Zinc and Copper Metabolism in Nephrotic Syndrome ./. $tecJ, L. Podrackab, O. Pavkovcekovab, J Kollar“ 1 Institute of Experimental Medicine. Medical School, and bDepartment of Pediatry, Faculty Hospital, Kosice, Czechoslovakia
Key Words. Zinc • Copper • Nephrotic syndrome • Proteinuria Abstract. The effect of proteinuria on urinary zinc and copper excretion was studied in children with nephrotic syndrome (NS). Clearance, fractional excretion, and urinary excretion of zinc and copper were significantly higher in children with relapse of NS than in the same children with remission of NS or in healthy children. A linear correlation was found between proteinuria and urinary zinc and copper excretion in relapse of NS. The results of this study suggest that zinc and copper deficiency in NS may be related also to increased urinary zinc and copper losses.
Introduction It is well known that patients with nephrotic syndrome (NS) have low serum zinc and copper levels. This may be caused by urinary loss of zinc [1] and copper or by their decreased intestinal absorption [2], eventually by other unknown factors. Some authors [2, 3], however, did not find higher urinary zinc excretions in NS.
Subjects and Methods Zinc and copper statuses were assessed in 40 children. Group A consisted of 20 healthy children (age 3-15 years, 12 males, 8 females, creatinine clearance 115.8 ± 35.4 rnl/min): group B of 20 children with remission of NS (age 1-15 years, 14 males, 6 females, albumin-
The effect of proteinuria on urinary zinc and copper excretion was studied in children with nephrotic syndrome (NS). Clearance, fractional excretion, ...