Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 22: 111-123 (1978)

Report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosomes 13 to 22 Prepared by

M.A. F i-rguson-Smitii and A. W esterveld (co-chairmen) Other committee members: D.A. A itken , J.A. B rown , G.A.P. B runs , M.J. C hampion , P.J.L. C ook , C.M. C roce, A.B. D eisseroth , R.M. D enney, K.-H. G rzesciiik , B. H ellkuiil , R. K ucherlapati, P.A. L alley, R.S. L emons , E.W. L ovrien , E. M agenis, P.J. M c A lpine , J.D. M inna, S. P ovey, M. R ivas , E.B. R obson , T.B. S how s , E. Solomon , and K. W illecke

This report summarizes the present data on gene assignments to chro­ mosomes 13 to 22. The assignments are tabulated for each chromosome and are categorized according to the degree of certainty: C = Confirmed: observed in at least two institutes P = Provisional: based on evidence from one group I = Inconsistent: groups disagree

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For many chromosomes the number of regional assignments are increasing. These are presented in diagrammatic form to show the smallest region (SR) of the chromosome to which a given locus has been assigned or the smallest region of overlap (SRO), which may be deduced by combining the evidence of different groups of investigators. The assign­ ments shown have been based on family studies (F), somatic cell hybridiza­ tion (S), DNA/RNA annealing experiments (A), and gene dosage effects (D). Notable new assignments since the Baltimore Conference (1975) are indicated in the footnotes to tables I to X.


F erguson-Smith, W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22

Table 1. Gene assignments to chromosome 13. M arker

E.C. No.

M ode

C ategory










Ruddle et al. (1975) R uddle et al. (1975) G ey (1970); G race et al. (1971) N amboodiri et al. (1977)

Lp is tentatively assigned through its linkage relationship with ESD.

13 RNr


14 RNr




cen q11 q12 -


] R2



qter L 1

J 131415161718

J _ 15 19

Fig. I. Regional assignments of RNr, ESD, and RB-1 on chromosome 13 and RNr, NP, and TRPRS on chromosome 14. Each of the brackets opening to the left shows the approximate region to which the marker in question has been assigned, explicitly or implicitly, based on the work reported in the reference indicated by the number below the bracket. Dotted brackets indicate the shortest region of overlap (SRO). Two SR’s for RNr are shown, 13pl2 and 14pl2. The assignment of RB-1 to chro­ mosome 13 is inconsistent. For TRPRS, SR is 14q21-^14qtcr. References: (1) E vans et al. (1974); (2) R obson et al. (1976); (3) G ray et al. (1977); (4) G ey (1970); (5) G race et al. (1971); (6) F rancke (1976); (7) W ilson et al. (1975); (8) W ilson et al. (1973); (9) L adda et al. (1973); (10) O rye et al. (1974); (11) N oël et al. (1976); (12) W ilson et al.; (13) F rancke et al. (1975); (14) F rancke et al. (1976); (15) D enney et al. (1977); (16) S impson et al. (1976); (17) G eorge and F rancke (1976); (18) A itken and F erguson -S mitm (1977a); (19) F rancke et al. (1977).

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8 9 10 11 12

F erguson -Smith , W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22


Table II . Gene assignments to chromosome 14. Marker

E.C. No.









Ruddle ct al. (1975) Bootsma et al. (1974) Ruddle et al. (1976)

No new assignments have been reported since the Baltimore Conference (1975).

Table III. G ene assignments to chrom osome 15. M arker

E.C. N o.











p k M2

1DH m


c c

/7,m MANa



Ruddle et al. (1975) R uddle et al. (1976) N guyen V an C ong ct al. (1975); C hern et al. (1976); Ruddle et al. (1976); Hoeksema et al. (1977) R uddle et al. (1976) Bruns et al. (1976); G rzeschik et al. (1976) R uddle et al. (1976) C hampion et al. (1977a)


F o r HEXA it was shown that the gene coding for the a-subunit [HEXA = (aa)„, HEXo = (/?/?)„] is located on chrom osom e 15. Since the B altim ore C onference (1975), the assignment of IDHy has been confirmed, and a gene fo r M A N a has

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been provisionally assigned.


