8 (1975).




New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies, School of Speech Therapy, Camperdown. New South Wales 2050, Australia

Twenty male stutterers (7- 18 years) described pictures under delayed auditory feedback (DAF). Delay was varied from 0 to 300 msec in 50 msec steps. There was a significant interaction between delay time, age and initial disfluency in terms of disfluent words but not speech rate. Young stutterers (7-12 years) were generally more affected by DAF than older stutterers (13-18 years). Under DAF high disfluent stutterers showed reduced disfluency, whereas low disfluent stutterers either showed little or no change or became more disfluent. Delays of 5&150 msec tended to have an ameliorative effect on stuttering. Conflicting results were obtained when the same subjects repeated short sentences under DAF. The majority of stutterers were fluent when repeating the sentences under no delay, but stuttering increased under DAF. Current explanations of the DAF effect and feedback theories of stuttering do not readily account for these results.

Introduction Although delayed auditory feedback (DAF) generally has an ameliorative effect on stuttering, investigators have consistently reported large individual differences in stutterers’ initial reactions to DAF (see Soderberg, 1968, 1969). Factors that contribute to this intersubject variability include the severity of stuttering under normal conditions (Naylor, 1953; Nessel, 19.58; Soderberg, 1959; Lotzmann, 1961; Zerneri, 1966; Ham and Steer, 1967) and the magnitude of the delay interval (Soderberg, 1959; Lotzmann, 1961). Other experiments conducted with nonstutterers have shown that young children (4-9 years) experience greater speech disruption under DAF than older children and adults (MacKay, 1968; Buxton, 1969; see also Waters, 1968). Contradictory results obtained in earlier studies (Chase et al., 1961; Ratner, Gawronski and Rice, 1964; see also Smith and Tierney, 1971) now appear to be attributable to the use of a single delay time. MacKay (1968) and Buxton (1969) reported that the delay interval producing maximal speech disruption varies at different ages. Since comparable developmental evidence is not available for stutterers, the present study investigated the effects of DAF on the speech of pre-adolescent (7- 12 years) and adolescent (13- 18 years) stutterers. A secondary aim of the study was to reexamine individual differences in stutterers’ reaction to DAF as a function of initial disfluency and delay time. In the course of this investigation data were obtained from two different speech tasks-reproducing simple sentences and giving extemporaneous descriptions of pictures. 0 American Elsevier Publishing








Method Subjects The subjects were 20 male stutterers with normal hearing (less than 25 dB SL at 250, 1000 and 4000 Hz), aged between 7 years, 7 months and 18 years, 1 month. Equipment All testing was conducted in a two-room recording suite. The subject spoke into a microphone (Neumann, Model U67) located approximately 30 cm from the mouth. This distance was held constant by the use of a microphone boom and headrest. The microphone and associated pre-amplifier (Radio Mechanical Engineers , Model 50Al) were connected to a tape recorder (Ampex, Model AG-350) and a delayed feedback system. The DAF system consisted of a custom-built delay unit, amplifier (Grason-Stadler speech audiometer, Model 162) and earphones (Telephonic TDH-39 mounted in an Auraldome soundattenuating headset). An automatic gain control amplifier (Amalgamated Wireless Australia, Model 2658250) held the output of the DAF unit constant at approximately 100 dB SPL in the delayed and undelayed feedback conditions. Procedure Subjects were tested under seven randomly presented DAF conditions (0,50,100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 msec delay) on two occasions. A period of 1-12 weeks separated the two testing sessions. In the first session a sentence reproduction task (cf. MacKay, 1968) was used while the second session involved giving spontaneous descriptions of pictures (cf. Soderberg, 1959). Sentence reproduction. Subjects reproduced five 8 word sentences under each of the delays. The sentences and experimental instructions were prerecorded and played back through the subject’s earphones. The subject listened to two presentations of a sentence and then repeated it aloud “. . at the same speed and with the same care you normally use.” Picture description. Subjects described two pictures under each of the delays. The prerecorded instructions told subjects to speak for 1 minute giving a literal description of the people and situation shown in each picture. The pictures were projected on to a rear projection screen 120 cm square. The period of time the picture was exposed (and hence the time the subject spoke) was controlled by the experimenter. Any unfilled pause exceeding 5 seconds was regarded as “timeout” and added to the period for that trial. If it became obvious that the subject had stopped speaking prematurely he was prompted by the experimenter. Prior to the administration of the DAF conditions subjects practiced the experimental task by either reproducing five sentences or describing two pictures








under synchronous auditory feedback (SAF). A further SAF condition was administered before and after the delay conditions to assess changes in speech performance over the course of the session. Speech Analysis The dependent variables investigated were speech rate (number of words spoken per minute) and the percentage of disfluent words (relative to the total number of words spoken). Words involving any one of the following disfluencies were identified on a verbatim typescript of the tape: interjections, repetitions (including words repeated in the course of revision), blocks and gross misarticulations. In addition incomplete phrases were scored as disfluencies in the picture description task, while substitutions, omissions and reordering errors were counted in the sentence reproduction task. The experimenter’s reliability in identifying disfluencies was determined by restoring two complete subject records (10% of the data). The correlation between the total number of disfluencies identified on the two occasions was r = 0.94, indicating that a satisfactory degree of reliability had been achieved. The time taken to repeat a sentence was determined to the nearest 0.1 set from a sound level recorder (Bruel and Kjaer, Type 2305). A stopwatch was used to determine speaking times in the description task.

