Br. J. Pharmacol. (1991), 103, 1733-1739

(Z-) Macmillan Press Ltd, 1991

The effect of w-conotoxin GVIA on synaptic transmission within the nucleus accumbens and hippocampus of the rat in vitro A.L. Horne & 1J.A. Kemp Merck, Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, Neuroscience Research Centre, Terlings Park, Eastwick Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2QR 1 The actions of two calcium channel antagonists, the N-channel blocker co-conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) and the L-channel antagonist nisoldipine, on synaptic transmission were investigated in the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens of the rat in vitro. 2 co-CgTx (100nm for 10min) produced a marked and irreversible reduction of focally evoke4 population spikes and intracellularly recorded excitatory postsynaptic potentials ( in the nucleus accumbens, which could not be overcome by increasing the stimulus strength. 3 Nisoldipine (10uM for lOmin) had no effect on population spikes in the nucleus accumbens or the CAl of the hippocampus. 4 In the hippocampus, population spikes were not irreversibly reduced by co-CgTx (100nm for min) but rather, multiple population spikes were produced along with spontaneous synchronous discharges. This indicated that inhibitory synaptic transmission was being preferentially reduced. 5 Intracellular recordings demonstrated that co-CgTx powerfully reduced inhibitory synaptic transmission in an irreversible manner and that excitatory transmission was also reduced but to a lesser extent. Unlike excitatory transmission in the nucleus accumbens and inhibitory transmission in the hippocampus, increasing the stimulus strength overcame the reduction of hippocampal excitatory transmission. 6 It is concluded that w-CgTx-sensitive calcium channels are involved in the calcium entry that precedes the synaptic transmission in all these synapses. The apparent lower sensitivity of the hippocampal excitatory fibres to co-CgTx may indicate that calcium entry that promotes transmitter release at central synapses may be mediated by pharmacologically distinct calcium channels. Keywords: Calcium channel; calcium channel antagonist; amino acid neurotransmitter; central synapse; nucleus accumbens; hippocampus


The involvement of calcium ions in the mediation of neurotransmitter release was first elucidated from the pioneering work of Harvey & Macintosh (1940) and del Castillo & Katz (1954). These workers observed that lowering the concentration of extracellular calcium led to a reduction in neurotransmission in the superior cervical ganglion and neuromuscular junction respectively. These original observations have been extended to many other mammalian peripheral and central synapses with the result that it has now become generally accepted that calcium entry into the presynaptic terminal is an absolute requirement for subsequent neurotransmitter release (Smith & Augustine, 1988). Calcium ions are believed to enter the nerve terminal through voltage-sensitive channels that become permeable to the ion following depolarization of the plasma membrane. Such voltage-dependent calcium channels in vertebrate neurones have been classified into three sub-types (Fox et al., 1987). These have been termed L-, N- and T-, with each differing in its voltage and current activation and inactivation properties. Specific probes have been proposed for the L- (Fox et al., 1987) and T-channels (Tang et al., 1988; Coulter et al., 1989), whilst the N-channel is blocked by the marine snail venom co-conotoxin GVIA (cw-CgTx; Fox et al., 1987). However, this toxin may also block neuronal L-channels (Fox et al., 1987). co-CgTx has been shown to inhibit neurotransmitter release from a number of preparations (Kerr & Yoshikami, 1984; 1

Author for correspondence.

Dooley et al., 1987; 1988; Hirning et al., 1988; Mohy El-din & Malik, 1988). As these actions are generally not produced by specific L-channel blockers (Middlemiss & Spedding, 1985; Hirning et al., 1988; Mohy El-din & Malik, 1988) it has been proposed that N-channels may mediate the calcium entry that initiates calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release. Therefore, we have examined the actions of co-CgTx on synaptic transmission at a number of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the central nervous system of the rat, in vitro. A preliminary account of some of these results has been published (Horne & Kemp, 1989).

