Diagnostic Cardiology Cardiology 1992;81:164-171

Human Performance Laboratory, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, and Statistical Laboratory, University of California at Davis, Calif.. USA

Key Words Exercise test Coronary artery disease Multivariate models Probability Angina

The Value of Chest Pain during the Exercise Tolerance Test in Predicting Coronary Artery Disease

Abstract The predictive power of 10 common exercise test parameters compared with coronary angiography was studied. Only the exercise electrocardiogram (EXECG), maximal rate pressure product (MAXRPP), and exercise chest pain (EXCP) contrib­ uted unique predictive information with the emergence of two interactions involving EXCP (EXCP-EXECG and EXCPMAXRPP). In conclusion: (1) EXCP appears to be a more serious finding only in those higher risk individuals with either a positive EXECG or lower MAXRPP; (2) EXCP and its interactions may help discriminate between anginal and nonanginal, exertional chest pain, and (3) the contradictory results found when EXCP was allowed to interact may explain conflicting results in previous multivariate models regarding the predictive significance of EXCP.

Introduction Although exercise electrocardiography (ECG) has been utilized to detect coronary artery disease (CAD) for 50 years, uncertain­ ties and controversies persist regarding this method [1-3]. Test results are confounded by arbitrary criteria and difficulty in interpreta­ tion. Because of the limitations of this proce­ dure in discriminating between normal and

Received: July 7. 1992 Accepted: July 16, 1992

abnormal, based on the ST-segment response alone, numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate aspects of the exercise response other than the traditional ECG criteria (i.e. exertional chest pain) [4-30], Although this approach has led to a more appropriate pro­ babilistic interpretation of test results instead of a dichotomous, ‘positive-negative’ result based on the presence or absence of ischemictype ST depression, no definitive conclusion

Mark T. Richardson College of Education. Area of Health and Human Performance Studies A.B. Moore Hall. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, A I, 35487 (USA)

© 1992 S. Kargcr AG. Basel 0008-6312/92/ 0813— 0164S2.75/0

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Mark T. Richardsona Robert G. Hollya Ezra A. Amsterdamb Michael F. Millerc

regarding the total diagnostic contribution of these additional parameters has been reached. It remains to be determined which variables contribute independent predictive informa­ tion and, more importantly, how this infor­ mation is influenced by interactions among variables. When considered simultaneously with the ST-segment response and other com­ monly measured exercise tolerance test (ETT) variables, the presence of exertional chest pain has been shown to either increase the risk of CAD [7. 23, 29] or add no unique predic­ tive information [10, 25, 27,28, 30] concern­ ing the presence or absence of CAD. The purpose of this study was to assess the significance of exertional chest pain and other common ETT variables and their interactions in conjunction with the ST-segment response in predicting CAD.

Treadmill Tests A progressive treatmill ETT utilizing the Bruce protocol [31] was performed. Tests were terminated due to either exhaustion, signs or symptoms of exer­ tional intolerance, or the patient's request to stop. All ECGs (resting, exercise, and postexcrcisc) were taken using the Mason-Likar modification of the standard twelve-lead placements [32], Twelve-lead ECGs were recorded prior to and immediately following exercise. Leads I, aVF and V5 were recorded every minute dur­ ing exercise and every' other minute during recovery which lasted until the tracing returned to baseline (ap­ proximately 6 min). Blood pressure was recorded with the standard sphygmomanometric method before, during each stage of and after exercise. The criterion fora positive test was: ( I) > I mm of exercise-induced ST-segment depression measured 0.08 s from the T point of any morphology (upsloping, horizontal or downsloping) or (2) the development of > I mm STsegment elevation. A negative response w'as one in which the patient achieved > 8 5 % predicted maxi­ mum heart rate with < I mm ST-segment deviation from the resting tracing. Coronary Angiography

Patient Selection Records of 1,138 consecutive patients who had both selective coronary angiography and ETT (usually within 3 days of each other) were examined retrospec­ tively. Only the records from male patients were con­ sidered for this study. These records were further reviewed and patients knowm to have the following conditions or disorders w'hich might influence the interpretation of the ETT were excluded from this study: (1) a history of previous myocardial infarction and/or coronary' artery bypass surgery: (2) cardiac dis­ orders other than CAD including congenital heart dis­ ease. cardiomyopathies, pericardial disorders or valvu­ lar heart disease: (3) ECG evidence of left bundle branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy or pre-exci­ tation syndromes: (4) drug therapy including digitalis. (3-blockers. calcium channel blockers, antiarrhvthmic agents or psychoactive agents, and (5) failure to reach 85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate during the treadmill test unless ECG evidence of ischemia oc­ curred prior to test termination. One hundred thirtyfive male subjects met the selection criteria, of whom 122 had complete data (maximal systolic blood pres­ sure was missing in 13 subjects).

