0163-769X/91/1201-0078$03.00/0 Endocrine Reviews Copyright © 1991 by The Endocrine Society

Vol. 12, No. 1 Printed in U.S.A.

The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Reproductive Functions* S. P. LERNER AND C. E. FINCHf Division of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 265066108; and Andrus Gerontology Center and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0191

I. Introduction

that exert a major influence on histocompatibility. Chordates show a remarkable similarity in the organization and types of genes that are present in their respective Mhcs. This may not be apparent at first, because the Mhc has a different name in each species and occurs in a differently numbered chromosome (Fig. 1). The evolutionary stability of the linkage of particular genes (synteny) is not unique to the Mhc, e.g. more than half of the linkage groups characterized in Xenopus show some synteny with human gene maps (7). Mhc class I and class II genes encode membrane glycoproteins (8); for a detailed review of the structure, function, and diversity of class I molecules, see Ref. 9. Class I antigens are expressed ubiquitously throughout the body and are the main basis for graft rejection but also have a major role in presentation of exogenous and endogenous antigens. Certain alleles of class I antigens are associated with increased risk of particular diseases that include the classic example of ankylosing spondylitis (10, 11). In contrast to class I antigens, class II antigens occur mostly on bone marrow-derived cells, including B cells, activated T cells, macrophages, and other antigenpresenting cells. The number of exons and the polypeptide domain characteristics are similar for genes within each class. These molecules share certain sequence and structural similarities with other members of the immunoglobulin superfamily (5,12). In addition to their role as transplantation antigens, Mhc glycoproteins serve a major role in antigen presentation, and their presence on the cell-surface can influence hormone responses. The receptors for foreign antigens on cytotoxic T cells require that class I glycoproteins also be present at the surface of the antigen-presenting cell. In contrast, helper T cells require a class II glycoprotein to be present with the foreign antigen. In each case, particular Mhc alleles determine the qualitative or quantitative nature of the immune response to a given antigen. This property of T cells is referred to as Mhc restriction, since the immune response is restricted to


HIS review summarizes a scattered literature on genotypic influences on reproductive functions that have been associated with the major histocompatibility complex, the Mhc. While much attention has been given to the roles of the Mhc in immunological functions and disease resistance (1, 2), abundant evidence shows that Mhc-associated genes also influence numerous hormonally related functions. In particular, Mhc polymorphisms are associated with quantitative variations in diverse reproductive traits. These findings are discussed in relation to other genetic studies on reproductive functions. The forthcoming knowledge of nucleotide sequences of Mhc genes and non-class I and class II genes within the Mhc, e.g. in mice (3) and in cows (4), should open important opportunities to study reproductive mechanisms at the molecular level and to create genetically engineered animals for testing of experimental hypotheses and for meeting human needs. We also discuss genotypic influences on reproduction in relation to natural selection for the reproductive schedule. II. Overview of the Mhc

All vertebrates examined have a sizable cluster of genes in their Mhc that contains polymorphic loci governing histocompatibility (1, 2, 5, 6). Mhc genes were first identified as loci that coded for histocompatibility or transplantation antigens. Although histocompatibility genes have been mapped on several chromosomes, the Mhc contains the largest assembly of closely linked loci Address requests for reprints to: S. P. Lerner, Division of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6108. * Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station as scientific paper No. 2243. t Present address: Andrus Gerontology Center and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0191.


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February, 1991








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FIG. 1. Genetic map of class I and class II loci in different species. Open rectangles are class I genes; closed rectangles are class II genes; the hatched rectangle in chickens indicates the B-G antigen (see text). The maps show current status as determined by formal genetics methods. Homologies as indicated by the position represent the interpretation of J. Klein. Redrawn from J. Klein: The Natural History of the Major Histocompatibility Complex, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986 (1); 'R. Fries et al.: Anim Genet 17:287, 1986 and 2H. A. Ansari et al.: Immunogenetics 28:362, 1988]



























