Brain Research, 560 ( 1991) 122-131 © 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. (10(36-8993/91/$03.5(t A DONIS (~)0689939116979W

BRES 16979

The influence of long-term potentiation on the spatial relationship between astrocyte processes and potentiated synapses in the dentate gyrus neuropil of rat brain* Jiirgen Wenzel, Grit Lammert, Ursula Meyer and Manfred Krug Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University, Charitd Hospital, Berlin (E R. G.) and Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical A cademy, Magdeburg (F.R. G.) (Accepted 30 April 1991) Key words: Long-term potentiation; Astrocytic glial cell; Synapse; Dentate gyrus; Morphometry

The influence of long-term potentiation (induced by repeated high-frequency stimulation of the perforant pathway) on the distribution pattern of astrocyte processes in the neuropil of the hippocampal dentate area containing the potentiated synapses was investigated by quantitative electronmieroscopy. It has been found that significant changes occurred in the ramification of astrocyte processes as well as in their topographic relation to synaptic complexes. When comparing the results obtained in LTP animals with active control or sham-operated animals, we found significant higher numerical density, but smaller volume, higher surface density and closer apposition of astrocyte processes to the synaptic clefts, boutons terminaux or spines in the potentiated synapses containing neuropil. The glial reaction to synaptic activation has been seen most pronounced 8 h after the LTP induction. The results are pointing to a participation of the glia cells in the maintenance of the LTP effect as well as to a metabolic coupling between synaptic transmission and glia function for equilibrating the homeostasis by clearing the extracellular space next to the transmission zones. INTRODUCTION The p h e n o m e n o n of long-term p o t e n t i a t i o n (LTP) is frequently considered to offer suitable experimental conditions in modeling basic mechanisms involved in plastic changes of synaptic functions or likewise in the processes underlying learning and m e m o r y formation 17.20,35,42,43,59.


LTP firstly was described in the hippocampus by Bliss and LOmo 8 and Bliss and G a r d n e r - M e d w i n 7. It consists of a rapidly occurring synaptic facilitation induced by high frequency stimulation of monosynaptic neuronal pathways that can persist for days or weeks after stimulation and can be m e a s u r e d as an increase in the amplitude and slope function of the field EPSP as well as the amplitude of the population spike of the monosynaptically e v o k e d field potential 7"18"26. Some evidence has been o b t a i n e d pointing to a certain similarity of LTP with basic mechanisms of learning and m e m o r y formation. F o r instance, LTP can be induced by a small number of tetanic impulses, occurs very rapidly and persists for an extremely long time 4"5s. M o r e o v e r , strong support for this assumption was given by data, which

d e m o n s t r a t e that LTP and m e m o r y formation are similarly accompanied by an e n h a n c e m e n t of protein synthesis36'42 and that both the acquisition and consolidation of a learned b e h a v i o u r and the induction and maintenance of LTP can be influenced by drugs in a similar m a n n e r 21" 23,27,45,50

With respect to LTP, pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms are assumed to be involved in induction and maintenance of the LTP p h e n o m e n o n . Evidence has been accumulated for an enhanced transmitter release 9, changes in postsynaptic receptors t4, induction of protein kinase C 54, changes in the phosphoinositol metabolism 39 and participation of protein or glycoprotein synthesis 21"27"28" 36,50

Especially the latter might be necessary for conformational changes in the growth processes of the postsynaptic spines which has been frequently described 12A7'33"63" 66. In search for the morphological correlate of the LTP effect, attention was focussed mainly on the p o t e n t i a t e d neurons and changes were described in the different parts of neuronal elements. O n the other hand, considering neurons and the surrounding glial cells as a func-

* The authors dedicate this work to our respected teacher in Neuroanatomy, Professor Dr. Walter Kirsche (Director of the Institute of Anatomy of the Humboldt University from 1967 to 1980), on the occasion of his 70th birthday, June 21, 1990. Correspondence: J. Wenzel, Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty (Charit6), Humboldt University, Philippstrasse 12, D-1040 Berlin, F.R.G. Fax: (37) (2) 2862035.

