Puisqu'il est question de dis- under "Accidents." We feel that countability for their actions." Physicians take full responsibility crimination, la premiere en date this huge discrepancy between the and accountability for their medi- et la plus convaincante de ses impact of injuries on the health of cal acts. This includes obtaining condamnations fut elle aussi the- Canadians and the amount of refull and informed consent for the ologique: . Domma- deaths due to heart disease and tential, productive years of Cange qu'en faisant la distinction stroke were listed separately (as in adian lives lost, research in the entre l'avortement (» US statistics), accidents and vio- field of unintentional injuries de(ou selectif) et celui qui ne l'est lence would be the second-ranked serves urgent attention. pas, il ait fait croire a au moins cause of potential years of life Brian A.P. Morris, MD, FCFP deux lecteurs qu'il approuve le lost. Assistant professor A comparison of these statis- Department of Family second. Tout desole que je sois d'avoir ete l'un de ces lecteurs, je tics with the numbers of pertinent and Community Medicine me rejouis de m'etre trompe. biomedical articles listed in Index University of Toronto Toronto, Ont. Le docteur Beck nous rappel- Medicus is revealing. By a com- Lynn Dunikowski, MLS le que l'opposition a l'avortement puterized search of the Medline Librarian etait traditionnellement
Puisqu'il est question de dis- under "Accidents." We feel that countability for their actions." Physicians take full responsibility crimination, la pr...