Methods Experiments were performed on two brain areas, the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens. Male Sprague Dawley rats (60-80g) were killed by decapitation and the whole brain was removed. Parasaggital slices 350,um thick of hippocampus or nucleus accumbens were cut, with a Vibratome. Slices were then allowed a preincubation period of about 30 min after which they were transferred to a perfusion chamber. Such slices were submerged in the perfusion medium which was heated to 330C and delivered at a rate of -2mlmin-'. Stimulation of the tissue was performed by passing square wave pulses down bipolar tungsten stimulating electrodes. Pulses up to 1 ms width and 15 V amplitude were generally used to obtain control synaptic responses. In the hippocampus the stimulating electrodes were placed in the stratum radiatum and recordings were made either in



the radiatum or the CAI cell body region. Alternatively, stimulating electrodes were placed in the dentate hilus for recordings made in the CA3 cell body layer. Slices of nucleus accumbens, taken from the level where the anterior commissure forms a boundary along most of the length of the accumbens-striatum border, were stimulated just ventral to the anterior commissure. Recording electrodes were placed rostral with respect to the stimulating electrodes. Extracellular recordings were made with glass microelectrodes (-5MQ) filled with 3 M NaCl. The signal was amplified and filtered (low pass below 1 kHz) by a Neurolog system (Digitimer). For intracellular 'current clamp' experiments, electrodes (60200 MW) were usually filled with 3 M KAc. Intracellular current pulses were delivered, and responses amplified and monitored with either an Axoclamp-2A (Axon Instruments) in bridge mode (filtered above 3 kHz) or, in some early experiments, a Neurolog NL102 d.c. intracellular amplifier (Digitimer). In voltage clamp studies, electrodes (50-100 MC) were filled with CsAc and connected to an Axoclamp-2A in single electrode voltage clamp mode. The headstage was continuously monitored to ensure that adequate settling occurred. Sampling frequencies of 4-6 kHz were generally used. In voltage clamp mode, the evoked postsynaptic currents that give rise to the subsequent potentials (Araki & Terzuolo, 1962) were examined. These experiments were performed at holding potentials of -20 to -30 mV for excitatory synapses, and -15 to -30 mV for inhibitory synapses. Holding potentials were selected for individual experiments according to the level where spontaneous inward sodium and calcium conductances were inactivated and where synaptic signals of sufficient magnitude to be measured reliably and adequately clamped were obtained. Postsynaptic responses in the hippocampus consisted of a fast monosynaptic excitatory input, and a fast and slow inhibitory input (Newberry & Nicoll, 1985). These responses were examined either unmodified or following attempts to separate the excitatory and inhibitory components. Excitatory synaptic inputs were dissected free of the fast inhibitory input by the addition of 30pM bicuculline in combination with 304uM picrotoxin to antagonize the postsynaptic actions of the inhibitory transmitter. Inhibitory potentials can be studied in isolation of excitatory potentials by adding 6,7dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione to the superfusate. Such quinoxalinediones are antagonists of non-NMDA excitatory amino acid receptors (Drejer & Honore, 1988) and therefore inhibit excitatory synaptic inputs onto the pyramidal cells and also the interneutrones (Collingridge et al., 1988). However, if the stimulating electrodes are placed in close proximity to the recording electrode an apparently pure inhibitory input can be evoked (Collingridge et al., 1988) that presumably results from the direct electrical activation of the interneurone(s). Slices were cut and all experiments were performed in a medium of the following composition (mM): NaCl 124, KCl 2, KH2PO4 1.25, MgSO4 2, CaCl2 2, NaHCO3 25 and glucose 11, apart from field potential experiments where the perfusion medium was supplemented with a further 3mM KC1. All solutions were gassed with a 95% 02/5% CO2 mixture. Bulk chemicals were purchased from either BDH or FSA laboratory supplies. (+ )-Bicuculline and picrotoxin were purchased from Sigma: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), D-(-)-2-amino5-phosphonovalerate (D-AP5) and 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3dione (DNQX) from Tocris Neuramin; co-conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) from Peninsula Laboratories; nisoldipine was obtained from Miles Pharmaceuticals and dizocilpine (MK801) and 7-chlorokynurenate (7-Cl KYNA) were synthesized in-house. All drugs were added to the tissue bathing media and bath applied. (+)-Bicuculline was initially dissolved in 0.013M HCl to a concentration of 10mM and diluted into other solutions as required. DNQX and 7-Cl KYNA were initially dissolved into the minimum required quantity of NaOH. Nisoldipine was initially dissolved in ethanol to a concentration of 10mM. Nisoldipine experiments were performed in a darkened labor-

