Brain Research, 107 (1976)221-237 © ElsevierScientificPublishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


Research Reports


CHRISTOPHER D. WEST ANt) THOMAS L. KEMPER Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology and Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Boston, Mass. (U.S.A.)

(Accepted September24th, 1975)

SUMMARY Albino rats were conceived and suckled by mothers maintained on a 8 % or an isocaloric 25 % casein diet. After weaning, pups were maintained on their respective diets ad libitum. By most parameters of CNS maturation, rats on the low protein diet closely resembled their age-matched controls. Only by the parameter of the ratio of brain weight to body weight did they resemble rats of a younger age. Camera lucida drawings of comparable Rapid Golgi-impregnated cortical neurons of 10-day-old control and experimental rats were nearly identical to each other. A similar finding was also noted in 30-day-old rats. However, with quantitative studies, the 30-day-old experimental animals showed a decrease in synaptic spine density and reduced dendritic length for some but not all dendritic processes. At all ages, experimental animals closely resembled age matched controls in the proportion of their brain weight that was neocortex, archicortex, and cerebellum. In these results we concur with Dobbing and Sands e that developmental timetables for the brain are not affected by undernutrition, though extent of development may be.

INTRODUCTION Neuroanatomical indices of maturation such as myelination, cell packing density, Nissl substance differentiation, dendritic elaboration and spine density have been found to be retarded or curtailed in certain conditions of mental retardation in man 1, 12,15,19. Although mental retardation in man or its possible analogues in rats has not been conclusively demonstrated as an effect of malnutrition per sele, 21, the onset of


Fig. 1. The effect of the 25 % and 8 3/00protein diets on the brain size and on the body size of the rat at 30 days of age.

certain developmental milestones such as eye opening, ear opening, auditory and righting reflexes have been found to be delayed in undernourished rats2, 21. It has been well established in rats and other species that early undernutrition retards the growth of the body more than the growth of the brain z~ (see Fig. 1). As noted by Eayrs and Horn 9, the brain-body weight ratio of an undernourished animal at certain ages resembles that of a younger control animal. To what extent this holds true for other criteria of growth and maturation is the subject of this investigation. The proportions of the total brain which are forebrain, neocortex, cerebellum, and other structures have been shown to change with age in the albino rat 7,22,24 as has the dendritic elaboration of cortical neurons s. This study proposes to examine these 3 levels of development in rats raised on low and high protein diets; (1) brain weight and body weight, (2) relative proportions of the brain which are neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum, and (3) development of individual cerebral cortical and cerebellar neurons. In the majority of morphological studies reported by others, undernutrition has been confined to the period of lactation and has been produced by increasing litter size or by removing the pups from the dam for part of the day. In the present paradigm, experimental rats were conceived, suckled, and weaned in the presence of a low protein diet, a situation similar to that of humans in certain parts of the world.


Virgin female Charles River CD (outbred albino) Sprague-Dawley descended rats were placed on either an 8 % or an isocaloric 25 % casein diet 5 weeks prior to conception* and were maintained on these diets during gestation and lactation. It has been shown by Miller is that the quality of milk produced by mothers on the 8 % casein diet is the same as the quality of milk produced by mothers on the 25 % casein diet, but the quantity of milk is reduced. In this experimental model, protein availability rather than caloric restriction is considered to be the limiting factor in pup growth. Both experimental and control litters were randomized and adjusted at birth to a total of 8 pups. The pups were left undisturbed until weaning at 21 days. They were then segregated by sex (4 to a cage), maintained ad libitum on their respective diets, and left undisturbed until needed for experimental observations. The composition of the experimental and control diets, which were developed by Dr. S. Miller of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been compared with laboratory chow by Stern et al. la (see Table I). For neuroanatomical study the rats were weighed, anesthetized with ether, and perfused with either Karnovsky's solution or 10 % formalin. The brains were allowed to harden overnight in situ; the following day they were weighed and their volume was determined. Fixed brains from experimental and control rats at 13, 30 and 90