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cells that present both an antigen and a particular Mhc allelomorph. The influence of class I glycoproteins on hormone responses in mice, as discussed below, implies ancient molecular relationships between Mhc glycoproteins and responses to a variety of proteinaceous signals. The class I and II glycoproteins also show a remarkable extent of polymorphism in human populations, such that there are 30-60 alleles (allelomorphs) of each class I gene, and, in general, slightly fewer alleles of each class II gene. Unlike the more limited set of polymorphisms in other Mhc genes which generally show a few prevalent alleles, the multiple alleles of class I and II genes occur throughout human populations and rarely exceed a frequency of 10% (1). Of the 25 million or so possible combinations of alleles in humans, a much smaller number has been found, and many of these allelic combinations show extensive linkage disequilibrium, i.e. particular combinations of alleles occur in much higher fre-


II quency than predicted from random combinations. While wild mice appear to have extensive Mhc polymorphisms particularly in class I glycoproteins (1, 13-16), some other mammals may have markedly fewer Mhc polymorphisms (1, 17). The importance of Mhc polymorphisms in favoring survival of the genes encoding resistance to disease in human populations is an ongoing debate (1, 18). The extent of Mhc polymorphisms in natural populations is pertinent to a later discussion on the role of Mhc alleles as genetic substrates for selection of reproductive schedules. In addition to the class I and II genes, the Mhc contains genes coding for several serum complement factors (class III genes). Throughout the Mhc there are genes with no obvious role in immune function; steroid 21-hydroxylase (a P450 enzyme); complement factor 4 (C4; also known as Sip, or sex-limited protein); mixed function oxidases that are important in detoxification; heat shock protein

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A/WySn (A) mouse strains have haplotypes designated H-2h and H-2a, respectively. The B10.A congenic strain was then created by crossing the B10 and A inbred strains, followed by extensive backcrossing of the Fx to B10 mice. After sufficient backcrossing with selection for recombinants that contain the H-2a haplotype, a lineage can be found in which the mice are homozygous for the H-2 region from the A strain, while most of the rest of chromosome 17 and virtually all other chromosomes come from the B10 strain. The resulting B10.A strain is designated by the symbols of the two parental strains used in the initial cross, separated by a period. Through large-scale immunogenetic studies throughout the world, there is now an inventory of hundreds of H-2 congenic strains and recombinants of these (1, 22). The boundaries of the DNA in recombinants are not precisely known in most cases, since recombination is determined using markers that do not exclude flanking or passenger DNA (23, 24).

(HSP-70); tumor necrosis factors a and 0; and others, as summarized for the murine H-2 complex (Fig. 2). Several loci that influence reproduction are near to, but outside the Mhc, including the T/t-locus of mice and the growthreproduction complex (Grc) of rats. The size of the Mhc is 1-10 centimorgans of chromosomal map distance, which approximates 1-20 million nucleotide pairs; for comparison, the Escherichia coli genome is ca. 4 million nucleotide pairs. While this could be enough DNA for 100 or more eukaryotic-sized genes, the Mhc also has unknown numbers of pseudogenes (19). There are extensive differences among species in the numbers of genes of each class and in the extent of their allelic diversity or polymorphism. Mouse strains even differ in the numbers of class I genes (Ref. 20). Most Mhc loci have typical rates of germ line mutation, although one locus in C57BL/6J mice, the / region, has a relatively high mutation rate (1, 21). Considerably more of the Mhc has been sequenced in mice and humans than in other species. Knowledge of the Mhc was historically based on inbred mouse strains that were used to identify transplantation antigens. Brother-sister mating can be used to create lines of mice; by convention, after 20 generations of such matings, individual lines are designated as new strains (1). An inbred strain is considered to be more than 99% genetically homogenous by theoretical calculations (1) and by the criterion of histocompatibility in transplantation studies. Strains of mice can be distinguished by H-2 haplotype, or particular set of H-2 genes. Histocompatibility congenic strains can be created by crossing inbred lines followed by backcrossing hybrids to one parental line while selecting for the H-2 haplotype of the other (22). For example, the C57BL/10Sn (B10) and centromere