atory and all solutions containing nisoldipine were used in reservoirs protected from the light. All other compounds were sufficiently soluble in water to be directly added to the media. Results are expressed as mean values + s.e.mean.


Nucleus accumbens Extracellular studies Focal stimulation of the accumbens tissue evoked an apparent population spike (Figure la) which has previously been shown to be sensitive to antagonists of excitatory amino acid receptors (Horne et al., 1990; Pennartz et al., 1990). The addition of 100 nm co-CgTx for 1Omin led to a reduction in the population spike amplitude. In 5 slices the mean reduction of a submaximal spike was 75.6 + 5.5%. When attempted, this effect could not be overcome (n = 3) by increasing the stimulus strength and was essentially irreversible over 2h. The L-channel blocker nisoldipine (10uM) had no effect on the population spike (n = 3). This is a concentration greatly in excess of those that have been shown to block L-channels (Morel & Godraind 1991). Intracellular studies The effect of focal stimulation within the nucleus accumbens is shown in Figure lb. Following the stimulus artefact there was a delay of 1-2ms before an excita Control


+ w-Cg Tx

J0.5 mV

20 ms b

/> l

1~~~~0mV \

~~10 Ms

Figure 1 Synaptic potentials in the nucleus accumbens: (a) illustrates the form of the extracellularly recorded field potential. The first large negative (downward) deflection probably reflects electrically evoked action potentials in the presynaptic elements. Following this a second negative wave, a presumed population spike, was produced. This probably reflects action potentials in postsynaptic cells and rises from a positively going field excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.) (cf. hippocampal population spikes; Andersen et al., 1971a). co-Conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) had little effect on the presynaptic spike but markedly reduced the population spike and field e.p.s.p. On this and all subsequent figures where the stimulus artefacts are blanked out for clarity, they occurred at the position indicated by the arrow. (b) Intracellularly recorded The larger control e.p.s.p. was reduced in both amplitude and duration following 10min exposure to 100nM co-CgTx (smaller trace). Resting membrane potential = -80 mV.

w-CONOTOXIN AND CENTRAL SYNAPSES atory postynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.) developed. Little evidence of any concomitant inhibitory postsynaptic potentials ( was obtained. Following exposure to co-CgTx (1 00lM, 10min) the evoked were reduced in amplitude and duration (Figure lb). The percentage reduction of the amplitude of these (sub-threshold for action potential initiation) was 63.9 + 4.8% (n = 5). The application of w-CgTx did not affect the apparent membrane resistance in any cell tested.

Hippocampus Extracellular studies Stimulation of the stratum radiatum activated Schaffer collateral and commissural fibres that form synapses mediated by an excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter onto CAI pyramidal cells (Collingridge et al., 1983). At the end of a 10 min application of co-CgTx (100nM), the population spike evoked from this region (Figure 2) was transiently reduced by 31.2 + 4.2% (n = 7). In each case the population spike steadily recovered over the following 2060min. An additional effect that appeared during the application of co-CgTx in all 7 slices, was the production of multiple population spikes following the synaptic stimulus (Figure 2). In 4 slices, spontaneous synchronized burst discharges also occurred upon application of co-CgTx (Figure 2). Little recovery from these effects was obtained after up to 3 h washout. Nisoldipine (10pM for 10min) had no effect on the CAI population spikes either when added alone (n = 4) or following exposure of the slice to co-CgTx (n = 4). Field recorded in the radiatum were of the classical form (Andersen et al., 1971b). co-CgTx (l00nM for 10min) reduced the rate of rise of the postsynaptic component by 44.2 + 13.3% (n = 4); as with cell body fields, a slow but gen-