123 tional i n t e r c o n n e c t e d


it m i g h t

also b e


w h e t h e r astrocytes u n d e r g o c h a n g e s d u r i n g t h e i n d u c t i o n and m a i n t e n a n c e of LTP. T h e r e f o r e , t h e o b j e c t i v e o f the c u r r e n t study was to find p h a s e - r e l a t e d r e a c t i o n s o f glial p r o c e s s e s in t h e n e u r o p i l c o n t a i n i n g I o n - t e r m p o t e n t i a t e d synapses as well as to d e m o n s t r a t e t h e f u n c t i o n a l c o o p e r a t i o n o f a s t r o c y t e s with t h e synaptic n e u r o t r a n s m i s s i o n p o t e n t i a t e d by p r e v i o u s h i g h - f r e q u e n c y stimulation. In o r d e r to get statistical significance, m e t h o d s of quantitative electron microscopy were employed. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the experiments 3 months old Wistar rats from our breeding stock were used (body weight 200-300 g).

by repeated tetanization with monophasic square wave impulses of 0.2 ms duration and an intensity that elicited a population spike of 40% of the maximal population spike amplitude. In order to avoid paroxysmal activity, the following stimulation scheme was adapted: 4 tetanizing trains of 300 impulses were given with an interval of 30 min between them. Each train was divided into 20 groups of 15 pulses, the stimulus frequency within the group being 200 Hz and the distance between the groups 5 s. In this way a total number of 1200 pulses was applicated. In 14 animals the time course of the potentiation effect was followed by repeated recordings from the dentate molecular layer upto 7 days after tetanization. (This group was not included in the ultrastructural investigation.) As can be seen in Fig. 1, the LTP effect had been induced and lasted for about 7 days. Animals that served as active controls received the same number of 1200 pulses but continuously with a frequency of only 0.2 Hz. Passive controls were implanted as the other animals but were not stimulated.


Surgery In order to implant chronic electrodes for stimulation the perforant pathway and recording monosynaptically evoked field potentials in the dentate gyrus, the animals were anesthetized with a mixture of Nembutal (40 mg/kg) and urethane (500 mg/kg) and placed in a David Kopf stereotaxic apparatus (bregma 1 mm above lambda). In animals which were used for electrophysiological experiments, a monopolar recording and a bipolar stimulating electrode made of 125/~m polyurethane-covered stainless steel wire were implanted at coordinates AP 2.8 mm, lat. 1.8 mm and AP 6.9 mm, lat. 4.1 mm 56. The optimal positions of the electrodes were checked by monitoring the field potential during the implantation procedure. In animals which were used for ultrastructural analysis, only the bipolar stimulating electrodes were implanted at coordinates AP 6.9 mm, lat. 4.1 mm, depth 4.0 mm. All electrodes were connected to plastic miniature sockets which were fixed to the skull by acrylic dental cement. After surgery, the animals were housed individually in plastic cages and received water and food ad libitum.

For quantitative electronmicroscopy 13 LTP animals (LTP group), 11 active control animals (AC) and 10 sham-operated animals (passive controls (PC)) were used. We investigated tissue blocks from the hippocampal area dentata (molecular layer) 1 h after tetanization (LTP group, 6 animals; AC, 4 animals; PC, 4 animals), 8 h after tetanization (LTP group, 4 animals; AC, 4 animals; PC, 3 animals), and 48 h after tetanization (LTP group, 3 animals; AC, 3 animals; PC, 3 animals). For this the animals were sacrificed in deep hexobarbital anesthesia by transcardial perfusion with buffered paraformaldehyde (l%)-glutardiaidehyde (l%)-fixation mixture. The brains were removed, the hippocampal area dentata isolated, postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide and embedded in micropal. The ultrathin sections were taken from the middle third of the molecular layer of the area dentata, stained with uranylacetate and lead citrate. For the observations and photographs a TESLA BS 613 electron microscope was used.


Electrophysiology The stimulation experiments were performed at least 10 days after surgery. In the group of stimulated animals LTP was induced

Quantitative morphological estimations were performed using random photomicrographs of the sections in the middle third of the molecular layer of the dentate area, taken at a primary magnifica-

°/o 300

1 tOO


100 -1

~J 15


27 15

ill I 27 15

[121 I I 7 15 3 0




4. Tetanizat ion


I 90

I At I 120rain 1 8 0

I 240




300rain24 M






Fig. 1. Time course of LTP of the monosynaptically evoked field potential in the dentate gyrus. Top: increase of the population spike (control is 100%). Bottom: increase of the field EPSP. Bars indicate S.E.M.


tion of 1(I,(~)0 times, then enlarged to exactly 70,000 times. About 20 micrographs per animal, obtained from sections of 2 or 3 tissue blocks were included in the quantitative evaluation. In each enlarged photomicrograph the test area was indicated.

