Vena-arterial Carbon Dioxide Gradient in Human Septic Shock* jan Bakker; M.D.; Jean-Louis Vincent, M.D., Ph.D, F.C.C .P.; Philippe Gris, M.D .; Marc Leon, M.D .; Michel Coffernils, M.D.; and Roberl J Kahn, M.D.

Recent reports have shown that venous hypercarbia, resulting in a widening of the veoo-arterial difference in Pco, (dPeo.), is related to systemic hypoperfusion in various forms 'Oflow-How state . Although septic shock usually is a hyperdynamic state, other factors can io8uence the CO. production and elimination, and thus dPco. in septic shock. This study examined the dPeo. and acid-base balance together with cardiac output measurements and oxygenderived variables in 64 adult patients with documented septic shock. For a total of 191 observations, a significant exoponential relation between dPco. and CO was found. At time of 6rst measurement, 15 patients had an increased dPeo. (above 6 mm Hg) and a higher mixed venous Pco, (PvCOJ (47.2 ± 10.0 vs 35.9 ± 7.3 mm Hg, p

Veno-arterial carbon dioxide gradient in human septic shock.

Recent reports have shown that venous hypercarbia, resulting in a widening of the veno-arterial difference in PCO2 (dPCO2), is related to systemic hyp...
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