PRL 114, 173003 (2015)



week ending 1 MAY 2015


Two-Dimensional Attosecond Electron Wave-Packet Interferometry Xinhua Xie Photonics Institute, Vienna University o f Technology, A-1040 Vienna, Austria (Received 19 September 2014; revised manuscript received 15 December 2014; published 29 April 2015) We propose a two-dimensional interferometry based on the electron wave-packet interference by using a cycle-shaped orthogonally polarized two-color laser field. With such a method, the subcycle and intercycle interferences can be disentangled into different directions in the measured photoelectron momentum spectra. The Coulomb influence can be minimized and the overlapping of interference fringes with the complicated low-energy structures can be avoided as well. The contributions of the excitation effect and the long-range Coulomb potential can be traced in the Fourier domain of the photoelectron distribution. Because of these advantages, precise information on valence electron dynamics of atoms or molecules with attosecond temporal resolution and additional spatial information with angstrom resolution can be obtained with the two-dimensional electron wave-packet interferometry. DOl: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.l 14.173003

PACS numbers: 32.80.Rm, 33.20.Xx, 33.60.+q, 42.50.Hz

The dynamics of valence electrons is the key to under­ standing most ultrafast processes, from the ionization and excitation of atoms and molecules, to the dissociation and isomerization reaction of molecules [ 1]. Therefore, exploring the valence electron dynamics in atoms and molecules is one of the most essential tasks of the ultrafast science. The natural timescale of the valence electron motion is on the subfemto­ second (or attosecond) timescale. Thus, to get insight into the dynamics of valence electrons, techniques with attosecond temporal resolution are demanded. Several methods, such as attosecond extreme ultraviolet or x-ray spectroscopy [2-5], high harmonic spectroscopy [6-8], and photoelectron spec­ troscopy based on electron wave packet (EWP) interferences [9-14] have already shown the capability and their advan­ tages on studying attosecond electronic dynamics. Not only attosecond temporal resolution, but also the accessibility to the bound electronic phase and structure is required for probing the motion of valence electrons. Since the phase and structure information of the bound electronic states is directly encoded in the released EWPs, such information can be retrieved from the interference fringes of EWPs in the photoelectron spectrum. The biggest challenge of photo­ electron spectroscopy is disentangling different contributions in the interference fringes and reading out corresponding information because the fringes induced by different kinds of interferences are, in general, mixed with one another in the photoelectron spectrum. EWP interferometry is based on the interference of EWPs, which are released through tunneling ionization when an atom or a molecule is exposed to a strong laser field (Fig. 1). In general, the released EWPs carry the electron dynamics, the nuclear dynamics and the orbital structure information of the system. Therefore, the EWP interference can be used to retrieve the information of the molecular orbital [15], the ionization dynamics [12], and the influence of the ionic Coulomb potential [11]. 0031-9007/15/114(17)/173003(5)

In brief, there are three most general types of EWP interferences for the strong field released EWPs. The first type is the intercycle interference (ICI) with EWPs released from different laser optical cycles which leads to an above­ threshold ionization (ATI)-like structure in the momentum distribution [13,16]. The second type is the subcycle interference (SCI) with EWPs from different half cycles within one optical cycle of the laser field [12,17-19], The third type of interference is produced by EWPs from the same quarter of the field with scattering on the ionic potential [11,20], A precisely defined momentum-to-time mapping and the correct assignment of interference fringes caused by different kinds of interferences is essential for retrieving the information of electronic dynamics from the measured interference pattern. Previous experiments have

FIG. 1 (color online). Schematic view of the 2D EWPI. The evolution o f the cycle-shaped OTC electric field is presented as the blue curve over time, while the green arrows indicate electric field vectors at a corresponding time. EWPs released at different times (fj, f2, f3) will end at the same final momentum and interfere with one another in the momentum space. The two-dimensional momentum distribution on the right side is a solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. The insets in the left upper comer present the electric field and the vector potential of the cycle­ shaped OTC laser field in the laser polarization plane.


