeding 0.5 ms/cm and more than twice that of the other 1 cm segments. Focal abnormalities fulfilling the criteria were such that minor errors in latency determination would have altered the outcome of the study very little. In fact, the number of patients with localized slowing was the same whether the data were analysed using 0.1 ms or 0.2 ms steps. Sensory and motor nerve conduction time across the carpal tunnel were determined as the latency difference between the two evoked potentials elicited with stimulation at the wrist and palm. For this purpose the stimulus site at the wrist was 3 cm proximal to the distal crease of the forearm ('3')Palmar stimulation was applied 5 cm distally (' — 5') for sensory axons and at the most distal point eliciting contraction of the median nerve innervated thenar muscles for motor axons (' — 3' or ' — 4'). Sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities (SNCV and MNCV) in the wrist-to-palm segment were determined according to the conventional formula by dividing the distance by the latency difference. For the motor axons, however, this segment was short (5 to 7 cm) and the exact site of

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1 ms FIG. 2. Sensory nerve potentials in a normal subject recorded after stimulation of the median nerve at multiple points across the wrist. The site of each stimulus is indicated on the left (see fig. I). The latency increased linearly as the stimulus site was moved proximally in 1 cm increments.



nerve activation by palmar stimulation was uncertain. In assessing motor conduction abnormalities across the carpal tunnel, therefore, the latency difference rather than MNCV was primarily used to avoid possible errors in estimating the short nerve length by surface measurement. The SNCV for the palm-to-digit segment was determined by dividing the surface distance from midpalm to the proximal interphalangeal joint (Gl) by the latency of the nerve potential recorded with palmar stimulation.

MATERIALS AND RESULTS 1. Normal Values Normal values were established in 122 hands from 61 patients with complaints unrelated to the carpal tunnel syndrome. All subjects were examined to exclude polyneuropathies and other disorders of the median nerve. There were 26 men and 35 women ranging in age from 15 to 50 years (average age 43 years). Serial stimulation in 1 cm increments increased the sensory latency almost linearly as the stimulus site was moved proximally (figs. 2 and 3). However, the latency increase was slightly but significantly (P < 0.01) greater f r o m ' - 4 ' t o ' - 3 ' ( 0 . 2 2 +0.10 ms), ' - 3 ' t o ' - 2 ' ( 0 . 2 0 ± 0 . 0 9 ms) and ' - 2 ' t o ' - l ' (0.19 + 0.08 ms) compared to the adjacent distal segment from ' — 5' to ' — 4' (0.17 + 0.08 ms) or proximal segment from '— 1' to '0' (0.16 + 0.08 ms). There was no statistically significant difference


Mean ± SD •CTS (137 nerves) ° Control (122 nerves) i

3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0

-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

I! 0>



-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5

FIG. 3. Sensory latency after stimulation of the median nerve in I cm increments across the wrist (lop) and conduction times over successive I cm segments (bottom) in the carpal tunnel syndrome and control group. The sites of stimulation are shown on the abscissa (seefig.I) and time in ms, on the ordinate. The 1 cm segments with maximal conduction delay were located 2 to 4 cm distally to the origin of the transverse carpal ligament ('0') in the carpal tunnel syndrome, and to a much lesser extent, in the control group.

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between successive 1 cm segments in the remaining more distal or proximal segments. Unlike the sensory axons the motor axons did not always show consistent latency changes per cm distal to the ' — I ' level. Indeed, the motor latency not uncommonly decreased as the stimulus site was moved proximally in the palm, presumably because stimulation intended for the median nerve proper near the wrist activated the recurrent thenar branch near the motor point, resulting in an erroneously short latency. In these cases, carefully placing the stimulation electrode away from the thenar eminence was helpful but not always successful in eliminating the problem. Serial stimulation proximal to the ' — 1 ' level, however, showed a linear latency increase, ranging from 0.19 to 0.25 ms/cm.


