Cell Tiss. Res. 161,277--283 (1975) 9 by Springer-Verlag 1975

Correlations between Brain Catecholamines, Neurosecretion, and Serum Corticoid Levels in Osmotically Stressed Mallard Ducks (Anasplatyrhynchos) T. H. McNeill, J. H. Abel*, Jr., a n d G. P. Kozlowski Departments of Anatomy and Physiology-Biophysics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A. Received March 18, 1975

Summary. The effects of depleting brain catecholamines with a combined treatment of reserpine and a-methyl-p-tyrosine on serum corticosterone levels and release of immunoreactive neurophysin from the median eminence, in osmotically stressed and unstressed mallard ducks, were studied. Corticoid levels in salt loaded birds were more than three times that of unstressed birds. The combined treatment of reserpine and cr significantly decreased the concentration of brain monoamines in all experimental groups and raised serum corticoid levels in non-stressed birds to the same level found in the osmotically stressed animals. Immunoreaetive neurophysin in the zona externa of the median eminence was depleted in all birds subjected to either osmotic stress and/or reserpine treatment but not in unstressed control birds. These preliminary data indicate that catecholamines may exert an inhibitory influence on both ACTH release from the anterior pituitary and neurophysin from the median eminence and that these two events may in some way be interrelated in the duck. Key words: Neurosecretion - - Osmotic stress - - Serum corticoid levels - - Catecholamine depletion - - Anas platyrhynchos (Ayes).

Introduction The extra-renal salt secreting system of euryhaline birds is controlled i n p a r t by the hormones of the adrenal a n d anterior p i t u i t a r y glands (Holmes, 1972). F o r example, recent work i n the m a l l a r d duck has shown t h a t 15 m i n u t e s after a n i n t r a p e r i t o n e a l i n j e c t i o n of h y p e r t o n i c saline (Allen et al., 1975a), serum corticoid levels are significantly increased over nomstressed birds a n d t h a t the salt gland takes u p a n d specifically b i n d s large q u a n t i t i e s of t r i t i a t e d corticosterone (Allen et al., 1975b). I t is n o t yet k n o w n how or to what e x t e n t the b r a i n exerts control over this endocrine response. I n m a m m a l s , however, recent evidence has shown t h a t catecholamines p r o b a b l y have a n i n h i b i t o r y influence on the release of A C T H from the h y p o p h y s i s (Ganong, 1972; V a n Loon, 1973; Scapaginini et al., 1972a, b ; H6kfelt et al., 1972). This has n o t been d e m o n s t r a t e d to be the case for birds nor is there precise evidence i n either birds or m a m m a l s i n d i c a t i n g what the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) is, or where it is synthesized.

Send o//print requests to: Dr. John H. Abel, Jr., Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U.S.A. This research was supported by research grant no. GB33321 from the National Science Foundation. We wish to express our thanks to Howard Funk, research leader, Colorado Division of Wildlife, for the use of the State's fine animal facilities.


T.H. McNeill et al.

R e c e n t r e p o r t s from this l a b o r a t o r y , however, have shown t h a t t h e p a r a v e n t r i cular nucleus in t h e h y p o t h a l a m u s of t h e m a l l a r d duck is i n v o l v e d in t h e a d a p t i v e response to osmotic stress (Rhees et al., 1972), t h a t it is the site of d i r e c t corticoid feedback, t h a t it is r i c h l y i n n e r v a t e d b y m o n o a m i n e r g i c boutons, a n d t h a t it contains i m m u n o r e a c t i v e n e u r o p h y s i n as well as stainable n e u r o s e c r e t o r y m a t e r i a l (Abel et al., 1975). I n a d d i t i o n , stainable n e u r o s e c r e t o r y m a t e r i a l in t h e zona e x t e r n a of t h e a n t e r i o r m e d i a n eminence is r a p i d l y d e p l e t e d following t h e initiat i o n of osmotic stress a n d s t a y s d e p l e t e d in birds exposed to a h y p e r t o n i c saline e n v i r o n m e n t (Rhces et al., 1972). This p r e l i m i n a r y s t u d y was therefore, designed to d e t e r m i n e : 1) t h e influence of catecholamines oll t h e stress-induced rise in serum corticoid levels in t h e bird, 2) t h e effect of catecholamines u p o n t h e release of n e u r o p h y s i n from t h e zona e x t e r n a of t h e a n t e r i o r m e d i a n eminence, a n d 3) if t h e r e is a positive or n e g a t i v e correlation b e t w e e n these two responses.

