Dei'elopmental Brain Research, 68 ( 1992) 144-147 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


BRESD 60462

The pineal adrenergic --> cyclic GMP response develops two weeks after the adrenergic -> cyclic AMP response J o a n L. Weller and David C. Klein Section on Neuroendocrinology, Laboratory of Derelopmental Neurobiology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892 (USA) (Accepted 14 April 1992)

Key words: Cyclic GMP: Pipeal; Guanylate cyclase; Adrenergic

Pineal metabolism is regulated primarily by noradrenergic innervation. Stimulation of the adult gland with norepinephrine elevates both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP production, through remarkably similar mechanisms requiring activation of both ,8- and al-adrenergic receptors. As described here, however, the adrenergic stimulation of cyclic GMP is first detectable about 2 weeks after the cyclic AMP response can be detected. This indicates there is a profound difference in when cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP-regulated processes can be adrenergically regulated.

Norepinephrine controls the accumulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in the rat pineal gland by activating biochemical "AND" gates operated by am- and /31-adrenergic receptors 2'17'2°''~°''~,/3.Adrenergic activation aione produces a 7- to 10.fold increase in cyclic AMP and a 2- to 4-fold increase in cyclic GMP, through mechanisms which are mediated by the GTP binding regul~t~ry protein which stimulates adenylate cyclase; these /3-adrenergic effects are mimicked by both cholera toxin and forskolin il,23,25'~°. Selective stimulation of the al-adrenergic receptor elevates [Ca 2+]i, but has no effect on the accumulation of either cyclic nucleotide 2z2a. However, concurrent stimulation of/3and acadrenergic receptors by norepinephrine increases cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP more than 100fold 20.3~. The post-receptor mechanisms involved in the a~-adrenergic potentiation of/3-adrenergic stimulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP are dependent upon elevation of intracellular Ca 2+ ([Ca 2+]i) and activation of Ca 2+, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase~a0as,25,2~-2~. Although there are a number of similarities in the mechanisms involved in stimulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, there are notable differences, i.e., the

adrenergic stimulation of cyclic GMP exhibits a distinctly greater requirement for Ca a+ and phospholipase A a activity, and is more sensitive to changes in intracellular pH '~'12'27''~°.In addition, following stimulus deprivation, the cyclic AMP response to adrenergic stimulation increases and the cyclic GMP response markedly decreases 18'~°. One aspect of the adrenergic stimulation of pineal cyclic GMP which has not been studied is development. The mechanisms required for adrenergic stimulation of cyclic AMP appear to be fully matured shortly after birth, prior to adrenergie innervation 1'3'7'16'!9'22'26'32. In the present study we examined the developmental appearance of the adrenergic stimulation of cyclic GMP to determine whether it displayed a similar developmental pattern. This issue is of special interest because if norepinephrine does not increase pineal cyclic GMP early in development it would clearly indicate that tile adrenergi¢--, cyclic GMP response is not required for adrenergic stimulation of pineal Nacetyltransferase, which is fully developed shortly after birth3, 32.

Developmental appearance of the adrenergic stimulation of cyclic GMP. Pineal glands obtained from animals

Correspondence: D.C. Klein, Building 36, Room 4A07, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892 USA. Fax: (1) (301) 480-3526.

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lO 2o AGE (days)


Fig. 1. Developmental appearance of the adrenergic stimulation of pineal cyclic GMP. Sprague-Dawley rats of the indicated ages were obtained from Zivic Miller Co. (Allison Park, PA) and housed for at least 1 week ill a 14:10 LD lighting cycle. Animals were decapitated and pineal glands were obtained immediately. Glands were incubated on nylon mesh disks (dia.---4 mm) at the gas/medium interface for 1.5 h (2 glands/200/~! B G J b medium with I% bovine serum albumen; 37°C; 95% 0 2, 5% CO2) • The glands were then transferred to fresh medium with or without norepinephrine (1 /tM, Sigma Chemical Corp., St. Louis, MO). Five rain later glands weye transferred to tubes on dry ice. For analysis of pineal cyclic GMP a frozen gland was homogenized in 5% perchloric acid (100 ml) and neutralized with 2 N KHCO 3. The preparation was then centrifuged (12,000× g, 10 rain); samples of the supernatant were acetylated as required and then used for cyclic GMP radioimmunoassay8. The antiserum used to measure cyclic GMP was a gift of Dr. K. Catt (NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD). Protein was estimated using published data7. Data are presented as the mean ± S.E.M. of cyclic GMP in three to five pineal glands,

during the first 4 weeks of life were treated with norepinephrine (Fig. 1). There was little or no detectable cyclic GMP response to norepinephrine treatment in pineal glands removed from 2-, 5- and 10-dayold animals. However, norepinephrine produced a 100-fold increase in the amount of cyclic GMP in glands removed from and older animals. This pattern of development was confirmed in two other experiments.

