t!~,S TO T I l E E D I T O R iSVEBSt~ SCBO FAL A! t ROACtl FOR ~TION O F AMS INFLATABLE L,E PROSTHESIS Editor: In order to adhere to the format used i Surgeon's Workshop seed{m, 2 imporean~ Were omitted from my article on "'I}ansverse I Approach for Insertion of AMS Inflatable Prosthesis" published in the December issue ~ 388, ~' t % , 9, ) of UI~OLOtP/. The first is the i4.. pa~e on ti~ai: I have been using this technique since

!81. ~rh(-~seco[ld is the3 onlissioIl of the t:ollo\:v{;iulio I . Searzella, M.D. 8630 Fenton Street Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Bibliograph)

and Mm Eschcnbach AC; Surgical treatmen', of e wilh ~nflatat)le penfl~ prosthesis, J Urol 118: :SurgieaI manag(ment of impotence using the prosthesis: experience with 103 pati{-,nts~ Br J (~978). perience with dm infla~abh penil~ ~ 2 (>}80),

atment of erecIii{ impotence Con-. et at: ScrotaI impla~tation of the in hol 126: 717,-74!)(1981). approach for insertion oi i~]ftat:able r: 465-46(~ (1986),

TABt,I;I [. PSA and PAP serum levels {n 290 patients u.'~itt~ ber~ign prostatic dis'ease Benign Prostatic Disease BPH Noneomplieated Complicated Prosi-ati[is Acute Chronic

PSA (ng/mL,



× ± SD)


85 125

3.7 ± 2.9 22.,4 ~_~ 28,1

3,5 (}4.8

50 30

18.1 ::~: 33.0 2.8 ± 3.2

24 3.3

dwelling urethral catheter or acute retention of urine) and acute proslatitis (~Ihble t). Considering these results and to improve the specilicity and efficacy wiih a tow decrease of sensibility of bot:h tumor markers, the cutoff was deva~ed according to the ninei:y-fifth percenl:ile in the groups of patients with non-complicated BPH to 10 ~tg/mL for PSA and 2.5 >g/mL for PAP. However, even "~,vith these higher upper normal limits, there was a high percentage of positive values, ~Wc, therefore, recommended their dosification in lhe monitorizadon of prostate cancer and r~ot in pa{:ie,~ks with an in[lan-~m a t o r y or complicated B P H J. Palou, M.D.

Fundacion Puigver[ ]. MoroSe, M.D. tlospi~at Central V~dle Hebron Barcelona, Spain "MoroI'e-tloblesJ, et al: Clinical ~ehaxior o~ prostatic specific a tigen and acid phosphatase, a comparatixe s{:ud); Eur Uiol !4: 3{P-3{~6(1!)88)

~ERUM PSA AND ACUTE PROS'D\TITtS e article, ~Elevated Serun~ Prosn due to Acute Bacterial Pros~aton, published in the June issue , i989) of ~ aol.o

Transverse scrotal approach for insertion of AMS inflatable penile prosthesis.

t!~,S TO T I l E E D I T O R iSVEBSt~ SCBO FAL A! t ROACtl FOR ~TION O F AMS INFLATABLE L,E PROSTHESIS Editor: In order to adhere to the format used i...
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