Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, 44, 1162.

@ Perceprual and Motor Skills 1977


TOinvestigate the relationship between eye color and personality, 91 male and 97 female students in three sections of introductory psychology were given the Eysenck Personality Inventory (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1963) and asked to state their eye color. Only white subjects who gave their eye color as blue, green, hazel, or brown were included in the sample. No significant differences were found. In particular Lester (1974) has predicted that blue-eyed people are extraverted whereas brown-eyed people are introverted. No support was found for this prediction for males ( t = 0.68, d f = 50) or for females ( t = 0.97, df = 49). Kent (1956) felt that green and hazel-eyed people were more disturbed than blue and brown-eyed people, but these groups did not differ in neuroticism (for the males, t = 0.66, df = 69; for the females, t = 0.92, df = 78). Lowe (1969) presented data to suggest that brown-eyed males were more disturbed than blue-eyed males whereas blue-eyed females were more disturbed than brown-eyed females. The present data were in the predicted direction but not statistically significant ( F = 0.97, df = 1/99). The males of different eye colors differed significantly in their Lie Scale scores, but eliminating subjects with high Lie Scale scores did not change the pattern of results. Brown-eyed males had the highest Lie Scale scores and hazeleyed males the lowest (F = 3.21, df = 3/87; respective means 2.8 and 1.1, standard deviations 1.4 and 0.9). The Lie Scale scores for the females were not significant but tended in the opposite direction (F = 1.40, df = 3/93) .I REFERENCES


& EYSENCK, S. The EysencR Personality Inventory. tional & Industrial Testing Service, 1963.

San Diego: Educa-

KENT,I. Human iris pigment. Canad. Psychiat. Assn. I . , 1956, 1 , 99-104. LESTER, D. A physiologic$ basis for personulity traits. Springfield: Thomas, 1974. LOW, C. Eye color and personality. Mankind Quart., 1969, 9, 178-187. Accepted May 13, 1977.

'An incidental finding was that the blue and brown-eyed females were more ectomorphic 0.05; respecthan the green and hazel-eyed females ( t = 2.24, d f = 95, rwo-tailed p tive means 13.06 and 12.85; standard deviations 0.45 and 0.43).

Eye color, extraversion and neuroticism.

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, 44, 1162. @ Perceprual and Motor Skills 1977 EYE COLOR, EXTRAVERSION AND NEUROTICISM DAVID LESTER Richard Stockto...
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