The test area was 1470 cm 2, corresponding to a neuropil area of 311 um 2 in the ultrathin section. Thereforc, per animal about 61)0/zm 3 neuropil was analysed. All glia cell processes visible in the neuropil within the test area were outlined, Special cmphasis was given

Fig. 2. Electronmicrograph from the neuropil of the area dentata of the hippocampus from a control rat showing the distribution of the glial ccll proccsses (lined). Magnification: x30,000.


Influence of LTP on astrocyte processes in the area dentata neuropil Mean -+ standard deviation of mean.

l h



0.0591 +- 0.0169 0.0422 - 0.0197 0.0470 - 0.0172

0.0821 -+ 0.0215 0.0770 -+ 0.0320 0.0780 -+ 0.0093

0.1048 -4- 0.0042 0.0976 -+ 0.0036 0.1006 + 0.0056

0.0156 + 0.0027 0.0136 -+ 0.0044 0.0140 -+ 0.0025

0.0275 -+ 0.0025** 0.0196 -+ 0.0045 0.0192 -+ 0.0040

0.0238 -+ 0.018" 0.0211 -+ 0.0020 0.0215 -+ 0.0027

18.1 -+ 3.9 15.9 -+ 1.9 16.6 -+ 1.3

46.5 - 5.8** 25.8 - 4.3 26.1 - 5.0

27.7 -+ 2.2* 23.1 -+ 2.3 19.3 -+ 2.9

2.63 -+ 0.56 2.96 -+ 0.41 2.79 -+ 0.17

1.10 -+ 0.14"* 1.76 -+ 0.31 1.91 -+ 0.35

1.61 -+ 0.23* 1.89 -+ 0.22 2.17 -+ 0.32

Volume density of glial processes LTP AC S-op

Surface density of glial processes LTP AC S-op

Numerical density of glial processes LTP AC S-op

Volume of a single process (percentage of the volume density) LTP AC S-op

* Significant changes (P < 0.05) in LTP group with time. ** Significance level (P < 0.01) when comparing the 1 h with the 8 h value as well as with the controls. AC, Active controls; S-op, sham-operated rats or passive controls.

to glia processes in close contact to synaptic complexes (presynaptic bouton and postsynaptic spine with visible transmission zone) or to the synaptic cleft. These contact zones were also marked. Using a square lattice test system (calibration distance of test lines a = 6 mm; test point number Pr -- 4290) according to Weibe162 the following parameters were estimated in the test area of each photomicrograph: (1) Volume density V of the astrocyte processes. (2) Numerical density N A of the astrocyte processes. (3) Surface density Sv of the astrocyte processes. (4) Volume density of an averaged single astrocyte process (Vv:

percentage of an averaged single astrocyte process contributing to the volume density of all astrocyte processes in the test area) (Palkovits sl). (5) Surface density of synaptic complexes covered by astrocyte processes. (6) Percentage of synapse surface covered by astrocyte processes. (7) Percentage of synapse with the synaptic cleft bordered by astrocyte processes. For each photomicrograph these parameters were calculated from the estimated primary data (obtained by the test point counting method) by means of the stereological formulas developed by Weibe162 .


Influence of LTP on the synapse--astrocyte processes relationship Mean -+ standard deviation of mean.

l h



17.1 -+ 2.6 13.5 -+ 4.2 14.2 -+ 6.8

26.3 -+ 5.7* 19.4 -+ 4.5 18.8 + 2.3

30.7 -+ 3.5** 24.7 - 2.6 19.7 - 2.0

35.0 - 6.9 25.4 - 9.4 27.7 - 4.1

58.0 - 10.4" 38.2 - 11.3 35.3 -+ 5.0

45.2 -+ 10.7 46.1 +_ 0.7 39.5 -+ 10.7

29.1 - 6.1 37.1 - 8.5 30.0 -4- 3.0

7.3 - 4.0* 16.0 - 4.7 18.8 - 5.9

5.5 -+ 2.0** 12.6 - 4.1 25.0 -4- 4.3

Percentage of synaptic surface density covered by astrocyte processes LTP AC S-op

Percentage of synapses with synaptic cleft bordered by astrocyte processes LTP AC S-op

Percentage of synapses without any contact to astrocyte processes LTP AC S-op

* Significant difference (P < 0.01) of LTP against active control (AC) or sham-operated (S-op) rats. ** Significant difference (P < 0.05) from LTP I h and 48 h.

