Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. 100 (1992) 57-61

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology © 1992 Johann Ambrosius Barth

Thyrotropin Receptor and Growth of Thyroid Carcinomas M. Broecker' and M. Derwahi

Key words: TSH receptor - Thyroid carcinomas - Growth - Adenylate cyclase

Zusammenfassung: Aufgrund klinischer Erfahrungen wird allgemein angenommen, daß Thyreotropin (TSH) das Wachstum differenzierter Schilddrüsencarcinome stimuliert. Nicht alle klinischen Studien konnten jedoch diese Annahme bestätigen.

Ebenfalls widersprüchlich sind In-vitro- und In-vivo-

Untersuchungen an Transplantaten menschlicher Schilddrüsencarcinome, die entweder einen stimulierenden oder einen hem-

menden oder keinen TSH-Effekt auf das Tumorwachstum nachwiesen. Als gesichert gilt, daß der TSH-Rezeptor in differenzierten Schilddrüsencarcinomen exprimiert wird. Um auf molekularer Ebene die Bedeutung von TSH und seines Rezeptors an Zeilmodellen studieren zu können, etablierten wir zwei permanente Schilddrüsencarcinomzellinien. Durch Transfektion der humanen TSH-Rezeptor-cDNA in FRTL-5-Schilddrüsenzellen entstand die FTSHr-Tumorzellinie, die in vitro und

Thyrotropin (TSH) is widely believed to influence

als Transplantat auf Nacktmäusen TSH-unabhängig wächst, wichtige differenzierte Funktionen (Thyreoglobulinsynthese, Jod-Aufnahme) verloren hat, aber weiterhin ein funktionsfähiges TSH-Rezeptor-Adenylat-Zyklase-System besitzt. Die zweite Tumorzellinie HTC-TSHr wurde durch Transfektion der

humanen TSH-Rezeptor-cDNA in menschliche Schilddrüsencarcinomzellen, die keinen TSH-Rezeptor mehr exprimieren, geschaffen. Diese Zellinie reexprimiert den TSH-Rezeptor, der an das zelleigene Adenylat-Zyklase-System gekoppelt ist. Überraschenderweise führt eine TSH-Stimulation dieser Zellen zu einer Hemmung des Zellwachstums. Beide Tumorzellinien

belegen, daß der alleinige Nachweis einer TSH-RezeptormRNA-Expression, einer spezifischen TSH-Bindung oder einer TSH-abhängigen zyklo-AMP-Synthese nicht ausreichen, eine wachstumsstimulierende TSH-Wirkung abzuleiten. Ferner zeigt sich, daß TSH auch das Wachstum menschlicher Schilddrüsencarcinomzellen hemmen kann.

growth of thyroid carcinomas (Mazzaferri, 1981). This

expressed in differentiated carcinomas, albeit at a lower level than compared to normal thyroid tissue (Brabant et

view is supported by several clinical studies which

al., 1991;Ohtaetal., 1991).

revealed a positive therapeutic effect of a TSH-suppres-

To further elucidate the role of TSH and its receptor in thyroid carcinomas we established two in vitro models, the FTSHr cell line (Derwahl et al., 1992a) and the HTC-TSHr cell line (Derwahl et al., 1992 b).

sive treatment after ablative therapy in patients with thyroid carcinomas (Crile, 1955; Clark, 1981). However, other investigators were unable to confirm these results (Cady, 1983). Various in vitro studies performed during the last two

decades did not resolve this issue. In comparison with normal thyroid tissue TSH binding andlor TSH-stimu-

Materials and Methods

lated cAMP accumulation were found either to be identi-

Cell cultures

cal or increased or decreased in differentiated thyroid carcinomas (Crile, 1966; Schorr et al., 1972; Takahashi et al., 1978; Sand et al., 1976; Abe et al., 1977; Clark et al., 1978; Saltiel et al., 1981). However, it has been demonstrated recently that the TSH receptor mRNA is 1

Part of doctoral thesis at the University of Bochum

Monolayer cultures of cell lines were grown in Coon's modi-

fied Ham F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (HTC cells) or 5% calf serum (FRTL-5 cells) and six hormones or growth factors [glycyl-histidyl-lysine, 10 ng/ml; insulin, 10 sg/mI; somatostatin, 10 ng/ml; transferrin, 5 tg/ml; hydrocortisone, 3.2 ng/mIl with 10 mU/ml (H6-medium) or without bovine TSH (H 5-medium), 100 UI penicillinlml and 100 sg streptomycin/mI in 25 cm2 plastic culture flasks (Corn-

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Laboratories of Endocrinology, University Clinic of Internal Medicine Bergmannsheil, Bochum, Germany

Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. loo (1992) 1/2


ing; New York, NY). Cells were passaged by enzymatic dissociation with trypsin EDTA (Seromed, Biochrom, Berlin,

[3H] thymidine incorporation


For studies of [3H] thymidine incorporation the cells were cultured in 96 well plates in H 5 medium supplemented with the indicated concentrations of TSH or dibutyryl-cAMP or forskolin for 48 h. Then cells were removed from plates by treatment with trypsin and measured in a j3 scintillation