F erguson-Smith, W esterveld 15 RNr


Chromosomes 13 to 22





Fig. 2. Regional assignments of RNr, MPI, PKM2, HEX A, IDHM, ß.,m, and M ANA on chromosome 15. For RNr, SR is 15pl2; for M ANa, 15q 11—>15qter. References: (1) E vans et al. (1974); (2) C hampion et al. (1977n); (3) Solomon et al. (1976); (4) O liver et al. (1977); (5) H ellkuhl et al. (1977); (6) P ajunen et al. (1977); (7) G iern et al. (1977); (8) S himizu et al. (1977); (9) F aber et al. (1976).

Table IV. Gene assignments to chromosome 16. M arker

E.C. No.







C c c


Bootsma et al. (1974) Robson ct al. (1969) T eisberg and G one (1974); T eisberg et al. (1975) Lovrien et al. (1977) W illecke ct al. (1977) D eiseroth et al. (1977) C reagan et al. (1975) C hany et al. (1975)

TKm Hb«

Ifr-i AVSr1'



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LCAT and E , assignments are based on evidence for linkage with aHp \ therefore, they may be situated in 16cen->16q22. The localization of Hba is inconsistent with the previous assignment to chrom osom es 2, 4, and 5. :l Ifr = regulator of interferon production. 1' AVSr = regulator of AVS (AVP) ;mtiviral state.

F erguson-Smith, W esterveld 16 APRT pter

Chromosomes 13 to 22


oHp 17 pter p


GALK AdV-12cms-17 18





q21 q22

qter L 1

2 3 4

qter L 5 6 7 8



Fig. 3. Regional assignments of APRT and aHp on chromosome 16, TKS, GALK, and AdV-12cms-17 on chromosome 17, and PEPA to chromosome 18. For APRT, SR is 16q; for GALK and AdV-12cms-17, 17q21—*17q22. References: (1) K ahan ct al. (1975); (2) M agenis et al. (1970); (3) H echt et al. (1971); (4) F erguson -S mith et al. (1977); (5) F rancke and B usby (1975); (6) Yoshida and M atsuya (1976); (7) K ucherlapati et al. (1974); (8) M cD ougall et al. (1973); (9) E lsevier et al. (1974); (10) M cA lpine et al. (1973); (11) M cA lpine et al. (1974); (12) A rthur et al. (1975a); (13) A rthur et al. (19756).

M arker

E.C. N o.










SV40-1 SV40-2 AdV-12cms-17



AdV-5T SA17-1



M iller et al. (1971) Boone et al. (1972) O rkw iszew ski et al. (1974) E lsevier et al. (1974) C roce et al. (1977) Koprowski and C roce (1977) M cD ougall (1971); M cD ougall et al. (1975) M cD ougall et al. (1976) C icurel and C roce (1977) Sundar R aj et al. (1977)


COL1 is inconsistent with its assignment to chrom osome 7.

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Table V. Gene assignments to chromosome 17.


F erguson-Smith, W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22

Table VI. Gene assignments to chromosome 18. Marker

E.C. No.





3.4.11 or 3.4.13

S, D


C reagan et al. (1973); Ruddle et al. (1975)



Bordelon and Kohler (1975)


There are no new assignments to chromosome 18 since the Baltimore Conference (1975).

Table VII. Gene assignments to chrom osom e 19. M arker

E.C. No.





S, D S


Ruddle et al. (1975) M c A lpine et al. (1975) C hampion et al. (1977 b) Ruddle et al. (1975) Brown ct al. (1977); L emons et al. (1977) G erald and Bruns (1978)


s s s

E lls


c c C I p

The assignments for a-mannosidase B (MAN¡¡I, baboon M7 virus requirement (Bevi), and Echo 11 virus sensitivity (E lls) are new since the Baltimore Conference (1975).