The percentages, by weight, of the components of the laboratory chow (pellet form, formula 4RF, Charles River Co., Wilmington, Mass.), 25%, and 8% casein (dry mash; made by General Biochemicals, Chagrin Falls, Ohio) diets are listed below. Approximately 80% of the protein of the laboratory chow was metabolically usable. Casein consisted of 87% protein (fully utilizable), 1.5 % fat and ll.5 % water. Thus, the amounts of utilizable protein in the laboratory chow and the 25 % casein diets were comparable. The casein diets contained a supplement of L-methionine (0.4%) since casein lacks this amino acid. Per cent nutritional composition Normal protein diet

Protein Fat Carbohydrate Salt mix Vitamin mix Water Non-nutritive filler

25 % Casein

Laboratory chow

21.8 15.4 50.9 4.7 1.0 2.2 4.2

26.3 7.1 42.9 3.5 0.3 9.6 10.3

Low protein diet 8 % Casein

7.0 15.1 67.4 4.7 1.0 0.9 4.2

* Thirteen-day-old experimental rats found in Tables II and III and all 13-day-old controls were born of dams placed on diets 2 weeks prior to conception.


postnatal days were embedded whole in an albumin gelatin and cut in gapless serial frozen sections at a thickness of 30 #m in either coronal, sagittal or horizontal plane of section. Every 10th section was stained with cresyl violet for nerve cells and glial nuclei, and the adjacent section was stained with modified Loyez stain for myelinated fibers. From the series of mounted Nissl stained sections, every second or third slide throughout the entire brain was projected onto a flat surface with a fixed magnification projector. The cross-sectional area of the neocortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and whole brain was measured with a compensating polar planimeter. The proportion of total brain tissue in each of these 3 regions was calculated by dividing the total of the cross-sectional area measurements for each region by the total of the crosssectional area measured for the whole brain. Weight estimates for neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum could be calculated by multiplying the wet weight of the whole brain by the proportion - - or percentage - - of total brain comprised by each region. These proportions and the means of these proportions are recorded in Tables II and II1 for ages 13, 30 and 90 days. Also recorded in Table Ili are the proportions of hippocampus and cerebellum calculated from means of regional weights and whole brain weights found in the literature for ages 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 210 days 3,sa°. Linear shrinkage in preparing Nissl sections was essentially the same for both experimental and control brains. The length and width of the cerebra and width of the cerebellum were reduced on the mounted sections an average of 18.2~ in experimental animals and an average of 18.9"/,, in controls. In Fig. 2, 7 points on the graph are the mean weights of perfusion fixed tissue. All the other points on this graph are mean weights of fresh tissue. For the study of individual neurons in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex an additional series of experimental and control rats at 10 and 30 days of age were sacrificed and perfused using the same procedure described above. Blocks of visual cortex and of cerebellum were post-fixed in Rapid Golgi solution and silvered with 0.75 ~; AgNOa. These were embedded in low viscosity nitrocellulose and cut in serial section at a thickness of 150 /tm. From the mounted histological sections representative neurons at varying depths within the visual cortex of experimental and control rats were drawn at a magnification of 400 x with the aid of a camera lucida. Drawings were similarly made of Purkinje cells, stellate cells and granule cells of the cerebellum of the 30-day-old rats at 1000 ×. in sampling neurons for camera lucida drawings from the various layers of visual cortex in the 10-day-old rats, all cells drawn for both the undernourished and control animals, respectively, lay on single sections. From the 30-day-old rats, drawings were limited as much as possible to single sections containing well impregnated neurons at several cortical depths. Although this procedure minimized neuron sampling bias, it did not control for individual variation or slight differences in age (Figs. 3 and 4). In the 30-day-old control and experimental rats, quantitative measurements were also made on readily identifiable cell types (Tables IV and V, and Figs. 9-11). For these a greater number of animals were sampled. In the visual cortex the lengths of basal and oblique dendrites and the spine density on the main apical dendritic shaft, on its terminal ramifications, and on the mid-part of the basal and oblique

