Beef Cattle Nutrition

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Nutritional and Dietary Interrelationships with Diseases of Feedlot Cattle

Bill Johnson, DVM*

The rumen was designed to convert roughage of variable quality into energy and protein using microbial fermentation, which can be then digested by the host. Economics have forced us to push this intricate process to the edge by feeding large quantities of high quality plant feeds that are processed to exploit this microbial fermentation to its full potential. Consequently, in our manipulation of this natural process, we have created metabolically related problems such as bloat, ruminal lactic acidosis, and sequelae to acidosis including mycotic rumenitis, hepatic abscesses, and caudal vena thrombosis and pulmonary arterial thromboembolism. It's not clear whether feedlot feeding practices are involved in the pneumonic condition, acute bovine pulmonary emphysema.

RUMINAL LACTIC ACIDOSIS Ruminal lactic acidosis, rumen overload, grain overload, acidosis, and lactic acidosis are synonyms describing a condition in ruminants that results in an overproduction of lactic acid in the rumen due to the overingestion of highly fermentable starches. 2 Clinically, the condition is the result of a combination of separate but interrelated events. Ruminallactic acidosis is a summation of the effects of the overingestion of rapidly fermentable starches that result in rapid overproduction of lactic acid and increased concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA), which are accompanied by ruminal atony, increased ruminal osmolality, and decreased salivation. Depending on severity, the absorbed lactic acid and VFA may cause a metabolic acidosis and the increased ruminal osmolality can cause dehydration. *Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists; Pathologist, California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System, University of California, Davis, California Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice-Vol. 7, No.1, March 1991




The rumen typically functions at a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. 2 Usually the fast amylolytic (starch splitting) fermentation will occur at the lower end of the pH range. This type of fermentation is common in the feedlots because concentrates and high quality roughages are used. Cellulolytic fermentation (more common with pasture grasses) occurs at a higher pH. The total VFA produced are low with cellulolytic fermentation and higher with amylolytic fermentation. 21 Normally, a rumen's lactic acid is produced slowly, with metabolism easily keeping pace with production. The ingestion of highly fermentable grains results in more amylolytic fermentation and also results in a population shift of ruminal bacteria. This new bacterial population, which includes high numbers of Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus spp., uses the overabundant carbohydrates to cause a rapid overproduction of lactate. 9 Amylolytic fermentation also results in increased production of VFA, which contribute to reducing the ruminal pH. The lactic acid is the dominant force, being 10 times stronger than VFA.9 However, VFA, especially butyric acid, play an important role in the development of metabolic acidosis because as the ruminal pH reaches 5, rumen stasis develops, due to what is thought to be butyric-acid stimulus of rumeno-reticular, epithelial receptors. 8 The rate of lactate absorption across healthy ruminal wall at a higher pH is slow. 21 As the ruminal concentrations of lactic acid increase and the ruminal pH decreases to 4, the absorption of lactate increases. 9 Absorbed lactate is metabolized by the liver. The L-Iactate isomer is easily metabolized while the D-Iactate isomer is difficult to metabolize. 9 In one study, the L-isomer was predominant, but as grain intake increased, the D-Iactate became the predominant isomer. 25 The rapid production of lactates quickly overrides the buffering capacity in the rumen. 21 In addition, the VFA (increased because of amylolytic fermentation) become more undissociated at the lower ruminal pH resulting in more rapid rumen absorption of the VFA. 21 The normal bicarbonate buffering capacity of the blood is quickly overwhelmed by the increased amounts of lactate and VFA in the circulation resulting in metabolic acidosis. 2 ,21 The by-products of fermentation cause the osmolality of the rumen to reach more than twice the normal value. 9 This increase in osmolality can result in a significant transfer of fluids from the plasma into the rumen, contributing to dehydration of an animal that is already becoming metabolically acidotic. The effects of the acidosis and dehydration, if left untreated, quickly lead to shock and death. The milder the episode of ruminal acidosis and the better the host's ability to buffer and metabolize these products, the less the animal is affected. Some animals may simply become inappetent and appear listless for a day or two followed by quick recovery. This is in contrast to the animal that staggers then lays with its head turned back into its flank. There are numerous factors that can trigger or contribute to the development of ruminallactic acidosis. Typically it takes about 2 weeks for a microbial population to adapt from one food substrate to an-



