W. N. MCFARLAWJ Section of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University,

Ithaca, New York 14850. U.S.A. and

F. W. MUNZ Department of Biology, University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon 97403, U.S.A. (Received 15 August 1974;


reuised&rm 5 January 1975)

Abstract-The feeding strategies of diurnal, tropical marine fishes correlate with the visual pigments extracted from their retinae and with the photic environments in which they hunt prey. Two basic feeding modes prevail: (1) sithouetting prey from below against the surface background light; and (2) contrasting prey against other fields of view, which are more monochromatic. Fishes that silhouette prey from below possess a single visual pigment matched to the spectral distribution of downwelling light. This maximizes the contrast between the brighter background and darker target. To predators that view prey in the horizontal field their targets may appear either darker or brighter than the background. The photocon~ast of a nonreflective target is maximized by a class of cones with a matching visual pigment. But the contrast of reflective (“bright”) targets is enhanced by visual pigments offset from the spectral distribution of the monochromatic blue background. Thus, the evolutionary selection of multiple photopic systems, and of color vision itself, is probably related to the maximization of visual contrast against monochromatic backgrounds. DEDICATION

As graduate students during the 19% both of us were privileged to know Gordon Walls. His unending curiosity into the mysteries that surround vertebrate vision has left its mark on each of us. This paper considers environmental factors and evolutionary pressures that may have molded vertebrate color vision. The data we present lend support to the suggestion made by Walls in The I/ertebrute Eye that color vision evolved to enhance contrast between object and background. We therefore dedicate this paper to Gordon Lynn Walls, out of respect for his memory and his insight. INTRODUCTION

Among the vertebrates, color vision is present in many diurnal fishes, some amphibians, and most lizards, turtles, and birds. In mammals it is well developed only among higher primates (Walls, 1942). How color discrimination evolved is a question of central importance to vertebrate biology and of keen interest to man. From the recent microspectrophotometric studies of Marks (1965), Brown and Wald (1964), and Liebman (1972), it seems firmly established that vertebrate color vision depends, for the most part, on different classes of photoreceptor cells, each defined by a different spectral photosensitivity. Considered as a behavior, color discrimination is a diurnal phenomenon, a fact that agrees with the presence of differ’ This investigation was supported by research grants (EYO0323 and EYO0324) from the Division of Research Grants and Fellowships, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.

ent visual pigments in the cones of those vertebrates investigated (birds may provide an exception; Lieb-

man, 1972). Clearly, in considering vertebrate color vision, one deals with photopic visual processes (although there may be occasional exceptions among deep-sea fishes). Many suggestions have been formulated over the years to explain the evolution of vertebrate color vision. Most have dealt with possible mod~~tions of photoreceptors and neuronal layers of the retina (see especially Edridge-Green, 1920; Ladd-Franklin 1929; Willmer, 1949; Pickford, 1951) and have hardly considered function. Only Wallace (1891, p. 411) and Walls (1942, p. 463) appear to have seriousty asked the question Why color vision?” Each suggested that color detection originated to provide for the strongest contrast and, therefore, to enhance the visibility of objects against the background. We believe that this simple and prescient suggestion is correct. What types of evidence are required to test their hypothesis? In our view at least four types of data are necessary: (1) histological examination of retinal structure; (2) spectrometric measurement of the cone pigments from an assemblage of vertebrates; (3) accurate description of the photic environment in which the visual behaviors of these animals are performed; and (4) knowledge of those critical behaviors which require photopic vision. Data fuhilling these requirements are available for some marine tropical fishes. It is our purpose to formulate a more detailed hypothesis on how color divination may have evolved in fishes and to examine the evidence relevant to this hypothesis. We feel that the arguments, although speculative, also provide a clearer picture of how photopic visual pigments serve a species.







