Electrocardiographic Acute Myocardial

Criteria for Diagnosis of Infarction in Childhood

Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD, J. Timothy Bricker, MD, and Arthur Garson, Jr., MD

Myocardial infarction (Ml), a common occurrence in adults, is generally considered to be rare in children. Electrocardiographic criteria for diagnosis of MI in adults are well known and accepted, but no general criteria exist for children. We report 37 autopsy-proved cases of transmural MI and electrocardiographic evidence of MI in 30 of these cases. A variety of conditions previously reported to produce “pseudo-infarction” are included in these cases of MI, ineluding myocarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and the cardiomyopathy of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Compilation of the electrocardiographic data in all patients allowed for the development of criteria for this diagnosis of MI in chiidhood, and inelude wide Q waves (>35 me) with or without Q-wave notching, ST-segment elevation (>2 mm), and prolonged QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc >440 ms) with accompanying Q-wave abnormalities. With use of these electrocardiographic criteria, an additional 3 patlents were subsequently diagnosed prospectively with MI and confirmed on autopsy. Pathologic evaluation confirmed the location of infarction predicted by the electrocardiograms in all 3 cases. (Am J Cardioll662369:164!5-1648)

yocardial infarction (MI) is among the most prevalent conditions in the United States, accounting for significant mortality and morbidity in adults. Diagnostic criteria for MI in adults have been established for electrocardiography, echocardiography, serum enzymes and radiopharmaceutical scans,‘3 but these criteria have either not been evaluated extensively in children or are not considereduseful. No diagnostic electrocardiographic criteria have been establishedfor MI in children. Fujiwara et al3 described the electrocardiographic findings of MI in Kawasaki diseasewith giant coronary artery aneurysms.Deep Q wavesor new-onsetQ wavesin the limb leads were considered indicators of MI and have subsequently been confirmed.4-6However, these findings appear to differ from that seen in childhood MI becauseof etiologies other than Kawasaki disease.The width of the Q wave, and not its depth, has been consideredto be the important diagnostic parameter in these disorders.4*7-10 QRS or Q-wave notching has been described in adults11-15 but is rarely noted in children.16 Notching has been shownto be both predictive of MI and the eventual outcomein adults,’ i but no definitive conclusionsregarding the value of Q-wave notching in the diagnosesof childhood MI have been formulated. The purpose of this study was to develop diagnostic electrocardiographic criteria for MI in childhood, including those secondary to congenital or acquired diseases.



From the Department of Pediitrics, Lillie Frank Abercrombie Section of Cardiology, and Institute for Molecular Genetics,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. Manuscript receivedJune 4,1991; revised manuscript receivedand acceptedFebruary 24,1992. Addressfor reprints: Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, Texas Children’s Hospital, 6621 Fannin, Houston, Texas 77030.

All autopsyspecimensfrom Texas Children’s Hospital (1952 to 1987) demonstrating transmural MI in patients aged 440 ms). 5. ST segment (Table II): Twenty-five tracings had leads with ST segment elevations >2 mm; 22 of these children had acute MI, whereas only 3 had nonacute MI. The lead most frequently abnormal was lead I (mean 4 mm). The elevation exceeded2 mm (and was therefore abnormal) in 12 of 37 patients (32%). Only lead III had ST segmentabnormalities (14 of 37, 37%). Theseelectrocardiographic criteria were usedto prospectively diagnose acute transmural MI in 6 patients (1 with critical aortic stenosis, 1 with anomalous left coronary artery, 1 with postoperativetransplant, 2 with myocarditis, 1 with pulmonary atresia-intact ventricular septum) who were later confirmed by autopsy to have MI. In addition, 30 tracings were reviewed from patients with each comparable diagnosis but without pathologic evidence of MI, except for anomalous left coronary artery in which only 10 cases without MI could be found. No abnormal Q wavesoccurred in comparable patients with anomalousleft coronary artery or Kawasaki diseasehaving no pathologic evidenceof MI. In patients with hypertrophied ventricles but no pathologic evidenceof MI (aortic stenosis,hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum), only deep Q waves were seen.No patient with comparable diagnosis but without pathologic evidence of MI had wide Q waves. DISCUSSION MI may occur in children with a wide variety of congenital and acquired cardiac diseases(Table III). These include congenital cardiac disorders with coronary artery abnormalities as well as those causing ventricular hypertrophy. In the latter, the areas of necrosis are thought to occur in those with the most severehypertrophy.*“,20-22The electrocardiographic and patho-

TABLE III Reported Causes of Myocardial Infarction Children: Classified by Pathophysiologic Mechanisms


Coronary artery occlusion Artentis Kawasaki disease* Coronary artery vasculitis Rheumatic carditis Systemic lupus erythematosus* Takayasu’s disease Periarteritis nodosa Transplant rejection* Coronary vasospasm Cocaine abuse Glue sniffing Migraine headache Thrombi/emboli to coronary artery Coronary artery thrombosis Intrauterine coronary artery embolism Mitral valve prolapse Lymphoma* Ventricular tumor Sickle cell disease Umbilical cord hematoma Thromboembolism from umbilical vein Thromboembolism from ductus venosus Thromboembolism from intrauterine renal vein thrombosis Infective endocarditis Hemophilia treated with unactivated prothrombin complex concentrates Coronary mural thickening with metabolic diseases or intimal proliferation disease Progeria Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Mucopolysaccharidosis Fabry’s disease Alkaptonuria Hurler syndrome Birth control pills/pregnancy Premature atherosclerotic heart disease Transplant coronary heart disease* Hyperbetalipoproteinemia Other Idiopathic calcification of the coronary arteries Blunt chest trauma Coronary artery stenosis/single coronary artery Surgical trauma Postoperative arterial switch (Jatene) procedure Disseminated intravascular coagulation Coronary hypopetfusion Congenital coronary artery anomalies Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery* Transposition of the great vessels Myocardial oxygen supply-demand mismatch Perinatal asphyxia* Cardiomyopathy* Critical congenital aortic stenosis* Myocarditis* Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum* Supravalvar aortic stenosis: Williams syndrome Coarctation of the aorta with/without Turner’s syndrome Hypoplastlc left heart syndrome Aortic thrombosis Erythroblastosis CongenItal cardiac disease Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection Congenital pulmonary stenosis (severe) Truncus alteriosus ‘Disorders associated with myocardial infarction in this report



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JUNE 15, 1992

Electrocardiographic criteria for diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in childhood.

Myocardial infarction (MI), a common occurrence in adults, is generally considered to be rare in children. Electrocardiographic criteria for diagnosis...
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