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The role of remote ischemic preconditioning in organ protection after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis Nur A.B. Haji Mohd Yasin, MB, ChB, MSc,a Peter Herbison, MSc, DSc,b Pankaj Saxena, PhD, FRACS,a,c,d,* Slavica Praporski, PhD,e and Igor E. Konstantinov, MD, PhD, FRACSe a
College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand c School of Surgery, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia d Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN e Royal Children’s Hospital, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia b
article info
Article history:
Background: Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) appears to protect distant organs from
Received 3 June 2013
ischemiaereperfusion injury. We undertook meta-analysis of clinical studies to evaluate
Received in revised form
the effects of RIPC on organ protection and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing
19 August 2013
cardiac surgery.
Accepted 5 September 2013
Methods: A review of evidence for cardiac, renal, and pulmonary protection after RIPC was
Available online xxx
performed. We also did meta-regressions on RIPC variables, such as duration of ischemia, cuff pressure, and timing of application of preconditioning. Secondary outcomes included
length of hospital and intensive care unit stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and
Cardiac surgery
mortality at 30 days.
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Results: Randomized control trials (n ¼ 25) were included in the study for quantitative analysis
Cardiopulmonary bypass
of cardiac (n ¼ 16), renal (n ¼ 6), and pulmonary (n ¼ 3) protection. RIPC provided statistically
Renal failure
significant cardiac protection (standardized mean difference [SMD], 0.77; 95% confidence
Congenital heart disease
interval [CI], 1.15, 0.39; Z ¼ 3.98; P < 0.0001) and on subgroup analysis, the protective effect remained consistent for all types of cardiac surgical procedures. However, there was no evidence of renal protection (SMD, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.53, 1.02; Z ¼ 1.81; P ¼ 0.07) or pulmonary protection (SMD, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.56, 0.50; Z ¼ 0.12; P ¼ 0.91). There was no statistical difference in the short-term clinical outcomes between the RIPC and control groups. Conclusions: RIPC provides cardiac protection, but there is no evidence of renal or pulmonary protection in patients undergoing cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass. Larger multicenter trials are required to define the role of RIPC in surgical practice. ª 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a method whereby brief intermittent periods of ischemia and reperfusion (IR) of
tissues provide protection to distant organs from subsequent periods of prolonged IR injury [1]. RIPC in patients undergoing cardiac surgery has been performed with repeated cycles of IR using a blood pressure cuff on a patient’s limb. A number of
* Corresponding author. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, The Alfred Hospital, Commercial Road, Prahran, Melbourne, VIC, 3181, Australia. Tel.: þ61 3 90762000. E-mail address:
[email protected] (P. Saxena). 0022-4804/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2013.09.006
j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 0
randomized control trials have been conducted with quite variable outcomes, and we were interested in finding out which population will gain the most benefit. We also investigated, if there is a need for varying the protocol for RIPC for different patient groups, and whether the improvements in surrogate markers actually translate into better clinical outcomes. Most of the meta-analyses published to date report on cardiac protection based on time-point measurement, such as at 12 h postintervention, whereas we believe that area under the curve (AUC) reduction in cardiac biomarkers provides better evidence of cardioprotection. We conducted a meta-analysis where cardiac protection was assessed using AUC. Additionally, we also present meta-analyses to assess the effectiveness of RIPC on protection to other organs in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Materials and methods
We conducted a review and meta-analysis. This research was conducted and reported in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement [2]. The study protocol is registered with (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews) PROSPERO with a registration number of CRD42012003174 [3].
Search strategy
Literature search was done on the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCOPUS, Web of Knowledge, Cochrane, and Global Health library. The last day of the literature search was on February 5, 2013. The Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms or keywords searched were “ischemic preconditioning,” “myocardial ischemic preconditioning,” “remote ischaemic preconditioning,” “remote ischemic preconditioning”, “limb ischemic preconditioning,” “cardiovascular surgical procedures,” “cardiac surgical procedures,” “thoracic surgery,” “coronary artery bypass,” “heart valve prosthesis implantation,” “ventricular septal defects,” “atrial septal defects,” and “cardiopulmonary bypass.”