John Lythgoe indicated that the visual pigments of several fishes do not match the spectrum of background spacelight against which objects are detected (Lythgoe, 1966. 1968). Rather. he felt that their visual pigments are displaced or -‘offset” to longer wavelengths. In a forceful argument. based in part on the visual contrast equations developed by Duntley (1962. 1963), Lythgoe suggested that the offsetting of visual pigments serves to enhance the contrast and, therefore, the visibility of targets seen against the underwater spacelight. Since the visual pigment data he obtained represented rod pigments (Lythgoe. 1966; Dartnall and Lythgoe, 1965X Lythgoe properly applied his argument to scotopic visual function. The absence of a spectral match between pigment and available light suggested that evolutionary forces molding scotopic vision had selected for enhanced contrast rather than for maximum photosensitivity. At that time the twilight spectrum near the surface in clear seas was believed to be similar to the daytime underwater spectrum. although slightly red shifted (Lythgoe, 1966). We later demonstrated. however. that the underwater spectrum is subject to a blue shift during twilight and that the absorbance characteristics of the scotopic pigments of coral-reef fishes match the “bluish” twilight spectrum (Munz and McFarland, 1973). We concluded that offsetting of the rod pigments does not exist, at least in this extensive sample of fishes. Selective forces have operated to maximize photosensitivity rather than contrast, as suggested by Lythgoe. Nevertheless, there is a compelling logic in Lythgoe’s discussions of how an offset visual pigment might serve a species to enhance contrast. We wondered, for example, whether offset visual pigments might function in photopic vision. In fact, as we pondered its implications in early 1968, his entire thesis seemed to fit what we knew of the diurnal visual behaviors of tropical marine fishes. The subsequent steady accumulation of data on the photopic visual pigments of these fishes (Part I of this series) and our increased understanding of the daytime photic environment (Part II) have convinced us that Lythgoe’s argument should be applied to photopic vision. We should like to review, therefore, the concept set forth by Lythgoe (1966) of how an offset visual pigment enhances contrast, but we shall put it within the framework of photic conditions that prevail in a clear tropical sea during the day (Part II), not during twilight or at night. As an example, consider the spectral distribution of light cast on the various parts of its retina when a fish is swimming either 1 m beneath the surface or somewhat deeper at 25 m. In ‘general, the upward lines of sight will contain considerably more green, yellow and red light than the horizontal and downward lines of sight, especially at 1 m (Fig. 1). At 1 m, the median wavelength for the spectral distribution along the upward lines of sight will be around 5255jO nm and in the horizontal and downward directions about 455-470~1 (Fig. 1 and Part II, Table 3). For 25 m, the spectral distribution is very different in the upward lines of sight, since long wavelengths are attenuated in the longer optical path (Fig. 1). In detection of an object at either depth. the degree










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Fig. I. Comparison of the relative spectral distributions of light in a clear, deep tropical sea along different lines of sight, with the receptor (a) at 1 m beneath the surface and (b) at 3 m beneath the surface. Z = zenith, H = horizontal, and N = nadir line of sight. Sumbers above each curve are the i.P,, spectral index values (in nanometers). Note the similarity in shape between the horizontal and nadir distributions and the difference between the zenith distributions.

of contrast produced between object and background will depend on several factors. These are: object direction, size, distance and reflectivity. and several features of the fish’s eye, especially the spectral absorptive properties of the pre-retinal media and the visual pigments. If object size, distance and position are constant. then for each depth it is possible to assess the effect of matched and offset vissl pigments on visual contrast for both bright and dark targets. Light from the horizontal background surrounding either a bright or dark object is very blue (AP5e = cu. 460470nm, Fig. 1). To match this background a fish would need a’ photopic visual pigment with a &,, near 460nm. Against this background an object will appear brighter than background only if the reflected light that lies within the absorption spectrum of the matched photopic pigment is more intense than the background. Yellow and red light which would be reflected from the object for several meters at l-m depth, would not be detected. A dark nonreflective object, on the contrary, would be readily distinguished from the “bright” background by lack of stimulation of the cone cells that the object shades. In a very real sense an eye with a &tched visual pigment detects the presence of an object by not “seeing” it, for both contrast and sensitivity are maximized for dark objects. To represent this visual condition we shall use the symbol c”, where C stands for cone cell and m a visual pigment spectrally matched to the background spacehght (Fig. 2). What happens if the visual pigment has a different spectral photosensitivity than C”? Suppose a d,,,, at 52Onm rather than 460 nm. This condition, i.e. an offset visual pigment, we represent by the symbol C?. The photocontrast of a reflective object viewed horizontally would be greater than for Cm since the c” pigment would be less sensitive than the Cm pig-


