British lournal ol Dcnmiloloiiti {\ 99 I) 125.

UVA solarium versus UVB phototherapy of atopic dermatitis: a paired-comparison study J.JEKLER AND


IJniversitii oj (loWborii. Di'ptirtnjcnt of Dermatologii. SahUjreu's HospiUil S-41 J 4S Ci'

i Sweden

Atrepted tbr publieatinn 1 7 |iine 1991


In a paired-compurison study. 2] patients suffering from atdpic dermatitis were treated with liuorescent tubes radiating maitily ultraviolet A (IIVAI on one half of the body and with tubes radiating mainly UVB on the other. Treatment was giveti three times a week for up to H weeks. Eight variables reflecting disease status were recorded and the sum of these comprised the total score. The total score and the overall evaluation score were better with UVA therapy {F

UVA solarium versus UVB phototherapy of atopic dermatitis: a paired-comparison study.

In a paired-comparison study, 21 patients suffering from atopic dermatitis were treated with fluorescent tubes radiating mainly ultraviolet A (UVA) on...
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