erally incomplete recovery occurred. Full recovery was achieved by increasing the stimulus strength by up to 3x control. Intracellular studies Stimulation of the stratum radiatum evoked synaptic responses in CAl pyramidal cells (Figure 3). These have been shown to comprise an excitatory amino acid mediated e.p.s.p. (Collingridge et al., 1983), a fast GABAA-mediated i.p.s.p. and a slow GABAB-mediated i.p.s.p. (Newberry & Nicoll, 1985; Dutar & Nicoll, 1988). Similar responses were obtained upon activation of mossy fibre inputs onto CA3 pyramidal cells although the i.p.s.p. was often the more predominant response. cw-CgTx (100 nM, 10min) strongly attenuated the in both CAl (n = 5) and CA3 (n = 4), whilst the often showed an increase in both amplitude and duration. The of the CAl were sensitive to concentrations of w-CgTx as low as 10 nm when applied for longer periods (30 min). This concentration also reduced the rate of rise of the e.p.s.p. by 20.3 + 15.5% (n = 3) after this time. Perfusion of 30 nm w-CgTx for 30min reduced the rate of rise of by 51.4 + 3.3% (n = 4). Similar experiments using 1 UM co-CgTx (30min) produced greater variation. The reduction in the rate of rise of the e.p.s.p. was 45.9 + 18.7% (n = 5). This highest concentration of the toxin reduced the amplitudes of 4 of these, completely inhibiting 2. In every case these effects of cw-CgTx on the could be reversed by increasing the stimulus strength. Only on 2 occasions did the i.p.s.p. show a partial recovery on increasing the stimulus strength. The application of co-CgTx, at these concentrations, did not affect resting membrane resistance (n = 5 CAl: n = 3 CA3).

Isolated hippocampal excitatory postsynaptic potentials The monosynaptically evoked e.p.s.p. is usually rapidly curtailed by a fast i.p.s.p. which results from concurrent activation of feedforward inhibitory interneurones in the CAl. It is possible that if co-CgTx were having an effect on both inhibitory and excitatory synapses, then the effect of the e.p.s.p. may have been masked by the reduction in the curtailment produced by the i.p.s.p. Thus, it was necessary to examine the effects of co-CgTx on these potentials in isolation and thus unmodified by concurrent synaptic activity.



+ w-CgTx

20 mV


200 s

300 ms

5 mV

0.5 mV

100 nM w-Cg Tx 20




Figure 2 Effect of co-conotoxin GVIA (w-CgTx) on field potentials in the CAI. Recordings of the evoked field potentials in the cell body layer. Large negative (downward) population spikes were produced superimposed on a positive excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.). Following exposure to lOOnM co-CgTx for 10min, multiple population spikes were evoked and often, spontaneous discharges (lower record) appeared.

Figure 3 Effect of co-conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) on intracellularly recorded synaptic potentials in the hippocampus. Each synaptic response comprised an excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.), upon which an action potential was produced, and a fast and a slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (i.p.s.p). These responses are shown at two sweep speeds (top record). During application of w-CgTx the were selectively reduced. The amplitude of the action potentials was truncated by the chart recorder. Resting membrane potential = -60 mV.