126 Statistics

For the statistical calculations a personal computer PC 1715 ROBOTRON or the laboratory computer ROBOTRON K 1003 and software (ABSTAT programme) for the significance tests were used. From the collected data, the mean value with its variance was calculated for each animal. Within the animal group the normal distribution of the data was proved. The F-test and the ;(2 test was used to get information about the statistical homogeneity of the animals in each group. For the final significance testing of differences between the experimental and control groups, the mean of each animal was taken as representative for this animal. The significance was tested at the P < 0.05 level using the t-test of Student with Welch-correction for small n numbers. Additionally, all




302010. O.





100, lh











8h 48h [time] IFJ'~lActiveContro[ ~ S h a m e o p e r n t e d

Fig. 3. Quantitative estimations of astrocyte processes in the neuropil test area (mean and standard deviation of mean). Top: numerical density (NA) of the astrocyte profiles. Significant increase 8 h after the LTP experiment. Middle: volume density (Vv) of a single averaged astrocyte process in relation to the total volume density of all astrocyte profiles. The values • 10-2 correspond to the volume density of a single process in percent of the total glial volume, thus being a parameter of the reduced size of the average profile 8 h after the LTP experiment. Bottom: surface density (Sv) of the astrocyte processes. Significant increase 8 h after the experiment.

significances were again proved by the parameter-frec test of Mann and Whitney. RESULTS The astrocyte processes filling the gaps of the neuropil in the network b e t w e e n dendrites and axons forming synapses, are d e a r l y discernible in electron micrographs by their typical morphological features: irregular contours, light a p p e a r a n c e of cytoplasm with low electron density, sparsely distributed organelles, never microtubules, seldom glial fibrils (Fig. 2). The quantitative estimations revealed a significant influence of the LTP exp e r i m e n t on the stereologic p a r a m e t e r s for astrocyte profiles within the neuropil in general as well as in view of astrocytic contacts with synaptic complexes or profiles bordering the synaptic cleft. Table I summarizes the data characterizing the changes which occurred with the astrocytic profiles in the neuropil after the potentiation experiment. The volume density of the astrocyte processes was not significantly different in the 3 animal groups, thus indicating that the percentage of the glial volume in the whole neuropil was not changed by the potentiation. H o w e v e r , in all groups of animals there was a significant increase in glial volume with time. The reason might be some swelling of the glial processes due to the surgery and electrode implantation in all animal groups. The specific LTP effect was significantly d e m o n s t r a t e d when comparing the data on the numerical density, volume of an averaged single profile, or surface density (Fig. 3, Table I). Most p r o n o u n c e d in the 8 h experiment, we found a significant increase in the n u m b e r of profiles per test area, however, on average the profiles exhibited a smaller volume and, therefore, we got higher values in the surface density of the astrocyte processes. In the 48 h e x p e r i m e n t this effect was less obvious, but still significant. The topographical relationship of astrocyte processes to the synapses potentiated by the stimulation experiment is shown in Figs. 4 - 6 and Table II. In the time course after the LTP effect has been established, we have seen the synaptic complexes (bouton and spine) increasingly envelo p e d by the astrocyte processes until about 30% of the synapse surface is contacted by astrocyte cytoplasm (Figs. 4, 5). There occurs also a highly significant increase in the n u m b e r of synapses with an astrocyte process profile just bordering the synaptic cleft laterally, especially in the phase 8 h after the tetanization (Fig. 6). These changes are reflected by the result that the percentage of synapses without any contact to astrocyte processes diminished from about one third to only 5-6% in the LTP group 48 h after the experiment (Fig. 7, Table ll).