Photopic visual pigments in fish











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Fig. 2. Comparisons of the relative photocontrast of “bright” (reflective) and “dark” (nonreflective) objects viewed along the horizontal line of sight at 1 m beneath the surface by fishes with visual pigments matched to (P&9), or offset from (PS21). the backfight. Both bright and dark targets are assumed to be grey. Light retlected into the horizontal field includes direct reflections of sunlight. Close to the bright objects, reflected light will be 50 to 100 times more intense than the radiance of the horizontal background (scaling not indicated on the ordinate). The insets portray the relative photocontrasts that would be produced by each visual pigment. The matched pigment enhances the contrast of a dark object and the offset pigment results in contrast enhancement of a bright target,

ment to background light. For the same reason, a dark object would produce less contrast for @ than for C?‘. As Lythgoe (1966, 1968) pointed out, offsetting a visual pigment reduces photosensitivity to available light, but enhances contrast to reflective targets. Nonreflective targets, as demonstrated, are detected best by a matching (cl) visual pigment. Maximum visibility of both refiective and nonreflective objects, therefore, requires more than a mosaic of cones all containing the same visual pigment. Manifold systems are required-at the least, two classes of cones. This would require both c” and @ cones in the same retina. The trichromatic retina could provide for a matched cone pigment (C”‘) and two offset pigments (Co), one at longer and the second at shorter wavelengths than C”‘. The evolution of high visual acuity with maximum contrast under varied photic conditions would favor the selection and maintenance of separate visual pathways for these different cones. In other words, we have described the elements necessary for color vision. Would a multiple visual pigment system function as well at greater depths? To match the horizontal visual field at 25 m beneath the surface, a visual pigment should absorb maximally somewhere near 46Onm (Fig. 1). A i_, in this region would also provide a good match to downwelling light at 25m (iPsO = 481 mn, Fig. lb). Far less long-wavelength light penetrates this deeply (Fig. Ib). Thus, both the background and the light reffected from an object will be blue. An offset pigment with its ;Cmax at 520 nm would be less effective at 25, than it is near the surface. For dark objects at 25-m depth, as at 1 m, the C’ pigment would be less photosensitive to the background light than the C pigment (Fig. 3). As the total visual field becomes more nearly monochromatic, therefore, offsetting diminishes as an effective photochemical means of enhancing contrast. One might predict, therefore, that single, matched photo-

pit visual pigments would be typical of fishes that dwell at greater depths, and that multiple photopic pigments (both matched and offset) would be common in surface fishes. We have considered two simple cases where the background spacelight, with one exception. is spectrally narrow banded (Fig. 1). Only downwelling light at 1 m beneath the surface has a broad spectrum compared to either horizontal or upwelling light (Fig. 1). Thus, the spacelight background will be brighter and spectrally broader for a fish near the surface when it looks up than when it looks in other directions. This photic condition leads to the conclusion that both C”’ and c” cones, when directed upward, could function only by silhouetting objects against the surface light. Even highly reflective objects, although brighter than dark objects, would appear dim relative to the “bright” surface. In this line of sight, both Cm and c” pigments would match background light since their absorbance spectra are narrower than, and contained within, the broad spectrum of downwelling light. It is only when visual tasks assume a horizontal or downward axis that the background spectrum narrows (Fig. 1). Under this conditon offsetting becomes important to the enhancement of contrast. And this is only true near the surface. At greater depths, of course, the C”’ pigment (i.,, = ca. 460nm) effectively matches downwelling light (Fig. 1). The spectrum reflected from objects is almost as narrow as that of the background lighs diminishing the effectiveness of offsetting farther from the water surface. Spectral narrowing of the background against which objects are viewed can be considered the essential environmental factor that allows for selection of multiple photopic pigments. Light levels must be great enough to permit a high degree of visual acuity. These conditions are typical of aquatic habitats during the day, and it is significant that color vision






