

J. Neural Transmission 45, 35--42 (1979)


9 by Springer-Verlag 1979

Secretory Activity and Histoenzymological Characteristics in the Subcommissural Organ o f H o r m o n e - I n j e c t e d D u c k s , Anas fl/atyrhynchos

J. Ziegels Laboratory of Neuroanatomy, University of Liege, Belgium With 1 Figure Received February 10, 1978

Summary Gonadotrophin and gonadal hormone injections performed on male ducks induce some changes in the activity of the subcommissural organ (SCO). Particularly LH, FSH and testosterone propionate injections are followed by a depletion of secretory material accompanied by increased activities of investigated dehydrogenases and acid phosphatase in SCO cells.

Introduction In a previous paper (Ziegets, 1976) reviewing data on the vertebrate subcommissural organ (SCO), we concluded that it would be interesting to study the relationship between the SCO and the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system. The SCO is considered as part of the epithalamo-epiphyseal system and since the epiphysis has been shown to be involved with gonadal function, we chose to investigate the effects of injections of hypophyseal hormones of the gonadotrophin type and of gonadal hormones on the secretory activity and histoenzymological characteristics of the subcommissural organ. 3':"

0300-9564/79/0045/0035/$ 01.60


J. Ziegels: Material and Methods

1. Material Thirty eight months old male ducks, Anas platyrhynchos L., are divided into six groups of five ducks each. They are injected daily, intramuscularly in the posterior limb, for five weeks (during the month of February and the first week of March). During the first three weeks, they receive: First group: control group: 0.2 ml oil. Second group: LH: 1000 IU HCG (LH activity); Primogonyl Schering1 in 0.2 ml oil. Third group: FSH: 200 IU PMS (FSH activity); Anteron Scbering1 in 0.2 ml oil. Fourth group: Testosterone propionate (TP): 10 mg in 0.2 ml oil. Fifth group: Progesterone (P): 10 mg in 0.2 ml oil. Sixth group: EstradioI rnonobenzoate ('EM): 1 mg in 0.2 ml oil. During the last two weeks, injections are administered as before but the third group receives 1000 IU PMS (FSH activity) instead of 200. Finally, 10 days before being sacrificed, the ducks are injected with large doses of hormone, i.e. for each duck: 5000 IU LH, 5000 IU FSH, 50 mg TP, 50 mg P or 5 mg EM in 0.5 ml oil, respectively for the birds of the second, third, fourth, fiith and sixth groups. The ducks of the first control group receive 0.5 ml oil.

2. Methods The SCO of each of the 30 ducks is analysed by the following techniques. Gomori's paraldehyde-fuchsine staining method is used to visualize the secretory material in the SCO. Histoenzymological methods, according to Gerebtzoff and Brotchi (1966) and Gerebtzoff (1970), are performed on fresh quickly frozen tissue samples for the demonstration of the activities of the following enzymes: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (DH) (pentose shunt), lactate D H (glycolysis), isocitrate D H (Krebs's cycle), glutamate and succino-semialdehyde D H (amino acid metabolism). Standard incubation media contain Tetranitro Blue Tetrazolium as H + acceptor. Barka and Anderson's (1963) technique for the demonstration of acid phosphatase activity is also applied.


1. Effects on the Secretory Material Following hormone injections, quantitative changes in the secretory material, as well as changes in its distribution throughout the 1 Schering: Etablissements M.V.R. Coles, Diegem, Belgium.

Subcommissural Organ of Hormone-Injected Ducks


cell, are evident. It is less abundant in LH, FSH and testosterone injected ducks. In estradiol treated birds some depletion is also observed, while in progesterone injected ones the secretory material appears nearly as abundant as in control ducks. Fig. 1 gives an idea of its distribution in each group.

Fig. 1. Secretory material in the SCO of: a control ducks; b LH injected ducks; c FSH injected ducks; d testosterone injected ducks; e progesterone injected ducks; f estradiol injected ducks. • 350


