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Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 22: 61-73 (1978)

Report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosome 1 Prepared by

P.J.L. Cook and W.G. B urgerhout (co-chairmen)

The assignment of 17 loci to chromosome 1 has now been confirmed. There are four further provisional assignments, including GDH and AdV12-cms-lp, which have been assigned since the last report of this committee (Baltimore Conference, 1975). These 21 loci are listed in table I. The regional assignments for many of the markers are given in figs. 2 to 9, which summarize the information available from independent partial deletions of chromosome 1 in patients or somatic cell hybrids. The smallest region of overlap (SRO) or smallest region (SR) is also indicated for each marker. The regional assignments are also summarized in fig. 1a, while the gene order from hybrid studies is shown in fig. lb. New evidence ( F rancke and G eo rg e , 1977) suggests that PGMi lies in the lp22.1-*-lp31.1 segment, but this assignment conflicts with earlier evidence (B u r g er h o u t et al., 1977a) placing it in lp32. PEPC has been assigned to lq42 (J ong sm a and B u r g e r h o u t , 1977), but the findings in a trisomic child might place PEPC in or proximal to lq25 (C ook et al., 1977a). The map and gene order obtained from family studies (fig. id) are based on data summarized in the previous report (Baltimore Conference, 1975) and by M ey ers et al. (1977), L e w is et al. (1977a), C orn ey et al. (1977), and C ook et al. (1977a). The distances given are in male or female recombination fractions. Those marked with an asterisk (*) were obtained by subtraction, and those within circles are considered to be relatively unreliable. No recombinants have been observed between Sc and UMPK (L e w is et al., 1977a), nor have they been reported between ENO/ and PGD. There is now little doubt that Fy lies on lq distal to Iqh (C ook et al., 1977c; M ey ers et al., 1977; P almer et al., 1977). El, and

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Other committee members: G.B. CÔTÉ, D.L. G eorge, U. F rancke, S.J. G oss , K..-H. G rzeschik, J.L. H amerton, H. K aita, G.A. Koch, M. L ewis , E.W. L ovrien, D.A. M eyers, and R.S. Sparkes

Cook, B urgerhout Chromosome 1




Confirmed assignments ENO, cnolase-1 (E.C.

Fi', S


S, F»


phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E.C. adenylate kinase-2 (E.C.


elliptocytosis {Rh linked)



rhesus blood group



a-L-fucosidase (E.C.

S, F'-


S, Fb


uridine monophosphate kinase (E.C. 2.7.4.*) phosphoglucomutase-1 (E.C. « amylase (salivary) (E.C.

AM Y o

u amylase (pancreatic)



(E.C. Duffy blood group


G iblett et al. (1973); M eera K han et al. (1973) W eitkamp et al. (1971); W esterveld and M eera K han (1972) Van Cong et al. (1972); S hows and Brown (1974) G oodall et al. (1953); Morton (1956) R enwick (1971); M arsh et al. (1977) T urner et al. (1975); CORNEY et al. (1977) G iblett et al. (1974); Satlin et al. (1975) Van Cong et al. (1971); R uddle et al. (1972) K amaryt et al. (1971); Mohr et al. (1975); M erritt et al. (1973); R ivas et al. (1975) Donahue et al. (1968); Cook et al. (1977c) R enwick and L awler (1963); Conneally et al. (1977) van Someren et al. (1974); G oss and H arris (1977) Meera K han et al. (1973); M cA lpine et al. (1975c) R uddle et al. (1972); J ongsma et al. (1973) Steffensen et al. (1973); J ohnson et al. (1973) van Someren et al. (1974); C raig et al. (1975)





S, Fb


zonular pulverulent cataract (Fy linked) UDP glucose pyrophosphorylasc (E.C. guanylate kinase-1 (E.C.




peptidase C (E.C. 3.4.11.* or 3.4.13.*) 5S RNA


fumarate hydratase (E.C.



Provisional assignments AdV-cms-lp adenovirus-12 chromosome AdV-cms-lq

modification site lp adenovirus-12 chromosome modification site lq




Steffensen et al. (1976)


M cD ougall et al. (1974) Downloaded by: King's College London - 1/16/2019 2:28:55 AM

Table I. Gene loci assigned to chromosome 1.

Cook, Burgeriiout Chromosome 1


Table / (continued) Locus





glucose dehydrogenase (E.C. Scianna blood group


H ameister et al. (1977)


L ew is et al. (1977«)

F'' F>> FI'

L ewis et al. (19776) S pence (19776); Spence et al. (1977«) C hautaro-F reira-M aia (1977)


Lovrien et al. (1977); Magenis et al. (1977)

Sc T e n ta tiv e

Do RP, Tf.E, AT-3

assignments Dombrock blood group retinitis pigmentosum-1 transferrin and cholinesterase (serum)-l antithrombin III

“ S = somatic cell hybridization; F - family studies; A = in situ hybridization. l>Indirect assignment by linkage with an assigned locus. c Only two references have been given for each confirmed assignment in this table. These have been selected either for historical reasons or because they illustrate different approaches to assign­ ment, or because they are not listed elsewhere in this report. Other references will be found in the text, SRO diagrams, or previous three reports of this committee.

shown in fig. 1 are in good agreement. The tentative assignments are included in table I because of hints of linkage between the following groups of loci: Do with PGD; RPj with Rh; Tj and E, with PGD; and AT-3 with Fy. The evidence for their assign­ ment is weak but they are included as ‘‘tentative” assignments to indicate the need for further data on these loci. AOD is omitted because the original family (K, 1972) and a further family no longer sup­ port a claim for assignment (E.W. Lovrien, personal communication to this committee). An association reported between Grn + 1 and Rh CC (WicitMANN, 1976) cannot be interpreted as linkage because Gm has been excluded from the whole of the PGD.PGM/ region (Noades and Cook, 1976).