The human TSH receptor cDNA (hTSHR-cDNA) inserted into the Eco RI sites of the eukaryotic expression plasmid pSV2-NEO-ECE (kindly provided by Dr. B. Rapoport, San Francisco) was transfected into FRTL-5 cells and HTC cells using a modified lipofection method (Felgner et al., 1987). Briefly, plasmid DNA was mixed with cationic liposomes (10 sl per .tg DNA) and the formed DNA/liposome complex applied to a 100 mm culture dish. The monolayer cultures were incubated for 4 hours and then regular culture medium was added. 4-5 days after transfection 400 sg/ml Geneticin (0418) was added to the culture medium to select 1

transfected cells. After 4-5 weeks when non-transfected cells had died, cells were passaged and surviving clones were pooled. Transformed cells of three independent transfections were further subcloned by limiting dilution. As negative control, cells were transfected with the plasmid pSV 2-NEO-ECE without the hTSHR-cDNA.

Radiolabeled TSH binding

FTSHr cells were grown in 24 well plates to confluence. Binding studies were performed in Hank's modified buffer without NaCl (Tramontano et al., 1986). To maintain isotonicity 280 mM sucrose was added. Highly purified '25I]bTSH was a generous gift of Dr. Herzog (Henning Ber-

lin, Germany). Cells were incubated for 2 h at 37 °C with ['25IIbTSH and the indicated amount of unlabeled TSH (Sigma). At the end of the incubation cells were rinsed three times with the same buffer (4C) and solubilized with I N NaOH. Radioactivity was measured in a u-counter. Nonspecific '25I}bTSH was determined in presence of 10_6 M unlabeled TSH, and this value subtracted from total binding. The data are expressed as the percentage of total ['251]bTSH binding added to each well.



FTSHr cells - a malignantly transformed rat thyroid cell line

FRTL-5 cells are a well characterized thyroid cell line that is derived from Fisher rat thyroid cells (AmbesiImpiombato et al., 1980) and exhibits many differentiated functions including active iodide transport, thyroglobulin synthesis, TSH-dependent cAMP accumulation

(Vitti et al., 1983) and growth in response to TSH stimulation (recent review: Bidey et al., 1988). These

cells were stably transfected with the human TSH receptor cDNA (Nagayama et al., 1989; Libert et al., 1989). Transfected cells, designated FTSHr cells, acquired a malignant phenotype with a fibroblast-like morphology. In soft agar they displayed an anchorageindependent growth and in vivo they formed malignant tumors when they were transplanted onto nude mice (Derwahl et al., l992a). In contrast to FRTL-5 wild type cells their growth in mice was independent of a TSH enhancing regimen.

In vitro FTSHr cells grew faster than FRTL-5 cells with a doubling time of only 18 h and they had lost the TSH dependency of growth (Derwahi et al., 1992 a). Furthermore, TSH binding to FTSHr cells was observed to be significantly reduced (Figure 1). They still synthesized cAMP in response to TSH, although to a lower extent than FRTL-5 cells, which indicates the presence of a functional TSH receptor-adenylate cyc-

lase system. With respect to differentiated functions Measurement of cAMP accumulation Cells maintained in H5 medium for 5 days were incubated with the indicated concentrations of bovine TSH and 1 mM I methyl-3-isobutylxanthol for 2 h at 37 °C. Then after removal

of the medium cAMP was extracted with 95% ethanol and

intracellular concentrations were measured by a RIA kit (Amersham-Buchler). Results were corrected to the protein content of the cells.

FTSHr cells had lost thyroglobulin synthesis and iodide trapping to TSH stimulation (Figure 2). OÏi the molecular level we demonstrated that FTSHr

cell expressed the rat TSH receptor, albeit at a lower level than FRTL-5 thyroid cells (Derwahl et al., 1992 a). Although several copies of the full length TSH receptor cDNA had been integrated into the genome of FTSHr cells, only a few clones expressed the human

TSH receptor mRNA at a low level. In accordance ['251j iodide uptake FRTL-5 and FTSHr cells were cultured in 24 well plates in H 5 medium supplemented with the indicated TSH concentrations for 3 days. After removal of the medium cells were rinsed twice with PBS and incubated with the same medium supplemented with 0.2 sCl carrier free 125I] (Amersham) at 37 °C for 60 min. Then cells were solubilized with 1 N NaOH and radioactivity was measured in a u-counter. Values were corrected to the protein content of the cells.

with this we found that malignantly transformed cells only bound 20-30% of TSH compared to FRTL-5 thyroid cells (Figure 1).

