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THYROID HORMONE REGULATION Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1991.53:17-35. Downloaded from Access provided by Ball State University on 11/19/14. For personal use only.


A. Brent, David D. Moorel, P. Reed Larsen

Thyroid Division and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Laboratory, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 and KEY WORDS:

thyroid honnone receptor. rat growth honnone. thyroid honnone response element, C erbA


Virtually all of the physiologic effects of thyroi d hormone are thought to be initiated by the binding of 3, 5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) to DNA-binding proteins termed T3 receptors (T3R). Either positive or negative effects on gene transcription can be generated by the hormone/receptorlDNA complex, depending on the gene and target tissue. Proteins capable of conferring

thyroid hormone responsiveness are now known to be coded for by two cellular homologues of the viral oncogene v-erbA, one of two oncogenes carried b y the avian erythroblas tosis virus (28, 32, 58, 71). The most global physiologic effect of thyroid hormone is stimulation of oxygen consumption. which appears to be the consequence of the additive

effects of small changes in the levels of numerous rate-limiting enzymes. One of the most carefully studied thyroid hormone responsive proteins is rat growth hormone (rGH). In the rat, unlike the human, normal growth hormone synthesis rates require the presence of thyroid hormone. Samuels et al recent­ ly reviewed the biological studies of this protein, which indicate that the IDepartment of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 17


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initial effect of T3 interaction is to stimulate the transcription of the growth hormone gene (56). Whether later events also include stabilization of rGH message and to what extent this might contribute to the overall increment in rGH mRNA remains a matter of some controversy (16, 63, 72). Nonetheless, this experimental paradigm has been used to great advantage in the explora­ tion of how the interaction of thyroid hormone with its receptor can influence gene transcription. In all vertebr"tes.examined to date, two genes code for different, but highly homologous, thyroid hormone receptor proteins denoted T3Ra and T3R,B. These two genes are members of a nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that includes many receptors for circulating hormones or ligands, including ste­ roids and retinoic acid (18), as well as numerous other putative receptors for unknown ligands. It was recently suggested that some of these receptors may bind ligands that are biosynthetically related to steroids and retinoids, which include several terpenoid hormones whose function is less well understood (43). While there are many different members of this nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, they have two common structural features. One is a cysteine rich portion of the protein, which by analogy with the DNA-binding transcription factor TFIIIa is thought to coordinate with zinc atoms to form two loops or fingers that specify the DNA sequences to which the protein is bound (18, 39, 67). The second is a ligand-binding domain that confers the specificity for a given hormone. Within these essential components, consider­ able variations are found with respect to molecular size, the numbers of receptors per cell, the requirement of ligand binding for nuclear localization, and the interaction with other cytosolic or nuclear proteins. The complexity of the specificity of action of this receptor family is demonstrated by the fact that multiple receptor types may recognize a single DNA-binding site (21, 42, 68). In this review we focus on the thyroid hormone receptorlDNA interaction and emphasize the unique aspects of this ligand-dependent enhancer protein.

Physiologic Analysis of the T3 Receptor The thyroid hormone receptors were first identified by their capacity to bind T3 with extremely high affinity (Ka 1 X 109-1010) in vivo and in vitro (50, 56). Thyroxine (T4) is also specifically bound to the receptors, but with an affinity that is an order of magnitude lower. Since intranuclear T4 con­ centrations are lower than those of T3, virtually all thyroid hormone specifi­ cally bO\.�nd to the T3R proteins is T3, and its intranuclear concentration determines the thyr�id status of the cell. Until the cloning of the cDNA for thyroid hormone receptor, most physiologic and biochemical studies of T3R were based on the capacity of 1251 T3 to bind specifically to the receptor. Using this property, it was shown that the T3R protein is exclusively nuclear, binds tightly to chromatin in the presence or absence of the hormone, and may =



be associated with the linker DNA regions (52,56,62). Photoaffinity studies combined with results of partial purification of the receptor by conventional techniques suggested that two forms of the receptor were present, a 57- and a 47-kd protein


