Thyroid Hormones Stimulate Erythropoiesis in Vitro D. W . GOLDE, N. BERSCH, I. J. CHOPRA A N D M. J. CLINE Department of Medicine, U C L A School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Cali$ornia, U.S.A. (Received 4 January 1977; accepted for publication 19 April 1977) SUMMARY. Thyroid hormones have important effects on erythropoiesis in man and animals. We performed in vitro culture studies with murine and human bone marrow in order to define the interaction of these hormones with erythroid and granulocyte-monocyte progenitor cells. The methylcellulose clonogenic assay was used with the appropriate addition of erythropoietin or colony-stimulating activity. L-Thyroxine, D-thyroxine and L-triiodothyronine potentiated erythropoietinstimulated erythroid colony formation in concentrations of so-roo ng/ml. These hormones had no effect on granulocyte-monocyte colony formation at concentrations up to 5 0 0 ng/ml. Testing of various thyroid analogues showed no clear correlation between potentiation of erythropoiesis and known calorigenic potency. Reverse triiodothyronine also had potentiating activity in this system. The active thyroid hormones stimulated erythroid colony formation at several concentrations of erythropoietin but could not substitute for erythropoietin. These data suggest that thyroid hormones have a direct effect on erythroid precursor proliferative capacity, a finding which may have relevance to the mechanism of erythropoietic dysfunction in human thyroid disease. Although erythropoietin is the primary humoral factor regulating mammalian erythropoiesis, other hormones may influence red blood cell production. Thyroid hormones in particular have been shown to increase erythropoiesis when administed to animals (Fisher & Crook, 1962; Malgor et al, 197s; Waldmann et al, 1962), and anaemia is regularly observed in hypothyroid man (Fein & Rivlin, 197s). It is not clear from the in vivo animal studies whether thyroid hormones directly effect stem cells or act primarily upon erythropoietin production (Das et al, 197s; Fein & Rivlin, 1975; Malgor et al, 197s; Peschle et al, 1971; Shalet et al, 1966). There is a documented effect of thyroid hormone on the levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in mature erythrocytes (Snyder & Reddy, 1970). The recent development of in vitro cloning techniques for culturing erythroid progenitors provides a means of studying isolated effects ofhormones on erythropoiesis (Golde et al, 1976a; Iscove et al, 1974; Moriyama & Fisher, 1975; Stephenson et al, 1971). We report here that thyroid hormones potentiate erythropoiesis in vitro by a direct effect on precursor cells. METHODS Haematopoietic cells were isolated from bone marrow of young adult male Swiss-Webster Correspondence:Dr David W. Golde, Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90024, U.S.A.



D. W . Golde e t a1

mice (Golde et af, 1976a). Single-cell suspensions were prepared and plated at appropriate concentrations in 3 5-mm Petri dishes using the methylcellulose technique of Iscove et a1 (1974). All cultures were established with enriched a medium containing 30% fetal calf serum, antibiotics, and IO-, M a-thioglycerol (Golde et af, 1976a). Sheep plasma erythropoietin (Step 111) was obtained from Connaught Laboratories and human urinary erythropoietin (approximately 80 U/mg) from the Blood Resources Division of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Duplicate plates were incubated at 37°C in a humidlfied atmosphere of 7.5 YOCO, in air. Colonies were enumerated at 48 h with an inverted microscope, counting all clusters of eight cells or more. The erythroid nature of the colonies was confirmed by transferring them to slides and staining with benzidine (Golde et al, 1976a; Stephenson et al, 1971). Normal human bone marrow was obtained from healthy volunteers and plated under the same conditions as for mouse haematopoietic cells except that human urinary erythropoietin was used exclusively and colonies were enumerated after 8 d of culture. Assays for granulocyte-monocyte colony-forming cells (CFU-C) were performed with the same methylcellulose culture technique using a gravid mouse uterus extract as the source of colony-stimulating activity (CSA) in the mouse and leucocyte-conditioned medium in man (Golde et af, 1976b). Leucocytic colonies greater than 50 cells were counted after 7-10 d of culture. Thyroid hormones (Sigma Chemicals) were solubilized in 0.I N NaOH and diluted in phosphate-buffered saline (pH 9.3). Apprbpriate solutions were prepared without hormone and added to cultures to control for possible effects of the diluent materials. The concentration of thyroxine (T,, 3,3’,5-triiodothyronine (T,) and 3 ~’,~’-triiodothyronine (reverse T,) in the fetal calf serum was determined by radioimmunoassays as previously described (Chopra, 1972, 1974; Chopra et af, 1972). RESULTS T,, D-T, or T, was added to cultures of adult mouse bone marrow cells in concentrations ranging from 25 to 500 ng/ml. T, was found to have the greatest stimulatory effect with peak activity at approximately 50 ng/ml of added hormone (Fig I ) . At 50 ng/ml of added T, there was a mean 50% increase in erythroid colonies (CFU-E) in cultures containing maximally stimulating doses of sheep erythropoietin (0.5 U/ml). Higher concentrations of T, resulted in reduced cloning efficiency. D-T, was only slightly less active than T, with peak stimulation occurring at approximately IOO ng/ml. T, was also less active than T,, with maximal stimulation of 39% at IOO ng/ml. Sodium iodide was ineffective in stimulating CFU-E (Table I). Triiodothyroacetic acid and tetraiodothyroacetic acid, however, exhibited prominent stimulatory capacity. Reverse T, (rT,) showed activity comparable to T, even though the fetal calf serum concentration of rT, was high ( I 1.5 nglml). The content of T, in undiluted fetal calf serum was 130 ng/ml and T, was 2.0 ng/ml. Each culture plate therefore contained endogenous hormones in amounts of about 40 ng/ml T,, less than I ng/ml T, and about 4 ng/ml rT,. Human bone marrow erythroid colony formation in vitro was also potentiated by thyroid hormones. There was a mean augmentation in cloning of 50% with T, (50 ng/ml) and 37% with T, (100 ng/ml) in two experiments. The degree of stimulation of erythropoiesis by thyroid hormone did not change appreciably over a range of erythropoietin concentrations from 0.05 to 0.5 U. The addition of rabbit