1. C O N T R O L S U B J E C T S


Conduction velocity {mis)

2.11 ±0.31 3.60 ±0.36 7.46 ±0,67

1.50 + 0.21 3.86 + 0.48

49.0 ±5.7 59.0 ±5.0

1.41 ±0.22 2.82±0.28 6.41+0.66

1.41 ±0.18 3.58 + 0.50

58.1 ±7.7 57.3 ±6.9 63.2 ±6.3

Amplitude {mV for motor, for sensory)

Latency {ms)

Motor fibres: 122 hands from 61 control subjects

Palm Wrist Elbow

7.6±3.2 6.6±2.6 6.5±2.5

Sensory fibres: 122 hands from 61 control subjects

Digit Palm Wrist Elbow

44.8 + 22.0 41.3±19.3 30.9+14.8

The wrist-to-digit segment was bisected into two approximately equal portions by midpalmar stimulation. Thus, there was no significant difference in sensory latency between the wrist-to-palm and remaining more distal segments (Table 1). The motor latency, however, was considerably greater {P < 0.001) in the palm-to-muscle segment than in the wrist-to-palm segment, presumably because of a delay at the neuromuscular junction. Hence, the latency ratio of the wrist-to-palm segment to the remaining distal portion was significantly smaller for motor (mean ± SD: 0.73 ±0.15) than sensory axons (1.02 ± 0.02). The SNCV was the same in the wrist-to-palm and palm-to-digit segments but was significantly faster between the elbow and wrist {P < 0.001). The MNCV was also significantly faster for the proximal segment above the wrist than for the wrist-to-palm segment (P < 0.001). The antidromically activated sensory nerve potential was largest when the nerve was stimulated at midpalm and smallest when stimulated at the elbow with a statistical difference only between wrist and elbow {P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in amplitude of the muscle action potential regardless of the site of stimulation. The limits of normal were defined as the mean plus or minus two standard deviations in the control group. Thus, the sensory latency was considered abnormal if it exceeded 3.4 ms for wrist-to-digit, 1.8 ms for wrist-to-palm, and 1.9 ms for palm-to-digit segment. The upper limit of normal for the motor latency was 4.4 ms for wrist-to-muscle, 2.0 ms for wrist-to-palm and 2.8 ms for palm-tomuscle segments. The SNCV was considered slow if it was less than 50 m/s from elbow to wrist, 43 m/s from wrist-to-palm, and 42 m/s from palm to digit, and the MNCV, if it was less than 49 m/s from elbow to wrist and 37 m/s from wrist to palm. 2. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome From January to October 1978 105 patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome were studied in our laboratory. All had typical but relatively mild signs associated with entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist, unilaterally or bilaterally. Most had the onset of symptoms within a few months before

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Latency difference {ms)

Nerve segments tested



the test. Patients were excluded if a polyneuropathy was clinically suspected even if a superimposed carpal tunnel syndrome was likely. Inclusion in the study was based on the clinical impression and not on the results of nerve conduction studies. There were 32 men and 73 women ranging in age from 20 to 78 years (average age 48 years). Each patient was tested on both sides but the clinically affected hands were analysed separately from the asymptomatic hands (Table 2). There were 172 symptomatic hands, 134 from 67 patients affected bilaterally and 38 from the remaining patients with unilateral disease, 29 on the right and 9 on the left.

T A B L E 2. P A T I E N T S W I T H THE C A R P A L T U N N E L S Y N D R O M E

Amplitude (mVfor motor, \iVfor sensory)

Motor fibres: 172 hands from 105 patients

Palm Wrist Elbow

6.1 ±3.2 5.3±2.9 5.0±2.7

Latency (ms) 2.15 ±0.34 4.94 ±1.03 8.99±1.17

Sensory fibres: 172 hands from 105 patients

Digit Palm Wrist Elbow

31.3+ 14.9 29.3 ±14.9 23.5 + 12.5

1.48 ±0.28 3.70±0.59 7.38 + 0.81

Latency difference (ms)

Conduction velocity (mis)