Table VIII. Gene assignments to chromosome 20. M arker

E.C. No.


M ode





s s


Ruddle et al. (1975) C roce et al. (1974) R uddle ct al. (1975)

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No new assignments have been made to chromosome 20 since Ihe Baltimore Conference (1975).

F erguson-Smith, W es i er veld


Chromosomes 13 to 22


20 ADA pter


21 RNr


pter pll


- 3


q13 - J

q22 1


q te rL





5 6 7

Fig. 4. Regional assignments of GPI, M AN n, and E lls on chromosome 19, ADA on chromosome 20, and RNr and SODg on chromosome 21. For GPI and M ANB, SR is 19ptcr-*-19ql3; for E lls, 19q; for ADA, 20pll->20qter; and for RNr, 21pl2. References: (1) I ngram ct al. (1977); (2) G erald et al. (1977); (3) A itken et al. (19776); (4) E vans et al. (1974); (5) S inet et al. (1976); (6) P oissonnier et al. (1976); (7) P hilip et al. (1977).

Table IX. Gene assignments to chromosome 21. M arker

E.C. No.



lfR ec





A S, D S, D S S, D

C C c

Ruddle et al. (1975) Ruddle et al. (1975) Ruddle et al. (1975) Moore et al. (1977) S i n e t et al. (1975)

p I

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The assignment of the glutathione peroxidase locus (GPX) to chrom osom e 21 is inconsistent with evidence that places it on chrom osom e 3 (W ijnen et al., 1977). T here is now insufficient evidence fo r the assignment of Ag lipoprotein.

F erguson-Smith, W esterveld


Chromosomes 13 to 22

Table X. Gene assignments to chromosome 22. M arker RNr ARS a A C O N ji



E.C. No.


C ategory






p 1

Ruddle et al. (1975) Bruns et al. (1977) Slaughter et al. (1977); Meera K han et al. (1977); Sparkes et al. (1977) F isher et al. (1977) d e W itt et al. (1977)

With the exception of the RNr locus, all the above assignments to chromosome 22 have been made since the Baltimore Conference (1975). The assignment of pGAL is inconsistent with the assignment of a /1GAL to chromosome 3. However, there may be two different loci in man (Enzyme 22: 276, 1977).

References A itken , D.A. and F erguson -S mith , M.A.: Regional assignment of nucleoside

phosphorylase by exclusion to 14ql3. This conference (1977a). position of the ADA locus on chromosome 20 by gene dosage studies. This conference (19776). A rthur , E.; Steel , C.M.; E vans, H.J.; P ovey , S.; W atson, B., and H arris, H.: Localization of human peptidase-A structural locus from studies on a cultured lymphoblastoid line. Nature, Lond. 257: 308-310 (1975a). A rthur , E.; Steel , C.M .; E vans, H.J.; P ovey , S.; W atson, B., and H arris , H.: Genetic studies on human lymphoblastoid cell lines: isozyme and cytogenetic heterogeneity in a cell line, with evidence for localization of the Pep-A locus in man. Ann. hum. Genet. 39: 33-42 (19756). Boone, C.; C hen , T.-R., and R uddle , F.H.: Assignment of three human genes to chromosomes (LDH-A to 11, TK to 17, and 1DH to 20) and evidence for trans­ location between human and mouse chromosomes in somatic cell hybrids. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 69: 510-514 (1972). Bootsma , D. and G iblett , E.R.: Report of the committee on the genetic constitu­ tion of autosomes other than chromosome 1. New Haven Conference (1973), pp. 21-28. Bordelon , M.R. and K ohler , P.O.: Synthesis of a human glycoprotein hormone in somatic cell hybrids. [Abstr.] J. Cell Biol. 67: 37a (1975). B rown , S.; O ie , H.; F rancke, U.; G azdar, A.F., and M inna, J.D.: Assignment of a gene required for infection with endogenous baboon virus to human chromo­ some 19. This conference (1977).