Perfusion of slices with a combination of 30OM bicuculline and 30OM picrotoxin antagonized the fast i.p.s.p. Therefore the evoked e.p.s.p. was not so rapidly attenuated and was augmented. This led to the production of paroxysmal depolarizing shifts (p.d.s's) (Matsumoto & Ajmone-Marsan, 1964; Dichter & Spencer, 1969) which, at low stimulus intensities and hyperpolarized membrane potentials, could often be visualized as a secondary hump in the e.p.s.p. (Figure 4a). In p.d.s's that reached threshold for action potential activation, multiple action potentials were produced (Figure 4b), and the p.d.s. tended to merge with the initial e.p.s.p. In the presence of GABAA-receptor antagonists, p.d.s's occurred upon synaptic stimulation but not upon direct intracellular current injection, and whether the CA3 was intact (n = 7) or surgically removed (n = 4). They were not abolished in the presence of the NMDA antagonist D(-)-AP5 (30pM; n = 4), when applied in combination with either MK801 (500 nM) or 7-Cl KYNA (50pM). A combination of a competitive antagonist, such as AP5 (Evans et al., 1982), and a noncompetitive antagonist such as MK-801 (Wong et al., 1986) or 7-Cl KYNA (Kemp et al., 1988) should provide a large antagonism of NMDA receptors whilst reducing the possible risk of non-NMDA effects if the equivalent concentration of a single agent has been added. Both the initial e.p.s.p. and the p.d.s. were reversibly abolished by 3 gM DNQX (n = 3), demonstrating that they were synaptic in origin. Eight CAI cells displaying subthreshold and p.d.s's were exposed to 100nm cnw-CgTx for 10min. In all cases both excitatory components were sensitive to the toxin. The peak of the e.p.s.p./p.d.s. was reduced by a mean value of 86.2 + 3.8%. By increasing the amplitude of the stimulus to the stratum radiatum by between 0.3 and 1.5 V the reduction in the e.p.s.p./p.d.s. could be reversed in every case (n = 4; Figure 4c). In some cases suprathreshold CAl e.p.s.p./p.d.s's also showed a slight sensitivity to co-CgTx. These events were either unchanged (n = 2) or showed delayed onset/rise times (n = 4) following exposure to 100 nm cw-CgTx (O min). Later action potentials in 3 of these 4 latter were also lost or delayed (data not shown). To quantify this action of co-CgTx, cells were voltage-clamped so that the excitatory postsynaptic current (e.p.s.c.) underlying each e.p.s.p. could be examined

(Figure 5a). At holding potentials of -20 to -30 mV the peak amplitude of supramaximal e.p.s.cs was reduced by 11.7 + 4.3% (n = 4) following exposure to wo-CgTx (100 nm, 10 min). In the CA3, the p.d.s. produced in the presence of GABAA antagonists was also examined (Figure 5b). co-CgTx (100 nm, 10 min) had little effect on these (n = 3). In this respect the CA3's appeared less susceptible to the toxin than those in the CAI.

Isolated CA] inhibitory postsynaptic potentials 'Pure' were evoked by stimulating in close proximity to the recorded cell in the presence of 10iM DNQX, as described in the methods (Figure 6a). These were very sensitive to inhibition by co-CgTx (100nM, 10min, n = 7). This antagonism could not be overcome in any of the cells tested (n = 5). On increasing the stimulus strength beyond a certain intensity, action potentials, arising from the stimulus artefact were evoked in the pyramidal cell, presumably as a result of direct electrical activation. In voltage-clamp mode the outward current underlying the i.p.s.p., the inhibitory postsynaptic current (i.p.s.c.) was examined (Figure 6b). This was performed at Vhold of -15 to -30 mV. co-CgTx (100 nm, 10min) reduced the peak amplitude to the i.p.s.c. by 70.3 + 11.9% (n = 4).

Exogenously applied GABA-mimetics To determine whether the effect of the co-CgTx involved an action on postsynaptic GABAA-receptor-mediated responses, its effect on the actions of the GABAA-receptor agonist, isoguvacine, was examined. Isoguvacine (10pM) evoked a hyperpolarization associated with a conductance increase (Figure 7). The mean peak amplitude of the hyperpolarization evoked was 4.3 + 0.4 mV (n = 5) whilst the mean conductance increase in these cells was 9.9 + 1.3 nS. No significant reduction of either action was produced following exposure to 100 nM co-CgTx for 10min (Student's paired t test: P > 0.05 in both cases). co-CgTx had no effect on the actions of isoguvacine on cells where the toxin produced the reduction in b


-J15 mV


20 ms

15 mV

25 ms



+ w-Cg Tx

+ w-Cg Tx

I10 mV 25 ms

3V 2.7 V 2.7 V Figure 4 Paroxysmal depolarization shifts (p.d.s's) in CAI. In the presence of GABAA antagonists, p.d.s's appeared as secondary humps following the evoked excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.Xa). This allowed cells with otherwise subthreshold to produce action potentials (b). co-Conotoxin GVIA (w-CgTx) produced marked inhibitions of sub-threshold and p.d.s's that could, nonetheless, be reversed upon increasing the stimulus strength (c). Records (a) and (c) were taken from the same cell (resting membrane potential = -61 mV). Record (b) was taken from a different cell that was hyperpolarized to -80 mV by constant current injection.