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3. Comparisons of the relative photocontrast of “bright” and “dark” objects viewed along the horizontal line of sight at 25 m beneath the surface by fishes with visual pigments matched to (P483), or offset from (P521). the backlight. Assumptions as in Fig. 2. At 25 m depth, reflections from bright objects will be from 20 to 40 times more intense than the radiance of horizontal backlight. The matched pigment produces greater photocontrast than the offset pigment for both bright and dark objects.

the ‘“bright” surface light. For mahi mahi, prey must be contrasted against a “bluish” background which is less “bright” than the downwelling surface light. What are the specific differences in photic conditions for these two distinctive feeding modes? Can the demons~ated differences in the visual pigments of these two species be related to the different photic conditions associated with their dissimilar feeding modes? In Part I we showed that the retinal extracts of skipjack never contained more than a single visual pigment fP4831). Although we obtained a few darkadapted specimens, most of the individuals were caught during the day and kilIed immediately. Therefore, the cones were included in the material that was extracted. Two other tunas’(Euthunnus yaito and Neothunnus macropterus) and the ‘&$ed wahoo (Acanthocybium mlandri)and marlins (Istiompax marliM and Makaira ampla) all had single visual pigments with nearly the same ;_, (Mum. and McFarBEHAVIOR AND VISUAL PlGMEhTS OF TROPICAL land, 1973). But these are active diurnal predators PELAGIC FISHES with many cones (Tamura and Wisby, 1963). Why The pelagic fishes that we have investigated are don’t they also have a visual pigment. sensitive to either surface limited or ascend from greater depths longer waveiengths, of the type that we have ascribed to the cones (Part I)? Of course, the tunas live in to feed at or near the surface. All are diurnal pre&tors. The mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurw), which a very “blue” environment, where such a pigment might not absorb enough !ight to be effective. It is surface limited, and the skipjack tuna (Katmwonus pe/amis), which lives at greater depths, provide specific occurred to us in Hawan. while making light m~surement~ that the visual pigment that we extract examples. The mahi mahi probably seldom ventures below depths of 15m; it feeds mostly in the upper probably comes from both rods and cones. Shortly after our return, we were excited by the report of 6m (Rose and Hassler, 1974). Both its morphology and visual system support this view. The rnahi mahi Liebman and Granda (1971) that in two species of turtles the “rod pigment” also occurs in one class chases flyin~sh, sauries, carangids, and crustaceans of cones. This corroboration of our guess by microat the surface; and its main visual axis is oriented spectrophotometry (MSP) has been extended to a f?og, forward along the horizontal line of sight, with’welldeveloped binocularity (Tamura and Wisby, 1963). a salamander, and a fish (Liebman, 1972, 1973). At the depths from which the skipjack hunts (25 m The skipjack swims deeper (at least to 7Om, according to Talbot and Penrith, 1963, and ~lackburn, 1965) or more), available light is predom~an~y blue. The spectra of downwelling and horizontal light at 25-m and feeds at depth or takes surface prey by rushing depth and the absorbance spectrum of its visual pig up from deeper water. Its visual axis is directed upward and forward (Tamura and Wisby, 1963). ment are compared in Fig. 4. (We do not know the Thus, the skipjack must detect surface prey against effective concentration of this pigment in the cones

is widely distributed among fishes. Lythgoe’s discussions of o&et visual pigments indicate that contrast is most enhanced when “bright” targets. reflecting a broad spectrum are viewed against a spectrally narrow background. Our measurements show that in the open sea this condition occurs t~oughout the lower visual hemisphere (see Part f1). In shallow littoral depths, as typified by coral reefs, the horizontal lines of sight are most nearly monochromatic. Downward lines of sight are spectrally broad, very much like downwelling light near the surface (see Part II). To relate the different photopic visual pigments present in tropical fishes to their behaviors, one must also differentiate between pelagic and shallow-water fishes. Because the relationships are clearer, we shall consider first the behavior and visual pigments of pelagic fishes. Later we shall attempt to unravel the more complex situation presented by coral-reef fishes.