III. Description of the Mhc Influences on Reproduction by Species This section reviews the association of Mhc variants with quantitative variations in reproductive functions. While most reports are phenomenological and present only empirical data, recent studies use the alleleic variation in Mhc glycoproteins to analyze physiological mechanisms in reproduction and hormone responses, just as is done on a huge scale in molecular immunology. Species are presented alphabetically; Table I summarizes these diverse findings. We emphasize that the demonstration of Mhc effects does not preclude distinct H-2 Tla

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FIG. 4. Percentage of mice that had litters us. advancing maternal age. Differences in the x-intercept (B10.F < BIO < B10.BR and B10.RIII) and the slope of each line (B10.F > BIO > B10.BR and B10.RIII) are indicative of the effects of strain and maternal age on fecundity. [Redrawn with permission from S. P. Lerner et al: Biol Reprod 38:1035, 1988 (66).]

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B10.F (H-2P) strain is unusually short lived, and shows premature death in association with atypical graying and an early-onset murine leukemia from a xenotropic MuLV that is transmitted through maternal milk and is eliminated by cross-fostering (81). Among retired breeders of the congenic strains, the age at onset of acyclicity differed with strain and ranked with longevity; however, this effect was small in comparison to the difference between B6 and the other strains (66). B6 mice showed a 3-month earlier onset and more rapid increase of acyclicity with age than the BlO-congenic mice. This indicates a non-H-2 effect, since both B6 and BIO mice share the H-2b haplotype as noted above (65). Reproductive anatomy and function of the male. Weights of the testes and of the seminal vesicle were examined in inbred strains [A (H-2&), AKR (H-2k), and C57BL/10 (BIO; H-2h) and the congenic partner of the latter B10.A (#-2 a )], as well as in various hybrids [(A x BlO)F b (AKR x B1O)F1} (A x B10)F2, and (AKR x B1O)F2 males] (34, 82-84). These organ weights differed by as much as 48% among H-2 haplotypes, possibly in association with alleles of a gene influencing androgen metabolism (Hom1). F2 males (AKR x BIO and A X BIO) with the H-2hb haplotype had heavier seminal vesicles (+15%) and slightly smaller (-3%) testes than H-2m and H-2kk males. Plasma concentrations of testosterone and testosterone binding capacity differed with strain and with H-2 haplotype (82, 85). As might be expected from larger testes, males of the H-2a, H-2aa, and H-2ah haplotypes had higher serum testosterone than H-2h and H-2hh haplotypes. Interestingly, the difference in the weight of the seminal vesicles between the A and the BIO strain was at least in part attributable to a differential tissue sensitivity to testosterone (86). However, that difference was not related to H-2 haplotype, as shown by comparison of the BIO males with the congenic BIO.A recombinant; their sensitivity to testosterone did not differ, while difference in weights of the seminal vesicles persisted (87). Hormone receptors. Several laboratories have demonstrated a role for class I glycoproteins in peptide hormone receptor function (Refs. 88-90 and Fig. 5). Strain differences in glucagon-receptor binding affinities and subsequent adenylate cyclase activation were associated with differences in class I antigens. For example, carriers of k alleles have no detectable high affinity receptors for glucagon, although these animals are within the norm for fecundity (66) and lifespan (80). With regard to reproduction, LH receptors are integrally associated with class I antigens on the Leydig cells of the testes (91). We hypothesize that differences in binding affinities of LH receptors exist among congenic

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strains of mice, particularly those that differ at the K and D regions of the H-2 complex. After artificial selection for a suite of reproductive and growth parameters, the resulting lines show differences in concentrations of high affinity LH binding sites but no difference in dissociation constant (Kd) (92-94). However, no assessments have been made of concentrations of low affinity sites. Differences in LH binding and/or adenylate cyclase activation at the gonads could affect subsequent steroid hormone production, thereby altering follicular development and corpora luteal lifespan and function in the female, and androgen production and spermatogenesis in the male. We also note that the transcription of class I genes is regulated by a nuclear hormone receptor that binds to an estrogen response element (95). Thus, H-2 genes are well integrated into physiological control systems that allow many pleiotropic effects. F. Rat growth-reproduction

complex (Grc)

In laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus), the Grc and RT1 (rat Mhc) lie far enough apart to be easily separable by recombination (35); therefore that phenomena discussed below may be Mhc linked (separated by 0.6 centimorgans (cM) but are not strictly Mhc dependent. The Bl strain of rats carries a mutation that diminishes its growth and reproduction; adults of both genders are 20% smaller in size. Males are infertile with hypoplastic and aspermatic testes. Females are sufficiently fertile to perpetuate the strain directly, but not prolific (35,96). Backcrossing proved that the loci controlling these defects are linked to the RT1 complex. Genes governing these defects are designated the growth and reproduction complex (Grc); the recessive regulating small body size is designated dw-3 (dwarf-3); the recessive influencing reproductive capacity is designated f. Male reproductive anatomy and function. The effects of the Grc on reproduction were shown in F2 hybrids generated from BIL/1 females (RTf-Grc) and YO males [{RT1U-Grc+ (97)]. The RTl1 testes showed arrested spermatogenesis at the early pachytene stage of the primary spermatocytes and were 90% lighter than in the RT11/U and RTlu/u haplotypes. Further analysis of testicular morphology in Grc+ homozygotes showed the following (98): a loss of the normal organization in the tubular epithelium; arrest of spermatogenesis at pachytene in primary spermatocytes; cellular degeneration and necrosis; reduplication and invagination of the basal lamina into the seminiferous tubule; increased numbers of abnormal Sertoli cells, and increased interstitial fibrous tissue. Heterozygotes had similar, but more modest defects. These abnormalities have been linked to changes in enzyme activity within the testes. The activity of

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February, 1991

FIG. 5. Schematics showing the interaction of class I antigens and peptide hormone receptors. Panel A depicts a scenario in which peptide hormone receptors are capable of binding to class I glycoproteins at their j32-microglobinbinding site, thereby altering the hormone binding affinity of the receptor, possible via an allosteric action: /32-microglobulin exists in free and bound forms. Panel B depicts a scenario in which class I glycoproteins are incapable of interacting with peptide hormone receptors due to improper conformation.


class I glycoprotein with bound 62-microglobin


„ cytosolic component

transmembrane . component

receptor bound to class I £ W n a t B2-microglobin binding site



no interaction of class I glycoprotein with receptor

testicular germ-cell galactolipid sulfotransferase was elevated in Grc+ homozygotes with a concomitant deficiency of a developmentally regulated sulfotransferase inhibitor (99). Female reproductive anatomy and function. As noted above, females Grc+ homozygotes are fertile, but not prolific. Although there was no difference in ovarian weight in females of the RTll/\ RTll/u, and RTlu/u haplotypes, the RTlin homozygotes showed reduced rate of ovulation (75). This deficiency was associated with 10% fewer secondary ovarian follicles and a 25% increase in atretic follicles, which indicates abnormal development of primary follicles (96). Thus, the genetic defect in gametogenesis controlled by the Grc appears to occur at the same stage of gametogenesis in both males and females. G. Swine lymphocyte antigen (SLA) complex Domestic swine {Sus scrofa) show differences due to breed for many reproductive variables, including age at puberty and continuation of normal estrous cycles (100, 101), rate of ovulation (102-104), and litter size (105). Associations between SLA haplotype and reproduction have been studied as extensively in swine as in laboratory mice (106-108). In males, SLA haplotypes influence differential genital tract development; including development of the testes, the epididymis, and the Cowper's glands [reduced in haplotype H4 vs. H15 and H16 (36)]. Females show no evidence for an influence of SLA haplotype on reproductive tract anatomy. However, SLA