other.28 When weaned, pasture-acclimated, young calves are introduced to the feedlot; the animal must be allowed to adapt to the low roughage, high concentrate feedlot ration in a slow incremental pattern. This allows the beneficial ruminal flora to adjust to this change in feed and at the same time remain as the predominant population. One proposed safe method is to start with a 50/50 mixture of milled roughage/grain ration as a starter for 7 -10 days. If no problems are noted, then decrease the amount of roughage by 10% every 2 - 4 days down to the level of 10-15% roughage in the ration. 2 The amount of concentrate needed to produce lactic acidosis is variable due to many factors, including condition of the animal, previous ration, how the feedstuff is processed (flaked, cracked, rolled), and the coarseness of the roughage in the ration. 9 ,28 Animals that are in poorer condition and acclimated to a low concentrate, high roughage diet are the most susceptible. 9 ,28 Feedstuffs that are processed to allow quicker fermentation in the rumen increase the risk of initiating ruminal acidosis. 9 In addition to these factors the ruminant's saliva has an important buffering effect. 2,32 When Utley et al fed steers 80% concentrate and 20% whole peanut hulls, only 3.7% of the steers had liver abscesses, but 56% had abscesses when hulls were ground and 59% had abscesses when hulls were pelleted. 32 It appears that the chewing time is an important factor in the amount of saliva produced. 6 ,32 Thus, as the percentage of concentrates in the ration increases and roughage decreases or is pelleted, the animal loses part of this natural buffering protection. Anyone of several different events that cause an interruption or change in routine eating habits can trigger a lactic acidosis event. In experimental work with singly housed animals, it is rare that the individual animal will overingest. 9 It appears that group competition and hierarchy play a role in feedlot cattle overingesting. 9 A breakdown in the feedmill or a truck-driver error may result in a particular pen feeding being missed. Subsequent delivery of the normal amount of feed for that pen will result in overconsumption by several in the pen. Any feeding interruptions like this can be particularly devastating if the pen contains animals of varying sizes, which allows for more feed to be ingested by larger, more aggressive individuals. If a bunk of feed gets wet, the animals may not ingest all of that particular feeding. When the bunks are cleaned out and fresh dry feed added, the rush and competition for feed may result in some ruminal acidosis cases. 2 Changes to a cooler temperature may cause some to over-indulge. 9 Putting dry hay in the bunks on top of concentrates may result in larger more aggressive animals filling up on hay while other animals later overload on concentrates. There are no definitive gross postmortem lesions seen in an animal whose death was caused by ruminal acidosis. Sloughing of the ruminal mucosa is a result of postmortem autolysis and not necessarily a result of acidosis or toxicity. Reddening under the ruminal mucosa is often misleading because it is common in a number of other conditions. Checking the pH of the rumen with a pH meter or pH paper within 2



hours of death is the best way of determining ruminal lactic acidosis postmortem. Typically, the ruminal pH is above 5.5 in feedlot animals on high concentrate. Ruminal pH values in lactic acidosis are often in the range of 3.9-4.5. 9 A pH below 5 is usually considered evidence of a ruminal acidosis. 2 However, interpretation of the ruminal pH in animals that have been dead for any length of time is difficult and less reliable. Limited clinical observations suggest that fermentation continues for awhile after death causing the pH to continue to decrease approximately one half of a pH unit. IS After a few hours, the fermentation rate will decrease and the ruminal pH will start to increase. In animals that have been dead for 4 to 12 hours, a ruminal pH between 4.9 and 5.2 is difficult to interpret with any certainty. Histologic sectioning of the ruminal mucosa can provide evidence of acidosis. Acidosis is one of the few conditions that cause a laminar ballooning degeneration and necrosis to the middle layer of the stratum spino sum of the squamous epithelium of the ruminal mucosa. IS Histopathologic examination of sections of ruminal mucosa can be used to help diagnose acidosis. However, because it may take from 24 to 48 hours to get a diagnosis back from a laboratory, clinical diagnosis usually rests with one~ s best judgment based on clinical signs, ruminal pH, lack of other findings, and pen history. Ruminal ionophores (monensin, lasalocid) have offered some protection for ruminal acidosis by controlling ruminal flora. 2 Generally, the ionophore antibiotics are effective against the growth of grampositive bacteria. Two such gram-positive bacteria are Streptococcus bovis and Lactobacillus spp., which are major lactate producers. It is believed that by controlling major lactate producers, the ionophores can help protect against clinical and subclinical acidosis. 2 ,23 In one study, salinomycin was more effective than monensin or lasalocid. 23 Addition of sodium bicarbonate to the rations of feedlot animals has been examined but the results are equivocal. While addition of bicarbonate to the beginning ration may help with adaption to the concentrate, it appears to have little effect later. 10 The best preventive may be a good understanding of the causes and physiology of ruminal acidosis coupled with sound management advice and monitoring.