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Human randomized control trials of RIPC involving adult or pediatric cardiac surgical patients were included. Inclusion of the studies and extraction of data were done by one of the researchers. We included studies that assessed cardiac, renal, or pulmonary protection. Inclusion of a study for metaanalysis required reporting of myocardial injury biomarkers over at least 24 h postoperatively, with AUC values, incidence of postoperative acute kidney injury, or postoperative dynamic lung compliance. Postoperative myocardial injury biomarkers included troponin I, troponin T, and creatinine kinase (CK)eMB. The incidence of acute kidney injury was used to reflect renal protection. Acute Kidney Injury Network and Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage kidney disease criteria were used to define acute kidney injury [4,5]. Postoperative pulmonary function was assessed using dynamic lung compliance. Postoperative mortality, length of intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stays, and ventilation period were
also analyzed from the included studies. Studies published in non-English languages were excluded.
Data extraction
The outcome measures as defined previously were extracted during the data analysis. Authors were contacted if any additional data were needed. If not reported directly, AUC was calculated from the tabulated data or from graphs. When both were available, troponin results were chosen over CK-MB because of higher sensitivity and specificity for myocardial injury [6e8]. CK-MB was also included, if it was the only cardiac biomarker reported in the study. Included studies were appraised and their risk of bias assessed using the Cochrane risk of a bias tool [9]. A subgroup analysis of the included studies was performed for three different surgical populations: coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), valve replacement surgery, and pediatric cardiac surgery.
Statistical methods
Data analysis was carried out using Review Manager 5.2 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen). Standardized mean difference (SMD) and the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for continuous outcome data using a random effects model. In the case of dichotomous outcome data, risk ratios and their corresponding 95% CIs were calculated and analyzed using a random effects model. The X2 test and I2 were used to evaluate statistical heterogeneity. Meta-regression analysis (using Stata v12 [StataCorp LP, Texas]) was carried out to assess if there was a correlation between the duration of ischemia, cuff pressure, timing of intervention, limb used (upper versus lower limb), and the treatment effect. Duration of ischemia was calculated by multiplying the duration of ischemia per cycle by the number of cycles. Cuff pressure was defined as the pressure to which the blood pressure cuff was inflated. Only studies that provide exact cuff pressures were assessed. Timing of intervention was classified as to either before or after anesthetic induction, that is, “early phase” and “late phase” RIPC or both. The treatment effect was a reduction in the release of cardiac injury biomarker as reflected by the SMD. We did sensitivity analysis, if there were any studies that showed extreme positive or negative results compared with other studies.
Results and discussion
Literature search
Using the MeSH terms and keywords mentioned earlier, we retrieved 252 articles from MEDLINE, 249 articles from EMBASE, 639 articles from SCOPUS, 624 articles from Web of Knowledge, 2 from Cochrane, and 63 from Global Health Library giving a total of 1829 articles. After removing duplicates, we were left with 1429 articles. The abstract of these articles was read, and of these, only 32 articles were found to be relevant. They were all randomized controlled trials conducted on patients who underwent cardiac surgery, where at
j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h x x x ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 e1 0
least two of their study arms included RIPC and a control group. Of the 32 selected articles, seven were excluded, four of these were conference presentations, one article was excluded as it did not report cardiac injury biomarker >24 h, and two articles were non-English full-text articles. We contacted the authors of the two non-English full-text articles but did not get any response. The results of the literature search and details of the studies are included in Figure 1 and Table.
Cardiac protectiondcardiac injury biomarker AUC
RIPC reduced the extent of myocardial injury during cardiac surgery (SMD, 0.77; 95% CI, 1.15, 0.39; Z ¼ 3.98; P < 0.0001) (Fig. 2). A total of 1001 patients were included in this analysis. The Forest plot also showed that the study by Heusch et al. [14] was strongly positive for cardiac protection. The Funnel plot of these studies did not suggest any publication bias (Fig. 3).