225 dendrites of layer IIIb pyramidal neurons were measured. In the cerebellum, the dendritic length and cell body diameter of the granule cells were measured in the rostral bank of the primary fissure. The dendritic length and spine density of the less numerous basket cells were measured throughout the cerebellar vermis. The diameters of Purkinje cell bodies and the number of dendrites on granule cells were measmed throughout the cerebellum. Measurements were made with an ocular reticle that was calibrated with a stage micrometer after the methods of Kemper et al. 14. Dendritic lengths in the plane of section were measured directly. Those not in the plane of section were estimated by assuming that the dendrite could be represented as the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by the measured distance between the root of the dendrite and its tip and the measured difference in depth between the two. Spine density measures were made on dendrites that were within one focal plane by counting the number of spine profiles falling between two points on the ocular grid. Cortical plate thickness measures were made from Rapid Golgi sections cut parallel to apical dendritic shafts of the pyramidal cells in the occipital cortex, and parallel to Purkinje dendritic trees in the cerebellar cortex. RESULTS

The mean brain weights and the log mean body weights of experimental and control rats of various ages are graphed in Fig. 2. At one postnatal day there is no significant difference between experimental and control rats in brain weight, body weight or brain-body weight ratio. From 11 days on, both brain weight and body weight are smaller in experimental rats than in controls, and the brain-body weight ratios of experimental rats are greater than in controls. When brain weight is plotted against log body weight, the locus of points of control rats appears linear. In contrast,




2.0 ~6

n,. z





AA a o


o Q






o A










Fig. 2. The relationship of mean brain weight plotted against log mean body weight for rats on 8 % casein and 25% casein diets. Open circles, experimental animals; open triangles, control animals.





Age (days)

Brain weight

Regional proportion o f total brain (%) ............................. Hippocampus Cerebellum Neoeortex Prepyriform cortex, entorhinal cortex and neocortex

Exp.-3 Exp.-I Exp.-2 Exp.-6 Contl.-4 Contl.-5 Contl.-7 Contl.-1

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

1.02 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.35 1.36

5.5 3.2 4.6 4.6 3.4 5.1 5.3 3.6

11.4 10.0 9.2 8.8 10.0 11.9 11.4 8.8

28.0 29.1 26.3 31.8 29.1 26.9 29.1 29.4

40.0 38.8 34.6 39.0 34.7 35.4 37.7 38.0

Exp.-39 Exp.-38 Contl.-41 Contl.-37

30 30 30 30

1.19 1.34 1.97 1.98

4.7 5.5 6.5 5.6

14.5 13.5 12.8 12.9

26.8 28.3 25.4 26.4

33.9 35.5 36.5 36.4

Exp.-49 Exp.-47 Contl.-50 Contl.-45

90 90 90 90

1.48 1.69 2.27 2.51

5.8 6.0 5.5 5.1

14.0 16.0 14.5 14.3

26.3 24.5 23.2 24.4

34.0 32.4 33.5 32.6

that of experimental rats appears to describe a monotonic increasing, negatively accelerating curve. Under 40 g of body weight, experimental rats have slightly larger brains for their body size than controls; over 100 g of body weight, the reverse is true. The relative proportions of individual brains which are neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in experimental and control rats at 3 ages, are found in Table II. The means of these data and proportions calculated from mean regional and mean whole brain weights found in Fish and Winick 10, Chase et al. 3 and Dobbing et al. ~, are found in Table III. In both experimental and control rats, similar tendencies are noted. The cerebellar percentage of total brain size increases with increasing age. The hippocampal percentage appears constant, while there is a decrease in neocortical percentage. Although the neocortical percentage appears somewhat larger in the experimental animals, a pooled measure of neocortex, entorhinal cortex, and prepyriform cortex showed no consistent difference (Table II). Rapid Golgi drawings of representative cortical neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface of visual cortex from 10-day-old experimental and control rats are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. Representative neurons similarly arranged from Rapid Golgi preparations of 30-day-old experimental and control rats are found in Figs. 5 and 6. A great increase in spine density and dendritic elaboration can be seen between the 10-day-old and 30-day-old rats. However, when experimental and


Percentages at 13, 30, and 90 days are means from data of Table II.


