1990, The British Journal of Radiology, 63, 926-933

Computed tomographic assessment of old calcaneal fractures By S. A. Bradley, FRCR and A. M. Davies, FRCR Department of Radiology, Birmingham Accident Hospital, Bath Row, Birmingham B15 1 NA

{Received May 1990)

Abstract. Prolonged pain and disability are common complications of calcaneal fractures. A prospective study was conducted on the value of computed tomography (CT) in 63 patients with 73 calcaneal fractures sustained more than 6 months before. The fractures were classified from the initial plain radiographs, and the patients' current clinical condition assessed in terms of a "disability score". The mean disability scores (MDS) associated with the different types of fracture were correlated with the CT findings. The highest MDS was found in the intra-articular fracture group which comprised 7 1 % of the series. In this group the MDS was increased in the presence of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the subtalar joint (61% of cases), involvement of the calcaneocuboid joint (39% of cases) and subluxation/dislocation of the peroneal tendons (47% of cases). Structural abnormalities of the peroneal tendons were associated with a higher MDS including chronic tenosynovitis (eight cases), chronic partial tendon rupture (eight cases), complete peroneus brevis tendon rupture (two cases) and scarring indicating stenosing tenosynovitis (14 cases). A similar spectrum of appearances affecting the medial tendons of the hindfoot was identified in eight cases. Direct CT measurements of the degree of comminution did not correlate well with the patients' MDS. In the patient with persistent symptoms, CT is of value in the later assessment of long-term complications by revealing abnormalities of the subtalar joints and adjacent tendons.

There is limited agreement about the most appropriate treatment for the acute calcaneal fracture. The role of computed tomography (CT) in the early assessment of these fractures is well established, particularly for preoperative planning, as shown by the considerable literature on the subject (Guyer et al, 1985; Heger et al, 1985; Pablot et al, 1985; Segal et al, 1985; Gilmer et al, 1986; Hindman et al, 1986; Rosenberg et al, 1987a; Heuchemer et al, 1988; Lowrie et al, 1988). Often, however, it is the late complications of intra-articular calcaneal fractures that can present a difficult clinical problem. To date only a single case report (Techner & Eannace, 1987) and a short series of six cases, with a mean rescan period of 6.5 months (Rosenberg et al, 1987b), have advocated CT in this context. The purpose of this paper is to study prospectively with CT a large number of patients, 6 months or more after sustaining a calcaneal fracture, and to correlate thefindingswith the patients' clinical condition. Patients and methods

Review of the X-ray records, principally at the Birmingham Accident Hospital, identified 188 patients with a fracture of one or both calcanei. A letter, indicating the purpose of the study, was sent to the last known address of all the patients of whom 63 (33.5%) agreed to attend for CT. Each fracture was classified from the plain radiographs according to the Schmidt and Weiner modification of the Rowe and Address for correspondence: Dr A. M. Davies, Department of Radiology, Birmingham Accident Hospital, Bath Row, Birmingham B15 1NA.


Table I. Calcaneal fractures: classification and incidence (Schmidt and Weiner modification of Rowe and Essex-Lopresti classifications), after Berquist (1989) Type

Published incidence (%)

Study incidence (%)

la (tuberosity) lb (sustentaculum) lc (anterior process) Id (infero-lateral) 2 (achilles avulsion) 3 (linear extra-articular) 4 (linear intra-articular) 5a (tongue depression) 5b (joint depression)

6 3 15 1 4 19 10-26 5 43-60

12.3 0 9.6 1.4 2.7 4.1 4.1 31.5 34.2

Essex-Lopresti classifications of fractures of the calcaneum (Table I) (Essex-Lopresti, 1952; Rowe et al, 1963; Schmidt & Weiner, 1982). Prior to the CT examination a brief history and clinical examination was performed to establish a "disability score" for each patient in terms of a subjective assessment of pain and objective observation of a limp and presence or absence of tenderness and motion of the hindfoot (Table II). High resolution CT of the hindfeet was performed on a Siemens DRH whole-body scanner in both coronal and axial planes (Smith & Staple, 1983). Contiguous slices of 4 mm from the tuberosity posteriorly to the calcaneocuboid joint anteriorly (coronal) and from the talus superiorly to the plantar fascia inferiorly (axial) were viewed on bone and soft tissue window settings. The CT examinations were subsequently reviewed and observations regarding bone and soft tissue changes The British Journal of Radiology, December 1990

CT assessment of old calcaneal fractures Table II. Disability score Pain Absent Mild Moderate Severe