3.3. Subgroup analysis of cardiac protection for different types of cardiac surgical procedures The number of studies included for CABG subgroup, valve replacement subgroup, and congenital cardiac surgery subgroup were eight, four, and five, respectively. For patients who had CABG, a total of 502 patients, the evidence suggested
that RIPC reduced the amount of released cardiac injury biomarkers postoperatively (SMD, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.46, 0.10; Z ¼ 3.00; P ¼ 0.003). Similar results were demonstrated for the studies of the patients who underwent valve replacement, which has a population size of 252 patients (SMD, 0.95; 95% CI, 1.21, 0.68; Z ¼ 6.98; P < 0.00001). There was high heterogeneity among valve replacement studies (X2 ¼ 17.57, df ¼ 3, P ¼ 0.0005; I2 ¼ 83%). The analysis of congenital cardiac surgery studies, which has a total population of 214 patients, similarly demonstrated that RIPC provided cardiac protection (SMD, 0.75; 95% CI, 1.05, 0.46; Z ¼ 5.06; P < 0.00001). High heterogeneity was noted among the studies (X2 ¼ 34.00, df ¼ 4, P < 0.00001; I2 ¼ 88%).
Meta-regression of RIPC protocol variables
A total of 17 studies were included in this meta-analysis that gave a total of 1051 patients. The results for duration of ischemia did not show any relationship between the two variables (coefficient, 0.92; standard error [SE], 0.73; t ¼ 1.26; P ¼ 0.226). The cuff pressure level also did not show any relationship with the effectiveness of RIPC as represented by the SMD (coefficient, 0.00; SE, 0.00; t ¼ 0.26; P ¼ 0.802). Early phase or late phase RIPC showed no relationship with the cardioprotective effect of RIPC (coefficient, 1.36; SE, 1.49; t ¼ 0.92; P ¼ 0.373). The cardioprotective effect did not vary
Fig. 1 e Flowchart of systematic review and meta-analysis.
Table e Details of the studies included in the meta-analysis. No.
Study (reference)
Organ protection assessed
Population (age in years)
Ali et al. 2010 [10]
>50, CABG
Cheung et al. 2006 [11]
Cardiac-TNI, pulmonary
Pediatric, congenital
Choi et al. 2011 [12]
Cardiac-CK-MB, renal
50%, hepatic, or pulmonary disease, acute infective endocarditis, LVEF SBP) 4 cycles 5 min
Emergency surgery, MI within 48 h, DM, BMI >35, concomitant noncardiac surgery, and/or severe PVD Presence of genetic syndromes, uncontrolled infection preoperatively, immunodeficiency, class I of RACHS 1 score, and/or nonapproval of parents Operations of low complexity, such as closure of ASD, AP windows, establishment of Glenn shunts, subaortic membrane resection, redirection of partial anomalous pulmonary veins, valvotomies, repair of pulmonary stenosis, and/or operations without the use of extracorporeal circulation STEMI within last 30 days, angina within 48 h, DM, pregnancy, preoperative dialysis, additional non-CABG surgery, and/or usage of radial artery DM, renal failure, upper limb PVD, UA, preoperative inotropic support, mechanical assist device, and/or AMI. Those going for emergency combined or redo surgery excluded DM and as per Hausenloy et al. 2007 [13] and Venugopal et al. 2009 [28] DM, renal failure, hepatic, and pulmonary disease, and/or UA or AMI within the past 4 weeks UA, AMI within 7 d, LVEF 7 kg, decompensated pulmonary and heart failure, history of limb trauma, and/or systemic disease Lower limb PVD, ESRF, planned off -pump surgery, and/or inability to give informed consent
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Lucchinetti et al. 2012 [22] Pavione et al. 2012 [23]
AMI ¼ acute myocardial injury; ASD ¼ atrial septal defect; AVR ¼ aortic valve replacement; BMI ¼ body mass index; CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass grafting; CK-MB ¼ creatine kinaseeMB; DM ¼ diabetes mellitus; ESRF ¼ end-stage renal failure; LCAD ¼ left coronary artery disease; LMS ¼ left main stem; LVEF ¼ left ventricular ejection fraction; MVR ¼ mitral valve replacement; PVD ¼ peripheral vascular disease; RACHS ¼ risk adjusted classification for congenital heart surgery; N/A ¼ not applicable; STEMI ¼ ST elevation myocardial infarction; TNT ¼ troponin T; TNI ¼ troponin I; UA ¼ unstable angina; VSD ¼ ventricular septal defect.