2.79±0.93 4.04 + 0.58

28.2±7.5 55.5 ±6.4

2.18 ±0.43 3.69 ±0.46

53.9 ±9.0 38.5±7.5 59.7±6.2

Serial stimulation of the sensory axons was conducted in 137 hands with relatively well preserved sensory potentials (fig. 3). In 18 of these, there was no abnormality in the wrist-to-palm segment. In 28 others the sensory nerve potential could not be elicited at one or more stimulus sites, the response commonly being absent at the ' — 2' to ' — 4' levels. In 44 (48 per cent) of the remaining 91 symptomatic hands conduction abnormalities were evenly distributed along the wrist-to-palm segment (fig. 4). In the other 47 (52 per cent) symptomatic hands, there was a sharply localized abnormality over a 1 cm segment (conduction time exceeding 0.5 ms/cm and more than twice that of the other 1 cm segments). Of the 47 hands, the maximal conduction delay was between ' — 6' to ' — 5' in 1, ' — 4' to ' — 3' in 22, ' — 3' to ' — 2' in 17 and ' — 2' to ' — 1 ' in 5 and at two separate levels in 2 (figs. 5-8). In these hands, the focal latency change across the affected 1 cm segment (0.80± 0.22 ms/cm) averaged more than four times that of the adjacent distal (0.19 + 0.09 ms/cm) or proximal 1 cm segment (0.19 ± 0.08 ms/cm). A disproportionate latency increase per centimetre from one stimulus point to the next was often associated with a distinct change in wave-form (figs. 5-8). Sensory symptoms were subjective and difficult to quantitate, but there was no apparent relationship between their severity and the presence of a localized slowing. As in the control patients, the motor latency was difficult to test serially over the wrist-to-palm segment. Thus it was often impossible to determine accurately the area of maximal motor conduction delay within the wrist-to-palm segment. In a few affected hands, however, there was a disproportionate latency increase per 1 cm segment at or proximal to the '— 1' level with a considerably smaller change in the adjoining distal or proximal 1 cm segments (figs. 6-8). This finding was taken to indicate a localized slowing of motor axons since, in normals, serial stimulation in 1 cm increments increased motor latency linearly at these levels. It is of interest that in these hands, sensory and motor axons were not necessarily slowed to the same degree, nor were they always affected at the same level. The discrepancy may be because the recurrent motor fibres are often contained in a separate channel in the carpal ligament.

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Nerve segments tested




L.H. 2-8-78

0.5 1 ms





ms FIG. 4. Sensory nerve potentials of the left (lop) and right (bottom) hands in a patient with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The histogram on right shows the conduction time over successive 1 cm segments. The site of each stimulus is indicated on the ordinate and the conduction time on the abscissa. In both hands, conduction abnormalities were distributed fairly evenly along the length of the nerve with no 1 cm segment showing a change more than twice of the other 1 cm segments.

Of the 172 clinically affected nerves the sensory nerve potential was absent in 23 and the muscle action potential in 5 with stimulation either at midpalm or wrist. Thus, there were 149 sensory and 167 motor axons available for analysis of nerve conduction studies (Table 2). Latencies were considerably greater and conduction velocities smaller in the CTS than in the controls over the wristto-palm segment (P < 0.001). In the remaining distal segment there was no difference between the two groups for motor axons and only a small difference for the sensory axons (P < 0.05). In the carpal tunnel syndromes, unlike in the controls, the latency across the carpal tunnel was greater than that in the palm-to-wrist or palm-to-muscle segments (P < 0.001). Thus, the latency ratio between the two segments was abnormally increased for both motor (mean±SD: 1.32 + 0.46) and sensory axons (1.50 + 0.44). The evoked responses were significantly smaller in amplitude than the corresponding normal values regardless of the site of stimulation for both sensory nerve and muscle action potentials (P < 0.001). In the carpal tunnel syndromes amplitude of muscle potentials was significantly larger when elicited by stimulation at palm as compared to wrist or elbow (P < 0.02). There was no statistical difference in amplitude of sensory nerve potentials at palm and wrist

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N.V. 2-9-78






1 ms


ms FIG. 5. Sensory nerve potentials in a patient with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The arrangement is the same as for fig. 4. A sharply localized slowing was found from ' — 2' t o ' — 1' in both hands, representing a maximum conduction velocity of 14 m/s on the left (lop) and 9 m/s on the right (bottom). Note a distinct change in wave-form of the sensory potential at the point of localized conduction delay. Double humped appearance at ' — 2' on the left suggests sparing of some sensory axons at this level.