Thyroid Hormones and Erythropoiesis 160 155


150 145

- 140 2





3 125








u 110 105 100 25




Added Thyroid Hormone ( n g / m l )


I . Effect of thyroid hormones on erythroid colony formation (CFU-E) in vitro in nine experiments performed with adult mouse bone marrow. Plates contain 0.5 U sheep plasma erythropoietin. Mean cloning efficiency in these cultures was 329f. 19 (SEM) per I x 105 cells.

TABLE I. Effect ofthyroid analogues on erythroid colony formation in vitro (CFU-E)*. 0.5 U erythropoietin,



105 mouse


CFU-E (Yo of control SE)

No. of experiments

II7f 3 t 139k 8 t





50 I00


50 I00



IOO* 100,

Analogue added (concentration in ng/ml) 50 I00

Na iodide


Tetraiodothyroacetic acid



Trijodothyroacetic acid

bone marrow cells plated.




fI 3 t

* 1st


13 I39k 8 t





167, I o t I 3 7 f 13


1 4 7 f I4t I39+ I4


unit, erythroid.

t Significantly different from control, P < o . o ~ ,T test.

1 76

D. W . Golde et a1

anti-human erythropoietin antibody (a gift of Dr James Fisher) to the cultures resulted in quantitative neutralization of added human urinary erythropoietin. Although thyroid hormones augmented colony formation at all concentrations of erythropoietin tested, they could not substitute for erythropoietin when this hormone was neutralized by antibody. In tests of thyroid hormones on the clonal growth of other haematopoietic cells, no consistent effects on granulocyte-monocyte colony formation were observed in five experiments with mouse bone marrow and two experiments with human bone marrow using maximally stimulating concentrations of CSA.

DISCUSSION These studies provide data on the fundamental problem of whether thyroid hormones act directly on erythroid cell progenitors or act exclusively by potentiating erythropoietin elaboration. They indicate that thyroid hormones can stimulate erythropoiesis directly in vitro in systems where hormonal effects on the production of erythropoietin are eliminated. The observations suggest that the erythroid progenitor cell capable of colony formation in vitro has a thyroid receptor mechanism which when activated results in an augmented response to erythropoietin. An unexpected finding was the observation that T, was somewhat more active in this system than T,. Similarly, D-T,, which has little calorigenic activity relative to T,, is also an active stimulator of erythropoiesis in vitro. The erythropoietic activity of thyroid hormone analogues did not closely correlate to known calorigenic potency (Money et al, 1960; Stasilli et al, 1959). Our results are consistent with the in vivo studies of Malgor et al(1975) who showed erythropoietic stimulation by T, and T, that was not dependent on the stimulation of erythropoietin production. Similarly, the dextrorotary isomer of T, has been demonstrated to have erythropoietic activity in vivo (Bozzini et al, 1969; Donati et al, 1966). There is also other evidence for a noncalorigenic effect of thyroxine on erythropoiesis (Meineke & Crafts, 1964). There are few in vitro systems for studying the biological effects of thyroid hormones. A rat pituitary cell line responds to physiological concentrations of thyroid hormones (Samuels et al, 1973) and human kidney T-I cells are also responsive (Siegel & Tobias, 1966). In the T-I system, diiodotyrosine and D-T, were found to be active (Siegel & Tobias, 1966) and recent studies have shown effects of T, on nuclear and extranuclear DNA in these cells (Siegel & Siegel, 1974). Effects of thyroid hormones on bone marrow cell protein synthesis in vitro have also been reported (Necheles, 1962). Our results in the clonogenic assay for erythroid progenitors indicate that both T, and T, are active stimulators of erythropoiesis as are some other thyroid analogues that are calorigenically inert in other model systems. The thyroid hormones and their analogues appear to have a direct effect on erythroid progenitors with no appreciable stimulation of the granulocyte-monocyte series.


This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service grants CA 15688, CA 15619 and RR 00865.

Thyroid Hormones and Erythropoieris


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Thyroid hormones stimulate erythropoiesis in vitro.

Thyroid Hormones Stimulate Erythropoiesis in Vitro D. W . GOLDE, N. BERSCH, I. J. CHOPRA A N D M. J. CLINE Department of Medicine, U C L A School of M...
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