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PRL 114, 173003 (2015)



shown that the treatment of the Coulomb potential influ­ ence is important but not trivial [11,12,21,22], Besides, because of the mixture of different types of interferences, the fringe positions of one type of interference will be modified by the other type which will, in turn, affect the precision of the phase reconstruction [16], The influence from the complex low-energy structures (LES) is another issue to be taken into account [23-26], To achieve a high temporal resolution, a well-identified interference pattern is demanded for the study of the ultrafast electron dynamics in atoms and molecules. In this Letter, we propose a two-dimensional (2D) EWP interferometry (EWPI) by using a cycle-shaped orthogo­ nally polarized two-color (OTC) laser field. With such a laser field, a well-defined 2D interference pattern in the momentum distribution of photoelectrons can be obtained. Previously, OTC laser fields have been proposed and applied to control electron recollision [27,28], image electron wave functions based on the generation of high harmonics [29,30], and control the electron emission and correlation in the single and double ionization of atoms [22,31,32], With the 2D EWPI, the difficulties mentioned previously can be easily overcome. The fringes induced by different kinds of interferences will appear along different directions in the 2D momentum spectra. Therefore, differ­ ent types of structures can be straightforwardly filtered out in the Fourier-transformed frequency domain. In compari­ son with the interferometry employing linearly polarized laser fields, the biggest advantage of the 2D EWPI is the disentanglement of the ICI and the SCI which are mixed with each other in the case of using linearly polarized fields. The influence of the Coulomb potential can be minimized as well because the main part of the electron wave packet will miss the ionic potential core during its excursion in the laser field. Additionally, the overlapping with the complex LES can be avoided because the SCI structure locates away from zero momentum. Yet another important advantage is that the structure caused by the electronic excitation can be distinguished. To avoid the overlapping between the interference fringes with the complex LES, the final momentum distribution should center at a nonzero value. The most straightforward way is to use elliptically polarized driven laser pulses. The Coulomb effect can be minimized with elliptically polarized laser pulses because the main part of the released EWPs will not scatter on the ionic potential core. However, with an elliptical laser pulse, the SCI will be absent because the EWPs released within one optical cycle will not interfere in the momentum space. To overcome all difficulties mentioned previously, in this Letter, we choose a cycle-shaped OTC laser field produced by the super­ position of a fundamental laser field and its phase-locked orthogonally polarized second harmonic with a phase difference 0.5;r. The electric field and the vector potential of such an OTC field is sketched in Fig. 1. The vector


week ending 1 MAY 2015

potential has a bowlike shape in the laser polarization plane, which avoids overlapping with the LES region, and within one fundamental optical cycle, the vector potentials of different half optical cycles overlap exactly with each other, which leads to the SCI of the EWPs in the momentum space. By solving the 2D time-dependent Schrodinger equation numerically with the single active electron approximation [33,34], we simulate the photoelectron momentum spec­ trum from the single ionization of an atom in the cycle­ shaped OTC laser field. We employ a heliumlike model with a soft-core potential V(x,y) — -1 / y x 2 + y2 + a2, where the screening parameter a = 0.308 to reproduce the helium ionization potential 0.90 a.u.. The electric field of the OTC laser field is defined as F(t) = /(r)[cos(2f)y], where f { t ) is a super-Gaussian envelope function ensuring a flat-top laser pulse, and a) = 0.057 a.u. (corresponding to 800 nm in wavelength) is the center frequency of the fundamental laser field. A 3D view ot the OTC laser field in the polarization plane over time is displayed in Fig. 1. We use the laser peak intensity 3.5 x 1014 W /cm2 and the pulse duration 9.2 fs (full width at half maximum) for both the fundamental and the second harmonic pulses in the simulations. With the superGaussian envelope, there are three optical cycles of the fundamental field in the flat-top regime. To figure out the influence of the long-range Coulomb potential and the excitation effect on the EWP interference, we perform further simulations with a short-range potential model. The short-range potential is defined as V(x,y) = _ e-2ln2{x'2+y'2)/R\; j ^ / x 2 + -y2 _|_ gy varying tJje racJjus parameter R0, we can truncate the long-range Coulomb potential tail and control the number of the bound states. Figure 2(a) presents the simulated 2D momentum dis­ tribution of photoelectrons in the laser polarization plane with the polar coordinate for the heliumlike model. There are two kinds of patterns from the ICI and the SCI which can be easily distinguished in the 2D spectra. ATI-like peaks induced by the ICI are shown along the pp direction with no dependence on the angle while the structure caused by the SCI in the pe direction follows the red line given by the vector potential of the laser field. With the relation between the vector potential at the EWP birth time tb and the electron final momentum p e = - A ( t b), the time-tomomentum mapping can be determined as the time differ­ ence shown in the figure. Because the Coulomb influence is insignificant and there is no overlapping with the LES, a precisely defined mapping between the final momentum and the ionization time can be obtained. With such mapping, the electron dynamics during the field ionization can be retrieved, as discussed in Ref. [12], Meanwhile, the involved molecular orbital can be determined from the SCI since the positions of the ATI-like peaks are determined by the laser frequency, the ionization potential (/p) of the molecular orbital, and the ponderomotive energy (Up) of