127 DISCUSSION The functions of glial cells in the CNS are by no means completely defined, with the exception of myelin

production by the oligodendrocytes 11 or the u p t a k e of amino acid synaptic transmitters 41'61 and a contribution to extracellular potassium homeostasis by astrocytes 29'32' 40,47-49,53,55

Fig. 4. Electron micrographs of axospinodendritic synapses in the neuropil of the area dentata showing the close relationship of the astrocyte processes to the synaptic cleft or surface of the pre- or postsynaptic elements. Magnification: x60,000.


lh offer LTP


SYNAPSES and GLIA 6,9'/,

lh after LTP

limited by gtia


without gliacontact

8hrs after LTP 36,2% surface with gliacontact 25~3%

8 hrs after LT

48hrs after LTP

hired by gtia

without g{iacont¢ 34,7% surface with gtiacontact


/.,8hrs after LTF

[imited by gtia


Fig. 5. Surface density of synaptic complexes. The relation between astrocyte process-covered surface density (black area) and uncovered surface density (stippled area) is demonstrated 1, 8 or 48 h after the LTP experiment.

without gliacontact

From the data of our morphometric electron microscopic study it can be concluded that not only the target neurons of the tetanized afferent pathway undergo a variety of distinct morphological changes in the pre- and postsynaptic structures after LTP induction 63--66 but also the surrounding glial cells. Evidence has been obtained by our results that the astrocytes near the potentiated synapses develop a higher degree of ramification and an enlargement of its surface. Moreover, astrocyte processes establish a closer spatial contact to the potentiated axospinodendritic synapses and tend to cover the surface

Fig. 7. Numerical relationship between synapses and astrocyte processes. Percentage of all visible synapses in the test area with or without contact to astrocyte processes in the LTP group, 1, 8 or 48 h after the LTP experiment.

49 3% surface with gtiac0nt~ct

of synaptic boutons or spines more extensively as well as to limit the synaptic cleft laterally. As a consequence, the number of synapses without a visible relation to glial

Relationship between Synapses and Glial Processes before LTP

after LTP

°t'o d

60" 504 /,0" 30" 2010" 0




8h ~




Fig, 6. Percentage of synapses in the test area with astrocyte processes bordering the synaptic cleft (mean and S.E.M.). Significant (P < 0.01) increase in the LTP group 8 h after the experiment.

Fig. 8. Fore explanation see text. A, axon; S, spine; G, glial processes.

129 processes diminishes (Fig. 8). Most of these changes occurred highly significantly in the 8 h phase after the LTP stimulation. However, even in the 48 h post-stimulation test we still found these changes in the volume of single astrocyte processes and in the percentage of synapses without astrocyte contact (Tables I and II). These results point firstly to a phaserelated reaction of the astrocytes and secondly to a direct influence of the enhanced synaptic activity and transmission on the glia processes in the neuropil containing potentiated synapses. The intimate relation of the glial processes to the potentiated synapses should reflect the functional cooperation of neurons and glial cells. It is well known that astrocytes are necessary metabolic partners of neurons, especially for the synaptic transmission 6'24'46'55. Glial cells have receptors for neurotransmitters which may be involved in neuron-glia interactions 25'4°'57. The fine ramified cytoplasm of the astrocytes contributes to the inactivation of transmitter molecules released into the synaptic cleft and intercellular space 16. Moreover, an important function is the clearance of the extracellular space from K + ions which are released during synaptic transmission together with the ionic shift of Na +, K + and C a 2+ and whose enhanced concentration can influence the membrane potential (spreading depression) 48'55. So, in order to ensure an undisturbed neuronal transmission, a clearance mechanism for potassium is extremely important. Recently it has been shown that this clearance function can be fulfilled by the astrocyte processes which contact the neurons and synapses at one hand, but also reach the blood or liquor spaces for exchange purposes by the perivascular endfeet or by forming inner and outer limiting glial membranes. Higher extracellular concentrations of K ÷ influence not only neurons but also the membrane potential of the astrocyte processes. High-affinity low-resistance channels for K ÷ in the glial cell membrane has been demonstrated recently by Reichenbach and Eberhardt 53. The K + enriched environment of a permanently activated synapse is supported to be the stimulus for the attachment of glial processes near the transmission zone and the finer ramification of the cell processes in the synaptic neuropil. Recent studies have demonstrated voltage-gated ion channels in glial membranes. Voltage-gated Na + and K + channels, presumably located in the membranes of the astrocytes forming the glia limitans (frog optic nerve), were identified 4°. Marrero et al. 4° reported that nerve impulses in the axons of the frog optic nerve transiently alter the properties of the voltage-dependent membrane channels of the surface glial cells. So a larger arborization of the as-