+ w-Cg Tx

Control -25 mVA



1~~~~x~ 125mV a

0.1 nA

10 FLM



10 FM


100 Ms +

wa-Cg Tx




w-Cg Tx

,lII I


10 FM






2 min

Figure 7 Lack of effect of co-conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) on GABAreceptor activation in CAI. Responses to 1 min applications of 10OpM baclofen and 10pM isoguvacine before and after application of o-CgTx. Regular downward deflections were produced by direct intracellular hyperpolarizing current pulses of 0.2 nA magnitude. Resting membrane potential = -62 mV.


-imV 25 ms

Figure 5 Paroxysmal depolarization shifts recorded under voltageand current-clamp. (a) The current underlying supramaximal paroxysmal depolarization shifts (p.d.s's) recorded in the CAL. Cells where voltage clamped at depolarizing membrane potentials to avoid spontaneous sodium and calcium currents, w-conotoxin GVIA (co-CgTx) had only a limited effect on these synaptic responses. (b) Paroxysmal depolarization shifts in CA3. Recorded in current-clamp, the excitatory postsynaptic potential (e.p.s.p.) and p.d.s. merged to form large excitatory potentials giving rise to many action potentials. These responses were unaffected by exposure to o-*CgTx. In this example the p.d.s. was slightly accentuated and produced an additional action potential during co-CgTx application. Resting membrane potential = -66mV.

the evoked i.p.s.p. that was documented above. co-CgTx had no effect on the action of the GABAB agonist, baclofen (Figure 7).

Discussion and conclusions The involvement of calcium in neurotransmission has been established over many years and, in most cases, the entry of calcium into the presynaptic terminal is the causative action b



+ w-Cg



0.25 nA 15 mV

mVL 200 ms



Figure 6 Monosynaptically evoked inhibitory synapses in CA1. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials ( (a) and the current underlying them, the inhibitory postsynaptic currents (i.p.s.cs) (b), were evoked by direct electrical stimulation of the interneurones in the presence of the excitatory amino acid antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline2,3-dione (DNQX) (see text). In both current- and voltage-clamp these inhibitory synapses were strongly attenuated by c-conotoxin GVIA (o)-CgTx). Record (a) was taken from a cell of resting membrane potential -59mV whereas record (b) was taken from a different cell voltage-clamped at 30mV. -