Age (days)

Mean Regional proportion of total brain (%) brain weight Hippocampus Cerebellum


Exp. Contl.

6* 6*

0.4580 0.5472

6.3 6.0

5.1 6.1


Exp. Contl.

8* 8*

0.6489 0.7121

6.5 6.2

5.1 7.2


Exp. Contl.

10" 10"

0.7564 0.9102

5.9 4.8

7.2 8.6


Exp. Contl.

13 13

1.21 1.32

4.4 4.5

9.8 10.5

28.8 28.6

Exp. Contl.

14" 14"

0.8944 1.0931

5.4 4.9

10.2 11.4


Exp. Contl.

17" 17'

0.9871 1.2637

5.1 5.7

10.4 12.6


Exp. Contl.

18'* 18"*

1.340 1.500


11.5 12.5


Exp. Contl.

21 * 21 *

1.0521 1.3792

5.0 5.1

10.9 14.1


Exp. Contl.

30 30

1.26 1.98

5.1 6.0

14.0 12.8

27.6 25.9

Exp. Contl.

90 90

1.58 2.39

5.9 5.3

15.0 14.4

25.4 23.8

1.664 1.849


15.7 16.5


Exp. Contl.

210"** 210"**

* Percentages at 6, 10, 14, and 21 days were calculated from the data of Fish and Winick 10. ** Percentages at 18 days of age were calculated from data of Chase et al.3. *** Percentages at 210 days of age were calculated from data of Dobbing et aLL c o n t r o l r a t s o f t h e s a m e age are c o m p a r e d , p r o n o u n c e d q u a l i t a t i v e differences are n o t seen. D e n d r i t i c t h i c k n e s s d i d a p p e a r slightly r e d u c e d in 3 0 - d a y - o l d e x p e r i m e n t a l rats as c o m p a r e d t o t h e i r c o n t r o l s . S p i n e - p o o r stellate cells w e r e n o t e n c o u n t e r e d in e i t h e r e x p e r i m e n t a l o r c o n t r o l 1 0 - d a y - o l d rats, a l t h o u g h t h e y w e r e f o u n d in all c o r t i c a l cell layers in b o t h t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o n t r o l 3 0 - d a y - o l d rats (Figs. 7 a n d 8). N o differences b e t w e e n t h e s e t w o g r o u p s are a p p a r e n t . Figs. 9, 10 a n d 11 s h o w e x a m p l e s o f P u r k i n j e cells, b a s k e t cells a n d g r a n u l e cells o f t h e c e r e b e l l u m f o r e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o n t r o l rats at 30 days. W h i l e d i m e n s i o n s o f t h e s e cells differ b e t w e e n e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o n t r o l a n i m a l s , t h e i r g e n e r a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n is similar. Q u a n t i t a t i v e m e a s u r e m e n t s o f t h e R a p i d G o l g i i m p r e g n a t e d n e u r o n s f r o m 30-






I 0 0 .u


Fig. 3. Visual cortex of 10-day,old control rat. Camera lucida drawings of representative neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.

f I00


Fig. 4. Visual cortex of 10-day-old experimental rat. Camera !ucida drawings of representative neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.

day-old animals reveal differences between experimental and control rats which often cannot be appreciated by visual inspection alone. In the experimental rats the thickness of the visual cortex is reduced by 11% as compared to controls. The length of the oblique and basal dendrites of the pyramidal cells of layer IIIb are not significantly affected. Since Nissl preparations reveal a uniform reduction in all cortical layers, the apical dendrites, are presumably reduced by an amount approximately equal to the


/ f f




Fig. 5. Visual cortex of 30-day-old control rats. Camera lucida drawings of representative neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.




ioY. /


\ Fig. 6. Visual cortex of 30-day-old experimental rats. Camera lucida drawings of representative neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.




