Hereditus 83: Y I - 104 (1976)

The chromosome complement of a measles-carrier human cell line in comparison to the cell line of origin WAHEEB K . HENEEN Institute of 'Genetics und the Wullmberg Luhorcitory, University of' Lund, Sweden

HKNEEN.W. K . 1976. The chromosome complement of a measles-carrier human cell line in Hereditas 83: 91-104. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018-0661. comparison to the cell line of origin. Received April I , 1976 -

G- and C-banding techniques were used for a karyotype analysis of measles-carrier human cells and the cell line of origin, Lu106, which is most likely a HeLa-derivative. The carrier cells showed a wider distribution of chromosome numbers and a lower stemline number (64-66) than in Lu106 (70). The percentage of marker chromosomes was slightly but significantly higher in carrier cells (40.7?,,,) than in Lu106 (35.7",,). A certain proportion (41.8",,) of the carrier markers were new types. the origin of which might be attributed to structural rearrangements in Lu106 normal or marker chromosomes. They could also represent Lu106 markers not recorded in the sample analyzed of these cells. Certain new marker types were possible to identify as modified Lul06 marker types whereas others were similar to certain HeLa marker types. The total relative length of the chromosomal complement in the carrier cells was slightly lower than in Lu106. These values were also more variable in the carrier cells. This was largely due to variations in the total lengths of the new marker types. Large markers were common, possibly indlcating a frequent involvement of large chromosomes in rearrangements. Markers are apparently more prone to undergo further structural changes. The lower uniformity and stability of the carrier cells is most likely a consequence of their persistent infection with measles virus. Wuheeh K . Hcwen, Institute o / Genetics, S-22362 Lund. Sweden

Persistent infection with measles virus of a cultured human cell line has been developed by NORRBY ( 1967) who also described the biological characteristics of the carrier cells. The cell line used was Lu106, supposedly originating from a human embryonic lung ( H ~ M A 1960). N This cell line, like many other established human cell lines, is apparently a HeLa-derivative, which is evidenced from chromosome banding and enzymatic analyses (HENEEN et al. 1975; HENEEN 1976). The carrier cell line was characterized by a reduced stemline chromosome number and a frequent occurrence of chromosome breakage (NICHOLS et al. 1967). After the introduction of the various chromosome banding techniques, it was felt that a revisiting of the carrier cells is desirable. This report is a karyotype analysis of the carrier cells in comparison to the cell line of origin as determined by G and C chromosome banding techniques. The results elucidate the differences in stemline chromosome numbers. also in the frequencies, types and relative lengths of normal and marker chromosomes, as well as the variabilities in these parameters.

Material and methods The human cell line Lu106 was originally started by H ~ M A(1960) N and was studied chromosomally by HAMPELand LEVAN(1964) and HENEEN(1976). Cells of this line which were carrier of measles virus were developed by NORRBY(1965, 1967). The carrier cells were kindly made available by Professor ERLINGNORRBYand were studied chromosomally by NICHOLSet al. (1967). Since then the cells were maintained in our laboratory, periodically in a cultured or frozen condition. When in culture, the cells were grown in Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with IS",, foetal bovine serum. For making chromosome preparations. colchicine was added to the cultures for one hour in a final concentration of 0.1 -0.2 pg/ml. Trypsinized cells in medium without serum were treated hypotonically for 25 min by diluting the medium with water 1.3. The cells were fixed in methanol-acetic acid (3:l) and the fixative was changed four times before making air dry preparations. For G-banding (WANG

Ttihki~I . Frequencies of different chromosome numbers in 100 cells from each of Lu106 and the currier cell lines

t (test ofsignifcance)=~8.9***:F ( t e s t ofeqiialit> ofwriances) =4.63***

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The chromsome complement of a measles-carrier human cell line in comparison to the cell line of origin.

Hereditus 83: Y I - 104 (1976) The chromosome complement of a measles-carrier human cell line in comparison to the cell line of origin WAHEEB K . HEN...
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