Pharmacological Research, Vol. 22, No . 1, 1990


THE PHARMACOKINETICS OF TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS IN THE ELDERLY M . FURLANUT and P. BENETELLO Department of Pharmacology and Institute of Neurology, University of Padua, Italy Received in final form 13 June 1989

SUMMARY Antidepressants, especially tricyclic agents (TCAs), are increasingly used in geriatric patients since depression is a common mood disorder in the elderly and the size of elderly population is increasing . Notwithstanding the importance of kinetics to better use of drugs, its study in the elderly (regarding WAS) is not sufficiently developed . The present paper briefly reviews the available data on amitriptyline, nortriptyline, protriptyline, imipramine, desipramine and clomipramine kinetics in the elderly. KEY WORDS :

elderly, tricyclic antidepressants, kinetics . INTRODUCTION

Among mood disorders depression is very frequent in the aged and antidepressants, especially tricyclic derivatives (TCAs), are commonly used against these disturbances [1, 2] . Side effects of WAS are reported to be common in the elderly [3-5] . They may be due both to age-related changes in sensitivity, to drug receptors and to kinetic variations in aged subjects [6-10] . Surprisingly, in spite of the relevance of pharmacokinetics for a rational use of drugs in humans [ 11 ], systematic studies on TCA kinetics are scarce in aged patients . The present paper reviews the available data on kinetics of currently used TCAs (amitriptyline, nortriptyline, protriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, clomipramine) . Their structural formulae are presented in Fig . 1 .

BIOAVAILABILITY TCAs are usually administered by oral route . In spite of the high solubility in lipids, their oral bioavailability is low (about 20-70%) when compared with parenteral routes because of a remarkable first pass effect [12-17] . Theoretically, a reduced first pass effect, in relation to a decrease of hepatic clearance for age, might improve oral bioavailability of TCAs in the elderly . However, the meagre data at our disposal do not allow us to confirm this hypothesis . On the contrary, the studies 1043-6618/90/010015-11/$03 .00/0

© 1990 The Italian Pharmacological Society

Pharmacological Research, Vol. 22, No . 1, 1990




RI CH 2 -CHZ CH 2 N\

CH-CH -CH N\ 2 2 R2 Amitriptyline R'=CH 3 Nrrtriptyline R' =H


R 2 =CH 3


R' =H

R 2 =CH 3

R2 =CH 3



Imipramine R3 =CH 3



4 R =CH 3

R3 =H R 4 =CH 3

R 5 =H




Chlorimipramine R 3 =CH3

R 4 =CH 3


Fig . 1 . Structural formulae of amitriptyline, nortriptyline, protriptyline, imipramine, desipramine and clomipramine (chlorimipramine).

performed until now were not able to demonstrate any variation on bioavailability of amitriptyline and imipramine in aged people [18, 19]. Often, aged patients are in politherapy and TCA interactions with other drugs [20-22], or with alcohol [23], and smoke [10, 24] might modify oral bioavailability . To our knowledge, no studies have been performed in the elderly to elucidate this point .

DISTRIBUTION TCAs are very lipophilic substances and are highly bound to plasma proteins (over 90%) especially to albumin, at -acid glycoprotein and lipoproteins [25-28] . Since only free drug is diffusible, variations in plasma protein binding may affect TCA distribution and their concentration at receptor sites, thus conditioning the antidepressant response . Therefore, drug interactions and variations in plasma protein concentrations may play an important role in determining individual variations of the pharmacological effects of TCAs . The elderly are often in polytherapy and may have, with respect to younger ones, a lower content of plasma proteins [9]. It was demonstrated that imipramine binding to lipoproteins is higher in hyperlipoproteinaemic than in normal subjects [29] . Ageing may promote an increase of a t-acid glycoprotein and lipoproteins, so, probably, inducing variations on TCA distribution . Similarly, drugs affecting lipoprotein plasma concentrations may induce modifications on TCA distribution . At present, however, the data at our disposal on TCA protein binding in the elderly are conflicting [30] . Recently it was demonstrated that no relationship exists between age and imipramine binding despite the increase of a t -acid glycoprotein concentration observed in the aged patients studied [31] . Among the factors conditioning TCA distribution, tissue composition is the most important one . Generally speaking, TCA volume of distribution (V,) would be higher in the elderly

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than in youth due to a decrease of body water content and an increase of fat composition . However, while amitriptyline V was demonstrated to be higher in geriatric patients [18], a similar relationship was not shown for imipramine [19, 32] .