Materials and Methods Thirty adult mallard ducks were administered 0.5% salt water ad libitum for one week and 1% salt water for a second week in order to activate the salt glands and pre-adapt the birds to osmotic stress (Rhees et al., 1972). The birds were taken completely off food, given fresh water and randomly divided into two groups : control (C), and depleted (D). The depleted group was pretreated with an intraperitoneal injection of 250 mg/Kg of a-methyl-p-tyrosine (Sigma) and 5 mg/Kg reserpine (Sigma) sixteen hours and four hours, respectively, before decapitation. This combined treatment has been shown to deplete monoamines from the central nervous system (Carr and Moore, 1968). In order to study the effects of short term osmotic stress on corticoid levels, half the birds in each group (5 birds) were administered an intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 20% salt water (20 ml/100 g body weight), and the other half an equal volume injection of isotonic saline. The birds were decapitated 20 minutes later, the trunk blood collected, and the brains quickly removed. The cerebellum, brain stem, optic lobes, and cerebral hemispheres were dissected from the brain leaving the diencephalon. Two brains from each group were placed in Bouin's fixative for eighteen hours, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned at 6 tzm on a rotary microtome. The remaining brains were wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in a Dewer flask containing liquid nitrogen. Serum blood samples were frozen and stored for quantitative measurements of corticoid content using the CBG protein assay of Murphy (1967). Neurophysin was localized using the immunocytochemical technique of Zimmerman and co-workers (1973b). Brain catecholamines were determined by a modification of the fluorometric assay of Anton and Sayre (1962). Results I n control birds, t h e i n t r a p e r i t o n e a l injection of h y p e r t o n i c saline induced g r e a t e r t h a n a threefold increase ( p < 0 . 0 1 ) in serum corticoid levels c o m p a r e d t o t h e isotonic-injected controls (Fig. 1). H y p o t h a l a m i c catecholamine levels in these two groups of birds d i d n o t differ significantly from each o t h e r (Fig. 2). W i t h reserpine a n d ~ - m e t h y l - p - t y r o s i n e t h e serum corticosterone levels in t h e o s m o t i c a l l y stressed birds were similar to those found in t h e o s m o t i c a l l y stressed controls. H o w e v e r , in unstressed birds t h a t received the m o n o a m i n e d e p l e t i n g drugs, t h e serum corticoid levels were t h r e e times g r e a t e r t h a n in non-stressed controls a n d were n o t significantly different from either t h e d r u g t r e a t e d stressed or control stressed groups. Thus, t h e d e p l e t i o n of b r a i n catecholamines i n d u c e d a rise in serum corticoid levels in unstressed birds similar to w h a t is observed

Catechotamines, Neurosecretion, and Serum Corticoid Levels in the Duck












E "D






Fig. 1. Effect of catecholamine depletion and salt stress upon corticoid levels in the serum. C N S control nonstress, CS control stress, D N S depleted non-stress, D S depleted stress



0 I m h o C







0 z










Fig. 2. Effect of reserpine (5 mg/kg) and a-methyl-p-tyrosine (250 mg/kg) on catecholamine levels in duck hypothalamus

n o r m a l l y o n l y in birds p l a c e d u n d e r intense osmotic stress. B r a i n levels of catechola m i n e s in b o t h t h e stressed a n d non-stressed groups which received reserpine a n d :r were significantly decreased ( p ~ 0 . 0 1 ) when c o m p a r e d


T.H. McNeill et al.