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Fig. 2 e Forest plot of studies reporting on cardiac protection.
with the use of upper or lower limb (coefficient, 0.06; SE, 0.78; t ¼ 0.08; P ¼ 0.936).
Renal protection
The total number of patients in this analysis was 637. RIPC did not confer any renal protection (SMD, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.53, 1.02; Z ¼ 1.81; P ¼ 0.07) (Fig. 4). This group of studies showed low heterogeneity (X2 ¼ 7.83, df ¼ 5, P ¼ 0.17; I2 ¼ 36%).
Pulmonary protection
The population included 152 patients, and based on this sample, RIPC did not provide pulmonary protection (SMD, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.56, 0.50; Z ¼ 0.12; P ¼ 0.91) (Fig. 5). There was moderate heterogeneity between the studies (X2 ¼ 5.31, df ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.07; I2 ¼ 62%).
Length of ICU stay
A total of 12 studies that gave a sum of 793 patients reported this outcome. There was no difference in the length of ICU stay between the RIPC and controls (SMD, 0.07; 95% CI, 0.27, 0.13; Z ¼ 0.67; P ¼ 0.50).
Length of hospital stay
A total of eight studies that gave a sum of 534 patients reported this outcome. There was no difference in the length of hospital stay between RIPC and the control group (SMD, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.17, 0.24; Z ¼ 0.31; P ¼ 0.76).
Adverse events
There were no reports of adverse events directly caused by the application of a blood pressure cuff during RIPC.
Duration of mechanical ventilation
A total of 11 studies that gave a sum of 734 patients reported this outcome. The evidence suggested that there was no difference in the duration of postoperative ventilation between the controls and RIPC group (SMD, 0.01; 95% CI, 0.17, 0.15; Z ¼ 0.12; P ¼ 0.91). There was low heterogeneity between the studies (X2 ¼ 11.30, df ¼ 10, P ¼ 0.33; I2 ¼ 11%).
Thirty-day mortality
Only 19 of 25 studies (total of 1373 patients) reported on mortality. The meta-analysis showed that there was no difference in early mortality between the control and RIPC groups (risk ratio, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.12, 2.05; Z ¼ 0.96; P ¼ 0.34) (Fig. 6). There is low heterogeneity (X2 ¼ 0.36, df ¼ 3, P ¼ 0.95; I2 ¼ 0%) as the incidence of mortality at 30 d for all the included studies was very low (0.5%).
Fig. 3 e Funnel plot of the cardiac protection studies excluding the study of Heusch et al. [14]. SE [ standard error; SMD [ standardized mean difference.
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Fig. 4 e Forest plot of the studies that analyzed renal protection.
3.12.1. Cardiac protection Elevated levels of troponin T, troponin I, and CK-MB are associated with long-term poor outcomes after cardiac surgery [35,36]. Bignami et al. [36] reported that troponin I was a strong predictor of long-term mortality and that every nanogram per milliliter increase in the postoperative serum concentration is associated with a 15% increase in the risk of mortality. The degree of cardiac biomarker elevation is dependent on the type of cardiac surgery [37,38]. It is known that patients undergoing valve surgery and congenital cardiac surgery have higher elevation of cardiac injury biomarkers compared with patients who undergo CABG [39]. The evidence from the present meta-analysis showed that RIPC provides myocardial protection after cardiac surgery. Subgroup analysis of the various types of cardiac surgical procedures revealed that RIPC provided cardiac protection during CABG, valve surgery, and pediatric cardiac surgery. It appears that the cardioprotective effect is more pronounced after a higher dose of preconditioning [30]. This view is further supported by a report that the degree of protection is determined by the volume of tissue exposed to the preconditioning stimulus [39]. However, our investigations did not show any correlation between the duration of ischemia, cuff pressure, and its timing, that is, early phase or late phase RIPC and the clinical outcome.