A major characteristic of thyroid hormone receptors,

which facilitated the recognition of their physiologic role, is the limited and relatively constant number of molecules in each nucleus. This is a specific property of each tissue with the number varying from 6 to 8,000 sites per nucleus in rat pituitary and brown fat, 4,000 in liver, and 2,000 in cerebral

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cortex. Most of the latter sites are found in neuronal nuclei (33). Only a few hundred receptors per nucleus are present in human peripheral blood mono­ nuclear cells and even fewer in the spleen or testes. The latter deficiency presumably explains the inability of these tissues to increase their O2 con­ sumption in response to thyroid hormone (1). On the other hand, the brain is similarly unresponsive even though the number of receptors is comparab le to those in liver and kidney. This raises the possibility that there may be other reasons for the absence of a metabolic response to thyroid hormone. One

explanation, the expression in the central nervous system (eNS) of a non-T3binding splicing variant of one of the two receptor proteins



below. In euthyroid rats approximately half of the nuclear receptor sites in most

tissues are occupied by T3 (50). Thyroid hormone receptor number in a given tissue changes very little during most physiologic perturbations unlike the situation for many hormonal receptors, particularly those located at the cell surface. Not only do wide swings in thyroid status cause less than 20% variations in nuclear 1251 T3 binding


but in the rat, even the most

severe stresses such as starvation do not cause more than a 50% fall in receptor binding (17). Since T3R number remains relatively constant, it

appears that the thyroid hormone status is determined by the availability of T3 to the T3R. In this connection it is of interest that while affinity of receptor for various T3 analogues varies, occupancy of the ligand-binding domain by any iodothyronine or similar ligand will initiate a thyromimetic effect. To date no

analogue has been found to act as an antagonist.

Cloning of T3 Receptor and Subtypes The discovery that two separate genes code for T3Rs was a major surprise (Figure 1). Multiple retinoic acid receptor genes have now been identified,

but there are only single genes for the receptors for estrogen, glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. The product of one of the genes, termed the T3Ra, was first identified in a chick liver cDNA library (58) and later in rat brain (65). The human homologue is a 408 amino acid protein (kd 47,000), which is coded for by a gene on human chromosome 17. The TRa gene shares the highest homology with the v-erb-A protein, although the latter




1 DNA 1

rTR bela1

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rTR alpha1



hTR bela1

110:921 87











hTR alpha2

110:921 87




rTR alpha3

110 1921 87




1 4 :83] 85



v-erbA Figure 1



:81 I

Deduced amino acid length based on cDNA for the various subtypes of rat (r) and

human (h) thyroid hormone receptors (T3R) and the v-erbA oncogene. Putative DNA- and ligand-binding domains


shown. The % amino acid similarity with the ratT3R�1 is shown for

the domains of each receptor type.

contains the viral gag sequences as well as important differences in the ligand-binding domain, which result in the inability of this protein to bind T3 (see Figure I). The second receptor protein, T3RI3, was initially isolated from a human placental cDNA library (71). This protein contains 456 amino acids I (approximately 57,000 kd) with considerable homology to T3Ra and the v-erb A-related protein (Figure I). All rat (47) and human (54) tissues studied express both receptor types, although the relative levels of expression can vary substantially. In vitro translated products of these cDNAs bind T3 with high affinity, bind to DNA containing appropriate thyroid hormone response elements (T3REs), and transfer the capacity to respond to T3 in transient transfection systems (28, 32, 45, 64). The complexity of the T3R family is substantially complicated by the fact that several splicing variants of T3Ra have been identified. In addition to the fully functioning protein, termed ai, two non-T3-binding T3Ra mRNAs, a2 and a3, have been identified (Figure 1). The latter two code for a protein identical to the T3Ral up to amino acid 370, but diverge after that point. It was initially reported that hT3Ra2 could bind T3 (2, 48), while rT3Ra2 could not (38, 40. Subsequent studies have shown that neither the rat nor human T3Ra2, nor a3 variants, can bind ligand (37, 38, 60). The rat T3Ra2 is coded for by a 2.6 kb mRNA (as opposed to 5.5 kb for T3Rat) and is highly