PRL 114, 173003 (2015)



week ending I M A Y 2015

S ig na l



3, Q. Q-

1 0.5 0




■3Cl Cl








9 (deg.)

FIG. 2 (color online). The simulated 2D EWP interference pattern for (a) the heliumlike model and (b) the short-range potential model in the laser polarization plane. The red line indicates the vector potential of the cycle-shaped OTC laser field. The small panels on the right side present the integrated spectra over pp with horizontal gray lines indicating the positions of the ATI-like peaks.

the laser field, with a relation EATI — nco - I p - Up. In Fig. 2, the momentum distribution along the pp direction shows that the ATI-like peaks perfectly agree with the prediction by the relation. It indicates that such a structure can be employed to determine the ionization potential, i.e., the energy, of the bound electronic state [13], The simulated 2D momentum spectra for the shortrange model is shown in Fig. 2(b). The parameter R0 = 2, with which there is only one deeply bonded state with energy -0.90 a.u.. The excitation effect will be strongly suppressed for such a model. In comparison with Fig. 2(a), we notice that the overall structures are similar, except that there are more structures near the At = 0 region for the heliumlike model. Such structures originate from the excitation effect when the electric field is rather weak [12]. To gain insight for different kinds of fringes and to compare the difference between the heliumlike model and the short-range potential model, we perform a 2D Fourier transform on the simulated photoelectron spectrum. As shown in Fig. 3, different kinds of interference structures present as isolated distributions in the Fourier-transformed photoelectron spectra. The ICI structure appears along the f p coordinate around f g — 0 within the red ellipse in Fig. 3(a), while the SCI structure presents as a scissorslike structure along the f d coordinate within the yellow ellipse in Fig. 3(a). By comparing the Fourier-transformed spectra

FIG. 3 (color online). The Fourier-transformed photoelectron spectra for (a) the heliumlike model and (b) the short-range potential model. As marked in panel (a), different frequency regions originate from different kinds of EWP interferences. Panels (c), (d) and (e) present an enlargement of the 2D photo­ electron spectra in the rectangular region as shown in the panel (b) for (c) the heliumlike model, (d) the short-range model, and (e) the heliumlike model with projection off excited states.

between the heliumlike model and the short-range potential model, we identify the structure induced by the excitation effect also along the f e coordinate but with small \fp\ within the magenta ellipse in Fig. 3(a). To further confirm the structure induced by the excitation effect, we compare the structures between the heliumlike model and two models with a suppressed excitation effect. One model is the short-range potential model which has already been discussed. The other model is implemented in the same way as the heliumlike model but projecting away from the excited 2p and 3p states at each step during the time propagation to get rid of the contribution of excitation from those states. The results of the Fourier-transformed photoelectron spectra near the excitation structure are shown in Figs. 3(c), 3(d), and 3(e) for the heliumlike model, the short-range model, and the heliumlike model with projection off excited states, respectively. It is obvious that the signals of the excitation induced structure in the left sides of the figures are suppressed for the short-range model and the heliumlike model with projection away from the excited states.



PRL 114, 173003 (2015)



week ending 1 MAY 2015








-1 8 0

-9 0

0 0 (d e g .)







0 (d e g .)

FIG. 4 (color online). The Fourier frequency filtered 2D photoelectron spectra of the heliumlike model: (a) the spectrum with zero frequency, (b) the ICI induced spectrum, (c) the SCI induced spectrum, (d) the excitation induced spectrum.

