Management of Postoperative Complications Cardiovascular Disease and Volume Management Joseph A. Nicholas,


KEYWORDS  Postoperative complications  Cardiovascular disease  Geriatric fracture management KEY POINTS  Cardiovascular comorbidity is common with fragility fracture.  Perioperative hypotension is common and should be anticipated and prevented.  Perioperative cardiovascular medication management should be focused on preserving or improving intravascular volume status, avoiding tachyarrhythmias, and minimizing polypharmacy.  The potential benefits of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy must be balanced with the risk for postsurgical bleeding and transfusion.


Many patients who experience fragility fractures have high degrees of comorbidity that place them at risk for a variety of postoperative cardiovascular complications. In addition to any personal medical history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation, typical age-related changes to the cardiovascular system place older adults at risk for perioperative hypotension, coronary ischemia, and acutely depressed cardiac output. Although significant academic attention has been directed to quantifying preoperative risk of cardiovascular complications in the perioperative setting, less rigorous study has been done on how to best manage common postoperative cardiovascular complications. Nonetheless, substantial observational data from existing geriatric fracture centers can provide guidance on the prevention and management of cardiovascular complications in the postoperative setting.

Conflict of Interest: None to declare. Division of Geriatrics, Highland Hospital, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 1000 South Avenue Box 58, Rochester, NY 14610, USA E-mail address: [email protected] Clin Geriatr Med 30 (2014) 293–301 0749-0690/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.




Normal aging of the cardiovascular system results in physiologic changes1 that can significantly impact hemodynamic stability in the postoperative setting. In general, normal cardiovascular aging results in a less compliant and less responsive cardiovascular system with a higher propensity for hypotension, conduction system defects, and pulmonary edema (Table 1). These changes make extrapolating clinical data derived from studies of younger subjects problematic. Taken together, these changes impair the older adult from maintaining physiologic homeostasis in the face of acute stressors, including those commonly found in the perioperative setting, such as pain, anesthesia, and blood loss. This aging of the cardiovascular system also makes some chronically administered cardiovascular medications less well tolerated over time, and less well tolerated in specific settings. Because different patients have different degrees of physiologic aging and impairment, standardization of medication doses and administration protocols for cardiovascular medications is challenging. In addition to using protocols that respect these physiologic changes, frequent patient-specific clinical evaluation and reassessment is likely necessary to achieve optimal outcomes. CORE PRINCIPLES FOR POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT IN OLDER PATIENTS

In light of the significant physiologic differences between older adults with fragility fractures and the younger, more functional, and less comorbid study subjects on whom most existing perioperative clinical recommendations are based, extrapolating from most existing postoperative guidelines to this population is difficult and dangerous. Additionally, conflating the long-term benefits of some chronic cardiovascular therapies with the short-term risks and benefits of these therapies is not appropriate in the physiologically dynamic postoperative setting. Finally, older adults who are frail and have multiple comorbidities are at high risk for excessive diagnostic testing, numerous subspecialty consultations, polypharmacy, and iatrogenic harm when traditional single-disease guidelines are integrated into postoperative treatment plans. For these reasons, the most valid existing data to guide standard postoperative recommendations can be drawn from the observational experience of highperforming fragility fracture centers, most of which use geriatric comanagement as a cornerstone of their programs. In general, these programs have placed a high priority Table 1 Selected age-related cardiovascular changes Physiologic Change

Clinical Consequence

Decreased elasticity/increased stiffness of arterial system

LVH, isolated systolic hypertension, widened pulse pressure

Myocardial cell hypertrophy, dropout, interstitial fibrosis

Delayed ventricular relaxation, diastolic dysfunction, and heart failure Aortic valve calcification, sclerosis, and stenosis

Decreased responsiveness to b-adrenergic stimulation

Increased circulating catecholamines

Decreased sensitivity to baroreceptors, chemoreceptors

Increased circulating catecholamines

Loss of atrial pacemaker cells

Reduced resting heart rate Reduced maximal heart rate

Abbreviation: LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy.

