Vel. Path ol.l 5: 67 1-672 ( 1978)

Trichoepith elio ma in a Rabbit N. H.


S. Y.


a nd P. B.



Spontane ou s skin tum or s a re rar e in rabbits. Th e most frequ ently rep ort ed tum ors have been squa mo us cell ca rcino mas [ I]. T o our knowled ge this is the first repo rt of a trichoe pithelioma in Ory ctolagus. A 5-yea r-o ld male rabbit had a firm . ovo id mass over the ischia l a rea. Th e owne r stated that the mass began as a small pea- sized lesion ab out I yea r ea rlier and contin ued to en large. T he tum or was 2.5x 3.0x4.0 centimeters and was firm ly fixed to the skin. but it could be ea sily moved over the underlying su bcuta neo us tissues and muscle. Th e mass was surgica lly rem oved. It was firm and gray -blue with a gra nula r sur face. T he cut surface was gray-w hite with a large cystic center that co mmunicated with the epide rmis via a fistul ou s tract. The tum or was enca psulated and con sisted of nests of cells sepa ra ted by mod erate a mo unts of loose connective tissue. T he nests varie d in size and shape. Th ey co nsisted of small oval to round basal cells in a " picket-fence" arran gement on th e periphery with centra l cores of epithelial cells or keratinaceou s material. There were small amo unts of melanin pigment throughout. Man y of these nests resembled a bo rtive hair follicles (fig. I).

Fig, I: Trichoepithelioma with ab ort ive hair follicles (ar rows) . H E. 67 1

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Brief Co m mun ica tion

Acknow ledgemen ts The aut hor s thank Lt. Col. Harold W . Casey, AF IP. for reviewi ng the histologica l slides.

References S.H.: Ne op lastic diseases in Biology of the La bora tory Rabbit. ed. Wei sb rot h, Fla tt and Kraus; pp . 332-376, Aca de mic Press, New Yo rk, 1974


Request reprint s from Dr. N . H. Alt ma n, Pap anicolaou Ca ncer Resear ch Institute, 1155 NW 14th St., PO Box 236 188, Miami. FL 33 123 (USA).

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Trichoepithelioma in a rabbit.

Vel. Path ol.l 5: 67 1-672 ( 1978) Trichoepith elio ma in a Rabbit N. H. ALTM A N, S. Y. D EM AR A Y a nd P. B. LA M BORN. JR. Spontane ou s s...
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