for transmitter release (Smith & Augustine, 1988). The mode of calcium entry has attracted much interest, with the description of multiple calcium channels in vertebrate neurones allowing investigations into the channel sub-type(s) that may be involved. In this study we have examined the effects of two calcium channel blockers, nisoldipine and co-CgTx, on synaptic responses in the nucleus accumbens and hippocampus. Any dependence of this transmission on L-channels would be expected to be demonstrated by a sensitivity of the synaptic transmission to both nisoldipine and perhaps w-CgTx whereas a reliance on N-channels should be demonstrated by a sensitivity to co-CgTx alone (Fox et al., 1987). The lack of effect of nisoldipine on the field potentials in both the nucleus accumbens and the CAI suggests that dihydropyridine-sensitive L-channels are not significantly involved in the release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic terminals that were activated in our in vitro conditions. However, such a conclusion may be compromised by the reported voltage-dependence of the block of L-channels by dihydropyridines and their low efficacy of action on hippocampal neurones (Docherty & Brown, 1986; Ozawa et al., 1989; Meyers & Barker, 1989). By contrast, co-CgTx had pronounced effects on these synaptic potentials. In the nucleus accumbens, co-CgTx strongly inhibited the population spike and intracellularly recorded e.p.s.p. The toxin had no effect on the resting membrane conductance, suggesting that its effects were mediated presynaptically. The inhibition of the excitatory potentials in the nucleus accumbens is consistent with a role of N-channels in the release of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter (Horne et al., 1990) in this region. In the CA1 region of the hippocampus, a 10min application of 100 nM c-CgTx produced a transient reduction in the population spike amplitude and an inhibition of the radiatum dendritic field potential. This suggests therefore, that the in the hippocampus are sensitive to the toxin. Intracellular studies indicated that the within the CAI and CA3 were also markedly reduced by the toxin. The lack of effect of w-CgTx on either resting membrane conductance or the action of GABA-mimetics, along with the voltage-clamp data suggests that these actions of co-CgTx were exerted at a presynaptic locus and not at postsynaptic GABA receptors or calcium channels such as have been described in hippocampal neurones (Docherty & Brown, 1986; Meyers & Barker, 1989). This suggests that co-CgTx sensitive channels are involved also in these synaptic processes (Kamiya et al., 1988; Krishtal et al., 1989; Dutar et al., 1989). It was a common finding, however, that in the CAI or CA3 the i.p.s.p. appeared to be more sensitive to co-CgTx than was



the e.p.s.p. This was indicated directly in the intracellular studies, and indirectly by the production of multiple population spikes in the extracellular experiments. The appearance of the spontaneous discharges also suggests that the balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs was altered in favour of the excitation. The lack of these discharges in the intracellular studies may reflect the lower potassium concentrations used. This phenomenon was not reported in the extracellular studies of Krishtal et al. (1989) although it was noted, to a small extent, in the intracellular work of Dutar et al. (1989). Further evidence for a distinction between the sensitivity of the e.p.s.p. and the i.p.s.p. to co-CgTx was provided by the present study in that the effects of co-CgTx on the e.p.s.p. could be overcome by increasing the stimulus magnitude. This procedure was patently less successful in overcoming the effects on hippocampal or in the nucleus accumbens. This apparent differential sensitivity could have arisen from the synaptic arrangement within the CAl. were normally rapidly curtailed by the powerful inhibitory effects of the i.p.s.p. Therefore, it is possible that small decreases in the output of excitatory transmitter may not have produced a smaller e.p.s.p. if release of inhibitory transmitter, and therefore the effectiveness of the i.p.s.p., was also decreased. For this reason the potentials were dissected free of each other and their sensitivity to w-CgTx re-examined. By perfusing with antagonists of GABAA receptors, the fast component of the i.p.s.p. was inhibited. The e.p.s.p. was, therefore, relatively isolated from the i.p.s.p. which allowed the production of a secondary component to the e.p.s.p., known as the paroxysmal depolarizing shift (p.d.s.; Matsumoto & Ajmone-Marsan, 1964; Dichter & Spencer, 1969). Previous studies have indicated that the p.d.s. appears to be synaptic in origin (Johnston & Brown, 1984; Neuman et al., 1989). This is supported by the present observation that they were blocked by antagonists of excitatory amino acid receptors, and that p.d.s's were only present following a synaptic stimulus and not following direct intracellular current injection. These events could be recorded in the CA1 even following removal of the CA3 region of the slice. Therefore, they presumably result from circuitry within the CAI, similar to that proposed for such events within the CA3 (Schwartzkroin & Prince, 1978; Wong & Traub, 1983). That they were not abolished by selective NMDA antagonists suggests that these events were not dependent on NMDA receptors. The e.p.s.p./p.d.s. complex appeared to be relatively insensitive to lOOnM co-CgTx applied for 10min. Although these potentials could be shown to be sensitive to the toxin, this was usually only the case when small potentials evoked by very submaximal stimuli were studied. Only small and inconsistent effects were produced on potentials large enough to give rise to action potentials and only a small reduction in the synaptic current was observed in voltage-clamp. As before, any effect of w CgTx was reversible by increasing the stimulus strength. It did not appear, therefore, that these synaptic inputs onto the hippocampal pyramidal cells showed any increased sensitivity to co-CgTx after removal of the concurrent inhibition. This suggests that the may indeed be less sensitive to the toxin and that the removal of the shunt normally provided by the inhibitory transmitter does not mask an effect of co-CgTx on the excitatory potential. As the i.p.s.p. in the CAI is normally activated via di/ polysynaptic pathways following stratum radiatum stimulation, whilst the e.p.s.p. results from monosynaptic activation, it may be that the di/polysynaptic pathways would appear to be the more susceptible even if all synapses were being equally

