last winter, 21
bodies were dissected, nnd a demonstrator of especially engaged during that time. There appears, however, to bo one great and crying want, not only for the proper clinical teaching of theso pupils, but for the charitable mitigation of disease at this station, the head quarters of tho Governor of the Central Provinces : there is no proper hospital. Tho city hospital now consists of two unventilated and leaky sheds, built end on to the prevailing wind, and, in every way unfit, both from space, position, and structure, for the purpose to Tho construction which they have been temporarily applied. of a new city hospital is under the Chief Commissioner's consideration," but the Government appears to have long evaded tho expense of proper buildings, although some support has There seems still, however, a luke warm now been promised. ness of the authorities on tho subject, which can hardly be understood at this distance, in contrast with the energetic administration of the district generally. The school certainly is prospering ; and if it turns out soundly educated hospital assistants at the end of its third session, it will have admirably fulfilled tho want that it was intended to supply. anatomy
THE NAGPORE MEDICAL SCHOOL. Tiie second annual report of this institution has lately reached us. It is peculiarly worthy of our notice, for the Chief
Commissioner, in March, 1867, forwarding scheme for its establishment Dr.
Government the
proposed by the Civil Surgeon, it is prepared on the principles
Townsend, remarks that recently suggested in the Indian
Medical Gazetle.
ment sanctioned the establishment in the
following June, and
the first session soon after commenced.
Thirty-three pupils were under instruction, at the close of April, of whom a largo proportion are Mussulmans: by next year the majority are expected to bo capable of entering the service of Government as well grounded and educated hospital assistants. English training, also, has not been neglected, for the present superintendent, Dr. Beatson, himself gives instruction in that language three times a week. The Chief Commissioner, in his review of the year's proceedings, remarks on the importance of cultivating the adherence the last session in
of the
of the Central Provinces, the Maliratta
Brahmin ; but hitherto attempts to educate them have been that they object to touch a corpse, failure. It
that of a Brahmin;
they possess
liking for tho incapable of
study of medicine; are very prejudiced, and are appreciating information. The two men of this class who were present throughout the first session failed even to learn tho names
of the bones of the skeleton in that time.
The Chief Commissioner the school seems to have been
a hearty acknowledgment to superintendence. The work of
the earnestness of Dr. Beatson's
admirably carried
by the
masters, sub-assistant surgeons, one of whom teaches anatomy and surgery, a second, materia medica and chemistry, and the third, physiology and the practice of medicine.