Tenderness = 0 Absent = 1 Present =2 =3


= 0 Absent = 1 Present

Hindfoot mobility = 0 Normal =0 = 1 Reduced = 1 Absent =2

Score: Normal = 0, Max. disability = 7.

recorded. The bone changes included identification of the site of the fracture(s), current state of healing, degree of calcaneal compression, post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the subtalar joints, lateral spur formation and calcaneofibular abutment. The position and the appearance of the tendons and tendon sheaths around the hindfoot were also noted. On CT of the hindfoot a normal tendon appears as a homogeneous, well defined, round density of higher attenuation than muscle and it is accentuated by the surrounding fat. The following tendon abnormalities were looked for on CT: firstly, chronic tenosynovitis indicated by a halo of fluid distending the synovial sheath surrounding a tendon; secondly, post-traumatic stenosing tenosynovitis indicated by the presence of scar tissue obliterating the normal fat around the tendon; thirdly, chronic partial ruptures seen as increase in girth of the tendon with heterogeneous areas of decreased density within the substance of the tendon itself; fourthly, a complete tendon rupture detected as absence of a portion of the tendon with the defect replaced by either fat or fluid (Rosenberg et al, 1988a). The CT findings were correlated with the patients' respective mean disability score as were measurements of calcaneal depression, coronal and axial splaying, sustentacular depression and reduced angle and Bohler's angle (Seltzer et al, 1984). Results

A total of 73 old calcaneal fractures were identified in the 63 patients attending for CT examination (31 right, 22 left and 10 bilateral fractures). There were 47 male patients and 16 female with an age range of 12-85 years (mean 49.7 years). The CT examination was performed a minimum of 7 months after the original injury (range 7-300 months; mean 31.9 months). The plain film classification and incidence of the different types of calcaneal fracture in this study are summarized in Table I. For the purposes of this study the fractures involving the main posterior subtalar joints (Types 4, 5a and 5b) are categorized as the "intraarticular fracture" group even though some fractures of the anterior process (Type lc) involved the calcaneocuboid joint. Fifty-one (70%) were intra-articular (Types 4, 5a and 5b), and of the remaining fractures the tuberosity (Type la, 12.3%) and anterior process (Type lc, 9.6%) were the most common sites (Table I). Vol. 63, No. 756

Figure 1. Coronal CT: bone window. Left calcaneal fracture 13 months after injury showing ununited fracture base of sustentaculum.

Bone changes

The CT showed that all the non-articular fractures (Types la to 3) had fully healed apart from three cases involving the anterior process. In this subgroup of the Type 1 category the fragment of bone avulsed from the anteromedial wall of the calcaneum by the extensor digitorum brevis muscle remained ununited in the adjacent soft tissue. This feature, poorly shown on the anterior coronal images, was easily identified on the axial CT. In all but two cases the intra-articular fractures were shown on CT to have also united. The exceptions were two severely comminuted joint depression fractures (Type 5b) in which the degree of displacement of the lateral fragment prevented union with the base of the sustentaculum (Fig. 1). Four fractures in which CT had also been performed shortly following the injury showed that, despite marked comminution, further displacement of the bone fragments did not occur. Post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the posterior subtalar joint denoted by joint space narrowing and irregularity and a vacuum phenomenon was revealed on the coronal CT in 31 (61%) of the intra-articular fracture group (Figs 2a and 3 a). Loose bodies were identified in 12 (23.5%) cases (Figs 2a and 3a) and ankylosis of the posterior subtalar joint in four, of whom two had undergone surgery to arthrodese the joint (Fig. 3a). There was a spectrum of appearances from minor distortion of the calcaneum (Type 4) to marked depression and splaying (Types 5a and 5b). The flattening of the calcaneum was best demonstrated on the coronal CT (Figs 2a and 3a) whilst the splaying could be identified on both the coronal and axial images. Displacement of the lateral fragment and prominent lateral spurs were shown on the coronal CT to compromise the calcaneofibular space in 41 (80%) cases. The calcaneofibular distance was reduced in 25 (49%) cases (Fig. 2a) and obliterated with calcaneofibular abutment in 16 (31%) cases (Fig. 3a). The fracture line in 20 (39%) of the intra-articular fractures was shown to extend anteriorly into the calca927

S. A. Bradley and A. M. Danes

Figure 2. Coronal CT: bilateral calcaneal fractures 12 months after injury, (a) Bone window showing bilateral osteo-arthritis (OA) of the posterior subtalar joints, loose body formation and reduction of calcaneofibular space, (b) Soft tissue window showing subluxation of the peroneal tendons (1) with surrounding scar tissue on the left (2). The left flexor hallucis longus tendon is obliterated by scar tissue (3).

neocuboid joint and was only visible on the axial CT (Fig. 4). In several of the more severe examples impac-

surrounding fat plane by the encroachment of bone was considered to indicate entrapment of the tendon sheath

calcaneum resulting in incongruity of the calcaneocuboid joint (Fig. 4). The articular facets of the anterior and middle subtalar joints were involved in only one and two cases respectively.