(P > 0.1), but the response elicited with stimulation at the elbow was significantly smaller (P< 0.001). Based solely on the conventional wrist-to-digit latency, abnormalities of sensory conduction were found in 108 (63 per cent) of 172 symptomatic hands. Palmar stimulation revealed slowed SNCV across the carpal tunnel in 36 (21 per cent) additional hands. The motor conduction was abnormal on the basis of the conventional wrist-to-muscle latency in 105 (61 per cent) hands. An additional 40 (23 per cent) hands were considered abnormal after palmar stimulation. The sensory conduction across the wrist-to-palm segment was slow when the motor conduction was normal in 16 hands but the reverse was true in 19 hands. Taking both motor and sensory conduction studies into consideration, electrophysiological abnormalities were found in all but 13 (8 per cent) symptomatic hands. Had it not been for palmar stimulation, however, an additional 32 (19 per cent) hands with clinical signs would have been regarded as normal. In 4 of these, the wrist-to-palm latencies were within normal limits but there was a focal slowing of sensory conduction greater than 0.5 ms per 1 cm segment, across ' — 4' to ' — 3' in 2 and ' — 3' to ' — 2' in the others.

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-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5



E.L. 10-10-78


1.0 ms


FIG. 6. Sensory nerve (top) and muscle action potentials (bottom) in a symptomatic hand with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The arrangement is similar tofig.4 except for a different time scale on the abscissa for motor latencies. There were localized slowings from ' - 3' to ' — 2' for sensory and from ' - 2' to ' - 1' and from '3' to '4' for motor


Studies of experimental acute pressure neuropathy and chronic entrapment neuropathy in the guinea pig have stressed the importance of mechanical factors (Fullerton and Gilliatt, 1967; Ochoa et al, 1972; Ochoa and Marotte, 1973; Rudge, Ochoa and Gilliatt, 1974). In these studies the area of maximal histological abnormalities were under the edges of the compressed regions, which could only be explained as a result of a mechanical agent and not on the basis of ischaemia (Denny-Brown and Brenner, 1944a, b). Brown et al. (1976) determined the conduction time of 0.5 cm segments by direct stimulation of the exposed median nerve during operation for the carpal tunnel syndrome. Of 23 affected median nerves the 0.5 cm segment having the maximum motor conduction time was proximal to the transverse carpal ligament in 4, within 2 cm distally in 15, and beyond 2 cm distally in 4. A focal increase in the conduction time over a 0.5 cm

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1 ms



D.D. 7-26-78

1 ms


1.0 ms


FIG. 7. Sensory nerve (lop) and muscle action potentials (bottom) in a symptomatic hand with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The arrangement is the same as for fig. 6. A sharply localized slowing is seen from ' — 5' to ' — 4' for sensory and from '0' to T for motor axons.

segment of the nerve was noted in 6 but the abnormal increase was more evenly distributed along the length of the nerve in the remaining 17 hands. A larger group of patients was tested in the present series using a non-invasive technique to localize the point of maximal conduction delay in the carpal tunnel syndrome. The use of a fast recovery amplifier improved the accuracy of measuring nerve conduction over short segments by controlling the stimulus artefact (Walker and Kimura, 1978). Using percutaneous stimulation, it is sometimes difficult to determine the exact point of nerve activation because of possible spread of stimulating current (Wiederholt, 19706). In our material, however, the sensory latencies were reproducible from one trial to the next, provided that care was taken to use just maximal shock intensity at each stimulus site. Moreover, the sensory latency increased linearly as the stimulus site was

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0.5 ms



V.C. 2-15-78

i 1 ms


1.0 ms


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0

FIG. 8. Sensory nerve (top) and muscle action potentials (bottom) in a symptomatic hand with the carpal tunnel syndrome. The arrangement is the same as for fig. 6. There were localized slowings from ' — 4' to ' — 3' for sensory and from ' — 2' to ' — 1' for motor axons. Note a temporally dispersed, double peaked sensory nerve potential at the point of localized conduction delay (' — 3').

moved proximally in normal hands as well as in unaffected portions of the symptomatic hands, indicating that the current spread was either negligible or similar at different sites of stimulation. This finding gave a rationale for determining the conduction time over 1 cm segments as latency differences between successive sensory nerve potentials. None the less, the possibility still remained that a stimulus applied over a severely affected nerve segment might have activated the adjacent proximal or distal portion which was less diseased and consequently more readily excitable. A focal increase in the sensory conduction time was noted in 52 per cent of the affected hands tested serially. The location of the 1 cm segment having the

