The pharmacology of methotrexate Elise A. Olsen, MD Durham, North Carolina Methotrexate is a useful antimetabolite for the treatment of both benign and malignant proliferative disorders. When the pharmacokinetics and potential toxicity of this drug are understood, treatment regimens can be tailored to the underlying kinetics of the target pop-ulation. With the appropriate knowledge of the importance of urinary excretion of methotrexate and factors that influence this and with the ready availability of leucovorin, toxicity can be avoided in all but the most unusual of circumstances. (J AM ACAD DERMATaL 1991;25:306-18.)

The antiproliferative effect of the folic acid antagonist methotrexate has been clinically exploited in the treatment of malignancy since 1953 1 and in the treatment of psoriasis since 1958. 2 Methotrexate is the systemic chemotherapeutic agent most com~ monly used by dermatologists to treat not only psoriasis but also pityriasis rubra pilaris,3 sarcoid,4-6 dermatomyositis, 7 and lymphoproliferative diseases including pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta,8 lymphomatoid papulosis,9-11 and cutaneous T cell lymphoma. 12, 13 The clinical efficacy and toxicities of methotrexate can be predicted and/or prevented by understanding the basic cellular and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug. As the potential uses for methotrexate in the dermatologic realm expand, and as our experience with a wider variety of doses and routes broadens, dermatologists need to become familiar with the complexities of this remarkable, but potentially lethal, drug. This article reviews the pharmacology of methotrexate and the folic acid analog and methotrexate antagonist leucovorinand offers general guidelines for the safe, effective use of methotrexate.

MECHANISM OF ACTION Folate vitamins are a class of essential cofactors that share a common structure (Fig. I) with three basic component parts: a pteridine nucleus, paminobenzoic acid, and glutamic acid. Folates serve a common function, mainly the transfer of oneFrom the Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center. Reprint requests: Elise A. Olsen, MD, Box 3294, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710



carbon groups, which is accomplished only through the reduction of the pteridine ring at positions 5, 6, 7, and 8, a reaction carried out by the cytoplasmic enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (Fig. 2).14 A dihydrofolate, or [FH2 ], thus becomes a fully reduced tetrahydrofolate, or [FH4]. Single carbon fragments are added enzymatically to the resulting tetrahydrofolate [FH4] in various configurations and may then be transferred in specific synthetic reactions (Fig. 3). The major physiologic circulating folate, NSmethyl [FH4], is absorbed directly through the gastrointestinal tract but can be rapidly formed in the plasma by metabolism of folic acid (pteroglutamic acid) or .N5-formyl [FH4], also called leucovorin, folinic acid, or citrovorum factor. In the normal adult, the minimal daily requirement of folate has been estimated at 50 /-Lg, whereas the pregnant or lactating women and patients with high rates of cell turnover may require as much as 100 to 200 p,g or more per day.15 Methotrexate or amethopterin, an analog of folic acid, is a weak bicarboxylic organic acid, molecular weight of 454 daltons, negatively charged at neutral pH and with limited lipid solubility.14, 16 In general, methotrexate is actively transported into cells except at high concentrations (> 10 /-LmoljL) when active transport mechanisms may be saturated and passive diffusion predominates. 17 Once intracellular, methotrexate competitively binds to dihydrofolate reductase (Fig. 4). This reaction is critical to cell reproduction because dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is the only enzyme able to catalyze the conversion of [FH 2 ] to the active [FH4] form. 14 A continually renewed supply of NS· 1°-methylene [FH4] is a necessary cofactor that provides single carbon fragments

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Pharmacology of methotrexate 307

pteridine ring

para-aminobenzoic acid

glutamyl residue( s)

Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid; R1 =OH, R2= H Methotrexate (4-amino-N10 -methyl pterylglutamic acid; R1 =NH 2, R2 = CH 3