I '
















Fig. 7. Visual cortex of 30-day-old control rats. Camera lucida drawings of representative spine-poor stellate neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.



'i / /J












Fig. 8. Visual cortex of 30-day-old experimental rats. Camera lueida drawings of representative spinepoor stellate neurons found at increasing depths from the pial surface.




Contl. Exp.

1.51/~m 1.34/~m Difference --11%

0.056 0.084

5* 7*

Apical terminal branches Contl. Exp.

0.42 spines//~m 0.35 spines//~m Difference --17 % 0.94 spines//tm 0.85 spines/#m Difference --9 % 0.68 spines/#m 0.61 spines//tm Difference --10 % 0.74 spines/#m 0.58 spines/#m Difference --22 %

0.061 0.060

9** 8**

0.087 0.058

10"* 10"*

0.146 0.046

10"* 8**

0.156 0.054

10"* 10"*

17.0 17.8

8** 6**

13.1 12.4

10'* 10'*

Cortical thickness


Spine density

Apical main shaft

Contl. Exp.

Oblique branch

Contl. Exp.

Basal branch

Contl. Exp.

Dendritic length

Oblique branch

Contl. Exp.

Basal branch

Contl. Exp.

71.8/tm 74.3/~m Difference + 3 % 103.7/~m 98.3 #m Difference --5 %

* Number of animals. ** Number of cells. reduction in cortical thickness. Spine density is reduced by from 9 to 22 % on the 4 kinds of dendritic processes measured (see Table IV). As in the cerebrum, the thickness of the eerebellar cortical plate is affected by the low protein diet. The molecular layer in experimental rats is 16 % smaller than in control rats, while the granular layer is not significantly reduced. Reductions in dendritic length are found in the cerebellum for all cell types measured. Since the dendritic arbors of Purkinje cells and the combined ascending and descending vertical dendrites of basket cells extend across the entire thickness of the molecular layer (see Figs. 9 and 10), they are also reduced by 16% in this dimension. The measured length of basket cell oblique branches are reduced by 16% and the length of granule cell dendrites is reduced by 19 %. Cell bodies of both granule cells and Purkinje cells are reduced in diameter by 5 %. Granule cell dendritic number is essentially the same in experimental and control rats. DISCUSSION

Observers agree that the most conspicuous effect of undernutrition is on the somatic tissues of the body and that the brain appears relatively spared. According to




Fig. 9. Examples of Purkinje cells from control (left) and experimental (right) 30-day-old rats.

'1 I

/ F






Fig. 10. Examples of basket cells from control (left) and experimental (right) 30-day-old rats. Jackson la, it affects the growth of the spinal cord less than the brain, and the growth of the eye least of all. It is because of the disproportionately greater effect on the body size than on brain size that the undernourished rat resembles younger controls in outward appearance more than age-matched controls. Eayrs and H o r n 9 noted that when this effect was expressed in terms of the brain-body weight ratio, their experimental rats could be matched with younger controls. While our experimental rats from 60 days