Management of Postoperative Complications

on certain general strategies: avoidance of hypotension, pain control, avoidance of polypharmacy, and the prevention and treatment of delirium. Although most have not used or studied uniform strategies for specific cardiovascular comorbidities or complications, they do report lower rates of adverse outcomes. The major strategies that seem to be relevant for avoiding cardiovascular complications in frail older adults are as follows:  Anticipation of postoperative hypotension  Assurance of adequate intravascular volume  Judicious use of b-blockers and other antiarrhythmic/chronotropic drugs for selected patients  Cessation or dose attenuation for most chronic antihypertensive medications until patients show a need  Recognition of diuretic dependence when evaluating oliguria and volume status  Prevention of polypharmacy and excessive testing COMMON CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSES TO UNCOMPLICATED ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY

It is important for all care team members to understand the most common cardiovascular responses that occur in the perioperative setting. In general, significant drops in blood pressure can occur on induction of either general or regional anesthesia, and may require intraoperative fluids and vasopressor medications to attenuate.2 Postoperatively, exaggerated drops in blood pressure can be expected when patients are upright or participating in therapy. Lastly, multiple neurohumoral stress responses lead to water and salt conservation, oliguria, and expansion of the intravascular and extravascular volume, much of which may be necessary to maintain postoperative blood pressure and cardiac output.3 This can also result in transient hyponatremia related to antidiuretic hormone secretion.4 In short, geriatric patients should be expected to require hydration and a positive fluid balance in the immediate postoperative period, and to be able to tolerate a natural or pharmacologically induced diuresis once the effects of anesthesia and acute blood loss have subsided. COMMON CARDIOVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS AND STRATEGIES

In the absence of large and rigorous trials evaluating specific postoperative strategies for older patients with fragility fractures in the postoperative setting, current practice is best informed through applying the strategies used in current geriatric fracture centers that report good overall outcomes. In general, care has focused on hemodynamic stability, early mobility, and symptom control, rather than strict adoption of diseasespecific treatment guidelines for these conditions (Table 2).5 Hypotension

Hypotension is a common consequence of physiologic stress on the older adult, and should be anticipated in the postoperative setting.6,7 In addition to the physiologic aging of the cardiovascular system described previously, many other predictable factors contribute to postoperative hypotension, including prolonged anesthetic effects (seen in general and regional anesthesia techniques), opiate effects (parenteral and enteral administration), acute blood loss, and poor oral intake of fluids. Many cardiovascular medications can contribute to hypotension and impair appropriate neurocardiovascular compensation in this setting. Many noncardiovascular medications (sedatives, antiemetics) also produce hypotension as a side effect. For these reasons, even




Table 2 Chronic cardiovascular diseases and common postoperative strategies

Poor systolic heart function

Chronic Stable Disease Therapies

Common Postoperative Strategies

b-blockade Afterload reduction with ACE inhibitor or ARB

Continue b-blockade Holding or attenuating afterload reducing agents until stable blood pressure Holding aldosterone antagonists until metabolically stable Holding loop diuretics until stable anemia and renal function, and resumption of oral intake Volume administration with close attention to pulmonary status

Aldosterone antagonism Loop diuretics

Fluid restriction Hypertension

Multiple agents for goal SBP

Holding nonchronotropic blood pressure medications Allowing modest hypertension during admission Evaluating for orthostasis, treating to standing blood pressure goal

Secondary prevention of CAD

Antiplatelet agents (ASA, clopidogrel)

Resumption of ASA during postoperative period

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; CAD, coronary artery disease; SBP, systolic blood pressure.

long-standing cardiovascular medications and goals can be problematic in a typical postoperative course. Although a small number of these antiadrenergic medications (eg, b-blockers, clonidine) can have rebound phenomena when abruptly discontinued, many others, including calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and diuretics, can often be held or dose-attenuated without known adverse effects.8,9 In addition, preadmission antihypertensives that have not been continued in the postoperative period should not be resumed on discharge until the patient demonstrates an indication. Many patients will not be able to tolerate their presurgical medication regimen until they have resolved their postoperative anemia, stopped opiate therapy, and recovered from surgery. Atrial Fibrillation