affected. However, when the were activated monosynaptically, in isolation from, they continued to show strong sensitivity to w-CgTx. That the effects of co-CgTx on the hippocampal e.p.s.p. were overcome by increasing the stimulus strength suggests that in these synapses, unlike the inhibitory synapses in this region or the excitatory synapses in the nucleus accumbens, transmission is not dependent upon the channels that were blocked during the application of the toxin. This may be the result if the extent of calcium entry into the excitatory terminal was far in excess of that required for neurotransmitter release. A prediction of this explanation is that hippocampal should be more resistant to failure in low calcium media compared to the Such an effect has been reported by Rausche et al. (1990), who found that on lowering the calcium concentration, an initial period of transient epileptiform bursting was produced prior to synaptic failure. An alternative explanation is that a distinct sub-class of Nchannels may mediate the calcium entry into the excitatory terminals of the hippocampus. That N-channels may not form a homogeneous population is implicit in a number of experimental observations. Reynolds et al. (1986) observed that cw-CgTx at low concentrations inhibited only 30% of depolarization-induced calcium uptake into synaptosomes and that a second inhibitory component occurred at higher concentrations, and Hans et al. (1990) have reported a < 50% block of calcium currents, that were dependent on hyperpolarized membrane potentials, by the toxin. The studies of Plummer et al. (1989) suggest that the block of N-channels by co-CgTx may involve both an irreversible and a reversible component. These latter authors suggest that their results can be explained by the existence of sub-classes of N-channels with different sensitivities to the toxin. The effects we observed on the hippocampal e.p.s.p. are not inconsistent with a role for the reversibly blocked N-channels in these synapses. Variation in the sensitivity of synaptic transmission to co-CgTx has been suggested previously. The release of substance P can be shown to be dependent on dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type channels (Rane et al., 1987) rather than w-CgTx-sensitive N-type channels (Maggi et al., 1988). Inhibitory synaptic inputs onto anococcygeus muscle are also resistant to co-CgTx (McKnight et al., 1989). Differential sensitivities of autonomic neuroeffector transmission in various tissues to co-CgTx have recently been reported (De Luca et al., 1990). The nerve terminals of the neurohypophysis have been shown to possess both L- and N-type calcium channels (Lemos & Nowycky 1989) and thus it has been suggested that both channel types could, conceivably, be involved in transmitter release under the appropriate physiological conditions. Furthermore, the N-type channels from this area appeared to differ from N-channels recorded from other neurones. In conclusion, our results suggest that co-CgTx-sensitive (presumably N-type) calcium channels mediate calcium entry into presynaptic elements and thereby initiate excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter release in the nucleus accumbens of the rat. Excitatory and inhibitory transmission in the CAl and CA3 also seem to involve similar channels. The inhibitory synapses within the hippocampus appear to be the more sensitive to co-CgTx suggesting that slight differences may exist in the physiological mechanism(s) that underly the concurrent excitatory and inhibitory synaptic processes in this region. We are grateful to Eleanor Brawn and Sue Burton for their typing skills and to Roy Hammans, Andy Butler and Richard Stockwell for photographic work.

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(Received January 9, 1991 Revised March 19, 1991 Accepted March 26, 1991)

The effect of omega-conotoxin GVIA on synaptic transmission within the nucleus accumbens and hippocampus of the rat in vitro.

1. The actions of two calcium channel antagonists, the N-channel blocker omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx) and the L-channel antagonist nisoldipine, o...
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