J. Ziegels:

2. Effects on Enzyme Activity In the adult male duck, the SCO presents varied histoenzymological patterns. Enzyme activities are sometimes randomly distributed within the cells (succino-semialdehyde DH), sometimes particularly intense in some cellular area as the apical border (succinate DH, glutamate DH, acid phosphatase), the supranuclear region (fast migrating isoenzymes of the lactate DH, isocitrate D H with NAD or NADP as coenzymes, glucose-6-phosphate) or the per• zone (slow migrating isoenzymes of the lactate DH). Following hormone injections we observed some changes in the intensity['bf the preceeding reactions, but no change in the distribution pattern of these enzyme activities. Afker LH, FSH or testosterone propionate injections, most of the enzyme activities are increased. The others are of the same intensity level as the controls. Atker progesterone injections most activities are not altered. In the case of estradiol monobenzoate injections, activities are modified, increased or diminished. These results are gathered in Table 1. T a b l e 1, Enzyme activities A. in the control ducks and after hormone injec-

tions; B. LH: Iuteinizing hormone; C. FSH: follicle stimulating hormone; D. TP: testosterone propionate; E. P: progesterone; F. EM: estradioI monobenzoate Enzyme

A. Control B. LH



E. P



+ + + + + -4+ + +

§ +++ + + § + + ++ 4- + +++ ++

+++ ++ + + + + +++ + + + +++

+ § + • + ++ + ++ ++

+ ++ • • + + • + ++

++ +++ + + + + ++ + ++ §

IF, IS: isoenzymes of lactate D H : fast moving: IF; slow moving: IS. ISO NAD, ISO N A D P : isocitrate D H with N A D or N A D P as coenzyme. SDH: succinate DH. G-6-P: glucose-6-phosphate DH. G D H : glutamate DH. SSA: succino-semialdehyde DH. A.P: acid phosphatase. + : is considered the standard activity of the SCO of the controls. + + : increase of activity. + + + : interi~e increase of activity. + ; decrease of activity.

Subcommissural Organ of Hormone-Injected Ducks


D i s c u s s i o n and Conclusions

Physiological connections between the subcommissural organ and the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system were suggested by different authors (Legait, 1946; Arvy, Fontaine, and Gabe, 1955; Legait, 1955; Legait and Legait, 1956; Bergstr&n et al., 1962; Mautner, 1965; Sathyanesan, 1965; Shapiro et al., 1966; Miline et al., 1971; Miline, 1974; Miline and Devecerski, 1975). Some authors even reported the presence of releasing hormones such as TRH, LH-RH and somatostatin in the SCO (Dub6 et al., 1975; Kizer et al., 1976; Palkovits et al., 1976). We investigated here this relationship in the adult male duck by injecting hormones at a period during which the birds are not refractory to testosterone and normally have sexual activity (Benoit, 1935 a, b, 1938; Benoit and Assenmacher, 1951, 1955, 1959; Benoit et al., 1955). The results obtained demonstrate more particularly that the SCO has a certain sensitivity to gonadotrophins and gonadal hormones. Indeed when the level of these hormones is increased in the male duck a more or less intense depletion in secretory material and enhanced enzyme activities are observed particularly after LH, FSH and testosterone propionate injections. Depletion in secretory material is generally considered as a manifestation of an enhanced secretory activity (see, for instance, Lenys, 1965, on the base of caryometric measurements). Using autoradiographical techniques, Diederen (1972, 1973) observed a diminished secretory content in SCO cells of frogs whose Reissner's fiber has a greater growth indice. We applied histoenzymological techniques because this parameter could be interesting; it indeed reveals to have some phylogenetic interest (Ziegels, unpublished data). Enhanced D H activities indicate a higher degree of cellular activity, increased acid phosphatase activity may reflect a greater release of secretory material (Farquhar, 1969). At this stage of our investigation, we may not tell whether or not the SCO serves as a target organ for specific hormones. Some general effect mediated through the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system cannot be excluded. At this point we have to mention the work by Varano et al. (1977) who reported comparable observations in Lacerta after ACTH administration. However we have to keep in mind that the SCO may be directly accessible to these hormones since Some tritiated hormonal compounds have been found within structures protected by the blood-brain barrier (Pfaff et al., 1968; Zigrnond et al., 1972; Zigmond, 1975; Pfaff et al., 1976).


J. Ziegels:

A relationship between the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system, the epithalamo-epiphyseal and gonadal systems and the SCO is likely.

Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Dr. J. Balthazart of the Department of General and comparative Biochemistry for providing the material.


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Subcommissural Organ of Hormone-Injected Ducks


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J. Ziegels: Subcommissural Organ of Hormone-Injected Ducks

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Secretory activity and histoenzymological characteristics in the subcommissural organ of hormone-injected ducks, Anas platyrhynchos.

doumagor /V~ J. Neural Transmission 45, 35--42 (1979) i~mam~dan 9 by Springer-Verlag 1979 Secretory Activity and Histoenzymological Characteristi...
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