233 onward can be matched in their brain-body weight ratio with younger controls, this ratio in experimental rats between 5 days and 30 days of age is actually larger than in any postnatal controls. In Fig. 2, where mean brain weights are plotted against log mean body weights, the curve described by experimental animals is clearly different from that of controls. Unlike control rats, the growth pattern of experimental rats is not linear on loglinear co-ordinates. Below 40 g body weight experimental rats have larger brains for a given body weight than controls. Above 100 g the reverse is true. This supports the early observation of Sugita~5 that young undernourished rats have brains somewhat larger than controls at any given body weight, and the more recent observations of Dobbing and Sands 6 that, at older ages, undernourished rats have smaller brains for a given body weight than do controls. Although in relative proportion of brain weight to body weight, undernourished rats may resemble younger controls, this resemblance does not hold for the relative proportions of the various regions within the brain. Certain brain regions show age related changes in their relative proportions. Donaldson and Hatai 7 found that in the albino rat the percent of the total brain weight which is cerebellum increased with age, and that following an initial early postnatal increase the relative proportion of forebrain decreased with age. Smithz2 likewise found an initial increase in the relative proportion of neocortex followed by a decrease to 3 years of age. Our own data show a progressive decrease in proportion of neocortex for both undernourished and control rats from 13 to 30 to 90 days of age. Our data along with calculations from the data of Fish and Winick10 show relatively constant hippocampal proportions with age, while our material, that of Fish and Winick10, Chase et al. 8 and Dobbing et al. 5 show an increase in cerebellar proportions in both experimental and control groups with increasing age. These increasing and decreasing proportional trends in the percentages of whole brain made up by neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum appear rather constant, despite weight difference among the different strains of rats used in the above investigations, and despite diet-induced weight differences within a given strain (see Table III). Thus, the age-related changes in neocortical, hippocampal, and cerebellar proportions appear to occur on schedule in experimental rats and support the contention of Dobbing and Sands6 that developmental timetables are not affected by undernutrition though extent of development may be. Of their material, they state t h a t . . . 'those aspects of brain growth which have been examined are organized as part of the growth program to occur at a fixed chronological age, in spite of the experimental manipulation of growth rate'. This statement may also be made in reference to our material of Rapid Golgi impregnated pyramidal neurons of the visual cortex in which the 10-day-old and 30day-old experimental rats closely resemble their respective controls. This is true despite a measured decrease in cortical thickness and spine density in 30-day-old experimental rats, and despite the fact that a 30-day-old experimental rat is closest in brain weight to a 16-day-old control. According to the Golgi-Cox measures of Eayrs and Goodheads, pyramidal cell dendrites in layer V should more than double in branching between 16 and 30 days of age. Yet from examination of Figs. 3-6, den-

234 dritic branching is similar for 30-day-old experimental and control rats. It can be seen from these figures that the pyramidal neurons of the visual cortex in both experimental and control rats undergo unmistakable changes between 10 and 30 days. Spine numbers increase many fold and there is a great elaboration of dendritic processes. Similar dendritic patterns are seen for similar cell types found at the same relative cortical depths. This is also true of the spine-poor stellate cells. Although these cells were not recognized in the Rapid Golgi preparations of I 0-day-old rats, at 30 days of age spinepoor stellate cells of similar configuration were found in layers II-VI in both experimental and control rats (Figs. 7 and 8). In the present study, spine density counts show a decrease of 9 to 22 % at the 4 counting sites on layer IIIb pyramidal cells of visual cortex in experimental rats (Table IV). These findings are consistent with the findings of Cragg 4. Although Cragg TABLE V QUANTITATIVE MEASURES OF RAPID GOLGI IMPREGNATED CEREBELLAR NEURONS OF 30-DAY-OLD RATS




Cerebellar cortical thickness

Molecular (and Purkinje) layer Contl. Exp. Granular layer

Contl. Exp.

219/~m 183/tm Difference --16 % 150/~m 143 ktm Difference --5 %

9.02 8.36

5* 4*

8.72 4.06

5* 4*

0.059 0.072

10"* 10"*

Basket cells

Spine density

Contl. Exp.

Length of oblique dendrite

Contl. Exp.

0.26 spines/4 0.21 spines/4 Difference - - 19 % 100.3/zm 84.0/~m Difference --16

29.2 21.3

t0'* 10"*

Purkinje cells

(same as molecular layer, see above) Contl. 27.4 ktm 3.39 Exp. 25.9/~m 2.0l Difference --5

40** 40**

Dendritic number

Contl. Exp.

0.543 0.524

40** 40**

Dendritic length

Contl. Exp.

4.40 3.90

30** 30**

Cell body diameter

Contl. Exp.

0.841 0.651

30** 30**

Vertical dendritic length Cell body diameter

Granule cells

* Number of animals. ** Number of cells.