These findings indicate that a 2-week difference exists between the developmental appearance of the adrenergic stimulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in the rat pineal gland. The molecular basis of this difference may be associated with the known differences between the cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP responses detailed above. For example, the developmental appearance of a hypothetical Ca2+-dependent kinase involved in the regulation of cyclic GMP but not cyclic AMP may determine the developmental appearance of the cyclic GMP response. The absence of the cyclic GMP response early in development, when norepinephrine can stimulate pineal serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity 3'32, indicates that cyclic GMP is not required for the stimulation of this enzyme or other processes which are under adrenergic control. Effects of neonatal denervation. The pineal gland becomes innervated by sympathetic nerves during the first 2 weeks of life 32, with the first indication of innervation detectable shortly after birth and a near adult appearance observed within 10 days after birth. It i~ possible that the developmental appearance of the cyclic GMP response requires the presence of sympathetic nerves. To examine this we studied the developmental appearance of the cyclic GMP response to norepinephrine in 30-day-old animals which had been denervated by superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX) 2 days after birth (Table I). The effects of denervation were monitored by measuring [3H]norepinephrine uptake and hydroxyindole-O-methyitransferase activity. The former was markedly decreased, reflecting the absence of nerve endings; the latter was reduced as previously reported u. A cyclic GMP response was detected in glands from SCGX animals, indicating that nerves are not required for the normal development of the cyclic GMP re-


Lffect of neonatal denervation on development of adrenergic stimulation of cyclic GMP accumulation, [3H]norepinephrine uptake, and hydroxyin. dole.O.methyltransferase (HiOMT) activity Glands were obtained from 30-day-old animals that had been superior cervical ganglionectomized (SCGX) at 2 days of age and from age-paired controls. A set of six glands from each surgical treatment group was analyzed for HIOMT activity without culture 24. For other analyses glands were cultured for 2 h under control conditions. For uptake analysis sets of six glands from each surgical treatment group were incubated for 30 rain with 0.1 ~M [3H]norepinephrine (4.5 ~Ci/ml medium, 44.7 Ci/mmol, New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) Is. For cyclic GMP response analysis sets of 6 glands from each surgical treatment group were transferred to fresh medium with or without norepinephrine (1/zM; 15 rain)s. For further details see the legend to Fig. 1.



Treatmentin culture



None Control Norepinephrine (I p.M) None Control Norepinephrine(! ~tM)



CyclicGMP (pmol/ mg protein)

[JH]norepinephrine (DPM / gland) -

HIOMT (pmol/ gland/ h.) 181.6 ± 19.6

19.3± 5.0 323 + 41

28 620 ± 2 780

49 ±24.8 158 ±26

1210± 140

99.2 ± 17.9

146 sponse to norepinephrine. This finding is somewhat inconsistent with the observation that denervation leads to a loss of the cyclic GMP response in adults. Based on this, one might not expect to detect a cyclic GMP response following neonatal SCGX. However, it is known that the loss of the cyclic GMP response in the adult is reversed by systemic treatment with norepinephrine ~8, which has direct access to pinealocyte receptors in the absence of nerve endings. Accordingly, it would appear likely that the cyclic GMP response is present following neonatal denervation because circulating catecholamines maintain responsiveness. Circulating catecholamines ma~, be elevated to a greater degree in these animals as compared to older animals in response to greater cold stress or increased locomotor activity. Although it seems likely that circulating catecholamines function to maintain the adrenergic--, cyclic GMP response, it seems highly unlikely that norepinephrine released from pineal nerve terminals determines when ,he cyclic GMP response develops. This is because norepinephrine release occurs during the first week of life, as evidenced by the presence of the day/night rhythm in N-acetyltransferase activity 7''~2.Similarly, it is clear that the physical presence of the sympathetic nerves is not required, because the response develops in their absence. Based on this, it seems possible that the development of the cyclic GMP response is controlled by an intrinsic developmental schedule. Accordingly, the factors regulating the adrenergic stimulation of pineal cyclic GMP can be usefully divided into extrinsic and intrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements would include catecholamines released from sympathetic nerves in the pineal gland or diffusing to pinealocytes from the circulation; based on the findings that adenosine and vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulate pineal cyclic GMP 4-*,21, these agonists are also candidates as extrinsic regulating factors. Intrinsic elements can be described only in general terms as signals which trigger the developmental expression of one or more molecules required for maximal stimulation of cyclic GMP. Such molecules would not be involved in the stimulation of cyclic AMP. The elucidation of such molecules might provide some insight into the factors underlying other differences between the adrenergic regulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, and the development of other features of pineal biochemistry3.14.16.19. 1 Auerbach, D.A.,/3-Adrenergic receptors during development. In D.C. Klein, (Ed.), Melatonin Rhythm Generating System: Developmental Aspects, Karger, Basel, 1982, pp 97-107.

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The pineal adrenergic----cyclic GMP response develops two weeks after the adrenergic----cyclic AMP response.

Pineal metabolism is regulated primarily by noradrenergic innervation. Stimulation of the adult gland with norepinephrine elevates both cyclic AMP and...
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