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0.5 ms



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maximal conduction time was usually 2 to 4 cm distal to the distal crease of the wrist although in a few exceptional cases focal involvement was noted in unusual positions including the segment proximal to the wrist. A sharply localized slowing was by no means the rule since in 48 per cent of the affected nerves, abnormalities were distributed more evenly across the carpal tunnel. There were no anatomical data available in the present series to substantiate the exact location of lesions relative to the transverse carpal ligament. Using the well established surface landmarks (Robbins, 1963; Johnson and Shrewsbury, 1970), however, our results suggest that abnormalities abound at or close to the distal edge of this ligament (fig. 3). The present findings are consistent with the sharply localized abnormalities found under both distal and proximal edges in experimental acute and chronic compression neuropathy (Ochoa et al., 1972; Ochoa and Marotte, 1973). Severe conduction block of sensory and motor fibres localized to the presumed lower margin of the compression was also described in human pneumatic tourniquet paralysis (Bolton and McFarlane, 1978). Anatomical studies suggest that the smallest cross-sectional area within the carpal tunnel is found 2.0 to 2.5 cm distal to the entrance where the tunnel is rigidly bound on three sides by bony structures and roofed by a thickened transverse carpal ligament (Robbins, 1963). Interestingly, the location of the 1 cm segment with maximal conduction time was also found 2 to 4 cm distally to the origin of the ligament in the control group. Thus, mild involvement of the median nerve may be present at this particular level in some of the clinically asymptomatic hands. Neary, Ochoa and Gilliatt-(1975) have shown such focal abnormalities in 5 of 12 median nerves at routine autopsy from patients without known disease of the median nerve (also see Gilliatt, 1978). In contrast with direct stimulation of the exposed nerves (Brown et al., 1976), it was not possible to activate the motor axons in steps of 1 cm with any consistency by percutaneous stimulation. This is presumably because of the recurrent course of the thenar nerve which branches off the median nerve proper in a separate tunnel near the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament (Johnson and Shrewsbury, 1970). If one stimulus is inadvertently misdirected to a terminal portion of the thenar nerve and another, delivered 1 cm proximally, activates only the median nerve trunk, an unreasonably large latency increase occurs between the two stimuli thereby presenting a fallacious impression of focal slowing. To avoid the same sort of error in the calculation of motor latency over the wrist-to-palm segment it is essential to select carefully the most distal point of palmar stimulation eliciting an appropriate thumb twitch. One can then be reasonably certain that palmar stimulation activated the median nerve at or near the origin of the thenar nerve as intended. This problem is further compounded because the recurrent branch may take an anomalous course in rare instances (Werschkul, 1977). The present results in the carpal tunnel syndromes confirm relatively selective slowing of sensory and motor conduction within the wrist-to-palm segment (Buchthal et al., 1974; Daube, 1977; Kimura, 1978). Since the conduction