3.59 3.56 Difference --1% 22.3/~m 17.9 #m Difference --19 % 8.67 #m 8.22/~m Difference --5 %

235 found no significant difference in the size and density of presynaptic endings seen in electron microscopical preparations of visual cortex in undernourished rats, he did find a greater cell packing density in the undernourished rats. From this he calculated that there were fewer presynaptic endings per neuron in the cortex of the undernourished rats. More recently, Salas et al. z° in a Rapid Golgi study have also reported a reduced spine density on layer V pyramids in frontal and occipital areas of undernourished rats. Dendritic length reduction, when it occurs, is selective. Since the cortical plate is reduced in undernourished rats by 11 ~o and since in Nissl preparations all cortical layers appear uniformly reduced, apical dendritic length would be similarly reduced. Measures of oblique and basal dendritic length however, show no reduction. Our visual impression of generally reduced dendritic thickness agrees with the measures of Salas et al. ~°. The only measure of dendritic number in our study, that of cerebellar granule cells, showed essentially no difference between experimental and control animals (Table V). Our data do not reveal the differentially greater reduction in cerebellar size seen in the data of other investigators (see Table III). There are, however, differential effects of the low protein diet on individual neurons within the cerebellum. The vertical length of Purkinje cell dendrites is reduced by 16 ~, the length of oblique dendrites of basket cells is reduced by 16 ~, and the length of granule cell dendrites is reduced by 19 ~. Purkinje and granule cell bodies, on the other hand, are reduced in diameter only by 5 ~. Likewise, the width reduction of the cerebellar cortical plate is significantly higher for the molecular layer, which is rich in axons and dendrites and poor in neuron cell bodies, than it is in the cell body dense granule cell layer (Table V, Fig. 11). PIA





Fig. 11. Granule cells in relation to granular and molecular layers of cerebellar cortex in control (left) and experimental (right) 30-day-oldrats.

236 A l t h o u g h there are n e u r o a n a t o m i c a l differences between the e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o n t r o l rats in this study, it is not clear w h a t the consequences o f these differences are. F r o m the clinical studies of children recently reviewed by L a t h a m TM, it has n o t been resolved that p r o t e i n - c a l o r i e m a l n u t r i t i o n w i t h o u t c o n c o m i t a n t social d e p r i v a t i o n results in irreversible intellectual i m p a i r m e n t . Similarly, Slob et al. ~1 f o u n d t h a t early u n d e r n u t r i t i o n in the rat h a d no effect on tests o f m o t o r c o - o r d i n a t i o n , open field behavior, or learning when it was p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t o v e r c r o w d i n g o f litters or s e p a r a t i n g pups f r o m a d u l t females. In rats f r o m our own b r e e d i n g p o p u l a t i o n , M c K e a r n e y a n d Stitzer 17 f o u n d no difference in sensory d i s c r i m i n a t i o n or schedule cont r o l l e d behavior. Both M c K e a r n e y a n d Stitzer 17 and Slob et al. 21 described their e x p e r i m e n t a l animals as m o r e active t h a n controls. Similarly, H e d l e y - W h y t e a n d M e u s e r 11, despite evidence o f r e d u c e d m y e l i n a t i o n in the sciatic nerve, described the u n d e r n o u r i s h e d rats used in their electron m i c r o s c o p i c a l study as 'very lively'. W h e t h e r or n o t the n e u r o a n a t o m i c a l differences f o u n d in this study are in some w a y d e t r i m e n t a l to the b e h a v i o r a l o r h o m e o s t a t i c f u n c t i o n i n g o f the a n i m a l has yet to be d e t e r m i n e d . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

S u p p o r t e d in p a r t by G r a n t s N . I . C . H . D . 06364 a n d N o . 04-147-04.

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The effect of a low protein diet on the anatomical development of the rat brain.

Brain Research, 107 (1976)221-237 © ElsevierScientificPublishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands 221 Research Reports THE EFFECT O...
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