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expressed in the eNS, but is also found to a varying extent in rat heart, testes, kidney, brown fat, and skeletal muscle (24, 40, 47). An additional T3Ra related non-T3-binding protein, rev-erbAa, has been described (38a). The rat rev-erbAa and erbAa2 genes overlap in a 269 base pair exon, with their coding strands oriented opposite to each other. The T3R13 gene also encodes more than one protein product. In the rat, activation of an additional, tissue-specific promoter is thought to lead to expression of a variant of the T3RJ3 receptor, T3RJ32, which is found only in the rat pituitary (25). In this variant, an entirel y different 147 amino acid exon replaces the 94 amino acid amino tenninal portion of the 131 T3R. The J32 variant binds to DNA and functions as well as T3RJ31 in a transient transfec­ tion system to confer a thyroid honnone response (25). Given the relatively constant number of nuclear T3-binding proteins dis­ cussed earlier. it is surprising to find considerable thyroid-status related

variations in expression of the two T3R genes in the rat. In general, the T3Rf31 mRNA, like the nuclear T3-binding activity, is not affected by thyroid status, whereas in most tissues or cells, T3 decreases T3Ral and T3Ra2 mRNAs (24, 40). In the rat pituitary, however, the T3R132 mRNA is reduced by T3, whereas the 131 mRNA is markedly increased (24). Another example of a dissociation between T3R mRNA expression and receptor protein is found during differentiation of chick erythroid cells (3). At least six closely related c-erbA proteins were identified in chick embryonic cells. The molecu­ lar wei ghts for these products are consistent with initiation of translation at internal start sites within the cT3Ra mRNA. Furthennore, while cT3Ra mRNA expression remained relatively constant during early development, a three to fivefold increase in cT3Ra protein was observed. These results

emphasize the limited understanding we have concerning the control of T3R fonnation, especially at the post-transcriptional level. A number of structural and functional analyses of the T3Ra and 13 have led to the conclusion that a functional T3R must contain an intact DNA- and ligand-binding domain (64). The amin o tenninus can vary considerably or can be completely eliminated without loss of function (G. Brent, D. Moore, P. Lar se n, u np ubl ish ed results). As described in more detail below, receptor

variants that contain an intact DNA-binding domain, but cannot bind T3, have th e potential to act as dom inant neg ati ve mutations. These include v-erbA (12, 58) and rat (31) and human (37) T3Ra2. It is not known whether the T3Ra3 v!lriant could subserve the same role. Recently, an interesting series of

mutations have been described within the ligand-binding domain that can block the transcriptional activation function of the T3RJ3 receptor without affecting either DNA or T3 binding (49). As would be expected, such proteins can inhibit the action of the rT3R{31 receptor in a transient expression experiment.




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Identification of the T3 Receptor-Binding Site The localization of the rGH promoter T3 receptor-binding site was dependent on the production of purified T3 receptor. Utilizing a partially purified T3 receptor preparation from hypothyroid rat liver and methylation interference footprinting, we were able to identify a footprint in the area -188 to -172 upstream of the mRNA start site (TSS) (Figure 2) (30). The region im­ mediately downstream of the site (-171 to -165), which did not show methylation protection contact sites, interacts with T3R by alternative approaches and is required for full functional induction by T3 (5, 7). Inspec­ tion of this expanded site reveals two imperfect direct hexamer repeats with four of six bases in common and an inverted hexamer that forms an imperfect palindrome with the second direct repeat (Figure 2). For convenience we have labeled these three domains A, B, and C. Recent reports suggest that addition­ al factors may be required for optimal T3R binding to DNA (8,46) as well as for the previously described interactions with cell-specific factors (74). Furth­ er purification of the T3 receptor has resulted in the identification of addition­ al sites in the rGH promoter that bind T3 receptor (36). Despite the apparent ability of these additional sites to bind receptor in vitro, the consensus is that the primary region of the rGH promoter responsible for functional T3 induc­ tion is in the region -209 to -166 relative to the TSS (14, 56). The potential importance of an additional site contributing to the T3 response of rGH, however, is suggested by a recent report identifying a high affinity T3R­ binding site in the third intron of the rGH gene (59). When inserted into an appropriate promoter context, this binding site functions as an efficient T3 response element, but its level of involvement in the T3 response of the native rGH gene remains unclear. The functional analysis of the rGH promoter sequences involved in T3 induction has relied on transient transfections in rat pituitary tumor cells, which contain functional T3Rs, and transient cotransfections with T3R ex-


1 90







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-160 I

AAAGGTAAGATCAGGGACGTGACCGCAGGAGA Figure 2 Sequence of the rat growth hormone promoter -191 to -160 with horizontal arrows designating thyroid hormone receptor hexamer-binding half-sites (see text and reference 5). Horizontal lines indicate G residues protected in a methylation interference-binding assay (reference 30).