CONSEQUENCES OF RUMINALLACTIC ACIDOSIS Animals that survive an episode of lactic acidosis may be subjected to long term effects that can result in poor performance and death. At slaughter there may be significant condemnation of livers due to hepatic abscesses. 3o Mycotic Rumenitis Ruminal acidosis results in large scale destruction of the ruminal mucosa which favors the growth of Mucoraceous spp. fungi. Degradation of the ruminal mucosa allows these organisms to invade the submucosa of the rumen wall. IS These fungal organisms have a predilec-



tion for arterioles, initiating a severe vasculitis with resulting thrombosis and infarction of the ruminal wall. Lesions may be so severe that there is complete transmural necrosis of the ruminal wall. Grossly, the rumen can have disseminated subserosal hemorrhage, lesions 2 - 8cm in diameter, or massive segments of the wall affected. The underlying mucosa is yellowish gray, often with an adherent, necrotic pseudomembrane. The devitalized ruminal mucosa allows entry of bacterial and fungal organisms into the ruminal wall and subsequently, into the portal blood. Use of thiabendazole, orally, after episodes of ruminal acidosis is thought to be partially effective in preventing mycotic rumenitis. Liver Abscesses The entry of bacteria across a devitalized ruminal mucosa following lactic acidosis results in establishment of small bacterial colonies in the ruminal wall. 26 Bacteria gain entry into ruminal vessels, sending bacterial emboli to the liver via the hepatic portal venous system. There the bacteria localize in the hepatic parenchyma with subsequent development of hepatic abscesses. 20,26 These liver abscesses are a concern of the slaughter plants. A 1982 study of feedlots in the Texas/Oklahoma panhandle, eastern New Mexico, southeastern Colorado, and southwestern Kansas recorded 39.4% of the livers condemned out of 56,658 cattle coming from 60 different feedlots. 22 The liver can account for approximately 2% by weight of the carcass, which can add up to a significant financialloss. 30 However, it is not the loss of the liver that is of greatest economic concern to the feedlot manager. A N ebraska study, looking at more than 2500 experimental cattle, revealed average daily gain to be depressed by 0.1 lb. in those cattle with hepatic abscesses. Other trials have shown poorer performances with abscessed cattle compared with healthy cattle. l l Fusobacterium necrophorum is the most common isolate, quite often in pure cultures. Some abscesses contain mixed populations of Corynebacterium pyogenes, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., or Bacteroides spp. often in conjunction with F. necrophorum. Of the three biotypes, A, Band C, of F. necrophorum, only biotypes A and B have been implicated in the disease. Type B is more common in ruminal wall abscesses, while biotype A is more common in liver abscesses. 14 A specific leucotoxin is liberated by F. necrophorum which enables this organism to colonize the liver parenchyma. 14 Prevention is aimed at controlling ruminal acidosis as much as possible. A second possibility is the use of antibiotics in the feed to stop the growth of the bacteria. Commonly used antibiotics are bacitracin, methylene disalicylate, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and tylosin. These antibiotics vary in effectiveness. 2o Cauda Vena Cava Thrombosis/Pulmonary Arterial Thromboembolism Infrequently, a hepatic abscess ruptures into the post cava, resulting in thrombosis of the vena cava and bacterial emboli showering the lung. These small pulmonary thrombi can develop into small abscesses