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uFUC probably lie in the order shown (Cook et al., 19776) but could exchange positions. The 5S rRNA locus has been shown to lie distal to AclVJ2-cms-lq (Steeiensen et al., 1976). The gene order deduced from radiation-induced gene segregation (G oss and H arris, 1977) is shown in fig. lc. The maps


J 1




A* 2



* £

- - ENO,

A dV -C M S -lp

Rh p g m




- - «FUC

10 --

a k



PGM, -

] ph D



n AdV 1 2 - C M S RN5S


>A_o; PEP C -






Chromosome 1


2 -


Ü ( 2 6)




a m y






7 AMY, 18


33 =





29* = 2 _

Sc UMPK = 0 “ J W

- - UMPK - - PGM,



El Rh 1





? fu c- 2




C ook , B urgerhout

A K 2 - » FUC




PGM* ^




- - PEPC

FH --






D Downloaded by: King's College London - 1/16/2019 2:28:55 AM



Cook, B urgerhout Chromosome 1

Fig. 1. Comparison of maps of chromosome 1 as obtained by different approaches. A. Regional assignments based on studies involving chromosomal aberrations which have been detected cytologically. Asterisks indicate inconsistent assignments. B. Gene order based on somatic cell hybrid studies. C. Relative positions of genes based on radiation-induced gene segregation (Goss and H arris, 1977). D. Recombination fractions at peak lod scores from family data. Asterisks indicate distances which have been calculated by subtraction. Encircled values arc considered relatively unreliable. Figs. 2-9. Regional assignments for 14 loci assigned to chromosome 1. Each line represents evidence from a different clone or patient. The smallest region of overlap (SRO) is indicated on the diagrams. Evidence from references 9, 11, and 19 is based on exclusions, and some of the evidence from clones could also be con­ sidered to be based on exclusions. Numbers above or below brackets refer to the following reports: (1) D ’A ncona et al. (1977); (2) B urgerhout (1977); (3) Burger­ hout et al. (1974); (4) Burgerhout and J ongsma (1975); (5) Burgerhout ct al. (1977a); (6) Burgerhout ct al. (1977b); (7) Burgerhout et al. (1975); (8) Busby et al. (1975); (9) C ook ct al. (1977a); (10) Douglas ct al. (1973); (11) F ergusonSmith (1974); (12) F rancke and G eorge (1977); (13) G rzeschik (1974); (14) H ameister ct al. (1977); (15) J ongsma and Burgerhout (1977); (16) J ongsma et al. (1973); (17) Koch et al. (1977); (18) M cA lpine et al. (19756); (19) M arsh et al. (1974); (20) P ovey et al. (1976); (21) Snows and Brown (1974); (22) Snows and Brown (1975); (23) Steffensen et al. (1974); (24) Steffensen ct al. (1976); (25) W it et al. (1975); (26) Brauncer et al. (1977).


ENO, pter r p36 c

14 14

1 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 f t 20 21 25



p34 p32 P31 p3!1 p22 p221 p21


q2i q23 q25


2 q'«r

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Cook, Burgerhout Chromosome 1 PGD p te r


3 3 5

5 5 7 7


8 10 12 15 15 15 16 18 25

12 12 13 14 14 21 SRO


p34 p33

P32 p 311 p22 p221 p2t

q21 q2 3 q25 q31 q3 2 q42


q ter



11 19

p te r


6 6 6 17

2 2

4 4

4 4 4 6

12 12 12 22

SRO p3 4 P32 Ip 311 p 22 p 221 P 21





-S R O : p32

q25 q32

q le r

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C ook, Burgerhcu r

Chromosome 1


PGM, 1 3 3

p tc r

5 5 5 5

7 7 8 10 11 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 16 18 19 20 21 25

p36 3 conflicting SROs: p34 p33 p32


p33— p34



p311 | p221— p311

p22 p221


q2 i q23 q25 q31 q32


q42 qter


1 py

p tc r p



p34 p32 -


P22 -

cen n q l2


q2i q2 3 q25 q 31 -


q32 -


q«2 -

qterL J



3 3 Downloaded by: King's College London - 1/16/2019 2:28:55 AM


Cook, Burgerhout Chromosome 1


G U K,



1 SRO 23 23 24

PEPC 1 p tc rr p36 p34 p33 p32 •

p22 p21

œn q l2 q21 q23

2 c o n flic tin g SROs: -q 2 5

q25 ■ q3i

qter -

1 3

3 5

5 5

5 7 7

9 » 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 18 20 21 25

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q42 -

Cook, Burgerhout Chromosome 1 1



p tc r r-

p34 p32 -

p22 p21 can q'2


q31 q32



q le r 3


5 5 5 5 5 5 6


8 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 21 25 26

References Braunger, R.; R u n s , H.; K rone, W.; Schmid, M , and O lert, J.: Gene dosage

fumarate hydratase and guanylate kinase on chromosome 1 and for lysosomal

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Cook, Burgerhout Chromosome 1

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M cA lpine , P.J.; M ohandas, T .; R av, M., and H amerton, J.L.: Regional localiza­

Cook, Burgerhout Chromosome 1


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4th International Workshop on Human Gene Mapping. Report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosome 1.

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