14 (27.4%) (Fig. 2b) and dislocation in 10 (19.6%) (Fig. 3b). Structural abnormalities of the peroneal tendons were identified in 32 (62%) cases. In 14 cases abnormal scar tissue was present adjacent to or surrounding the tendon sheath (Fig. 6a). In eight casesfluiddistension of the synovial sheath producing a low density halo indicated chronic tenosynovitis (Fig. 6b). In a further eight cases there was enlargement of the tendon sheath containing heterogeneous low density areas indicating a

Soft tissue changes

The position of the peroneal tendons was shown to be normal on coronal CT in 19 (37%) of the intra-articular fracture cases. In a further seven (13.7%) cases the position was normal but the obliteration of the

Figure 3. Coronal CT: bilateral calcaneal fractures 5 years after injury, (a) Bone window showing severe OA of the left posterior subtalar joint with loose body formation, non-surgical ankylosis on the right and bilateral calcaneofibular abutment, (b) Soft tissue window showing bilateral dislocation of the peroneal tendons (arrowed). 928

The British Journal of Radiology, December 1990

CT assessment of old calcaneal fractures

Figure 4. Axial CT: Bone window, (a) Left calcaneal fracture 42 months after injury showing splaying of the calcaneum, impaction and secondary OA of the calcaneocuboid joint, (b) Bilateral calcaneal fractures 39 months after injury with calcaneal splaying and impaction of the calcaneocuboid joints.

chronic partial rupture (Fig. 6c) of the tendon. Absence of a portion of the peroneus brevis tendon owing to a complete rupture was present in two cases (Figs 7a and 7b). Scar tissue surrounding the medial tendons was iden-

tified in five cases, affecting the flexor hallucis longus sheath in four (Fig. 2b) and the tibialis posterior in one. There was bony encroachment on the flexor hallucis longus sheath in two cases although the tendons remained normal and in one case the sheath was replaced by low density soft tissue owing to complete rupture of the tendon. Wasting of the abductor digiti minimi muscle was evident in 16 (32%) cases (Fig. 7c). The position of the peroneal tendons was most accurately assessed from the coronal CT but the structural changes were often easier to identify on the axial images. The appearance of the medial tendons and abductor digiti minimi muscle was best seen on the coronal images. Disability score

Figure 5. Coronal CT: soft tissue window. Right calcaneal fracture 3 years after injury showing entrapment of the peroneal tendons between the lateral malleolus and lateral calcaneal spur (arrowed). Vol. 63, No. 756

The mean disability scores (MDS) (Fig. 2) for the various types of calcaneal fracture are illustrated in Fig. 8a. The more minor the fracture the lower the MDS whereas the intra-articular fracture group had the highest MDS of 3.4. For this latter group there was no relationship between the MDS and the time elapsed since the injury (Fig. 8b). The MDS for those cases with and without various abnormalities identified from the CT are shown in Fig. 8c. It should be noted that the disability score is not a true linear scale. The MDS for the intra-articular fractures with struc929

S. A. Bradley and A. M. Davies

Figure 6. (a) Coronal CT: soft tissue window. Left calcaneal fracture showing scar tissue around the peroneal tendons (1) and a vacuum phenomenon in the posterior subtalar joint, (b) Coronal CT: soft tissue window. Left calcaneal fracture showing fluid around the peroneal tendons indicating chronic tenosynovitis (2). (c) Axial CT: soft tissue window. Left calcaneal fracture showing increased girth and decreased attenuation of the peroneal tendons indicating a partial tear (3).

tural abnormalities of the peroneal tendons was 3.7. Further analysis of this group shows that those cases with CT evidence of either chronic tenosynovitis or a chronic partial tendon rupture had an MDS of 3.0 whereas those with scar tissue around the tendon sheath had an MDS of 4.9. There was little correlation between the MDS and depression and splaying of the calcaneum and depression and reduction of the sustentacular angle from direct CT measurements. Ten of the intra-articular fracture group had undergone some form of surgery within a short time of the original injury. The MDS of the surgical group was 3.8 as opposed to 3.6 of the conservatively treated patients. Discussion