most abundant of the three m Denton and Y,icol provided understanding of the physical basis of countershading. Two major properties are in\ol\ed: gsnsral bodk shape and Larking dorsoventral structural coloration. In general, to Ginimizs detection from below. man>- pelagic fishes are laterally compressed. In this wak- the shadow cast against the bright surhce background, although present, is minimal. Countershading functions best when prey are viewed from other directions. In the pelagic environment, the colors of most prey fishes match photic conditions. Thus. dorsall>. many fishes are estremel!. biue. blue-greenish, or both. This dorsal coloration fades laterally into highly reflect&, silver); sidss and bentral surfaces. Of course. varied bodl shapes and countershading conceal predators as \vell as prey. In the mahi mahi, for slamplc. blue-green and blue coloration occur dorsally and the body is deep and laterally compresssd. This shape could serve two functions. First. lateral compression minimizes the shadow the body casts and reduces its visibility to deeper-dwelling predators (large tunas, billfishes). Second. it reduces the cross-sectional profile that rhe mahi mahi might present when approaching prey. Deeper-li\ing predators. such as tunas. hake much rounder body cross-sections to accommodate the large trunk and caudal muscles that supply the propulsive force for their high velocity attacks. Generally. their dorsal surfaces are dark blue. They are. therefore. virtually invisible against the dark blue background of the deep bvater from which they attack, Innumerable examples exist. but the point is that the evolutionary forces that have molded predatorprey interactions in the pelagic environment ha\e selected for body shapes and countershaded coloration that makes visual detection. at best, very difficult.

! 1966). \%ho ha\e

(3) Flicker Biologically-inducedjiicker-turget motion. Another factor that must influence target detection results from flicker of a target. This can be produced by locomotion of predator or prey in such a manner that reflections of downwelling light from the bodl surfaces momentarily increase or decrease in intensity. For example, flashes of light are commonly observed among schools of fish as individuals turn or roll. Whether such sudden and dramatic changes in the visibility of a single fish increase the success of predators is debatable. Actually such flashes may divert the attention of a predator from other fishes in a school. which although “dimmer” are constantly visible (Hobdn. 1968). But Hashes of a single fish might alert a predator. if seen against a constanr background (see below). Pil~sicl?ll~-iildlrcrd movemew-swfhce disturbance. Flicker also results from disturbance of the water surface. When measuring underwater light, a flat calm surface is preferred for even small ripples produce bothersome oscillations in the record. But calm surface conditions are seldom characteristic of the ocean. Fishes. whether predator or prev. to survive must hunt and hide in spite of disturbed optical conditions. HOW then might surface flicker afTect the visibility of objects’? It is ccmmon experience to anyone who dives that a small area of the surface when viewed from below is alternately brighter and dimmer than the average background radiance. .-! larger arsa of