New, recurrent, or uncontrolled atrial fibrillation can complicate the postoperative period. Contributors to the development of unstable atrial fibrillation include inadequate intravascular volume resuscitation, acute blood loss, poor pain control, or the abrupt discontinuation of chronic antiadrenergic agents or chronic opiate or benzodiazepine therapy.10 Alcohol withdrawal, myocardial ischemia, pulmonary embolism, and fat emboli syndrome should also be considered. Routine low-dose perioperative b-blockade may limit this complication but must be balanced against the risk of druginduced hypotension. Heart Failure and Volume Assessment

Intravenous fluid administration, cessation of diuretics, blood loss and transfusion, and myocardial stress can all contribute to the development of acute pulmonary edema in the postoperative period. Many classic physical examination findings (ie, rales, edema, elevated jugular venous pressure) and laboratory results (elevated

Management of Postoperative Complications

B-type natriuretic peptide [BNP]) have decreased specificity for detecting acute heart failure in the older adult, and must be taken into context when arriving at a diagnosis (Table 3).11,12 Serial BNP testing should be cautiously interpreted in light of normal biologic variation in results seen in stable patients.13,14 A trial of diuresis may be necessary to fully assess for a response to therapy. A new diagnosis of heart failure may warrant evaluations for ischemia, arrhythmia, or valvular disease, and echocardiography and cardiology consultation may be helpful in select patients. Urine output is often a centerpiece of postoperative volume assessment, but the significance of oliguria in the older adult can be confusing to medical and surgical providers. In the early postoperative period, oliguria is more likely to represent intravascular volume depletion, bleeding, or vasodilation, and can be managed with fluid or blood administration as indicated. Persistent oliguria despite an adequate trial of fluid replacement and evaluation for anemia may be caused by acute urinary retention as a result of prostatic hypertrophy, opiate therapy, or acute renal failure, or may reflect loop diuretic dependence in patients who have not yet resumed their home medications (Table 4). The presence of oliguria and subsequent administration of volume or diuretics require patient-specific decision making, and close reevaluation of hemodynamics, renal function, and pulmonary edema. Myocardial Ischemia

Clinically detected myocardial infarction in the postoperative period occurs in fewer than 1% of patients who have experienced a hip fracture,15,16 although a higher incidence can be seen with more routine trending of biomarkers.17 Whether many of these reported events either represent a conventional myocardial event or reflect physiologic stress in the frail patient is unknown. Cardiac biomarkers, including creatinine kinase (total and MB fraction) and cardiac-specific troponin levels, can be elevated without ongoing myocardial ischemia,18 because of traumatic muscle damage and renal insufficiency, respectively. Other than minimizing physiologic stress and instability, routine low-dose b-blocker administration in patients with adequate blood pressure may offer some additional protection, although relevant interventional studies are limited.19 Perioperative elevation in myocardial enzymes is a marker for increased mortality at 6 months.20 Patients with recently placed cardiac stents on dual antiplatelet therapy should be managed in consultation with cardiology; in general, dual antiplatelet therapy is continued21 even in the perioperative setting until 6 weeks (for bare metal stents) to 6 months (for drug eluting stents) after stent placement, as long as bleeding is not severe. Table 3 Selected heart failure symptoms and findings in older adults Symptoms and Findings

Common Geriatric Conditions Other Than Left Heart Failure


Venous insufficiency Postoperative edema Venous thrombosis Cor pulmonale

Elevated jugular venous pressure

Pulmonary hypertension Cor pulmonale

Pulmonary rales, hypoxia, dyspnea

Atelectasis Pulmonary fibrosis Bacterial pneumonia




Table 4 Common causes of oliguria in the postoperative setting Common Causes of Oliguria Early postoperative period (48 h)