Calcaneal fractures almost invariably occur as a result of a fall from a height. For this reason, the injury is commoner in men. In women the average age of incidence of these fractures is greater and the severity of the fall often appears relatively minor. Several of the elderly women in this study had sustained a calcaneal fracture 930

after tripping over a single step and in this situation it is the weight of the patient and postmenopausal osteoporosis that are the more important factors. In order to appreciate the value of CT in the assessment of acute and chronic fractures of the calcaneum it is necessary to understand the basic fracture patterns and to have a sound knowledge of the normal CT anatomy of the hindfoot (Heger & Wulff, 1985; Solomon et al, 1986; Cronier et al, 1988). CT has little place in the evaluation of extra-articular fractures of the calcaneum (Segal et al, 1985) apart from Type 3 fractures (Fig. 1) where, on occasion, it may be difficult to determine whether the fracture is truly extra-articular from the plain radiographs alone. In the acute phase coronal CT will adequately demonstrate the involvement of the posterior articular facet and calcaneal depression with calcaneofibular abutment but, without either axial CT or axial reformatting of multiple thin coronal slices, involvement of the calcaneocuboid joint will be overlooked. It is not the purpose of this study to examine acute calcaneal fractures although the underlying fracture pattern can still be deduced from the CT months or The British Journal of Radiology, December 1990

CT assessment of old calcaneal fractures

Figure 7. (a) Coronal CT: soft tissue window showing scarring adjacent to the lateral malleolus, low attenuation in the location of the peroneus brevis tendon (1) and a normal peroneus longus tendon, (b) Axial CT: soft tissue window of same case as (a) showing low attenuation just anterior to the peroneus longus tendon indicating a complete rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon (2). (c) Coronal CT: soft tissue window of left calcaneal fracture showing wasting of the abductor digiti minimi muscle (3).

years later even after healing. There are numerous reports of the value of CT in the acute phase (Guyer et al, 1985; Heger et al, 1985; Gilmer et al, 1986; Hindman et al, 1986; Rosenberg et al, 1987a; Heuchemer et al, 1988; Lowrie et al, 1988) but irrespective of whether patients undergo conservative or surgical management a significant proportion will be left with deformity and prolonged disability. Complications of healed intra-articular calcaneal fractures which may cause persistent pain include posttraumatic osteoarthrosis of the posterior subtalar and calcaneocuboid joints, peroneal tendon and medial tendon dysfunction and various nerve compressions/ entrapments (Guyer et al, 1985; Pablot et al, 1985; Zirna & Aquino, 1986). In this study of patients many months Vol. 63, No. 756

after sustaining a calcaneal fracture a crude, non-linear scale of the patients' current clinical condition was achieved using a disability score (Table II). As might be expected the more minor the fracture the lower the MDS (Fig. 8a). The presence of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis of the posterior subtalar joint (Figs 2a and 3a) and reduction or obliteration of the calcaneofibular space (Figs 2a and 3a) were both associated with a considerably higher MDS than those cases in which these features were absent (Fig. 8c). Similarly, involvement of the calcaneocuboid joint (Fig. 4), only visible on the axial CT, was also shown to be associated with a higher MDS (Fig. 8c). It is likely that these features are the direct cause of the increase in the MDS, although it is impossible to be certain, as they all occur with increasing frequency the more severe the fracture. In two cases the degree of disruption of the posterior subtalar joint resulted in ankylosis of the hindfoot (Fig. 3a). Despite the fact that it has long been recognized that one of the major long-term complications of intraarticular calcaneal fractures is injury to the peroneal tendons (Palmer, 1948; Essex-Lopresti, 1952) it is only relatively recently that CT has been applied to the identification of the position and structural changes of these and other tendons around the ankle and hindfoot (Rosenberg et al, 1986, 1987b, 1988a,b,c). Peroneal tendon injury may be inferred by lateral broadening of the calcaneum on plain radiographs or CT. Precise demonstration of the peroneal tendons requires the CT to be viewed on a soft tissue window setting. The alternative imaging techniques of peroneal tenography 931