Photopic visual pigments in fish


the surface. therefore, is seen to dance with ffickers. especially damsel fishes, can be observed feeding on an a like manner, downweiling rays which flicker will particulate matter in the water column between the coral heads and the surface. Perhaps it is significant produce reflections from objects that also wax and that many of these species are countershaded and wane in intensity. Viewed from below, a fish would flicker like the surface. Specifically. the silvery sides not emblazoned with color, for their position should make them ready targets for predators. But many and ventral surfaces of countershaded fishes would other reef fishes (butterflyfishes, wrasses. triggerfishes. enhance such reflections. These reflections, therefore, surgeontishes and parroffishes), most of which are mimic surface flicker and should reduce the chance conspicuously colored, also enter the water column of detection. A reflective object viewed horizontally or from above the reef. Their excursions are shorter, but all stray sufficiently far from cover that they should be above, however, would flicker against a non-fhckering blue background. But here the darker coloration of vulnerable. Surprisingly, however, they are seldom the dorsal surfaces would reduce reflections from sur- attacked. This aspect of predator-prey interaction has face light. When viewed horizontally, it is our per- been amply verified and discussed by Hobson (1968, sonal experience that well-countershaded fishes sel- 1972). We have suggested that the ineffectiveness of dom flicker. Countershading. consequently, is very predators during the day results from their relatively effective in that it minimizes the chances that a fish lower visual acuity compared to the diurnal fishes will be detected under both disturbed and calm sur- upon which they prey (Mum and McFarIand, 1973). The predators have cone densities ‘that do not exceed face conditions. Countershading. however. cannot obscure all reflec- 4O,OOOcells/‘mm~of retina. In contrast, the diurnal fishes (whether carnivore, omnivore or herbivore) all tions, and it remains likely that prey are often initially have cone densities that exceed 4O.OOOcells/mm’. detected by sudden unavoidable reflections produced High cone densities are present throughout most of from surface flicker or by body movements. Ultimate the retina. With this potential for high acuity over success in the tracking and capture of prey, nevertheless, depends on continuous visual fixation of the most of the visual field, a diurnal reef fish must have target. This must be accomplished whether flicker excellent surveillance of its surroundings. One can conclude simply that the prey have a visual advantage is present or not. It is our contention, since counterover their predators during the day. Threatening shading is so effective under varied optical conditions, that this critical aspect of predatory behavior, i.e. movements by a predator are detected immediately by the prey and evasive behaviors initiated. Often closure on prey, succeeds only because contrast vision has been maximized through natural selective forces. this involves movement toward the reef substrate or the tightening of a fish school (Hobson, 1968). ImporFor visual pigments it has culminated in the presence tantly. Hobson stresses that fish predation, if it occurs of two or three pigments in surface-feeding predators. during the daytime. succeeds only when the prey is And this is the basis of hue discrimination. wounded or sick i.e. it strays or deviates from normal behaviors. With this tactic. predators, although they BEHAVIOR AND VISUAL.PIGZlEA-rS OF CORAL-REEF may remain in the vicinity of their prey during the FISHES day, do not exert themselves in fruitless chases. As indicated earlier, the photic environment in shallow tropical seas is more varied than in pelagic (2) Signi$cance of‘ &nn of multiple cisual pigments How might the visual pi_ements relate to predatorhabitats. This is especially true of coral reefs, where prey interactions? We detected multipIe visual pigthere are “kaleidoscopic” a~an8ements of colors that span the visible spectrum. And it is true of the “tarments in 84 of the 99 species of diurnal reef fishes gets” as well as the coral backgrounds. The that we investigated. Of the 84 species with mixtures, astonishingly varied hues and patterns of coral-reef 32 yielded enough of the red-sensitive component for fishes are equalled among vertebrates only by birds. estimation of its i.,,, (Part I, Table 3). The redTheir intense coloration contrasts vividly with the sensitive pi_mentr all have i,,, values between 518 cryptic countershaded color patterns of pelagic fishes. and541 nm. We haveassumed that the other. more blueIndeed, when diving, one is astonished that most reef sensitive (and more concentrated) pigment in each fishes are so conspicuous. That the varied color pat- retinal extract is a scotopic pigment of the rods terns function as identification marks, cryptic colors, (Mum and McFarland, 1973). But let us also assume warning signs, or as behavioral releasers is doeuhere-as we have for pelagic fishes---that the bluemented elsewhere (Cott, 1940; Lorenz, 1962; Breder, sensitive pigments function as photopic (cone) pig1972). Given this array of colors, whatever their speci- ments as well as in scotopic vision. If this is correct fic functions, it is hard to avoid the assumption that most diurnal reef fishes possess at least two photopic most species must discriminate hues. What general pigments--one with its i_. near 525 nm. and one correlations, therefore, can be made between the other between 480 and 5OOnm. varied behaviors of different reef species, their extractSeveral features of these visual pigments can be able visual pigments, Fnd the photic environment? related to the behaviors of coral-reef fishes and to photic properties of the reef habitat. In each species (1) Visual acuity and predator-prey interactions the individual i.,,, values and their spectral separation A puzzling aspect of predator-prey interactions are like those of pelagic fishes that possess multiple within the coral-reef community is the conspicuouspigments. We believe that these similarities result ness of prey fishes during the day, Their bright, con- from the action of similar selective forces related to trasting coloration readily signals their presence. But photic conditions and visual requirements. For what seems even more perilous than the colors of example. at any given depth beneath the surface, the these fishes is their position on the reef. Many species. spectral distribution and total radiance in the upward

and horizontal fields of view are stmilar for the reef and pelagic habitats (Part II. Tables 3 and -I). Only the downvvard visual fields differ dramatically. In the shallow coral-reef habitat. both the spectrum and radiance of upwelling light are affected by the retlective properties of the substrate and by the depth (optical path length). FlUXliOn Of rdtipk