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A itken , D.A. and F erguson -S mith , M.A.: Investigation of the intrachromosomal

F erguson-Smith, W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22


dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in man-mouse somatic cell hybrids. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 17: 200-211 (1976). Bruns , G.A.P.; M intz , B.J.; L eary, A.C.; R egina, V.M., and G erald, P.S.: Expres­ sion of human arylsulphatase-A in man-hamster somatic cell hybrids. This con­ ference (1977). C hampion , M.J.; Brown , J.A., and S how s , T.B.: Assignment of cytoplasmic a-mannosidase (M ANA) and confirmation of mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase (1DHm) to the q ll-> qter region of chromosome 15 in man. This conference (1977a). C hampion , M.J.; Brown , J.A., and Show s , T.B.: Studies on the a-mannosidase (M AND), peptidase D (PEPD), and glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) syntenic group on chromosome 19 in man. This conference (19776). C hany, C.; V ignal, M .; Couillin , P.; N guyen V an C ong ; Boue , J., and Boue , A.: Chromosomal localization of human genes governing the interferon-induced antiviral state. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 72: 3129-3133 (1975). C hern , C.I.; B eutler , E.; K uhl , W.; G ilbert , F.; Mellman , W.J., and C roce, C.: Characterization of heteropolymeric hexosaminidase A in human X mouse hybrid cells. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 73: 3637-3640 (1976). C hern , C.J.; Kennett , R.; E ngel , E.; M ellman, W.J., and C roce, C.M.: Assign­ ment of the structural genes for the alpha subunit of hexosaminidase A, mannosephosphate isomerase and pyruvate kinase to the region q22—yqter of human chromosome 15. Somat. Cell Genet. 3: 553-560 (1977). C icurel , L. and C roce, C.M.: Somatic cell hybrids between mouse peritoneal macro­ phages and SV40-transformed human cells. III. Identification of surface antigens coded for by human chromosomes 7 and 17. J. Immunol. 118: 1951-1956 (1977). C reagan, R.P.; T an, Y.H.; C hen , S., and R uddle , F.H.: Somatic cell genetic analysis of the interferon system. Fed. Proc. 43: 2222-2226 (1975). C reagan, R.; T ischfield , J.; M c M orris , F.A.; C hen, S.; H irschi , M.; C hen , T.R.; R icciuti, F., and R uddle , F.H.: Assignment of the genes for human peptidase A to chromosome 18 and cytoplasmic glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase to chro­ mosome 10 using somatic-cell hybrids. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 12: 187-198 (1973). C roce, C.M.: Assignment of the integration site for simian virus 40 to chromo­ some 17 in GM54 VA, a human cell line transformed by simian virus 40. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 74: 315-318 (1977). C roce, C.M.; K ieba, I.; K oprow ski , H.; M olino, M., and R othblat, G.H.: Restoration of the conversion of desmosterol to cholesterol in L-cells after hybridization with human fibroblasts. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 71: 110 (1974). D eisseroth , A.; N ienhuis , A.; T urner, P.; V elez , R.; A nderson , W.F.; R uddle , F.H.; L awrence, J.; C reagan, R., and K ucherlapati, R.: Localization of the human alpha globin structural gene to chromosome 16 in somatic cell hybrids by molecular hybridization assay. Cell 12: 205-218 (1977). D enney, R.M.; Borgaonkar, D.S., and R uddle , F.H.: Order of genes for NP and TRPRS on chromosome 14. This conference (1977). E lsevier , S.M.; K ucherlapati, R.S.; N ichols , E.A.; C reagan, R.P.; G iles , E.; R uddle , F.H.; W illecke , K., and M cD ougall, J.K.: Assignment of the gene

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Bruns , G.A.P.; E isenman , R.E., and G erald, P.S.: Human mitochondrial NADP-