Additionally, we carry out a set of simulations with increasing the cutoff position of the short-range potential by varying the radius parameter R0. We find that the longrange Coulomb potential induces shifting of the SCI fringes along the vector potential direction. Also, we note the changes on the excitation induced fringes because more excitation states are included by increasing the long-range Coulomb potential tail. However, the ICI fringes have no significant changes. Since the contributions from different kinds of interfer­ ences can be separated in the frequency domain, we filter out different regions in the frequency domain and Fourier transform them back to the momentum space. The results are presented in Fig. 4 for the heliumlike model. The zerofrequency spectrum is the overall shape of the momentum distribution which contains the amplitude information of the interfered EWPs. The ICI spectrum includes only the interference of EWPs with time intervals equal to the integer multiples of the optical cycle. The SCI spectrum is induced by the EWPs released within one optical cycle. The excitation spectrum tells the information of the excitation effect before the release of the EWPs. Because of the disentanglement of different contribu­ tions to the 2D momentum distribution, we can use a formula to describe the interference pattern, S(pp. 6) = Io(pp, 0)cos2(AT>/ /2 )co s2(A/, As , and A£ are the relative phases corresponding to the ICI, the SCI, and the excitation effect, respectively. From the measured interference pattern, the amplitude and the phase of the three types of interferences can be retrieved from the positions, the amplitudes and the visibility of the fringes [12]. To get the dynamics of a quantum system, the phase information of the system is most important. To retrieve the phase of a quantum system from the measured interference pattern, the relation between the measured quantity and the

intrinsic phase of the system should be determined. Since the interfered EWPs undergo an ionization process and an acceleration process in the combined field of the laser electric field and the Coulomb field before the formation of the interference pattern, the phase of the EWPs can be separated into three terms as + 4>c, where and $c represent the contributions from the bound state, the electric field, and the Coulomb field, respectively [12]. The phase from the bond state ,, is determined by the energy of the bound system. Since the laser field shape is well defined, the phase induced by the electric field and the Coulomb field can be calculated. With time-to-momentum mapping, attosecond dynamics of the system can be retrieved. The spatial information of the wave packet is encoded in the interference pattern as well. First of all, the OTC field vector is time dependent, which means that the electron is detached in different directions at different ionization times. Moreover, the initial lateral momentum distribution will also be mapped to the final momentum distribution. For an oriented molecule, the spatial phase information at the time of ionization can be well transferred to the interference pattern through lateral momentum. For SCI and excitation spectra, there are two dimensions in the distribution. One dimension is along the vector potential, which represents the time difference between the two EWPs. The other dimension is perpendicular to the vector potential and contains infor­ mation about the initial lateral momentum during tunneling ionization. It can, in the end. be transformed into spatial space from the momentum space if the phase and amplitude can be retrieved from the interference pattern. Because the momen­ tum distribution is on an atomic unit scale, the spatial information determined by Fourier transformation has angstrom spatial resolution [11], Before closing, we shortly summarize the capability of the 2D EWPI. The ATI-like spectrum can be used to investigate the ionization potential of the system and ionization contributions from different electronic states or molecular orbitals [13]. It can be used to retrieve long time (longer than the optical cycle) scale dynamics. The SCI spectrum can be exploited to study the subcycle electron dynamics with attosecond temporal resolution [12]. The excitation spectrum can be specifically used to explore the time-dependent excitation effect during the strong field interaction with atoms and molecules. In conclusion, we proposed a 2D EWPI by using a cycle­ shaped OTC laser field. With such an interferometry, different types of interferences can be well disentangled into different directions in the measured 2D photoelectron momentum spectrum, which can be effectively analyzed with Fourier filtering analysis. With the cycle-shaped laser field, the Coulomb influence can be minimized and the overlapping of the interference structures with the compli­ cated LES can be avoided. Owing to these advantages, it allows us to retrieve precise temporal and spatial


PRL 114 , 173003 (2015)



information from the measured interference fringes, which can be used to study the electronic dynamics and structure of atoms or molecules with attosecond temporal resolution and angstrom spatial resolution. The 2D EWPI and the method used to analyze the spectra can, in general, be applied to more complex quantum systems. Because the vector potential scales linearly with the wavelength, the 2D EWPI favors a longer wavelength driven laser field. Additionally, it is compatible with pump-probe techniques and can gain more information from scanning target orientations and laser parameters. This work was financed by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Project No. P25615-N27. We are grateful to the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) for providing computing resources. Note added.—Recently, an experimental work was reported

on the SCI with phase-controlled OTC laser fields [35],

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Two-dimensional attosecond electron wave-packet interferometry.

We propose a two-dimensional interferometry based on the electron wave-packet interference by using a cycle-shaped orthogonally polarized two-color la...
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