British Poultry Science

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Transfer of I to eggs in hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal A. J. Roos & D. R. Clandinin 125

To cite this article: A. J. Roos & D. R. Clandinin (1975) Transfer of I to eggs in hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal , British Poultry Science, 16:4, 413-415, DOI: 10.1080/00071667508416206 To link to this article:

Published online: 08 Nov 2007.

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Date: 21 November 2015, At: 08:51

Br. Poult. Sci., 16: 413-415. 1975

Longman: printed in Great Britain


TRANSFER OF 125I TO EGGS IN HENS FED ON DIETS CONTAINING RAPESEED MEAL1 Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 08:51 21 November 2015

A. J . ROOS 2 AND D. R. CLANDININ Department of Animal Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Received for publication 31st July 1974

1. Transfer of 125I into the egg in hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal and a source of myrosinase, to liberate the antithyroid compounds from the glucosinolates, was studied. 2. It was found that less 125I was transferred if the diet contained a myrosinase source and rapeseed meal. INTRODUCTION

Enlarged thyroid glands have been observed (March et al., 1972) in i-d : old chicks from hens fed on diets high in rapeseed meal. Since rapeseed contains glucosinolates, which if hydrolysed in the presence of myrosinase yield antithyroid compounds, it is possible that these compounds might be transferred to eggs and thus cause thyroid enlargement. However, in' extensive studies we have failed to detect the hydrolysis products of rapeseed glucosinolates (oxazolidinethione, isothiocyanates and nitriles) in eggs from hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal. It is therefore possible that rapeseed meal causes a decrease in the amount of iodine transferred to eggs and that this induces the thyroid enlargement. This possibility was tested in the present study. EXPERIMENTAL

An experiment was conducted using White Leghorn hens. There were eight experimental diets (Table 1), diets 1 and 2 were controls and diets 3 to 8 varied in their glucosinolate content from rapeseed or rapeseed meal and in their antithyroid hydrolysis products. Variation in the latter was achieved by including either 3% ground, unheated rapeseed or 3 % ground, heated rapeseed. The ground, unheated rapeseed was included to supply myrosinase and thereby allow the production of thyrotoxic compounds. It was hoped that in the ground, heated rapeseed myrosinase activity would be destroyed so that diets differing only in myrosinase activity could be compared. The diets were fed for 1 month prior to the collection of eggs. 1

Supported in part by grants from the National Research Council of Canada, the Alberta Agricultural Research Trust and the Rapeseed Association of Canada. 2 Post-doctoral fellow.




That the myrosinase in the ground, unheated rapeseed was effective in releasing the antithyroid substances in the rapeseed meal is shown by the high thyroid: body weight ratios noted at the end of the experiments in, the hens fed on diets 6 and 8. However, the high thyroid:body weight ratios noted in the hens fed on diets 5 and 7, which contained ground, heated rapeseed, suggest that insufficient heat was used to destroy completely the myrosinase in the commercially heat-treated seed used in the study; ; / •" . . ; ,.

Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 08:51 21 November 2015

TABLE I Composition of diets and effects ort thyroid

Composition of diets '







40-0 50-9 ... 6-o ...

40-0 50-9


( % )







40-0 44-5 ... ... io-o 3-0



Basal1 Ground wheat Wheat shorts; ' Soybean meal (44% protein) Rapeseed meal (36% protein) Heated ground rapeseed2 Unheated ground rapeseed Stabilised fat Rapeseed oil, crude




0-4 ' 7-2 ... ... , , . I5 ...

40-0 50-9 o-8 7-1 ... ... 1-2

477, ...

6-0 5-0 3-0 ...


3'0 o-i ...


o-i ...

, ; 1-3

30 : 5-0, ...


40-0 44-5 ... io-o ...




50 . 3

Transfer of 125I to eggs in hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal.

1. Transfer of 125I into the egg in hens fed on diets containing rapeseed meal and a source of myrosinase, to liberate the antithyroid compounds from ...
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