Fig. 3. (A) Anterior median eminence of control non-stressed group. Neurophysin is localized in both zona interna (ZI) and zona externa (ZE). In the zona externa it is distributed between the portal capillaries (~) • 380. (B) Anterior median eminence from the depleted non-stressed group pretreated with reserpine and u-methyl-p-tyrosine. There is a loss of immuno-reactive neurophysin (~) between the capillaries of the zona externa. • 380

to the control non-stressed birds, but were not significantly different from each other. I n the anterior median eminence of the non-stressed control birds, both the fibrous layer of the zona interna and the palisade layer of the zona externa possessed a b u n d a n t immunoreactive neurophysin (Fig. 3a). Neurophysin in the palisade layer was predominately distributed between the capillaries of the porta] plexus. I n contrast, in the osmotically stressed birds t h a t received no drugs as well as in both the stressed and unstressed monoamine depleted groups, neurophysin was substantially depleted from the palisade layer of the median eminence. A correlation may, therefore, exist between the release of neurosecretory material into the portal vessels of the hypophysis and the stress induced rise in serum corticoid levels. A direct connection between these two events has yet to be proven, but the d a t a presented here makes such a hypothesis tenable. Discussion

The preliminary results obtained in this s t u d y on the pharmacological manilation of catecholamines indicate t h a t brain monoamines probably exert an inhibitory influence on the stress-induced rise in serum corticoid levels in the duck similar to what has been observed in mammals (Ganoug, 1972; Scapagnini et al., 1972; Van Loon etal., 1973).

Catecholamines, Neurosecretion, and Serum Corticoid Levels in the Duck


The fact that catecholamine levels do not change in osmotically stressed animals not treated with drugs seems at first to be inconsistent with this hypothesis. However, in mammals, stresses such as immobilization also induce no change in brain norepinephrine levels (Corrodi et al., 1968) even though stress of all types is known to increase the turnover of norepinephrine (Gordon et al., 1966; Thierry eta[., 1968; Javoy, 1968; Fuxe, 1968). Thus, in the undepleted but osmotically stressed ducks norepinephrine (NE) release is probably quickly compensated for by N E synthesis resulting in no significant net change. The depletion of neurophysin from the zona externa of the anterior median eminence in both osmotically stressed and catecholamine depleted birds also appears to be highly significant with respect to the adaptive response to osmotic stress. Neurophysin has been localized principally in the supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the duck brain (Abel et al., 1975). Of these two nuclei, the PVN is by far the larger and more prominent. Thus, it is possible that much of the neurophysin within the zona externa of the median eminence originates in the neurons of the PVN although direct connections have not yet been discerned. In birds, the PVN has classically been associated with osmoregulation through the production and secretion of vasotocin (Kawashima et al., 1964). However, this m a y not be its sole function. Recent evidence from this laboratory has shown that the PVN undergoes a marked hypertrophy during osmotic stress (Rhees et al., 1972), that it is a direct site for corticoid feedback within the brain, and that both the small and large neurons of this nucleus contain neurophysin and are richly innervated by monoaminergic nerve terminals (Abel et al., 1975). In addition, m a n y investigators have found synapses between the neurosecretory perikarya and monoaminergic boutons (Peterson, 1965; Palenov et al., 1966), as well as high monoamine oxidase activity (Urano, 1968; Kobayashi et al., 1969). Since the zona externa of the median eminence in the duck exhibits, at best, sparse amine fluorescence (Calas et al., 1974), one must assume that the monoaminergic control of neurosecretion occurs principally at the level of the perikarya (Sharp and Follett, 1970; Warren Soest etal., 1973). Both neurophysin and aldehyde-fuchsin stainable material are observed in large amounts within the hypophyseal portal vessels shortly after the initiation of osmotic stress (unpublished data) indicating that neurophysin with its associated polypeptide probably does enter the adenohypophysis. What its effect here is, is still totally unknown. Considering, however, that, in mammals, ACTH release, NE turnover and stress are strongly correlated and that pressor substances are known to potentiate ACTH release (Ganong, 1963; Mangili, 1966; Javoy, 1968; Fuxe, 1970; Gold et al., 1967; Zimmerman et al., 1973a), we hypothesize that there is a direct correlation between the release of neurophysin into the hypophyseal portal vessels and the stress induced rise in serum corticoid levels.


Abel, J. H., Jr., Takemoto, D., Hoffman, D. L., McNeill, T. H., Kozlowski, G. P., Masken, J. F., Sheridan, P. : Corticoid uptake by the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus of the duck, Arias platyrhynchos. Cell Tiss. Res. 161,285-291 (1975)


T . H . McNei]l et al.

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Correlations between brain catecholamines, neurosecretion, and serum corticoid levels in osmotically stressed mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos).

The effects of depleting brain catecholamines with a combined treatment of reserpine and alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine on serum corticosterone levels and re...
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