Selective coronary arteriograms were obtained by standard methods. Fifty percent or greater luminal diameter narrow'ing in a major coronary artery was considered a significant lesion. All studies were inter­ preted by at least two experienced angiographers.

Data Collected The following common ETT parameters were se­ lected and coded for computer-assisted statistical anal­ ysis: patient’s age (AGE) in years: resting ECG repolar­ ization abnormalities (e.g.. T-wavc inversion. ST de­ pression 235 but 284) beats-mm H g-m in'1-102 levels of maximum rate pressure prod­ uct (MAXRPP) (n = 122) N O C A D CAD n n


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racy of a positive test, and predictive accuracy of a negative test were 75, 73. 78, and 70%, respectively. MAXSBP was not recorded for 13 subjects during the exercise tolerance test. Therefore, for any analyses involving this variable (in­ cluding MAXRPP) the sample was reduced to 122. Of these 13 subjects, 10 (77%) had CAD, and 8 had a positive treadmill test with all 8 having CAD.

It is obvious that the selected variables are highly intercorrelated with each other (ta­ ble 1) and individually related to CAD (ta­ ble 2). Further analysis revealed that of these 10 variables, only 3 (EXECG. MAXRPP and EXCP) contributed unique predictive infor­ mation. although EXCP only contributed when it was allowed to interact with the other 2 variables. While EXCP alone added no unique predictive information regarding the


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a b c D i f f e r e n t f r o m e a c h o t h e r t o a t le a s t p = 0 .0 5 .

Discussion Predictive Value o f E T T Variables This study demonstrated that, of the 10 ETT variables analyzed, exertional chest pain and maximal rate pressure product in con­ junction with the ST-scgment response ac­ counted for the total amount of predictive information available in determining the risk for CAD. Although the majority of variables are significantly related to CAD (table 2), be­ cause of a high degree of colinearity (table I), only EXECG and MAXRPP emerged from the first stepwise logistic regression analysis as independent predictors of CAD. When EXCP was forced into the model, its importance through interactions with other variables be­ came apparent. Subsequent log-linear analy­ sis confirmed this conclusion. EXCP became an extremely important predictor of CAD, although only through its interactions with other variables, specifically EXECG (table 3) and MAXRPP (table 4). Perhaps the most striking finding of this study was the extent to which the predictive values of EXECG and MAXRPP were altered by EXCP. As expected, a higher risk of CAD was found in those subjects with a positive rather than a negative EXECG (75 vs. 29%) (table 3) and a low to mid rather than a high MAXRPP (58 vs. 39%) (table 4). The effect of EXCP was most marked in these higher risk groups. When EXECG was positive (table 3), CAD was present in 92% of the patients with EXCP compared to 53% of those without EXCP. Similarly, when MAXRPP was in the low to mid range (table 4), CAD was present


in 95 and 77% of the patients, respectively, with EXCP compared to 56 and 24%, respec­ tively. of those without EXCP. Surprisingly and in contrast to these find­ ings. EXCP exerted the opposite effect in those groups at lower risk for CAD: In those with a negative EXECG (table 3) or high MAXRPP (table 4). EXCP was associated with a lower, not higher, risk of CAD. When EXECG was negative, CAD was present in none (0%) of those with EXCP but in 34% of those without EXCP. Similarly, when MAXRPP was high. CAD was present in 25% of those with EXCP but in 45% of those with­ out EXCP. The cause of this contradictory effect of EXCP in high and low risk groups remains speculative but the following possi­ bilities exist: First, this may be a characteristic specific to our population. This seems un­ likely since EXCP has not consistently been found to be an important predictive variable in previous multivariate models [10, 25. 27, 28, 30]. In fact, this interactive effect of EXCP, which has not previously been de­ scribed. may well explain this prior lack of consistency. Secondly, and more likely, this may be due to the nonspecific nature of chest pain. It is likely that if the initial complaint were chest pain (particularly exertional chest pain), then further evaluation might reveal this chest pain to be nonanginal in many cases. The ETT may be an excellent test to further discriminate anginal from nonangi­ nal, exertional chest pain, in that anginal pain would cluster with higher risk attributes like a positive EXECG and a lower MAXRPP. Conversely, nonanginal chest pain would cluster with lower risk attributes like a nega­ tive EXECG and a high MAXRPP. Only a dichotomous evaluation of EXCP was avail­ able for this study. Both a more qualitative as well as qantitative description of exertional chest pain during the ETT would aid greatly in explaining its interactive effects. Moreover,