Fig. 1. Structure of folic acid and methotrexate. for thymidyate synthetase to convert 2-deoxyuridylate to thymidylate. 14, 18 Without thymidylate, DNA synthesis ceases. Thus methotrexate has been said to be an S-phase-specific chemotherapy. Methotrexate may also have broader effects on RNA and protein synthesis because NI0-formyl [FH4] is necessary for the biosynthesis of inosinic acid and precursor purines.14, 16 Reduced folates are also necessary cofactors for the conversion of serine to glycine and homocysteine to methionine, and thus provide additional mechanisms for disruption of protein synthesis. 16 Methotrexate, and folates in general, are metabolized intracellularly to polyglutamates by folyl polyglutamate synthetase. 18 Folate-polyglutamates are preferentially retained intracellularly and function as cofactors that are more efficient than the uniglutamate folates. Methotrexate-polyglutamate is also preferentially retained in cells and allows accumulation ofthe free intracellular drug at levels far above what could be achieved if the drug were in equilibrium with the extracellular concentration. 14 Methotrexate-polyglutamate has equal affinity with methotrexate for DHFR but dissociates at a slower rate 14 and crosses cellular membranes less easily.18 The longer the chain length of polyglutamates, the longer the intracellular retention and hence the duration of suppression of DNA synthesis. The degree of glutamination is dependent on both methotrexate concentration and the duration of methotrexate exposure. Methotrexate-polyglutamate also affects other folate-requiring enzymes not directly affected by methotrexate, including thymidylate synthase and aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide transformylase; blockage of the latter enzyme activities affects de novo purine synthesis. 14 By competitive binding of the enzyme pteroylglutamyl conjugase,

the synthesis of pteroyl polyglutamates is reduced and leads to intracellular folate depletion,19 There appears to be a separate carrier-mediated mechanism for the cellular efflux of methotrexate that is sensitive to sodium azide and vincristine. 16

ABSORPTION, METABOLISM, EXCRETION Interpatient differences in the rate and amount of absorption of oral methotrexate are considerable. 14, 20 In addition, there is a dose-dependent and saturable intestinal absorption; in cancer patients at doses of less than 30 mg/m 2, methotrexate is nearly completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract,16, 21 whereas at 50 mg/m 2, 20% to 50% is absorbed, and at 200 mg/m 2, 25% is absorbed. 14 However, there is evidence that absorption may not be complete even at low doses of methotrexate; oral doses of O. 3mg/kg given to adult psoriasis patients22 and 6.3 to 28.1 mg/m 2 given to children with acute lymphocytic leukemia or dermatomyositis 23 resulted in absorption of 32% to 98% and 23% to 95% of the methotrexate dose, respectively. Two patterns of absorption, fast and slow, can occur, with a suggestion that prolonged administration of oral methotrexate can lead to slower absorption. 24 Food decreases methotrexate absorption,17 as do nonabsorbable antibiotics; the latter suggests methotrexate metabolism by intestinal bacteria. 16 Because methotrexate is a highly polar molecule, it is unlikely that absorption from the intestine is by passive diffusion but more likely by the folate-active transport . pathway.25 The absorption of methotrexate after intramuscular administration appears to be rapid and complete with peak levels achieved at approximately 2 hours after injection. 20, 26 However, large interindividual variations can be observed in the pharmacokinetics of methotrexate even after intravenous

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

308 Olsen




L, )~('~;::'·~.>:':1"q:o\\ """~'·N' 'I '\

N~ 3 4


part of molecule carrying 1-carbon group



. 0/ ,·"·"..C·H·· H · .2 .,. . 2 1 /I H,r. 7 .. . I ~N/C'N/""H R2



R C-

glutamic acid


I 8 H

1-carbon groups transferred by enzymes requiring tetrahydrofolate

H -

CH 3




H -




H I methyl





- C-


H NH " " methenyl



Fig. 2. One-carbon fragments carried by tetrahydrofolate.