HTC-TSHr cells - a human thyroid carcinoma cell line

The human thyroid carcinoma cell line HTC was derived from a thyroid follicular carcinoma (Goretzki

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Transfection of FRTL-5 and HTC cells

M. Broecker et al., TSH and Thyroid Carcinomas



OO FRTL5 cells




FTSHr 1 cells 3000











TSH [mU/mI]

Fig. 1 Specific [1251]bTSH binding to FRTL-5 thyroid cells and malignantly transformed FTSHr cells. Cells were grown in 24 well plates to confluence. Studies of ['251]bTSH binding were performed in presence of the indicated unlabeled TSH concentrations in modified Hank's buffer without NaCI supplemented with 280mM sucrose to maintain isotonicity. The data are expressed as the percentage of total [125IJbTSH binding

added to each well. Mean of 3 independent experiments in duplicate



TSR (mU/mi)


Fig. 3 TSH-dependent cAMP synthesis in HTC wild type and HTC-TSHr cells (on the left). On the right side forskolinstimulated cAMP accumulation in HTC cells is shown indicating a functional adenylate cyclase-system. Mean ± SEM of 3 independent experiments in duplicate.

mRNA and synthesized a functional TSH receptor. As shown in Figure 3 HTC-TSHr cells accumulated cAMP in response to TSH via the re-expressed TSH receptor,

while HTC wild type cells that lack an endogenous receptor did not respond.

Table 1 Inhibitory effect of TSH, dibutyryl-cAMP and forskolin on growth of HTC-TSHr cells. For studies of [3H] thymidine incorpation the cells were cultured in 96 well plates in H 5 medium supplemented with the indicated concentrations FRTL-5 E




of TSH or dibutyryl-cAMP or forskolin for 48 h. Note the weak, but significant inhibitory effect of TSH on growth of HTC-TSHr cells (p < 0.01 for H5 medium supplemented with TSH 100 mU/ml vs. control (H5 medium)). The results are the mean ± SEM of eight measurement



D -'Q-

3H] thymidine incorporation (cmp X 100/well)

2000 FTSHr 1




15H (mU/ L) Fig. 2 Lack of iodide trapping in FTSHr cells. While differentiated FRTL-5 thyroid cells concentrated iodide in response to TSH, malignantly transformed FTSHr cells had lost this ability. Mean ± SEM of 3 independent experiments in duplicate

et al., 1989). In culture these cells lost important differentiated functions such as TSH receptor expression and TSH-stimulated iodide accumulation. We stably transfected the human TSH receptor cDNA into these cells (Derwahl et al., 1992b). The transfected cells (HTC-TSHr cells)


the TSH receptor


257 ± 13.8

TSH 0.1 mU/ml

244 ± 14.9 225 ± 12.1

10 mU/ml 100 mU/ml

db-cAMP 1 tM 10 11M

Forskolin 5 1iM

218 ± 8.3

226± 7.1 142± 8.8 168 ± 9.4

HTC-TSHr cells grew in 5H medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, but also in medium without any hormones and growth factors. Interestingly, TSH displayed a slight, but significant inhibitory effect on proliferation of these cells (Table 1). This inhibition These cells were derived from the differentiated FTC-l33 thyroid carcinoma cell line that had been established by Dr. Goretzki, Düsseldorf, and were kindly provided by him.

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Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. loo (1992) 1/2

was mediated by the cAMP pathways and could be mimicked by forskolin, a stimulator of the adenylate

thyroid carcinomas TSH may exhibit an inhibitory

cyclase, and by dibutyryl-cAMP, a cAMP analog. The same inhibitory effect of both compounds was observed in HTC wild type cells demonstrating that this effect is


rather than a stimulatory effect on proliferation of these

a heritable property rather than an acquired trait of

Further studies are necessary to elucidate the role of TSH in controlling growth of differentiated thyroid carcinomas. In a subset of these carcinomas which either

HTC-TSHr cells.

grow TSH-independently or in which growth is inhibited by TSH, the benefit of a TSH-suppressive therapy may have to be reconsidered.



growth-promoting effect of TSH is dependent on insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I) or insulin as a cofactor

(Roger et al., 1988; Tramontano et al., 1988). However, the role of TSH in growth regulation of thyroid carcinomas is still a controversial topic (Clark, 1981; Cady, 1983). There is strong evidence that most dif-

The expert assistance of Sabine Hoppe and Heike Sippel is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany, to M.D. (De 407/2-1).

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FTSHr thyroid



express the TSH receptor mRNA. In comparison to nontransformed parental FRTL 5

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Although FTSHr cells synthesize a functional TSH receptor that is coupled to Gs protein-adenylate cyclase system, TSH does not influence growth of these cells. This result calls in question the assumption that either the finding of TSH receptor expression or of specific TSH binding or TSH-stimulated cAMP accumulation in human thyroid carcinomas prove that TSH is a growth factor in these tumors. The same problem was also addressed in our second model, the human thyroid carcinoma cells HTC-TSHr. This cell line was established by transfection of the human TSH receptor into a thyroid carcinoma cell line that had lost TSH receptor expression. Transfection of these cells

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Author's address: Priv.-Doz. Dr. M. Derwahl, Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Bergmannsheil, Gilsingstr. 14, W-4630

Sand,. G.; Jortay, A.; Pochaet, R.; Dumont, J. E.: Adenyl-

Bochum, Germany

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Thyrotropin receptor and growth of thyroid carcinomas.

Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. 100 (1992) 57-61 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology © 1992 Johann Ambrosius Barth Thyrotropin Receptor and Growth of Thy...
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