that erode the walls of the pulmonary arterioles. Since the pulmonary arterial system lies adjacent to the airways, erosion and rupture of the vessel wall can result in hemorrhage into bronchioles.12 Clinically, these animals may suddenly develop frank epistaxis, may blow bloody froth from the nostrils, or may cough up blood clots. These animals are usually in good flesh. The course of illness, once clinical signs of hemoptysis appear, is usually 100% fatal, and usually within 24 hours. 18,19 At necropsy, numerous small (0.5-2 cm) abscesses can be palpated bilaterally in all lobes of the lung. There are scattered lobules that are bright red due to aspirated blood. Clumps of clotted blood may be seen in the trachea and rumen. 12,16 Jensen found cauda vena cava thrombosis in 1.3%17 of 1998 yearling feedlot cattle necropsied. He found 40% to occur in the first 45 days of the feeding period and 28% in the next 45 days. 16 Since the condition is 100% fatal, the only alternatives are to try to control the incidence of hepatic abscesses or to salvage via slaughter as soon as clinical signs are noted. 29 BLOAT Neutralization of the fermentation products of ruminal starches by salivary bicarbonate results in the production of large quantities of gases (C0 2, CH2, N2). These gases are constantly eliminated by the eructation process. If unencumbered, this process is capable of handling any rate of ruminal gas production. 21 However, for eructation to take place, a normal sequence of events must occur. 35 In order for the cardia to open, the cardiac region of the rumen must be clear of fluid and froth. If not, an inhibitory reflex will override the stimulus for the cardia to open. 21 Bloat is usually recognized as either primary or secondary. Primary bloat is typically called frothy bloat due to the formation of large numbers of tiny, stable bubbles that occur in cattle on legume pastures and in feedlot cattle on high grain rations. Secondary ruminal tympany is due to large amounts of free gas in the rumen and failure of eructation. 3,31 When an outbreak of bloat occurs in a feedlot it is most often due to frothy bloat. 31 Individual repeat bloaters are more likely to have a problem with secondary bloat due to some type of mechanical or physiological problem (Le. esophageal blockage or ruminal atony}.21 Saliva has a natural mucin that acts as a surfactant to disrupt the formation of the tiny bubbles seen in frothy bloat. 31 As mentioned in the section on ruminal acidosis, the lack of roughage in a diet or the pelleting of the roughage will result in less saliva and therefore salivary buffers being produced, leaving the animals predisposed to frothy bloat. 32 Other contributory causes of foam in feedlot animals are not fully understood. Some bacteria such as Streptococcus bovis produce an insoluble slime that can entrap the gas bubbles of fermentation. 31 Also, the size of the grain particle being fed can affect the amount of froth and its stability. Fine particles (geometric mean particle size, 388 pm) have been associated with more froth than coarser particles (715 pm). 3



There is no clear prevention for feedlot bloat. Additives such as poloxalene, which break down the foam, are not as effective in feedlot bloat as they are on typical legume pasture bloat. 3 The ionophore, lasalocid, has shown some early promise as a bloat preventive in feedlot tests in Kansas. 31 Attention should be given to the amount of roughage in the ration and the coarseness of the roughage. If possible, less fermentable roughages such as grass hay should be used rather than leafy alfalfa hay. The addition of tallow to the ration has some promise but the results are equivocal. 3

ACUTE BOVINE PULMONARY EDEMA AND EMPHYSEMA (ATYPICAL INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONIA) Acute bovine pulmonary edema and emphysema (ABPE) is one of several terms denoting a pneumonia-causing acute respiratory distress with particularly labored expiration. Other names applied are atypical interstitial pneumonia (AlP), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) , fog fever, and acute bovine pulmonary adenomatosiS. 4,5,17,19,24,34 Pathologically, these lungs have combinations of the following: pulmonary congestion, edema, interstitial emphysema, alveolar epithelial hyperplasia, and hyaline membrane formation. 4 Grossly, lesions occur in any or all of the lung lobes. The lungs do not collapse when the thoracic cavity is opened. There is variable subpleural and interlobular emphysema (often bullous). The pleura is smooth and shiny with no fibrin present. The lungs are extremely heavy and wet. Lobules are reddened, have a rubbery texture and are separated by pale yellow interlobular edema. Emphysema may occur in the mediastinal tissue and occasionally subcutaneously.4,5,17,19,33 Early in the disease, before opportunistic bacterial infections cause a secondary bronchopneumonia, the animal's temperature is variable, ranging from 102.5 to 107 F.33 Part of the animal's elevated temperature may be dependent on the environmental temperature because respiration is the bovine's main source of temperature regulation. Severely affected animals stand with their heads down, necks extended and have open mouth breathing. These animals often die quickly. 19 There are several agents or mechanisms that can cause this set of changes therein complicating this respiratory condition. Grossly, this pneumonia could be linked with damage from hypersensitivity diseases (farmer's lung, milk allergy), 3-methylindole (from lush grass rich in L-tryptophan), parasitic diseases (Dictyocaulus viviparus), plants (moldy sweet potatoes, purple mint), and exposure to irritant gases and fumes (nitrogen dioxide, zinc oxide).4,5,19,24,34 In addition, the infectious pneumonia caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) can be grossly indistinguishable from any of the previously mentioned causes. 1 Microscopically, there are subtle differences that can be used to distinguish parasitic pneumonias, allergic pneumonias, and some BRSV pneumonias from the others. 1,4,5,26,27,34 Microscopically, the pneumonias caused by 3-methylindole, 4-ipomeanol from moldy sweet pota0