F erguson-Smith, W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22

for galactokinase to human chromosome 17 and its regional localization to band q21-*22. Nature, Lond. 251: 633-635 (1974). E vans , H.J.; B uckland, R.A., and P ardue, M.L.: Location of the genes coding for 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA in the human genome. Chromosoma 48: 405-426 (1974). F aber, H.B.; K ucherlapati, R.S.; P o u u k , M.D.; R uddle, F.H., and S m ithies , O.: Beta-2-microglobulin locus on human chromosome 15. Somat. Cell Genet. 2: 141-153 (1976). F erguson -S mith , M.A. and A itken , D.A.: Heterozygosity at the a-haptoglobin locus associated with a deletion, 16q22—>-16qter. This conference (1977). F isher , R.A.; P ovey .S.; Bobrow ,M .; Solomon ,E .; Boyd,Y ., and C arritt, B.: Assign­ ment of the D IAj locus to chromosome 22. Ann. hum. Genet. 41: 150-155 (1977). F rancke, U.: Retinoblastoma and chromosome 13. Baltimore Conference (1975), pp. 131-134. F rancke, U. and B usby, N.: Assignments of the human genes for lactate dehydrogenase-A and thymidine kinase to specific chromosomal regions. Rotterdam Conference (1974), pp. 143-149. F rancke, U.; B usby, N.; S haw , D.; H ansen , S., and B rown , M.G.: Assignment of the nucleoside phosphorylase (NP) gene locus to region 14pter-^-14q21. Baltimore Conference (1975), pp. 135-137. F rancke, U.; Busby, N.; S haw , D.; H ansen, S., and B rown , M.G.: Intrachromosomal gene mapping in man: assignment of nucleoside phosphorylase to region 14cen-»14q21 by interspecific hybridization of cells with a t(X;14)(p22;q21) translocation. Somat. Cell Genet. 2: 27-40 (1976). F rancke, U.; D enney, R.M., and R uddle , F.H.: Intrachromosomal gene mapping in man: the gene for tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase maps in region q21—».qter of chromosome 14. Somat. Cell Genet. 4: 381-389 (1977). G eorge, D.L. and F rancke, U.: Gene dose effect: regional mapping of human nucleoside phosphorylase on chromosome 14. Science 194: 851-852 (1976). G erald, P.S. and B runs , G.A.: Genetic determinants of viral susceptibility. Pro­ ceedings of the 1977 Birth Defects Symposium, Tennessee. Birth Defects: Original Article Series (1978, in press). G ey, W.: Multiple Missbildung und Retinoblastom. Ilumangenetik 10: 362-365 (1970). G race, B.; D rennan, J.; C olver , D., and G ordon, R.R.: The 13q— deletion syndrome. J. mod. Genet. 8: 351-357 (1971). G ray, J.E.; Bobrow , M.; C ook , P.J.L., and R obson, E.B.: Further family data on ESD and chromosome 13. This conference (1977). G rzeschik , K.-H.: Assignment of a gene for human mitochondrial isocitrate dehydro­ genase (1CD-M, EC to chromosome 15. Hum. Genet. 34: 23-28 (1976). H echt, F.; T olby, B.; M agenis, R.E.; K imberling , W.J.; W yandt, H., and L ovrien , E.W.: Chromosomal localization of the heterochromatic region 16 qh (.76) linked to alpha-haptoglobin in man. Nature, Lond. 233: 480 (1971). H ellkuiil , B.; M ayr, W.R., and G rzeschik , K.-H.: Localization of MPI, PKM2, ID H ji , and the a subunit of hexosaminidase (HEX\) to the q21-*-qtcr region of human chromosome 15. This conference (1977). H oeksema , H.L.; R euser , A.J.J.: H oogeveen , A.; W esterveld , A.; Braidman, I., and Robinson , D.: Characterization of beta-D-A'-acetylhexosaminidasc iso­