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Most reef fishes are shallowwater forms. Although some species occur at depths greater than IOOm (Brock and Chamberlain, 1968; Strasburg. Jones and Iversen. 1968). most live above 30 m and are abundant only in the uppermost 20 m, as are living corals. The horizontal background light is blue (Part II, Fig. 3) unless nearby coral heads are in the line of sight. At these depths there is also sufficient downwelling light in the wavelength range between NO and 600 nm to produce target reflections at intensities that exceed photopic thresholds. As a result, the visual pigments with i,,, near 525 nm can function as offset pigments to enhance contrast of reflective objects as they do in pelagic surface predators. The more blue-sensitive pigments can match the background light either when dark targets are viewed horizontally or, in greater depths, when they are silhouetted against the surface. Consider the following diurnal reef fishes: Abud2fnllfah~oonlirlalis. with P496, and P527 i; 1Vaso brecirosnis. P492, and PZ;,; and Chromis cerater. P480, and P518, (Paz I, Table 3). .~butfefduf typically inhabits reef structures close to the surface. As a cone pigment, P496 would be ideally suited to match the background radiance in a manner analogous to that described for the 500-nm pigments of the mahi mahi and Elagatis. In contrast. Chromis is characteristic of much greater depths. It seldom occurs above 20m and is most abundant at approx IOOm (Brock and Chamberlain. 1968). Over this depth range. P480 is positioned centrally within the spectrum of available Iight and is a matching pigment. It would certainly provide maximum absorption of downwelling surface light between 20 and 60 m (Part II, Table 3). In the horizontal field of vision, or at greater depths, P480 would be offset slightly to longer wavelengths. But P480 should produce a good general spectral match to the background radiance in all visual fields. Xuso brrcirosrris is intermediate in depth distribution (Z-30 m). P490 provides an escellent compromise match to downwelling light from about 3 to 2jm (iPjO = cn. 5lfM80nm; Part II. Table 3). If used in horizontally directed vision, P490 would be matched in shallow surface waters (1-3 m). but displaced about IO-15 nm to longer wavelengths at greater depths. This offset is analogous to the situation in Chromis cerater. We feel that P490 is an evolutionary compromise that provides a fair visual match to background light in all directions of regard. Funcrion of multiple pigtnerlls in the dowward cisual field. In shallow depths, visual and optical problems are complex since background radiance and spectral distribution depend on substrate retlectivity, total depth, and the position of the receptor system in the water column (Part II. Tables 3 and 4). The backgrounds of coral. sand. and rubble are complex, in contrast to the remarkably uniform upwelling radiance in pelagic habitats. These backgrounds complicate the visual tasks of reef fishes. making it likely