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pression vectors in a variety of non-pituitary cells, which lack functional endogenous T3 receptors (COS-7, JEG-3, CVl). Initial studies utilized pro­ gressive 5' deletions of the rGH promoter and demonstrated that promoter constructs that included bases to -237 preserved the full levels of T3 induc­ tion (34, 35). A further deletion to -183 dramatically reduced T3 induction, and a deletion to -137 completely eliminated a T3 response. These results correlated well with the methylation interference footprint, since a deletion at -183 removes the upstream hexamer half-site and a deletion at -137 deletes the entire site. A more detailed functional analysis involved the insertion of double­ stranded synthetic oligonucleotides containing portions of the rGH T3 receptor-binding site upstream of the truncated and T3-unresponsive 137 nucleotide rGH promoter. A fragment containing the Wild-type sequence -200 to -157 conferred T3 induction in transient transfection studies, and deletion of the proposed T3 response element (T3RE) eliminated this response (7).

Mutational Analysis of the T3 Response Element Based on 5' and 3' deletion studies, an oligonucleotide -190 to -164 was identified that was the minimal element required to confer full T3 induction on the rGH promoter truncated at position -137 (5). In the context of this oligonucleotide, G residues in the various T3 receptor-binding domains speci­ fically identified as contact sites in the methylation interference footprint were mutated and were required for T3 induction. These results confirmed the importance of the A and B repeats. Similarly, the importance of the C repeat was confirmed with the appropriate mutations. Several mutations that resulted in an increase in T3 induction were also created. These included two point mutations in the B domain (base -176 G to T, base -174 C to A) that created a perfect repeat of the A domain and a single mutation in the C domain (base -167 C to A), thus making it a perfect palindrome of the A domain. Both mutant response elements show signifi­ cantly increased induction by T3, and the combination of the B and C up-mutations results in a greater than additive T3 response. These results are consistent with the report by Glass et al (20), which showed that a synthetic 16 base pair palindromic sequence that was based on five base pairs of the wild-type sequence from the C domain, TGACC, conferred a high level of T3 induction. Using the background of the C domain up-mutation, down­ mutations were made in each of the three domains and demonstrated that each site is required for a full respose to T3. In the presence of either up-mutation, however, two half-sites were sufficient for induction by T3 (5, 7). Results similar to those obtained in the context of the homologous rGH promoter were

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also found with the same elements upstream of the heterologous herpes virus thymidine kinase (TK) promoter. Based on this mutational analysis, we have proposed a consensus T3 receptor-binding half-site, AGGT CIA A, which is similar to that described for the estrogen receptor (Figure 3) (5). At least two half-sites are required for a T3 response. The T3R presumably binds as a dimer, as has been shown for the glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors (66), as well as T3R-retinoic acid receptor heterodimers (22). Inspection of a variety of T3R-binding sites from T3-regulated genes reveals that each contains two or more copies with a greater than four of six base pair match for this hexamer (Figure 4). The promoter for the rat a myosin heavy chain gene contains a T3 response element with an arrangement of three hexamers similar to that found in the rGH promoter. In contrast, the T3RE in the promoter for bovine growth hormone (bGH) (6) seems to be a direct repeat of two hexamers. The T3RE from the Moloney murine leukemia virus (59) appears to consist of a direct repeat of two hexamers. It is noteworthy that the two T3REs, which confer a negative response to T3, rat TSH a, and f3 subunits (7a, 8a), contain closely spaced direct repeats of the hexameric consensus. MECHANISMS OF REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION BY T3 RECEPTOR

While it is clear that the honnone/receptorlDNA complex directly affects transcription of nearby genes, the precise mechanisms that underly this process are still mysterious. Nonetheless, it is possible to relate at least some of the structural aspects of this complex to its various functions.