dosing. 21 Methotrexate demonstrates age-dependent pharmacokinetics; there is greater distribution and elimination of the drug in younger patients after intravenous injection. 27 There is a triphasic disappearance of methotrexate; the initial half-life of 0.75 hour is probably secondary to drug distribution, the second phase of 2 to 3.5 hours probably reflects renal clearance, and the terminal half-life of 10.4 hours most likely is secondary to the enterohepatic circulation. 16 The latter begins when the plasma concentration of methotrexate is approximately 0.1 ~mol/L or 10-7 mol/L.18,28 Distribution into the iq.t'erstitial fluids occurs slowly and pathologic increases, as in ascites or pleural effusions, may act as reservoirs that prolong methotrexate levels. 16 Diffusion ·into the central nervous system (CNS) from plasma is low, secondary to methotrexate's limited lipid solubility. During constant intravenous infusion, CE?F concentrations of methotrexate are 3% of plasma levels and lead to a 30: 1 steady-state gradient between plasma and CSF.14 However, doses of methotrexate of 1 gm/m 2 or more are able to achieve therapeutic concentrations (1 X 10-6 mQI/L) in the CSF.29. 30 Conversely, methotrexate by the intrathecal route easily achieves suprapharmacologic doses. Intrathecal methotrexate exits through the CSF either by bulk fl9W through the arachnoid granulations,31 by passive absorption of CSF from extracellular fluid into the capillaries of the brain and spinal cord, or by active transport through the choroid plexus epithelhim;32 the latter

can be inhibited by elevated intracranial pressure or probenecid. Intrathecal methotrexate can lead to prolonged· plasma levels of methotrexate through this egress and lead to potential systemic toxicity; 10 to 15 mg/m 2 of methotrexate given intrathecally generates more than 10-8 mol/L plasma levels two to three times longer than if the methotrexate were given intravenously.16 Fifty percent to 70% of methotrexate is protein bound, especially to albumin. 16 Concomitant drugs that decrease methotrexate plasma protein binding either by competitive displacement of methotrexate from albumin binding sites or by altering albumin's binding affinity for methotrexate, such as salicylates, tetracycline, probenecid, chloramphenicol, phenytoin, and sulfonamides, may increase free methotrexate.I 6, 18 Fifty percent to 90% (the higher percentage with lower doses) of methotrexate is excreted in the urine unchanged within 24 hours by renal filtration, secretion, and concentration-dependent tubular resorption. 16. 18. 27 The tubular reabsorption process becomes saturated at plasma concentrations of 0.5 to 0.8 ,ug/ml (well within the range achievable with psoriatic doses ofmethotrexate) and results in increased renal methotrexate clearance33 until the tubular secretion mechanism is saturated at the extracellular methotrexate concentration of 10-4mol/L.34 Weak organic acids, such as probenecid, aspirifi, p-aminohippuric acid, phenylbutazone, penicillin, ascorbic acid, and sulfonamides,17, 35 decrease renal tubular transport and may prolong ex-

Volume 25 Number 2, Part 1 August \99\

Pharmacology of methotrexate 309





CH 2



I coo'



C~;,':~'" ~ My"


CH 3


melhyl (lob8lemln







H - r NH ; COO' MethlonlFM

Fig. 3. Example of one~carbon fragment exchanges with tetrahydrofolates. DHFR, Dihydrofolate reductase; (GluJm glutamic acid or polyglutamates. cretion. Methotrexate toxicity has also occurred with concomitant use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, including ketoprofen, naproxen, indomethacin, dic1ofenac, and azapropazone. 36-39 The solubility of methotrexate in urine is directly proportional to the urine pH: methotrexate will precipitate in acid urine at concentrations of 2 X 10- 3 mol/L or greater, but at pH 7, solubility is tenfold greater, 16 Alkalinization also ionizes the drug within the tubule, which retards its reabsorption and promotes its clearance,16 Fecal excretion after oral methotrexate is proportional to the drug absorbed, Fecal excretion after intravenous methotrexate is only 1% to 2%; most methotrexate excreted in the bile is reabsorbed in the intestinal mucosa. 16 Nonabsorbable oral antibiotics may interfere with this enterohepatic circu1ation. 35 The amount of methotrexate metabolites formed after intravenous administration is 6% of the dose. 21 The predominant metabolite is 7-hydroxymethotrexate formed by the hepatic enzyme aldehyde oxidase during the terminal phase of methotrexate elimination. 16 7-Hydroxymethotrexate is four times less soluble in acid urine than methotrexate and thus may contribute to nephropathy, particularly at high doses,16, 40 After oral administration, approximately 35% of the absorbed dose is excreted as metabolites,2\ During enterohepatic cycling, a pteroate derivative is formed, possibly derived from