Results Sentence Reproduction Analysis of the disfluency data showed that 11 of the 20 subjects tested did not stutter (i.e., repeat or block) when reproducing sentences in the no delay conditions (practice of 0 msec delay). Since these “fluent” subjects were unequally distributed across the four age groups (7-9, 10-12, 13-15, and 16-18 years), the effects of stuttering severity and age were seriously confounded. Although no formal analysis of these results will be presented, performance in the sentence reproduction and picture description studies will be compared in a later section. Picture Description Subjects were allocated to one of four groups based on their age and disfluency in the experimental practice conditions (see Procedure). Stutterers with more than 23% disfluencies were arbitrarily classified as “high disfluent” and those with fewer disfluencies as “low disfluent. ” The mean disfluency of the resulting groups was 7-12 low disfluent-13.5%; 7-12 high disfluent-39.4%; 13-18 low disfluent-15.4%; and 13-18 high disfluent-36.7%.

















DELAY Fig. 1.






1 0















Mean speech rate of groups of stutterers (differing in age and disfluency) under DAF.



Performance in the SAF conditions administered before and after the delay conditions was evaluated using a two-way (groups X conditions) analysis of variance with repeated measures on one factor (Winer, 1962, p. 302). These analyses showed that there were no significant changes in either speech rate or disfluency over the course of the experimental session for any of the groups. Separate four-way (disfluency X age X delays X trials) analyses of variance with repeated measures on two factors (Winer, 1962, p. 350) were conducted on the speech rate and disfluency data. The trials main effect and each of the interactions involving trials did not reach significance in either analysis, indicating that performance was similar when subjects described the two pictures in each condition. Therefore, only the mean results for the two speaking trials will be presented here. Speech rate. The mean speech rate for each of the groups in the delay conditions is shown in Fig. 1. The analysis of variance revealed no significant








effects attributable to age, but there were significant differences in the effects of the delay conditions on the two disfluency groups (F = 4.84; df = 7,112; P < 0.001). Figure 1 shows that the speech rate of the low disfluent groups was significantly higher than that of the high disfluent groups in the nodelay (pre-DAF and 0 delay) conditions. Under DAF the speech rate of the low disfluent groups decreased as the delay interval was increased; delays of 50 and 100 msec produced a marked reduction in speech rate, while subsequent delays produced smaller decreases. By contrast the speech rate of the high disfluent groups increased in the 50 msec condition; 100 msec delay resulted in a speech rate only slightly below that of the no delay conditions, but with longer delays there was a further reduction in speech rate. Figure 2 shows the mean percentage of disfluent words produced DisJuency. in each of the conditions. There were significant differences in the effects of the delay conditions on the two disfluency groups (F = 2.98;df = 7,112;P < O.OOl), together with a significant interaction between age, disfluency and delay (F = 3.20; df = 7,112; P < 0.01). The differential effects of the delay conditions on the two low disfluency groups can be seen in Fig. 2. With 50 msec delay the 7-12 group showed a reduction in disfluency, but with longer delays there was a corresponding increase in disfluency. The 13-18 group showed reduced disfluency with 100 and 200 msec delay; delays of 50, 150 and 250 msec resulted in approximately the same level of disfluency as the undelayed conditions and 300 msec delay produced a slight increase in disthrency. By contrast, delay had an ameliorative effect on the speech of the high disfluent groups, with the 7-12 group showing greater gains in fluency than the 13-18 group. The 7-12 group showed improved fluency under all delays, but 50 and 100 msec produced the greatest improvement. The 13- 18 group experienced improved fluency under all delays with the exception of 300 msec delay. For this group the greatest reduction in disfluency occurred with delays of 50 and 150 msec. Effects of DAF on individual stutterers. The data were also examined to determine the optimal delay interval for each stutterer. Lotzmann (196 1) measured changes in speech performance under DAF relative to normal speech performance and then used these values to determine the “optimal” delay interval for individual stutterers. The method used here was to obtain ratios of delay to no delay (pre-DAF) performance based on the speech rate and percent fluent word data. Thus the direction and extent of changes in speech fluency and rate could be determined. The delay intervals producing maximal changes (both positive and negative) for the 20 stutterers are shown in Table 1. A maximal positive change was defined as the delay interval producing the largest fluency and speech rate ratios and a maximal negative change as the delay producing the smallest ratio values.









Fig. 2.

Mean percentage of disffuent words produced by groups of stutterers (differing disfluency) describing pictures under DAF.

in age and

Inspection of Table 1 shows that six low disfluent stutterers experienced considerable positive changes in fluency. Of the remaining stutterers in this group, two, (1,3) showed a slight gain in fluency, one (2) showed reduced fluency and one (15) showed no change under any of the delays. These dhanges in fluency were usually accompanied by a reduction in speech rate. High disfiuent stutterers generally made marked gains in fluency; however, one subject (11) showed reduced fluency under all delays. The improvement in fluency achieved by the high disfluent stutterers was not accompanied by consistent changes in speech rate. For example, subject 18 showed a dramatic increase in speech rate but the remaining subjects showed only slight changes. For those stutterers showing a positive DAF effect, six showed greatest improvement with 50 msec delay, seven with 100 msec and two with 150 msec delay. Examination of the deIays producing maximal negative changes provides further evidence of the ameliorative effects of delay on high disfluent stutterers. Six high disfluent stutterers showed improved fluency with atf delays (i.e. * no negative effect), two (4, f 5) showed no change and two ( i1,19) showed reduced







TABLE 1 in Maximal Changes (Positive and Negative) in the Spontaneous Individual Stutterers.

Delay Intervals Resulting


Speech of

__Positive DisfluencyAge group Low 7-12

Low 13-18

High 7-12

High 13-18

Subject 1 2 3 5 10 12 13 16 17 20 4 6 7 8 9 11 14 I5 18 19

(Some subjects (identified

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to the experimental



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Variables affecting stutterer's initial reactions to delayed auditory feedback.

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