Repression of Transcription by the ApoT3R As described above, the T3 receptor, like other members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, can be divided into three parts: amino­ terminal, DNA-binding, and T3-binding. With regard to function, however, the T3 receptors show a remarkable divergence from other members of the receptor family in that they appear to be bound to DNA in the absence as well as the presence of ligand. The steroid receptors do not seem to share this property. In the extreme case, the glucocorticoid receptor is held in an inactive complex in the cytoplasm in the absence of honnone (10, 73). In contrast, it has been known for many years that T3 receptors are found bound to chromatin in the absence of ligand (50, 62). Two distinct lines of evidence have been used to show that the honnone­ free receptor proteins (aporeceptors) can bind to T3REs. In one type of experiment, it was shown that the apoT3R can act directly to repress the activity of several different T3RE-containing promoters (4, 12, 23, 59). In


rGH A Domain

rGH B Domain

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1991.53:17-35. Downloaded from Access provided by Ball State University on 11/19/14. For personal use only.

rGH C Domain

T3R Consensus ER Consensus




Figure 3 Summary of point mutations in the various domains of the rat growth hormone promoter thyroid hormone receptor-binding site based on a functional analysis in transient transfection assays (reference 5). Mutations that increased T3 induction are shown above the sequence, and mutations that decreased response are shown below the sequence. A consensus T3 receptor-(T3R) binding half-site sequence is shown compared to the consensus-binding half-site for the estrogen receptor (ER).

such experiments, the repressive effect is dependent on the presence of both the apoT3R (in trans) and the T3RE (in cis). In addition, a strong correlation is observed in different test plasmids between the strength of the repressive effect and the strength of the expression with the addition of hormone (4). Together these results argue strongly that the negative effect is an inherent function of the T3 receptor itself. Although the magnitude of the negative effect of the apoT3R is somewhat less than the magnitude of the inductive effect, its potential physiologic relevance is supported by an additional series of experiments in which the effect of endogenous T3 receptors present in pituitary cell lines was examined with transfected wild-type or mutant versions of the rGH promoter (4). In these studies, mutations that inactivated the T3RE increased basal ( -T3) expression, while a mutation that strengthened the element decreased basal expression. Thus the negative effect of the apoT3R can be observed with the endogenous receptors and is not seen as a consequence of the overexpression usually associated with the cotransfection approach. Direct measurement of the effect of the hormone on functional affinity of the T3R for a T3RE was achieved by correlating the levels of induction and repression in cotransfections over a wide range of receptor levels (Figure 5). The receptor dose was altered from a low ineffective level to a high saturating level. Surprisingly, the level of receptor generating half-maximal induction in the presence of T3 was indistinguishable from that causing half-maximal





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• 4��---



rat alpha MHC







... ... 1-----


• • • rat TSH beta Sub CAAAGTAAGGTAGGTCTCTACCCGG rat alpha Sub


Figure 4 The thyroid honnone receptor-binding half-sites based on the consensus (Figure 3) are shown for promoters from rat growth honnone (rGH) (-190 to -166), rat ll' myosin heavy chain (-131 to -157, opposite strand shown), bovine growth honnone (bGH) (-187 to -163), Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV LTR) (332 to 351), rat f3 TSH (19 to 43), and rat ll' subunit (-74 to -51), all shown to be induced by T3 (References 5,6, 7a, 8a, 28, 59).

repression in its absence. This equivalence of apparent affinity in vivo is in agreement with in vitro binding results obtained using a relatively crude preparation of receptor (36), and it strongly supports the possibility that the negative effect of the aporeceptor is physiologically important. Furthermore, binding of receptor to a DNA fragment in an oligonucleotide-binding assay or gel retardation assay does not require ligand. As described above, T3REs are constructed by combining two or more copies of sequences related to a consensus hexamer, AGGTCA, that is also recognized by other members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. In particu­ lar, the Wild-type rGH T3RE and synthetic derivatives of it also function as response elements for the retinoic acid receptors (67, 68). Thus the demon­ stration of the DNA binding ability of the apoT3R led directly to the predic­ tion that this function should interfere with the ability of the (RAR) to induce expression via such elements. This prediction was quickly verified: in com­ bined cotransfections the expression of apoT3R can strongly decrease the level of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) + retinoic acid (RA)-induced expres­ sion. Since the effect of the apoT3R is also seen in the absence of RA, as would be expected (4, 23), the RAR does retain an overall inductive effect. In contrast, the apoRAR does not show direct negative effects on expression in either the presence or absence of T3. These results strongly suggest that the hypothyroid state with an increased