Urinary retention Diuretic dependence Renal failure Heart failure


Since the initial publication of data supporting the widespread use of b-blockers in the perioperative setting, several subsequent studies have suggested a more nuanced approach in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery, with many studies failing to confirm benefit.22–24 The cardioprotective benefits of b-blockade contrast with the risks of hypotension in the acute perioperative setting, particularly in frail patients with this physiologic tendency. No trials have been dedicated to studying the impact of b-blockers specifically, or postoperative blood pressure control in general, in patients older than 75 years. In the PeriOperative Ischemic Evaluation (POISE) trial,25 the largest randomized trial of perioperative b-blockade, patients older than 70 years and those with hypotension had increased rates of stroke and death. Additionally, acutely bleeding patients with hip fractures have a unique risk for exaggerated hypotension, and at least one retrospective analysis suggests that patients taking b-blockers do not tolerate surgical anemia as well as those who are not.26 Current American College of Cardiology guidelines recommend continuing chronic b-blocker therapy in surgical patients, and avoiding hypotension and bradycardia.27 A recent meta-analysis28 of secure randomized trials concluded that the risks of routine b-blockade outweighed any benefit in the general population, although this analysis was dominated by studies using relatively high doses of medications (metoprolol 100 mg) in b-blocker naı¨ve patients. Some geriatric fracture centers have reported low rates of cardiovascular complications using protocols that include low-dose b-blockade (metoprolol 25 mg).29 ACE Inhibitors

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have been associated with acute kidney injury in the postoperative setting in some studies,30,31 and some investigators advocate for routine cessation of ACE inhibitors/ARBs in the preoperative period.32,33 Although the long-term efficacy of ACE inhibition or blockade in managing chronic systolic cardiac dysfunction and diabetic nephropathy have been well established, use in the immediate postoperative period is likely complicated by impairment of renal compensatory mechanisms in the face of rapidly fluctuating intravascular volume status.34,35 Short-term cessation or dose attenuation in this setting is not known to cause harm, and likely prevents acute kidney injury in some patients. Calcium Channel Blockers

When used for rate control for chronic stable tachyarrhythmias, nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (eg, diltiazem, verapamil) may need to be continued in the perioperative setting. These benefits must be weighed against the risks of hypotension

Management of Postoperative Complications

and side effects, such as constipation and orthostasis. Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (eg, amlodipine, felodipine) should be held if hypotension is anticipated or demonstrated. Digoxin

Digoxin levels should be monitored during the postoperative period, particularly in the presence of fluctuating renal function or in patients with hypokalemia. Adverse effects of digoxin can been seen in older patients, even in those with serum levels within normal laboratory reference values; close monitoring for nausea, sedation, anorexia, and other signs of toxicity is necessary. Loop Diuretics (Furosemide, Torsemide, Bumetanide)

Unlike some other cardiovascular medications, chronic diuretic therapy typically cannot be stopped indefinitely. Loop diuretics are usually held in the immediate preoperative and postoperative period, until perioperative blood loss and intravascular volume have stabilized.36 Many older adults demonstrate diuretic-dependent urine production, and will remain oliguric, irrespective of intravascular volume status, until loop diuretics are resumed. Once resumed, close attention to renal function, weight, and pulmonary symptoms is necessary to ensure adequate dosing and tolerance. Aldosterone Antagonists (Spironolactone, Eplerenone)

No studies indicate a short-term benefit of continuing aldosterone antagonists or any harm associated with abrupt discontinuation. Aldosterone antagonists can interfere with renal compensatory mechanisms in the face of fluctuating intravascular volume status, and any use should be accompanied by routine electrolyte monitoring and evaluation for hemodynamic and metabolic stability. Antiplatelet Agents and Anticoagulants

No high-quality trials have quantified the risks and benefits of various anticoagulation strategies in the prevention of cardiac thromboembolic disease in the postoperative setting. Current guidelines21 are based on limited observational data and expert opinion, and are not specific for many frail, older patients who have experienced a fragility fracture. In general, aspirin for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease can be resumed in patients without significant ongoing blood loss in the postoperative period. The bleeding risks of acutely resuming more potent antiplatelet agents (eg, clopidogrel) or using full-dose anticoagulation (eg, heparin, vitamin K antagonists, novel anticoagulants) must be weighed carefully against the benefit of using these drugs in the short term.


Cardiovascular comorbidities and complications are common among older adults with fragility fractures. Postoperative care should be attentive to these conditions, and should anticipate the common issues of hypotension, fluctuating intravascular volume, arrhythmia, and heart failure. Most postoperative care plans should be guided by geriatric principles, including a focus on symptom control, avoidance of polypharmacy, and optimization of volume status. Many chronic medications may need to be temporarily held or dose-adjusted to produce optimal outcomes.





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Management of postoperative complications: cardiovascular disease and volume management.

Postoperative cardiovascular complications are common, predictable, and typically treatable in geriatric patients who have sustained fractures. Althou...
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