S. A. Bradley and A. M. Davies


• • • •

• 1I •




• •


13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 37-48 49-60 61-72



A B C D E 0






MDS (c) Figure 8. (a) Mean disability score by type of calcaneal fracture, (b) Mean disability score by time since injury for the intra-articular fractures, (c) CT findings by mean disability score for the intra-articular fractures ( • , abnormality absent; ^abnormality present). A = osteoarthritis; B = reduced/ obliterated calcaneofibular space; C = fracture involving calcaneocuboid joint; D = subluxed/dislocated peroneal tendons; E = structural abnormality of peroneal tendons.

or magnetic resonance imaging will both reveal abnormalities of the peroneal tendons but the former is invasive and the latter expensive and not universally available. Subluxation or dislocation of the peroneal tendons (Figs 2b and 3b) was shown to be associated with a 932

higher MDS than in those patients with no displacement (Fig. 8c). This feature is commoner the more severe the fracture. Of particular interest was the fact that, in those cases with normally located peroneal tendons, obliteration of the surrounding fat plane by encroachment of the adjacent bone, thereby indicating entrapment (Fig. 5), was not associated with a higher MDS in comparison with those with a normal calcaneofibular distance, provided that there was no concommitant structural abnormality of the tendon itself. Therefore in a patient with chronic pain, a trapped but otherwise normal looking peroneal tendon may not be the cause of the persistent symptoms. Of greater significance than the location is the structural appearance of the peroneal tendons. CT has been shown to be accurate when correlated with surgical findings (Rosenberg et al, 1987b, 1988b,c). This study confirms the high incidence of abnormalities of the peroneal tendons following intra-articular fractures (Rosenberg et al, 1987b) even months and years after the original injury. Using criteria described by Rosenberg (Rosenberg et al, 1988a) 63% of the intraarticular fracture group in this series were shown to have structural abnormalities of the peroneal tendons. Four categories of abnormality were identified: chronic tenosynovitis (Fig. 6b), scarring or post-traumatic stenosing tenosynovitis (Figs 2b and 6a), chronic partial rupture (Fig. 6c) and complete rupture of the tendon (Fig. 7). Overall these categories were associated with a higher MDS. Scarring or post-traumatic stenosing tenosynovitis was a more significant finding than either chronic tenosynovitis or chronic partial rupture. The highest MDS of 5 in this category was found in the presence of complete rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon (Fig. 7) but was present in only two cases. Similar abnormalities were identified affecting the medial tendons of the hindfoot, but because of the relatively small number involved and the coexistence in these cases of other bone and soft tissue changes, the influence of these abnormalities on the patients' respective disability scores is uncertain. The site of the plantar nerves medially and the sural nerve posterolaterally can be demonstrated on CT (Solomon et al, 1986) but because of their small size precise localization is difficult. Nevertheless possible nerve damage may be inferred when marked splaying of the calcaneal fracture obliterates the normal fat planes at the site of one or other nerves. Injury to the lateral plantar nerve could be responsible for the wasting of the abductor digiti minimi muscle, a previously unreported CT finding, seen in almost one third of the intraarticular fracture group (Fig. 7c). An alternative explanation for this appearance could be that comminution of the fracture resulted in disruption of the origin of the muscle from the lateral and medial processes of the calcaneal tuberosity. The degree of disability being proportional to the severity of depression and comminution of the calcaneal fracture is a familiar concept. In this study, however, there was little correlation between the MDS and direct The British Journal of Radiology, December 1990

CT assessment of old calcaneal fractures

CT measurements of calcaneal depression, splaying and alterations of the sustentacular angle. Failure to confirm this relationship may be due in part to the crude nature of the clinical assessment or to bias in patient selection. It is likely that the majority of the two thirds of the original 188 patients who declined to participate in this study did so because they were symptom free. Many of those who did attend for the CT examination were undoubtedly motivated by persistent symptoms and therefore the results of the study should not be considered representative of the entire population of patients sustaining a calcaneal fracture. The fact that the MDS was higher in the group who had undergone some form of surgery than in those treated conservatively is more likely to be due to the severity of the fracture and not a reflection of the nature of the operation. Prolonged disability remains all too common after intra-articular calcaneal fractures irrespective of the mode of treatment. In these patients CT of the hindfoot allows accurate assessment of bone and soft tissue abnormalities prior to any remedial surgery. CT measurements of calcaneal deformity may be of value when comparing the results of operative correction (Frahm et al, 1989).

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Computed tomographic assessment of old calcaneal fractures.

Prolonged pain and disability are common complications of calcaneal fractures. A prospective study was conducted on the value of computed tomography (...
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