0.50 C')


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I ('J


i== « 0




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+ I ('J

4 i== « o


T3 +T3




Figure 5

� .r:







Log Dose of Transfected Alpha 1 Vector

The mean (± SEM) expression (CAT/hGH) of a reporter plasmid containing a

palindromic T3 response element transfected in CV-l cells with (solid diamonds) and without

(open squares) 10-8 M T3. A vector expressing the mouse al T3R is cotransfected in increasing amounts (reference 4).

level of apoT3R could cause developmental aberrations in an indirect fashion, by interfering with the important activities of the RARs. Moreover, the strong similarity of DNA-binding specificity determining regions is not limited to the T3Rs and RARs (44). Recent results suggest that vitamin D response ele­ ments may also overlap with T3RE/RAREs, and there is also some similarity between T3RE/RAREs and the binding sites recognized by the vitamin D receptor (15), estrogen receptor (5, 21), and perhaps a number of other receptors. It is an intriguing possibility that the apparently unique ability of the T3 receptor to interact with its response element in the absence of hormone may allow it to influence the expression of a great variety of genes not ordinarily thought of as T3 responsive. Finally, the negative regulatory effect of the apoT3R suggests a novel interpretation for the mechanism of action of the viral oncogene v-erbA (12, 59). In addition to other alterations relative to its c-erbAo:l homologue, the v-erbA protein has a number of amino acid sequence changes in the carboxy­ terminal domain. As a consequence of these changes, the viral protein does not bind T3. By analogy with the results described above, one would expect that such a protein, if overexpressed, could prevent the wild-type T3R from binding to T3REs. Particularly if the v-erbA protein retained the negative effect of the apoT3R, this could strongly decrease expression of genes expressed in the presence of normal levels of the hormone. Direct evidence that the viral product has such a repressive effect has been obtained in cotransfection experiments (12, 59). Further analysis will be needed to de­ termine how this repressive effect is associated with loss of growth control.



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Hormone-Dependent Activation of Gene Expression By comparison to the other ligands for the nuclear receptor superfamily, the role of T3 seems simpler. In all cases it is clear that the function of the receptor is altered by binding of the ligand. For the steroid receptor, however, the activation that follows binding of ligand is a multi-step process. This activation pathway has been particularly well studied for the glucocorticoid receptor, which dissociates from an inactive complex with the protein HSP90 when the ligand binds. It is thought that the loss of HSP90 from the complex frees the receptor for DNA binding. Results with steroid antagonists, howev­ er, suggest that the ligands may also play a more direct role in altering the structure of the complex to a transcriptionally active form. Removal of an inhibitor of DNA binding is unnecessary for the T3R, and recent studies show that there is no evidence of a T3R-HSP90 interaction (11). It seems likely, therefore, that the hormone plays a direct role in alteration of the transcriptional regulatory properties of the receptor. In this model the primary function of the binding of T3 would be to change the accessibility of various portions of the ligand-binding domain to the transcrip­ tional apparatus. One might imagine, for example, that T3 binding could expose an amphipathic alpha helix, or some other simple transcriptional activation domain.