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enzymes in man-Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. Am. J. hum. Genet. 29: 14-23 (1977). I ngram, P.H.; Bruns , G.A.P.; R egina, V.M.; E isenman, R.E., and G erald, P.S.: Expression of a-D-mannosidase in man-hamster somatic cell hybrids. Biochcm. Genet. 15: 455-476 (1977). K aban, B.; H eld , K.R., and D e M ars, R.: The locus for human adenine phosphoribosyltransferase on chromosome No. 16. Genetics 78: 1143-1156 (1975). Koprow ski , H. and C roce, C.M.: Tumorigenicity of simian virus 40-transformed human cells and mouse-human hybrids in nude mice. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. USA 74: 1142-1147 (1977). K ucherlapati, R.; M cD ougall, J.K., and R uddle , F.H.: Regional localization of the human genes for thymidine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase-A and esterase-A4. New Haven Conference (1973), pp. 108-110. L adda, R.; A tkins , L.; L ittlefield , J., and P ruett , R.: Retinoblastoma: chromo­ some banding in patients with heritable tumor. Lancet ii: 506 (1973). L emons , R.S.; O'B rien , S.J., and S herr , C.I.: A new genetic locus, Bevi, on human chromosome 6 which controls the replication of baboon type C virus in human cells. Cell 12: 251-262 (1977). L ovrien , E.W.; M agenis , E.; R ivas , M.; L amvik , N.; R ow e , S.; W ood, J., and H emmerling , J.: Serum cholinesterase (Eo) linkage analysis: possible evidence for localization to chromosome 16. This conference (1977). M agenis , R.E.; H eciit , F., and L ovrien , E.W.: Heritable fragile site on chromo­ some 16: probable localization of haptoglobin locus in man. Science 170: 85-87 (1970). M cA lpine , P.J.; C hudley , A.E.; R ay, M., and H amerton, J.L.: The peptidase A gene locus and human autosome 18. [Abstr.] Am. J. hum. Genet. 25: 49A (1973). M cA lpine , P.J.; M ohandas, T.; Komarnicki, L.; N iewsczas -L ate, V.; V ust , A., and H amerton, J.L.: Tentative assignment of the peptidase-A (Pep-A) gene locus to the (q21—>-qter) region of chromosome 18 in man. Rotterdam Conference (1974), pp. 200-201. M cA lpine , P.J.; M ohandas, T.; R ay, M.; W ang, H., and H amerton, J.L.: Assign­ ment of the peptidase D gene locus (PEPD) to chromosome 19 in man. Baltimore Conference (1975), pp. 204-205. M cD ougall, I.K.: Adenovirus-induced chromosome aberrations in human cells. J. gen. Virol. 12: 43-51 (1971). M cD ougall, I.K .; E lsevier , S.M.; K ucherlapati, R.S., and R uddle , F.H.: Regional localization of human genes in virus-induced uncoiler regions. Rotter­ dam Conference (1974), pp. 202-204. M c D ougall, J.K.; G allimore, P.H.; D unn, A.R.; W ebb, T.P.; K ucherlapati, R.S.; N ichols , E.A., and R uddle , F.H.: Mapping viral integration sites in somatic cell hybrids. Baltimore Conference (1975), pp. 206-210. M c D ougall, J.K.; K ucherlapati, R., and R uddle , F.H.: Localization and induction of the human thymidine kinase gene by adenovirus 12. Nature new Biol. 245: 172-175 (1973). M eera K han, P.; W ijnen , L.M.M., and P earson, P.L.: Assignment of the mitochon­ drial aconitase gene (ACONy) to human chromosome 22. This conference (1977).

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F erguson-Smith, W estervei.d Chromosomes 13 to 22


F erguson-Smith, W esterveld

Chromosomes 13 to 22

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F erguson-Smith, Westerveld

4th International Workshop on Human Gene Mapping. Report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosomes 13 to 22.

Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 22: 111-123 (1978) Report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosomes 13 to 22 Prepared by M.A. F i-rguson-Sm...
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