Chest Pain during the Exercise Tolerance Test

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presence or absence of CAD, its interac­ tions with EXECG (EXCP-EXECG) and MAXRPP (EXCP-MAXRPP) significantly altered the value of both EXECG and MAXRPP in predicting CAD (tables 3, 4).

between the EXECG and the presence or absence of CAD. Thus, exclusion of these patients from analyses involving the diagnos­ tic ability of the ETT to detect CAD is com­ mon [4,23.28.29]. Implications and Limitations o f the Present Study The present analysis produced a model which reveals important predictive interac­ tions involving the presence of chest pain dur­ ing the ETT. With standard multiple regres­ sion models, these associations would not have been apparent. However, it should be noted that this model does not discriminate between those with or without disease. Rather the model predicts the risk of having CAD (ta­ bles 3.4). This is a more appropriate probabi­ listic analysis of exercise test results compared to the conventional dichotomous ‘positivenegative’ approach to identifying CAD. How­ ever, one would not expect an analysis of 10 stress test variables to account for all the vari­ ance in a disease as complex as CAD. Consid­ eration of conventional risk factor data (pre­ test likelihood) would increase the degree of predictable variance and aid a multivariate analysis of this nature. In addition, CAD itself was artificially measured as a dichotomous variable (>50% occlusion in one or more coronary arteries). A more quantitative mea­ surement might have increased the predictive value of the 10 stress test variables. Also, it should be stressed that the model produced from the present analysis was generated retro­ spectively from a relatively small patient sam­ ple, which was particularly true of a number of the subgroups (tables 3,4). Thus, these con­ clusions should be tested prospectively on a larger, independent population, paying par­ ticular attention to the nature of chest pain. Finally, the selected nature of this popula­ tion should be appreciated: Our subjects were all referred for coronary angiography. Fur­


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it should be cautioned that this apparently contradictory effect of EXCP in patients with a negative ECG or high MAXRPP was, in part, generated from subgroups with small numbers. A prospective study with greater numbers that focuses on the specific nature of chest pain is necessary to test this possibility. Furthermore, these findings do not preclude the existence of a relatively small number of patients who exhibit effort angina pectoris without significant ST-T changes [36], Re­ gardless. in assessing the predictive power of various exercise test variables, it is important to consider their interactive as well as direct effects since EXCP and its interactions mark­ edly alter the prediction of risk within a given risk category (e.g.. positive EXECG). Finally, the presence of EXCP appears to be a more serious finding only in those higher risk indi­ viduals with either a positive EXECG or lower MAXRPP. The removal of 13 subjects from the an­ alysis of the interaction between EXCPMAXRPP and CAD occurrence (table 4) may have biased the data since both the prev­ alence of CAD (77%) and the predictive ac­ curacy of a positive test (100%) were greater in this group than in the entire population (54 and 78%. respectively). The effect of this missing data on our conclusions remains un­ known. Another potential source of bias may have resulted from the exclusion of patients who failed to reach 85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate during the treadmill test without ECG evidence of ischemia. A num­ ber of these individuals may have been stopped prematurely because of severe chest pain due to CAD. This would tend to distort the present finding that patients with a nega­ tive exercise ECG and EXCP did not have CAD. This remains speculative, as the data on these individuals are not available. How­ ever. to have included these patients in the analysis may have distorted the relationship

thermore, many medicated patients and those with pre-existing abnormal resting ECGs (who may have the most severe CAD) were excluded from the study due to the confound­ ing effects these conditions have on the inter­ pretation of the exercise ECG.

Conclusions Probabilities for CAD were objectively de­ termined from routine data gathered during stress testing. The conclusions which can be drawn from this study are as follows: (1) of the 10 stress test variables analyzed, the vari­ ables EXECG. MAXRPP and EXCP ac­

counted for the total amount of predictive information available in determining the risk of CAD: (2) important interaction terms in­ volving EXCP markedly altered the risk in subgroups of EXECG and MAXRPP: (3) the presence of EXCP appears to be a more seri­ ous finding only in those higher risk individu­ als with either a positive EXECG or lower MAXRPP « 2 8 .4 0 0 ): (4) EXCP and its in­ teractions may help discriminate between an­ ginal and nonanginal. exertional chest pain, and (5) the interactions with EXCP may ex­ plain conflicting results in previous multivar­ iate models regarding the predictive signifi­ cance of EXCP.

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The value of chest pain during the exercise tolerance test in predicting coronary artery disease.

The predictive power of 10 common exercise test parameters compared with coronary angiography was studied. Only the exercise electrocardiogram (EXECG)...
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