bowel bacteria that have hydrolyzed the terminal glutamate from methotrexate,21, 28 This pteroate metabolite is 200 times less potent than methotrexate in inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. 21 DOSES

The dose and route of methotrexate given for a particular indication depend on the kinetics of the target population with an optimal methotrexate concentration for each responsive neoplasm,41 Obviously, rapidly growing cells, both normal and diseased, are vulnerable to the effects of an S-phasespecific therapy, Thus the goal of treatment with methotrexate is minimal toxicity to endogenous healthy tissue but control or eradication of the aberrant hyperproliferative state. Oral methotrexate in doses of more than 20 mg/m2 is a relatively safe, effective dose for benign proliferative conditions, such as psoriasis, for several reasons. With optimal absorption of a single 20 mg/m 2 dose, peak methotrexate blood levels of llLmol/L are reached 1to 5 hours after oral dosing; levels remain greater than 0.1 ILmol/L approximately 6 hours, 14 The therapeutic concentration for methotrexate is deemed to be 10- 6 mol/L or greater, 14, 42 In general, inhibition of DNA synthesis ceases at levels less than 10- 8 molJL and inhibition of protein synthesis at less than 10-7 mol/L.14 At these levels, the concentration of methotrexate in the urine is unlikely to lead to precipita-


Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology



N10 formyl - [FH 4 ](Glu)n


purine synthesis


N5' 1O ",!y,.[FH'l2000 cGy)84; it is hypothesized that the radiation may increase vascular premeability and contribute to toxicity. Biopsy specimens in these cases show diffuse multifocal coagulates of necrosis, demyelination, and axonal swelling of the white matter. Eye Ocular burning and pruritus 2 to 7 days after high-dose methotrexate (30 to 250 mg/kg) has been reported. 85 Ophthalmologic examination was normal except for decreased tearing; no inflammation was noted. Concentration of methotrexate in tears approximated plasma levels and remained more than 1O~8 mol/L for 48 hours; this suggests a direct methotrexate toxicity. This was unassociated with systemic toxicity or nephrotoxicity and generally resolved in a few days.85 Methotrexate in pregnancy Methotrexate is a known teratogen 18 and may cause oligospermia. 86 Although methotrexate is not a mutagen,28 current recommendations are that both women and men take measures to avoid either becoming pregnant or impregnating their partner during therapy and for 12 weeks after discontinuation of methotrexate. 43 , 87 Miscellaneous effects There is no evidence that methotrexate is a carcinogen. 28 , 43, 88 There is even some question whether methotrexate is an immunosuppressive agent. In one study, cell-mediated immunity as