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abnormalities were often limited to this segment, the exclusion of the normal distal segment made it possible to demonstrate a mild conduction delay across the involved segment. Indeed a disproportionate latency increase was present over a 1 cm segment in four hands even when the overall conduction time in the longer wrist-to-palm segment showed little significant change. Histological and electrophysiological changes in the motor axons of the forearm were previously described in association with median nerve compression at the wrist in animals (Anderson, Fullerton, Gilliatt and Hern, 1970) as well as in man (Thomas and Fullerton, 1963; Buchthal et al., 1974). This was the case in some but not many of our patients who had relatively mild disease. In agreement with previous studies (Buchthal et al, 1974; Kimura, 1978) the sensory axons were rarely affected in the segment above the wrist. The average MNCV and SNCV over the elbow-to-wrist segment, however, were significantly (P < 0.001) slower in the carpal tunnel syndromes than in the control group. According to Sunderland (1968), one of the characteristic features of tourniquet paralysis is the susceptibility of the motor fibres in that they are the first to fail, the last to recover, and in the mildest lesions, may be the only ones to suffer. In previous work on the carpal tunnel syndrome (Kaeser, 1963; Phalen, 1966; Thomas et al., 1967; Buchthal and Rosenfalck, 1971; Melvin et al., 1973; Buchthal et al., 1974; Duensing et al., 1974), however, motor conduction testing was generally considered less sensitive than studies of the sensory axons. This was not true in the present series where abnormalities were evenly distributed between the sensory and motor axons. In fact motor conductions were sometimes selectively affected while sensory conductions remained normal, although the reverse was also seen. In some of the previous studies the sensory axons were tested in the palm-towrist segment excluding the digit-to-palm portion whereas the motor axons were studied in the wrist-to-muscle segment. Thus, the lesser sensitivity of motor conduction studies might well have been because the normal palm-to-muscle segment masked a mild slowing across the carpal tunnel (Roth, 1970). The present findings suggest that studies of motor and sensory conduction across the carpal tunnel are supplementary to each other in early detection of a mild carpal tunnel syndrome. The use of palmar stimulation also provides a simple means to establish whether the slowing of sensory or motor conduction is attributable to compression by the transverse carpal ligament or to a disease process of the most terminal segment. This distinction is potentially important in differentiating the carpal tunnel syndrome from a distal neuropathy in which the median nerve may be more intensely affected in the terminal portions, as shown by Casey and Le Quesne (1972) who studied digital nerves in diabetics. In a few patients with early diabetic polyneuropathy studied in our laboratory the segment distal to the palm was significantly affected with essentially normal SNCV and MNCV in the more proximal segments including the wrist-to-palm portion. Further studies are necessary in a larger number of patients to establish the patterns of conduction



abnormalities in polyneuropathies as compared to the compression syndrome. It is suggested, however, that the assessment of the terminal portion of the median nerve distal to the transverse carpal ligament is a useful addition to the conventional nerve conduction studies in localizing the area of maximal involvement. The technique may be used not only as a diagnostic test but also for evaluation of the underlying pathophysiology of various median nerve neuropathies.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr D. David Walker for engineering advice, and Ms Sheila Mennen and Joanne Colter for technical assistance.

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Palmar stimulation was used to assess median nerve conduction across the carpal tunnel in 61 control patients and 105 patients with the carpal tunnel syndrome. With serial stimulation from midpalm to distal forearm the sensory axons normally showed a predictable latency change of 0.16 to 0.21 ms/cm as the stimulus site was moved proximally in 1 cm increments. In 47 (52 per cent) of 91 affected nerves tested serially, there was a sharply localized latency increase across a 1 cm segment, most .commonly 2 to 4 cm distally to the origin of the transverse carpal ligament. In these hands, the focal latency change across the affected 1 cm segment (mean + SD: 0.80 + 0.22 ms/cm) averaged more than four times that of the adjoining distal (0.19 ±0.09 ms/cm) or proximal 1 cm segments (0.19± 0.08 ms/cm). In the remaining 44 (48 per cent) hands, the latency increase was distributed more evenly across the carpal tunnel. Unlike the sensory axons the motor axons were difficult to test serially because of the recurrent course of the thenar nerve, which may be contained in a separate tunnel. The wrist-to-palm latency was significantly greater in the patients with carpal tunnel syndromes than in the controls for sensory (2.18 + 0.48 ms v 1.41 ± 0.18 ms) and motor axons (2.79 ±0.93 ms v 1.50 + 0.21 ms). Consequently, there was considerable difference between the carpal tunnel syndromes and controls in SNCV (38.5 ±7.5 m/s v 57.3 ±6.9 m/s), and MNCV (28.2 ±7.5 m/s v 49.0± 5.7 m/s). In the remaining distal segment, however, there was only a small difference between the two groups in sensory (1.48 ±0.28 ms v 1.41 +0.22 ms) and motor latency (2.15 ±0.34 ms v 2.10 ±0.31 ms). The exclusion of the relatively normal distal latency made it possible to demonstrate mild slowing across the carpal tunnel in 36 (21 per cent) sensory and 40 (23 per cent) motor axons of 172 affected nerves when the conventional terminal latencies were normal. Sensory or motor conduction abnormalities were found in all but 13 (8 per cent) hands. Without palmar stimulation, however, an additional 32 (19 per cent) hands would have been regarded as normal.



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The carpal tunnel syndrome: localization of conduction abnormalities within the distal segment of the median nerve.

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