haplotypes are associated with differences in factors that affect fertility and fecundity. Rate of ovulation. Artificial selection of sows for high rates of ovulation shift the distribution of SLA haplotypes (109): after nine generations, the H10 haplotype increased in frequency at the expense of the H4 haplotype. In support of this observation, sows of the LargeWhite breed that were homozygous for the H10 haplotype had approximately 40% more ovulations than sows homozygous for the H4 haplotype or heterozygous for the H10 haplotype (106). Lastly, among inbred lines of miniature swine, females homozygotes for the SLAd haplotype had an average of two and three more ovulations than did homozygotes for the SLAa or SLAC haplotypes, respectively (110). Fertility and fecundity. Aside from rates of ovulation and fertilization, there is evidence for influences of the SLA on embryonic mortality as assessed by size of the litter at birth and by segregation distortion of offspring (108,111-113). In an analysis of 58 litters, both maternal and paternal haplotype affected the size of litters (over a 2- to 3-fold range) among a variety of SLA combinations (113). In contrast, for the Large-White breed of pigs, litter size at birth was only marginally affected by the SLA complex (as reviewed in Ref. 106); indicative of possible breed-Mhc interactions. Among inbred lines of miniature swine, litters from sows that were homo- or heterozygous for the d haplotype or from boars homozygous for the d haplotype were larger by two to three piglets compared to all other matings (110). Although ovulation rate was higher in homozygous

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d sows (see above), the effect of sire SLA genotype on size of the litter is evidence for an additional effect of the d haplotype on embryonic survival.

IV. Future Questions Several major questions are raised by these findings. First, the ubiquitous expression of class I glycoproteins and their interaction with multiple families of peptide hormone receptors, e.g. receptors for insulin, glucagon, epidermal growth factor, and LH, leads to the hypothesis that allelic variants of class I glycoproteins have pleiotropic effects that are distinct from immune function. Of interest is the effect of allelic variants of a class I glycoprotein expressed by preimplantation mouse embryos [Qa-2 antigen (114)] on embryonic growth and subsequent survival. The physiological basis for the differential action of allelic variants of the Qa-2 antigen is unknown and could involve an altered reception of intrauterine hormonal signals by the embryo. In view of the numerous associations of Mhc variants with quantitative differences in wide ranging physiological functions, we suggest that the existence of extensive Mhc polymorphisms in natural populations of humans and some other mammals (1, 3-16) implies that diverse functions influencing fitness in the evolutionary sense are influenced by selection for particular sets or haplotypes of Mhc alleles. Mhc influences on behavioral and neuroendocrine functions are indicated, again in laboratory mice, but their molecular basis is not known. According to classical arguments, these pleiotropic effects of alleles can account for the evolutionary persistence of the Mhc organization and the linkage disequilibrium associated with particular combinations of alleles, which allows the aggregation of advantageous allelic sets because of the low frequency of recombination within closely linked gene sets. In due course, we may be able to discuss the characteristics of various Mhc reproduction haplotypes. We also note that the pertinence of genetic polymorphisms in the Mhc to questions in evolutionary biology are not usually discussed during presentations of reproductive phenomena to research communities that focus on the physiology and molecular biology of gnotobiotic laboratory animal models. The Mhc-associated variations in reproductive functions can be regarded as the basis for selecting for optimum reproductive schedules in a population that is exposed to fluctuating environmental influences. Species and even populations can be distinguished by quantitatively varying reproductive functions that include age at first reproduction, interval between ovulations, interval between births, and the duration of fecundity. A major literature in evolutionary biology addresses selection of genotypes on the basis of