toes, and perilla ketones from Perilla frutescens (purple mint) can appear identical. 4 Breeze made the argument that ABPE should be used to describe only those animals that develop this pneumonic condition while grazing lush pastures. 4,5 In these instances the animals are usually adult cows and several are affected due to the ingestion of grasses rich in L-tryptophan. The L-tryptophan is converted in the rumen to 3-methylindole, which when metabolized by the mixed-function oxidase system is toxic to the lung. This condition is common in the United States and is most likely the same condition as fog fever in the United Kingdom. For the proposed renaming of these pneumonias see Breeze. 5 In the feedlots, a pneumonic condition, commonly referred to as AlP or ABPE, is seen in which the changes are the same as those previously described. The feedlot cases are sporadic; but still are a common cause of feedlot deaths. One study found a mortality from AIP/ABPE to be 0.498% in 18,633 calves and 0.107% in 58,990 yearling cattle during a 4-year period. The mean mortality for the groups was 0.62% and 0.35%, respectively.14 Another study found 106 yearlings (5.3%) of 1988 yearlings necropsied had AIP/ABPE.17 The cause of these pneumonias in feedlot cattle is often not determined. 33 It would be unlikely for feedlot cattle to gain exposure to the plant purple mint. Usually when calves get exposed to 4-ipomeanol from moldy sweet potatoes, several animals in the pen develop respiratory distress and die. It has been shown that feeding monensin to cattle prior to the ingestion of L-tryptophan will protect against the formation of the toxic agent, 3-methylindole. 13 Hjerpe indicated that he did not see a difference in morbidity and mortality from AlP/ ABPE in the feedlot even with the addition of 30 gm per ton monensin to the ration. 14 This in addition to the sporadic nature of the problem in the feedlot suggests that factors other than diet may be involved. One group found a higher incidence during summer and fall, suggesting that the problem may be triggered by dust. 17 Hjerpe saw no seasonal change in incidence in animals that were on slats with minimal exposure to dust.I 4 Recently, improved diagnostic procedures using immunoperoxidase histochemical techniques on formalin-fixed tissues have shown the presence of BRSV in cases that were previously labeled atypical interstitial pneumonia. 7 It may be that BRSV is responsible for more of these sporadic cases than previously diagnosed. The condition is basically caused by agents that destroy the thin, delicate, type I pneumoncytes that line the alveolar walls or by affecting the capillary endothelial cells in alveolar walls. The damage results in protein-rich Huid flooding the alveolus and is followed by proliferation of thicker type IT pneumonocytes to cover the damaged alveolus. Diffusion of oxygen across this larger alveolar epithelial cell is more difficult. The type II cells plus the alveolar edema inhibit oxygenation of the blood, causing the animal to become more and more hypoxic. The oxygen-starved animal gasps for breath, leading to rupture of alveoli and formation of emphysematous bulla. 24 At present there is no proven prevention for this condition as it



occurs in the feedlot. No single treatment regimen has proved entirely successful. Combinations of antibiotics, atropine, antihistamines, diuretics, corticosteroids, and epinephrine have been used.14·19.33 These animals are often so ill that any harsh handling will result in rapid death. It is important to submit pieces of lung from different lobes, fresh and fixed, to a diagnostic laboratory to make sure the problem is not due to one of the preventable causes such as BRSV or parasites.

SUMMARY Feedlot economics dictate that highly fermentable rations be fed, leaving the ruminant constantly on the edge of lactic acidosis. Consequently, a number of subtle changes in feed, environment, or management can tip the balance, causing ruminal acidosis. Even though the animal may not die from the immediate effects of a metabolic acidosis, there are sequelae such as mycotic rumenitis, hepatic abscesses, cauda vena cava thrombosis, and pulmonary arterial thromboemolism that may cause subsequent losses. Another condition, typically referred to as atypical interstitial pneumonia/acute bovine pulmonary emphysema is a sporadic cause of death in feedlot animals. This condition is sometimes linked to the feed or hypersensitivities such as dust. At present, it seems the condition is not linked with the above and part of the problem may be undiagnosed bovine respiratory syncytial virus BRSV infection.

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Address reprint requests to Bill Johnson, DVM California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System UC Davis Thurman Lab West Health Sciences Drive Davis, CA 95616

Nutritional and dietary interrelationships with diseases of feedlot cattle.

Feedlot economics dictate that highly fermentable rations be fed, leaving the ruminant constantly on the edge of lactic acidosis. Consequently, a numb...
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