measured by reactivity to DNFB was markedly re~ duced compared with controls,43 and in another, antibody synthesis was temporarily suppressed with high-dose methotrexate. 89 Low weekly doses of methotrexate such as those used in psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis do not appear to affect adversely humoral or cellular immunity.55.90 Methotrexate inhibits the in vitro response of polymorphonuclear cells to chemotactic agents and decreases chemotactic migration in psoriasis patients. 91 ,92 Recently, van de Kerkhof92 showed a strongly decreased leukotriene B 4-induced intraepidermal penetration of polymorphonuclear cells in psoriasis patients who were receiving methotrexate. Whether the latter effects contribute to the mechanism of response in psoriasis is still speculative. One child who had been taking daily methotrexate for 255 days developed bony osteoporosis and severe scoliosis. 93 Fever to 102 0 F during the first few days after high-dose methotrexate infusion without signs of infection has also been reported. 94 REFERENCES 1. Van Scott EJ, Auerbach R, Weinstein GD. Parenteral methotrexate in psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 1964;89:550-6. 2. Edmundson WF, Guy WB. Treatment of psoriasis with folic acid antagonists. Arch DermatoI1958;78:200-3. 3. Knowles WR, Chernosky ME. Pityriasis rubra pilaris: prolonged treatment with methotrexate. Arch Dermatol1970; 102:603-12. 4. Veien NK. Cutaneous sarcoidosis: prognosis and treatment. Clin Dermatol 1986;4:75-87. 5. Toews G B, Lynch JP III. Methotrexate in sarcoidosis. Am J Med Sci 1990;300:33-6. 6. Webster GF, Razsi LK, Sanchez M, et al. Methotrexate therapy in cutaneous sarcoidosis [Letter]. Ann Intern Med 1989;111 :538-9. 7. Clements PJ, Davis J. Cytotoxic drugs: their clinical application to the rheumatic diseases. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1986; 15:231-54. 8. Cornelison RL Jr, Knox JM, Everett MA. Methotrexate for the treatment of Mucha-Habermann disease. Arch DermatoI1972;106:507-8. 9. Lange WG, Thomsen K. Methotrexate in lymphomatoid papulosis. Br J Dermatol 1984; 111 :93-5. 10. Lynch PJ, Saied NK. Methotrexate treatment of pityriasis lichenoides and lymphomatoid papulosis. Cutis 1979;23: 634-6. 11. Thomsen K, Wantzin GL. Lymphomatoid papulosis. J AM ACAD DERMATOL 1987;17:632-6. 12. Zackheim HS, Epstein EH Jr. Low-dose methotrexate for the Sezary syndrome. J AM ACAD DERMATOL 1989;21: 757-62. 13. McDonald CJ, Bertino JR. Treatment of mycosis fungoides lymphoma: effectiveness of infusions of methotrexate followed by oral citrovorum factor. Cancer Treat Rep 1978;62:1009-14. 14. Jolivet J, Cowan KH, Curt GA, et al. The pharmacology and clinical use of methotrexate. N Engl J Med 1983;309; 1094·104.

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ABSTRACTS Pretibial epidermolysis buIlosa Valcuende Cavero F, Massmanian A, Aniz Montes E, et al. Aetas Derma-Sif 1990;81 :42-5 (Spanish) The authors studied a patient with pretibial epidermolysis bullosa. lmmunohistochemical study of the lesions showed that the bullous pemphigoid antigen, type IV collagen, and laminin formed the roof of the blister. Electron microscopy demonstrated that dermocpidermal separation occurred beneath the lamina densa. Adecrease in anchoring fibils was also observed. The authors conclude that pretibial epidermolysis bullosa is a specifie clinical form ofdystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with a dominant autosomal transmission. Yehudi M. Felman, MD

Ichthyosis and steroid sulfatase: Study of enzymatic activity in leukocytes and fibroblasts-variations with sex and type of ichthyosis Piraud M, Cambazard F, Barrut D. Pediatrie 1990;45:133-40 (French) Steroid sulfatase and arylsulfatase C were determined in fibroblasts and/or laukocytes of patients with different types of ichthyosis. Of the 21 patients studied, II showed clinical characteristics of X-linked ichthyosis and a deficiency of these two enzymatic activities. Patients affected with other types of ichthyosis showed no enzymatic deficiency. Yehudi M. FelmC/Il, M D

The pharmacology of methotrexate.

Methotrexate is a useful antimetabolite for the treatment of both benign and malignant proliferative disorders. When the pharmacokinetics and potentia...
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