Volumebased geometric modeling for radiation transport calculations Zuofeng Li and Jeffrey F. Williamson Citation: Medical Physics 19, 667 (1992); doi: 10.1118/1.596810 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.596810 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapm/journal/medphys/19/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Articles you may be interested in Ocean acoustic tomography based on peak arrivals J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 797 (1996); 10.1121/1.416212 Raytracing model of IBW generated sheared flow for plasma transport control AIP Conf. Proc. 355, 251 (1996); 10.1063/1.49588 Ray tracing calculations of the output from germanium slab lasers AIP Conf. Proc. 332, 17 (1995); 10.1063/1.47953 Asymmetrically cut crystals for synchrotron radiation monochromators Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63, 936 (1992); 10.1063/1.1143785 On methods of inhomogeneity corrections for photon transport Med. Phys. 17, 807 (1990); 10.1118/1.596555

Volume-based geometric modeling for radiation transport calculations.

Accurate theoretical characterization of radiation fields is a valuable tool in the design of complex systems, such as linac heads and intracavitary a...
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