Journal of Surgical Oncology 49:205-207 (1992)

Upper Extremity Occlusive Arterial Disease After Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer UMUR ATABEK, MD, RICHARD K. SPENCE, MD, JAMES B. ALEXANDER, MD, MARK J. PELLO, MD, AND RUDOLPH C. CAMISHION, MD From the Department of Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New jersey, Robert wood lohnson Medical School at Camden, Carnden

Upper extremity arterial occlusive disease is a rare complication of radiation therapy for breast cancer. We present the case of a 74 year old woman who developed upper extremity ischemia 32 years after mastectomy and radiation therapy. Arteriography identified a stenotic proximal brachial artery lesion within the previous radiation field. Balloon angioplasty was unsuccessful. An axillo-brachial bypass relieved the ischemia and is still patent after 24 months. The previous literature shows that arterial bypass procedures have been uniformly successful in this circumstance. Little experience has been reported with balloon angioplasty for these lesions. 0 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc. KEYWORDS:radiation therapy, axillo-brachial bypass, balloon angioplasty

INTRODUCTION Radiation therapy is an effective cancer treatment modality but it can also cause significant damage to normal tissues. Occlusive arterial disease of large elastic vessels is a rare long term complication of radiation therapy. In the upper extremities, radiation induced arterial disease is almost exclusively observed after treatment of women for breast cancer. A literature search revealed 24 previously reported cases. We present here another case and review the literature.

CASE REPORT A 74 year old woman presented in 1988 with pains and paresthesias of the right hand which had progressed over the previous 10 weeks. Her past history included a right radical mastectomy in 1956 with postoperative radiation therapy. Details of radiation therapy were unavailable. The upper extremity was subsequently functional although she did develop lymphedema. The lymphedema decreased noticeably over the 10 weeks of progressing symptoms. She also admitted to a 15 pack year history of cigarette smoking although she had quit in 1978. On physical examination, her blood pressure (left arm) was 110/70 with pulse 88. She had nonpitting edema of the entire right upper extremity. The right hand was cool and cyanotic with gangrenous changes at the tips of the index, middle, and ring fingers. Radial and brachial 0 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

pulses were absent. No bruits or thrills were evident. Pulses in the other extremities were normal. The remainder of her physical examination revealed no other significant abnormalities. Laboratory studies showed cholesterol 153 mg/dl and triglycerides 115 mg/dl. Arteriography of the right upper extremity showed some atherosclerotic changes in the subclavian artery, a 30% stenosis of the mid-axillary artery, and a 99% stenosis of the distal axillary artery and proximal brachial artery over a 2.5 centimeter length (Fig. 1). The remainder of the brachial artery was normal. The radial, ulnar, and digital arteries were small but showed no disease. Collateral flow was poor. Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of the 30% stenosis was attempted with minimal success. A guidewire could be passed through the 99% stenosis but the angioplasty catheter could not be advanced through the lesion. Afterwards, her symptoms were not improved and the hand remained cyanotic. An axillo-brachial bypass with reverse saphenous vein graft was performed. The diseased arterial segment was located directly under the skin within the apparently radiated field and was surrounded by fibrous tissue. No arterial segment was excised. Postoperatively, the hand became pink and warm with Accepted for publication May 17, 1991. Address reprint requests to Umur Atabek, MD, Three Cooper Plaza, Suite 411, Camden, NJ 08103.


Atabek et al.

Fig. 1 . Right upper extremity arteriogram showing 99% stenosis of distal axillary artery and proximal brachial artery.

normal brachial and radial pulses. The lymphedema became more pronounced. The gangrenous fingertips healed without difficulty. Twenty-four months postoperatively, normal distal pulses and equal brachial pressures indicated that the reconstruction was still patent. The extremity was fully functional. A compression garment met with limited success at controlling the edema.

DISCUSSION Large numbers of women with breast cancer have received radiotherapy through various combinations of chest wall, axillary, supraclavicular, and mediastinal ports. As a consequence, radiation doses were delivered to the inominate, subclavian, axillary, and brachial arteries. A literature search revealed 24 reported cases of upper extremity arterial occlusive disease attributable to radiotherapy for breast cancer [ 1-1 11. Radiation was implicated as the etiologic agent because the arterial lesions were within the radiation fields and because all patients had little evidence of other arterial disease. Two other cases of upper extremity arterial occlusive disease have been reported after radiotherapy for Hodgkin 's disease [ 12,131. Other reports have described radiation induced arterial disease in the aorta [ 14,151, carotid artery [ 16,171, coronary arteries [ 181, iliac artery [ 1,6], and femoral artery [ 11. A number of factors may contribute to the relatively

small number of reported cases. A long time interval of several years between radiation exposure and the development of significant arterial symptoms allows a large number of patients to die of their underlying cancer before symptoms become evident. In some patients, ischemic symptoms may be masked by or erroneously attributed to other postmastectomy problems affecting the upper limb such as pain, nerve root damage, limitation of motion, or lymphedema. Furthermore, many cases of radiation induced arterial injury may but go unrecognized due to mild or nonexistent symptomatology. An extensive collateral circulation in the shoulder area can maintain adequate limb perfusion even with complete subclavian or axillary artery occlusion. In all of the breast cancer associated cases, mastectomy preceeded radiotherapy: 20 patients had radical mastectomy, one had modified radical mastectomy, and four had simple mastectomy. For 13 patients who had the information available, radiation doses varied from 2,775 to greater than 5,775 rads. In one case, overlap of radiation fields was documented thus suggesting that local overdose was responsible [ 11. Quite possibly, other patients may have had unrecognized areas of field overlap. The interval from radiotherapy to diagnosis of arterial disease was quite variable, ranging from 2-42 years with a median of 12 years. Pain, either constant or claudicating, was the most common presenting symptom. Symptoms typically developed gradually over several months, although a few patients presented with acute symptoms consistent with thrombosis or arterioarterial emboli. Most of the case reports did not comment on the presence or absence of other risk factors for atherosclerosis such as tobacco smoking, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, or hypertension. For two patients who had fingertip gangrene at presentation, a bum was the initiating event. Arteriography was performed in 22 patients. The occlusive disease was located in the subclavian artery in 18 patients, the axillary artery in three patients, the upper brachial artery in one patient, and the subclavian and axillary arteries in two patients. Sixteen patients had complete occlusions and six had stenotic lesions. Six patients were specifically noted to have poor collateral flow. When noted, other large vessels away from the radiotherapy portals were relatively free of disease. Fifteen patients had arterial reconstruction performed: five carotid-brachial bypasses, three subclavian-brachial bypasses, two axillary-brachial bypasses, two subclavian-subclavian bypasses, one carotid-subclavian bypass, one axillary-axillary bypass, and one subclavianaxillary bypass. Graft material was autogenous vein in 11 patients, polytetrafluoroethylene in three, and dacron in one. The surgeons usually tried to avoid dissection within the areas affected by prior surgery and radiotherapy. The reconstructions were uniformly successful and no complications directly related to the surgery were reported.

Upper Extremity Occlusive Arterial Disease


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Upper extremity occlusive arterial disease after radiotherapy for breast cancer.

Upper extremity arterial occlusive disease is a rare complication of radiation therapy for breast cancer. We present the case of a 74 year old woman w...
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