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trade-offs in mortality at various stages in life history against the total reproductive potential of a given genotype (115-123). The act of reproduction itself may increase mortality ("reproductive costs") (121, 122), depending in part on metabolic stores (e.g. Ref. 123). If adult mortality is high, e.g. because of vulnerability to predators or infectious organisms, there may be selection for genotypes with more offspring per clutch and shorter generation times with earlier maturation ("r-selection"). Conversely, low mortality rates may favor selection of genotypes with delayed maturation and fewer conceptuses and longer adult phases ("K-selection"). In addition to influence from Mhc alleles on reproduction per se, the Mhc complex contains two other major categories of loci that in theory are germane to the selection of the fittest genotypes. The influence of class I glycoproteins on the cAMP generation in response to occupancy of insulin and glucagon receptors as shown in mice (see above, Refs. 88-90) could influence metabolic reserves that are often major determinants of the onset of puberty and the capacity for sustaining reproduction during fluctuations in food supply. Thus the Mhc could influence reproductive costs through variants that control metabolic reserves. So far, the H-2 influences on insulin and glucagon receptors have not been studied in relation to effects on reproduction during dietary insufficiency. A further link of the Mhc to local features of the environment could involve Mhc restriction (see Section II), through which particular class II glycoproteins determine the efficacy of immune responses to particular antigens, which could include those on viral and parasitic pathogens. Thus, the Mhc has the potential, through accumulated polymorphisms, to provide genetic variants that can be readily selected for on the basis of reproductive schedules, metabolic reserves, and resistance to pathogens in response to environmental fluctuations. In closing, we note recent studies that demonstrate the ability of naturally occurring genotypes to respond to selection on this basis. So far, no such study has considered a vertebrate with defined Mhc. In Drosophila melanogaster, artificial selection has succeeded in delaying senescence on the basis of reproduction at late ages, with reversible alterations in the schedule of egg laying, such that the lines that delayed reproduction also lived longer (124-127). These studies utilized the naturally occurring genetic variants in outbred fly populations. Another example is the climatic fluctuations that shifted reproductive schedules in natural populations of Drosophila mercatorum. One genotype matured slightly earlier because of a complex molecular cascade beginning with an underreplication of ribosomal RNA genes during polytenization that causes deficiencies in juvenile hormone esterase and results in sustained levels of juvenile hormone; consequently ovarian development is precocious (128, 129).

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February, 1991

Finally, natural populations of the guppy Poecilia reticulata were subject to selection of reproductive schedules by introducing natural, but size-specific predators (120), and showed heritable changes in reproductive schedules according to the model of r-selection. These examples illustrate the importance of existing genetic polymorphisms in response to experimental or natural selection and, when considered with the evidence assembled here, give a rationale for investigating the Mhc's potential role in selection for reproductive schedules in natural populations. Thus, we can view the Mhc influences on rates of ovulation, fetal death, rates of development, and age at last litter etc. as substrates for evolutionary selection in reproductive schedules as a major feature of life history variations (130). However, the Mhc variants that are described for the domestic and laboratory species can not be considered as resulting from natural selection. It would be of great interest to know how natural populations and species vary in the range of Mhc allelic variations that influence reproductive functions, and in the extent of linkage disequilibrium in these putative Mhc reproduction haplotypes. As the molecular basis for these genetic variants in reproductive functions becomes known under laboratory conditions, we may then have a powerful battery of probes for studying field populations of these and related species. Recombinant genetics through polymerase chain reaction techniques now allow rapid characterization of allelic variants from field populations at the level of the DNA sequence. V. Conclusions Genetic variants in the Mhc might have many quantitative influences on reproductive functions, as shown by post hoc analysis of laboratory inbreed and artificial selection for reproductive traits. The unexpected feature is the recognition that murine Mhc haplotypes acting through class I molecules have such strong effects on hormone receptor functions in tissues governing reproduction and metabolism. Mhc class II glycoproteins also are subject to selection from viral and other antigens in the natural environment through the phenomena of Mhc restriction that influence the efficacy of immune responses. Thus, there are rich prospects for molecular analyses of variations in hormone effects that may underlie between and within species differences in physiological functions.

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28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36.

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Erratum In the article, "Development and Regulation of Growth and Differentiated Function in Human and Subhuman Primate Fetal Gonads," by Jaron Rabinovici and Robert B. Jaffe (Endocrine Reviews, 11:532557, 1990), the last sentence in the legend to Fig. 4, page 544, should read as follows: Reproduced with permission from F. I. Reyes, J. S. D. Winter, and C. Faiman, "Endocrinology of the Fetal Testis." In: H. Burger and D. de Kretzer (eds) The Testis. Raven Press, New York, 1989, p. 129.

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The major histocompatibility complex and reproductive functions.

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