Renal protection
Up to 30% of patients undergoing cardiac surgery may develop acute kidney injury and about 1%e2% will require dialysis [40]. Patients with postoperative acute kidney injury have
significantly higher morbidity and mortality. The risk of death can be increased by eightfold in patients requiring dialysis in this setting [41]. Lenihan et al. [42] quoted a mortality rate of 12.8% and 35.3% in patients after cardiac surgery with acute kidney injury and those requiring dialysis, respectively. A change >0.5 mg/dL in the serum creatinine level after cardiac surgery is associated with increased mortality at 30 days postoperatively [43]. A small postoperative rise in serum creatinine is also found to be associated with increased longterm mortality [44]. A common etiology of acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery population is IR injury [45]. RIPC provides organ protection by attenuating the oxidative stress induced by IR injury [46]. The evidence from our meta-analysis regarding renal protection does not suggest any significant benefit of RIPC. It is very likely that the protective effect of this intervention is not shown in the present study because of the small size of the pooled population. Four of the six studies in the meta-analysis were underpowered and the pooled effect was expectedly statistically insignificant [12,24,25,34].
Pulmonary protection
The reported prevalence of pulmonary complications after cardiac surgery varies from 8%e79% and is attributed to a number of factors [47,48]. Pulmonary complications result from inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass and IR injury. Meta-analysis of the included studies did not show any evidence that RIPC provided effective pulmonary protection as reflected by dynamic lung compliance. This might have been related to the small size of the pooled population. We would suggest that conclusions on RIPC-induced pulmonary protection should be cautiously drawn.
Fig. 5 e Forest plot of studies with measures of pulmonary protection.
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Fig. 6 e Forest plot of studies with mortality as reported at 30 days.
3.15. Should RIPC be introduced to cardiac surgical practice? Application of high pressure to an artery could potentially cause plaque rupture, thrombosis, and embolization [22]. However, there is no evidence that RIPC causes any direct harm to patients through the application of high cuff pressure. The studies included in the present meta-analysis excluded patients with peripheral vascular disease. This would mean that if this intervention were to be used routinely, patient with peripheral vascular disease may need to be excluded. Which patient population benefits the most from RIPC? The meta-analysis shows that RIPC provides cardiac protection to a heterogeneous group of the patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Recent studies suggest that the RIPC may not provide further protection to patients with cyanotic heart disease as those patients are already exposed to chronic ischemia [49e51]. An important issue is determining the effective dose for this intervention. It may be that interindividual variation is large and that each patient requires individualized dose of RIPC to elicit a particular level of response consistent with organ protection. We also found that RIPC, despite being shown to provide cardiac protection, did not improve the short-term clinical outcomes, such as mortality, length of hospital stay, length of ICU stay, and ventilation period. Although no short-term benefits are seen, one can argue that the benefits would only be more apparent when it comes to long-term clinical outcomes as the intervention is shown to reduce myocardial
IR injury and these patients would have more preserved cardiac function as a result and better long-term outcomes. Midterm follow-up of few studies with patients subjected to RIPC during cardiac surgery is available. Xie et al. [31] had mean follow-up period of 20.1 1.9 months for the control group and 21.1 1.8 months for the RIPC group. They found that RIPC improved New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class (1.07 0.37 versus 1.31 0.47; P ¼ 0.0298) and improved left ventricular ejection fraction compared with control patients (10.3 2.5 versus 12.5 3.2; P ¼ 0.0049). Follow-up for a period of 6 months found that there was no difference between the groups in terms of death, rehospitalization secondary to heart failure, renal failure, and new atrial fibrillation in another study [22].
Study limitations
A number of exclusion criteria were used in the present study, such as diabetes, significant renal, pulmonary, or hepatic impairment, or recent myocardial infarction. The randomized studies may not reflect true clinical picture as a number of patients undergoing cardiac surgery have significant comorbidities. The demonstrated cardioprotective effect may not be applicable to all the patient populations.
The present meta-analysis demonstrated that RIPC provides cardiac protection, but there is no evidence of renal or pulmonary protection in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
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using standard cardiopulmonary bypass. Meta-regression demonstrated that the duration of ischemia, cuff pressure, use of upper or lower limb, and the time difference between preconditioning stimulus and ischemia did not affect outcome. There is an increasing need to define the role of RIPC in clinical practice with emerging evidence of the potential benefits demonstrated in a number of studies.
Acknowledgment This research was undertaken by Dr Nur ABHM Yasin as part of the third year of MSc in Surgical Sciences of Edinburgh Surgical Sciences Qualification.
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