METABOLISM TCA metabolism is extensive and complex. It involves demethylation and hydroxylation reactions (Fig. 2) . Hydroxymetabolites are subsequently conjugated with glucuronic acid . Amitriptyline is metabolized chiefly via N-demethylation to Imipramine (IMI)




Desipramine (DMI)




1 CH3 2-OH-IMI-glucuronide

Fig . 2 .


Major metabolic pathways of imipramine as example of TCAs biotransformation in humans .

form 10-OH-amitriptyline or by a combination of these reactions to generate 10OH-nortriptyline [33] . The major metabolite of nortriptyline is the l0-hydroxy derivative [34]. Both 10-OH-amitriptyline and 10-OH-nortriptyline may be present and in cis or in trans form. Imipramine biotransformation involves demethylation to desipramine and or hydroxylation in position 2 to form 2-OH-imipramine and 2OH-desipramine . 2-OH-Desipramine represents the main metabolite of desipramine [35-37] . Desmethyl-clomipramine and the 8-hydroxy derivatives of both clomipramine and desmethyl-clomipramine are the principal metabolites of clomipramine [38] . While unconjugated hydroxymetabolites of TCAs exert pharmacological effects (in vitro and in animals) similar to those observed with parent drugs [39-43], their clinical effect in man has not been definitely established .


Pharmacological Research, Vol. 22, No . 1, 1990

One clinical study, however, reported a possible antidepressant activity of 2-OHdesipramine [44]; a second one suggested (in children) an antienuretic effect correlating better with total plasma levels (imipramine + desipramine + 2-OHmetabolites) than with parent compounds only [45] (we were not able to confirm this report [46]) ; finally, a third report suggested that in depressed patients treated with nortriptyline, the 10-OH metabolite may play an important clinical role since the ratio between the concentration of the parent compound to metabolite in CSF correlated significantly with the amelioration score [47] . A large interindividual variability was demonstrated in TCA biotransformation . Drug interactions [20-22, 48], alcohol and smoking [10, 23, 24] may contribute to this variability. Furthermore, biotransformation of TCAs may be complicated by a non-linear kinetics since there was demonstrated a disproportionate increase of imipramine and desipramine serum concentrations after the administered dose was increased [49, 50] . Dose-dependent kinetics for imipramine are reported also in the elderly [51 ]. There is evidence that the hepatic metabolism of various drugs is reduced as age increases [9] . However, findings for TCAs are scarce and conflicting . Some studies [3, 10, 52] demonstrated that older patients show higher steady-state plasma concentrations of amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine with respect to younger ones . Older age and female gender were associated with higher plasma levels of amitriptyline [52] . In contrast with these findings, no relationship between amitriptyline and nortriptyline plasma levels and age and gender was demonstrated in another study [24] . Similarly, Schultz et al. [18] in an investigation on amitriptyline disposition concluded that the differences seen between young and elderly on plasma half-lives were due to an increase of Vd rather than a decrease of systemic clearance . Recently, we conducted a kinetic study on imipramine in 26 depressed patients requiring TCAs . Whereas a clear relationship between age and serum half-life and total body clearance was demonstrated, a similar relationship was lacking between age and Vd [32] . These results confirm a previous report [19] on imipramine disposition in healthy elderly subjects in which, however, hydroxymetabolites were not determined . Imipramine metabolite determination in our study suggested that demethylation instead of hydroxylation is compromised as age increases since only imipramine/desipramine ratios differ significantly in young and older patients . In fact, imipramine/OHimipramine and desipramine/OH-desipramine ratios did not differ significantly between the two age classes studied .

RENAL EXCRETION Small amounts of TCAs are excreted as parent compound in the urine . Most (over 90%) imipramine and desipramine is eliminated in the urine especially as conjugated derivatives [33, 34, 53, 54] . Probably, glomerular filtration does not represent the unique means of renal excretion but also tubular active transport may be important since 2-OH-desipramine clearance is higher than creatinine clearance [55] . Conjugated metabolites show a lower renal clearance than free ones [56] . Renal failure produces no alterations on TCA metabolism but an increase on