Hormone-Dependent Repression of Gene Expression The ability of the apoT3R to bind to T3REs has important consequences for models of T3-dependent repression of expression. In the most popular models, which have gained support from studies of negative regulation of several different genes by glucocorticoids, the addition of ligand causes the receptor to bind and displace some other powerful activation factor. A net negative effect is observed because 'the hormone-bound receptor is either less active than the displaced factor, or is otherwise prevented from acting as an activator. A slightly different model has been proposed to explain the negatively acting T3REs that have been found close to the mRNA start of both the genes encoding the specific beta and the common alpha subunits of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotropin) (7a, 8a, 9). In these cases it has been thought that simple steric hindrance by the hormone-bound T3R inhibits assembly of the basic transcription initiation complex. Clearly, if the apoT3R could bind these T3REs, the simplest version of this model would be ruled out. Among a number of possible explanations for the resolution of this prob­ lem, two classes of models deserve some discussion. The first is simply that the mode of interaction of the T3R with nT3REs (negative T3 response elements) is different from the interaction with positively acting T3REs. In

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particular, it is possible that these elements are simply not bound by the aporeceptor, but are by the T3-bound receptor. As noted above, this possibil­ ity may be supported by the apparently different arrangement of receptor­ binding hexamers in such nT3REs (5). A more complicated version of this model suggests that the conformation of the T3-bound receptorinT3RE com­ plex is different from the complex with the positive element. In s�ch a situation, the binding of the hormone might not lead to activation of this receptor. This latter version predicts that such receptor-binding sites could behave as hormone-dependent negative elements even if they were moved away from their normal position. The second model is a more complex version of the steric model in which the hindrance only occurs when T3 is present. In this case, one might imagine that the DNA-bound apoT3R, with no exposed activation domains, would not interact strongly with the transcription apparatus and would have little or no negative effect. In contrast, the binding of the ligand would expose the activation domains, which could strongly interact with the transcription machinery. If the receptor site were in an unfavorable position,such as those of the TSH genes, this could result in an unproductive complex and and inhibition of expression. This model predicts that the nT3REs in these genes would become positive elements if they were moved upstream, away from their sterically interfering position.

Action of Receptor Subtypes in the T3 Response As described in detail above, the T3 receptor family shows surprising diversi­ ty at both the protein and DNA level. There are at least five forms of the T3 receptor that have been deduced from an analysis of cDNAs. The ai, {31, and {32 forms bind T3 and show the transcriptional regulatory functions expected for T3 receptors. One simple explanation for the existence of these different forms, that they bind to different T3REs, was quickly ruled out by the demonstration that all three forms were able to activate expression from a single T3RE sequence (25,32). In general,this is in agreement with the high conservation of the DNA-binding domains of the two T3R genes. The a forms of both the human and rat receptors, however, do show several differences from the {3 forms in a short segment of the second zinc finger termed the D box (13, 67). This segment has been associated with determin­ ing the specificity of interactions of receptors with response elements that differ by arrangement of hexameric binding sites rather than by sequence of the hexamers. As would be expected from functionally significant differ­ ences, these changes are strongly conserved among the different a and {3 genes from different species. Thus it seems possible that the two forms could show different affinities for more complex elements. In support of this possibility is the report (64) that the al form induces the rGH T3RE more

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strongly than the {3I form in cotransfections. We have also consistently observed this phenomenon. Of the two forms that do not bind T3, the a2 form has been investigated in more detail. In combined cotransfections with either the al or {31 receptors, this protein shows a remarkable ability to repress T3-induced expression (31). Thus at least the c-erbAa gene encodes products with opposing functions. It is interesting that the existence of multiple spliced forms is becoming a relative­ ly common observation for transcription factor genes. The analysis of the T3R a proteins provided the first demonstration of distinct functions for such alternate products. The mechanism of the a2 inhibition is not yet clear. A priori, one might suspect that a2 could either block response directly, by binding to the T3RE as an inactive complex, or indirectly, by forming inactive heterodimers or higher order oligomers with the functional receptors. What is the function of the repression of expression conferred by the a2 (and presumably the a3) form? One suggestion arises from the fact that the a2 form is particularly abundant in the brain, a tissue that does not respond to T3 with such classical responses as increase in O2 utilization. Thus the a2 form may direct the T3 response away from the genes ordinarily induced to a new group of genes, as yet uncharacterized. It is particularly important to de­ termine whether or not the a2 and/or a3 forms respond to a distinct, novel ligand. An even more complex issue concerning the multiple forms of T3 receptors is the possibility of heterodimeric or higher order heterooligomeric forms. One might imagine that a particular T3RE could preferentially interact with a putative al: {31 heterodimer, rather than either of the homodimeric forms. Direct support for the existence of such forms comes from studies of the effect of expressing mutant receptors lacking amino-terminal and DNA-binding domains (4, 19). It is thought that the members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily act as dimers an.d that the dimerization functions lie in the ligand-binding domains. By analogy with a variety of studies of bacterial repressor proteins deficient in DNA binding, but able to dimerize, one would expect the free ligand-binding domains to act as dominant negative repressors of receptor function. It has been observed that the ligand-binding domains of either the a or {3 forms of the receptors act to inhibit function of the endogenous receptors in pituitary cell lines (4, 19). Since such cells are presumed to contain functional a and {3 receptor forms, this strongly suggests that each ligand-binding domain can form inactive complexes with both types of receptor. Remarkably, there is some evidence that there are naturally occurring versions of the dominant negative ligand-binding domain con�tructs generated by various manipUlations of receptor expression vectors (3). These shorter