trocytic processes during LTP could demonstrate a possible form of enhanced signalling between potentiated neurons or synapses and glial cells. During the induction of the LTP effect the stimulation causes an intensification of the synaptic transmission which in turn is followed by an enhanced presynaptic release of glutamate at the perforant path synapses in the dentate area 9'14 together with transmembraneous shifts of the ions. Astrocytes are also known to take up and metabolize several neurotransmitters such as glutamate, glycin, G A B A or other biogenic amines from the extracellular space to prevent a desensitization of synaptic receptors 24,46,48,61" For the establishment and maintenance of the potentiation effect, calcium ions play an important role 4'5'13' 14,38. Glial cells may also be involved in the control of the extracellular calcium concentration 4°. Therefore, it might be concluded that the changes seen in astrocytes after LTP induction reflect the reaction of the system neuron-glia to an enhancement of synaptic transmission processes which tend to ensure the homeostasis in the extracellular space of ions and transmitter molecules. The extensive ramification in the neuropil as well as the intimate relationship to the synaptic cleft enable the astrocytes for these regulatory tasks in brain homeostasis. The glial cells may also participate in the neuronal protein metabolism 31 that is highly activated during the LTP 15"19'22'36'43'52'63'66 by a transfer of synthesized molecules. These results indicate that the stimulated neuronal activation and enhanced metabolism with its intensive material exchange between intra- and extracellular compartments force the glial cells to react likewise. Morphologically, these processes can be reflected in delicate ramification of more numerous but smaller glia cell processes, enlarging their total surface as well as the contact area with the potentiated synapses. However, it remains unclear if the glia reaction occurs specifically only next to tetanized synapses or if it represents a generalized effect on the affected neuropil. At the one hand, we know from the experiments of other researchers that only the synchronous co-activation of a relatively small number of synapses (about 5%) is necessary to elicit the initiation or induction of the electrical potentiation effect 3'37"44, referred to by Levy and Steward 34 and Desmond and Levy 16 as the associative potentiation. Otherwise, the high-frequency stimulation initiates not only the synaptic potentiation of the conditioned pathway, but leads also to a long-term synaptic depression of unconditioned p a t h w a y s 1"2'1°'34'37. W h i t e et al. 67 reported recently that associative events that lead to LTP or long-term depression (LTD) can be restricted to a local dendritic domain. By the methods used in our investigation a morpho-

130 logical d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n





logical i n t e r a c t i o n with the LTP induction,


v o l v e d h o m o s y n a p t i c a l l y in LTP o r h e t e r o s y n a p t i c a l l y in

with the i n d u c t i o n of the N M D A r e c e p t o r - m e d i a t e d LTP

L T D is impossible within the total p o p u l a t i o n of syn-

by application of an N M D A inhibitor.

apses n e i g h b o u r e d by glial processes. T h e r e f o r e , future investigations should be p e r f o r m e d to a n s w e r the question if the glia c h a n g e s o b s e r v e d r e p r e s e n t a g e n e r a l or specific effect of the stimulation and synaptic activation. Two aspects are to be c o n s i d e r e d in such future research: (1) labelling of the s t i m u l a t e d fibres by m a r k e r s and investigation of distinct p o t e n t i a t e d synapses as well as their glia e n v i r o n m e n t ; and (2) functional or p h a r m a c o -

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Acknowledgements.This work was supported by the Ministry for Science and Technology of the former G.D.R. The authors are indebted to Mrs. Maria Wagner and Mrs. Gisela Duwe for skiUfull help in the laboratory work, to Mrs. Ursula Ziihlke for the photographic enlargements, and to Mrs. Rosemarie Leder for the graphs. Parts of this study were published in the thesis of Grit Lammert 3°.

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The influence of long-term potentiation on the spatial relationship between astrocyte processes and potentiated synapses in the dentate gyrus neuropil of rat brain.

The influence of long-term potentiation (induced by repeated high-frequency stimulation of the perforant pathway) on the distribution pattern of astro...
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