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hydroxymetabolite retention especially conjugated ones [57, 58] . In anuric patients, conjugated metabolites in plasma may vary from 500% to 1500% [59] and from 1000% to 2000% [57] in respect of the values found in controls with normal renal function . Although they are believed to be pharmacologically inert, hydrolysis in the gut and reabsorption, and inhibition of metabolism of parent compounds were reported as possible clinical consequences of this accumulation [60] . A diminished renal function is commonly observed in elderly people . In man, renal flow decreases at a rate of about 1 . 9% per year inversely with age [61] . Glomerular filtration declines approximately by 35% between 20 and 90 years of age [62] . This represents the explanation for OH TCA metabolite accumulation in the blood of elderly depressed patients . Renal clearance of OH-desipramine was demonstrated to be impaired in these patients [63] . Young et al. [64] in a study on steady-state plasma concentrations of nortriptyline and its hydroxy-unconjugated metabolite, demonstrated that elderly patients developed higher OH-metabolite levels than younger ones . They noted a positive, even if low, correlation between plasma OH-metabolite/parent compound ratios and creatinine serum concentrations. In contrast, Schultz et al. [18] did not demonstrate significant differences in plasma AUC 10-OH-amitriptyline/AUC amitriptyline ratio between young and elderly subjects . However, the study was carried out to investigate single oral and i .v. kinetics of amitriptyline . No multiple dosing was studied. Furthermore, the number of patients was probably not enough since standard deviation of AUC ratio of 10-OH-metabolite amitriptyline in young (seven subjects) was ±66 .66% from the mean whereas in the elderly (five subjects) it was ±41 . 66%. Unfortunately, no other studies, to our knowledge, were performed on renal clearance of OH-metabolites of TCAs in the elderly .

MONITORING OF BLOOD CONCENTRATIONS Monitoring of blood concentrations may be in some circumstances a useful tool for a rational drug therapy. Concerning TCAs, it has been suggested that plasma concentration guided therapy of depression in individual patients may result in better results [65] . In fact, steady-state plasma levels of TCAs in individual patients treated with equal per kg body weight oral doses may have a 36-fold variation [66]. Measurements of blood TCAs and their metabolites are now easy to perform since specific, sensitive and relatively inexpensive methods are at our disposal [67-72] (for a review of gas chromatography methods see Van Brunt [73]) . They permit the quantification of parent compounds and various metabolites in order to study a relationship between blood concentrations and therapeutic and/or toxic effects . Notwithstanding this technical improvement, no general agreement exists on the utility of measurement of TCA levels in blood [74]. With imipramine, a minimum of 120 ng/ml of plasma of parent compound plus desipramine is needed for a therapeutic effect [75, 76] . Probably the concentration decided should not be lower than 240 ng/ml [77] . No agreement is found in the psychiatric literature on the therapeutic concentrations of desipramine [78, 79] and amitriptyline [80, 811 . However, some investigators suggest a therapeutic range for amitriptyline (parent compound plus nortriptyline) of 120-250 ng/ml [82-84] . For nortriptyline, a


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curvilinear relationship between plasma concentrations and clinical response is reported in the majority of studies with a therapeutic window at 50-150 ng/ml [85-88] . As for protriptyline and clomipramine, the results are inconclusive [89-91] . In spite of the suggested clinical [44-45,47] and toxicological [92,931 activity of unconjugated OH-metabolites of TCAs, the utility of monitoring these substances is largely hypothetical [94-97] . Among the indications to monitor TCA plasma levels, age is probably one of the most important elements due to the sensitivity to adverse effects of these drugs in the elderly . Furthermore, aged people risk drug interactions since they often are in polytherapy and at risk of dangerous cardiovascular effects [98] . In spite of the very few studies on monitoring plasma levels among the elderly, no substantial differences seem to be found in these reports compared to previous studies in younger patients [99-102] . If these levels can be accepted also for old people, it might be useful to know the dosage which enables these levels to be reached . This goal can sometimes be obtained by calculating the daily dose on the basis of kinetic parameters obtained by means of single dose kinetics in patients to be treated [103, 104] .

CONCLUSIONS TCA administration in geriatric patients is an increasing problem since depression is a common disturbance in the elderly and the size of the elderly world population is increasing. Therefore, a precise knowledge on kinetics in this age group is required . The limited available data seem to confirm the assumption that metabolism represents a crucial point in drug elimination from the body during old age. Unfortunately, only a few specific studies were performed on TCA kinetics in the elderly . However, this is a common feature in clinical psychopharmacology since geriatrics is a field of study which is now attracting more attention .

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The pharmacokinetics of tricyclic antidepressant drugs in the elderly.

Antidepressants, especially tricyclic agents (TCAs), are increasingly used in geriatric patients since depression is a common mood disorder in the eld...
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