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forms of the endogenous receptor have been identified in chick cells using antibodies. It is thought that they arise by initiation at internal AUGs in the receptor open reading frame; such smaller products are often seen when T3 receptors are synthesized by in vitro translation. The abundance of the smaller forms is not high, however, and their relevance to in vivo function is not clear. The many possibilities for complex interactions between and among the various T3 receptor forms are even further clouded by considerations of the other receptors that could interact with T3REs. The potential physiologic relevance of this daunting additional complication has recently received strong support from a description of heterodimers of T3Ral and RARal (22). This report includes not only biochemical results supporting the existence of such forms, but also in vivo cotransfection results, which suggest that they show distinct biological effects at different T3REs. Clearly, substantial analy­ sis will be needed to sort out which of the great number of possible heteromer­ ic forms actually exist and how they function.

Mutant Receptor Function in Generalized Thyroid Hormone Resistance A group of patients were first identified by Refetoff et al (53) with normal or elevated serum thyroid hormone concentrations, but with clinical evidence of thyroid hormone deficiency. A considerable spectrum of clinical mani­ festations of deficient thyroid hormone action exists in this condition, termed generalized thyroid hormone resistance (GTHR), which can include mental retardation, delayed growth, reduced heart rate, and delayed Achilles tendon reflex time. All cases have been congenital with the exception of one reported case of acquired thyroid hormone resistance (29). A variety of methods have been utilized to investigate the underlying defect that leads to the syndrome of GTHR. Family studies have shown an underly­ ing genetic defect that is transmitted in an autosomal dominant and, in some cases, a recessive fashion. The clinical manifestations are quite similar within a kindred, but vary considerably between kindreds. This observation points to a spectrum of underlying genetic defects that may lead to the phenotype of GTHR. Defects in a number of steps in thyroid hormone action, including intracellular or intranuclear transport of thyroid honnone, T3 receptor muta­ tions, or production of T3 receptor antagonists may be responsible for a variety of GTHR defects. The availability of the human clones for the a and f3 T3 receptor has stimulated the investigation of potential abnormalities at the genetic level in patients with GTHR. It was initially shown through the use of restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFLP) that there was linkage in one kindred be­ tween the f3 type T3 receptor gene and the gene for GTHR (69). Recently, two

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reports have identified point mutations in the ligand-binding domain of the f3 T3 receptor gene, which appear to be responsible for thyroid hormone resist­ ance (55, 70). In vitro translation of one of the identified mutations resulted in a product that was not capable of binding thyroid hormone (55). The presence of a presumably normal a T3 receptor gene in these individuals with a f3 gene mutation suggests that the mutated gene products may be acting as receptor antagonists. The identified f3T3R gene mutations lie in the area of the ligand-binding domain affected by alternative splicing in the T3Ra2. This area has also been associated with defects in the binding of T3 (27). These findings suggest a physiologic relevance to the previously described studies of receptor subtypes and mutants that function as T3R antagonists. The further characterization of genetic defects associated with GTHR and the correlation of these defects with the variety of observed phenotypes should significantly extend our understanding of the function of the various T3Rs.

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Thyroid hormone regulation of gene expression.

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