that more than one photopic mechanism would be developed. This may account for tht presence of an o&t pigment (PjlS) in the deep-dwelling Chr0mi.x wrawr. unlike its pelagic counterpart. the skipjack. Consider the photic conditions facing .~hi&$firf nbtiorninalis as it swims in the surgs zone. in very shallow water (1 m). In the horizontal visual field, LPI0 will vary around -I92 m. a wavelength suggesting that P196 represents a general match to the background light. In contrast, if the bottom is reflective. the spectral distribution of background light that is cast on the dorsal retina would be greenish (iP,, = 28 nm; Part II, Table 3) as is light cast on the ventral retina (E.PjO = 515 nm). Although reasonably well matched to the “greenishness” of the upward and downward visual fields, Pj27 is offset some 30 nm from the horizontal field. In this instance, what we usually consider the offset visual piojnsnt (P527) can function to enhance contrast for bori bright and dark targets. depending on their direction. Similar reasoning suggests that P496. ivhich matches horizontal spacelight, would be offset toward shorter wavelengths in viewing the zenith and nadir. But it is not. Rather, just beneath the surface. P496 matches all visual fields. We reemphasize that the spectral distribution of downwellins light near the surface as compared to greater dept&s is less monochromatic and quite flat between 450 and 600nm (Fig. 1). Therefore, visual pigments that absorb maximally at any wavelength within this spectral region trap photons equally well and are matched rather than offset from background. The significance of the j.,,, position of P496 in Abudefduj‘ tibdomitzalis lies, hovvever. in its match to the horizontal visual field. from which P527 is offset. Thus. as among the pelagic fishes. there appears to be a specific correspondence between habitat depth and visual behaviors on one hand and the visual pigments on the other. We have assumed that in most reef fishes the rod pigment is also contained within one class of cones. Although the diurnal species usually have an additional, more red-sensitive pigment, there may be others that we have not extracted. Cha2todonroplr~s tn2soler~~s is the only reef fish from which we obtained clear evidence of three pigments. Microspectrophotometry will be needed to answer these questions. CONcLUSlONS Except in tunas, multiple visual piments are generally present in retinal extracts of diurnal, tropical marine fishes. We have measured the daytime photic conditions where these fishes actually live. We believe that the photopic visual pigments have evolved so that their spectral photosensitivities are either matched to, or offset from. the spectral distribution of available light. This conclusion is based on John Lythgoe’s analysis (1966. 1968) of how the spectral position of visual pigments can maximize either photocontrast or photosensitivity. In our view, whether a visual pigment is considered matched or offset depends largely, upon the background radiance associated with the lines of sight for which it is used. .A given pigment can probably be used in either way. depending on the background light. The evolutionary selection of matching or offset visual pigments is not fortuitous, but depends upon the importance of dark or reflective


Photopic visual pigments in fish targets respectively. in the visual tasks associated with the animal’s behavior. III general, most of the surface and subsurface diurnal fishes that we sampled possess either binary or ternary mixtures of visual pigments. Many or even all of these may be derived from classes of cones in the retina. We have argued that the primary function of muitiple systems seems to be en~n~ement of photocontrast (for diverse targets), as suggested by Gordon Walls (1942). The essential factor in the selection of multiple systems of photopic pigments was a narrowing in the spectrum of background light against which objects were viewed (Wallace. 1891). For broad flat spectra. as represented in downwelling surface light of tropical seas, all the known visual pigments of fishes must be matched pigments, for their narrower bandwidths absorb within the broad spectrum of available light. Offset visual pigments, therefore, must have been sekcted for only when the background radiance approached monochromaticity. In clear seas this condition has probably always been characteristic of horizontal radiance fields. Perhaps selective pressure for offset pigments was provided when early Ordovician or Silurian vertebrates gave up their benthic existence to become free-swimming. Certainly the horizontal visual fields would take on greater importance for the location of food and, significantly. would have been mono~~o~tic and blue. The multiple systems of visual pigments wze developed for daytime use, where light intensity would favor the separate pathways required for high visual acuity. These are the elements needed for “color vision” (i.e. hue discrimination). Thus, we hypothesize that elements of color vision first evolved in a fishlike

vertebrate to provide better photocontrast and that this selection was given positive thrust by a narrowing of the spectrum of background light. Monoc~o~tic photic conditions are typical of aquatic habitats and color vision is widely distributed among fishes. But is the hypothesis more general? We think so. For example, may color vision in terrestrial vertebrates also find its evoiutionary explanation in the presence of monochromatic backgrounds? For aquatic turtles the photic situation is similar to that of fishes. But for lizards, birds, and primates different photic conditions must prevail. Is it possible that the green mantle against which and within which tropical and temperate birds feed, hide, and hunt could act in this sense? Would the diffuse blue skylight, from which hawks and other birds of prey strike, effect an evolution of matched and offset visual pigments in their diurnal prey? In fact, man’s color sense may owe its existence to the arboreal behavior of his progenitors and greenness of the habitat in which they lived. High photocontrast, as well as good visual acuity and binocularity, would certainly be beneficial to the complex analyses of three-dimensional space required for brachiation. These thoughts generalize the hypothesis and invite quanti~tive study of the interrelationships benveen photopic visual pigments of varied terrestrial vertebrates, their visual behaviors, and the photic backdrop against which such behaviors are executed. Whatever the results, they would provide a fitting memorial to Gordon Lynn Walls, ~C~~w~~~ge~~~rs-With Parts I and II and also our 1973 Paper, this culminates an investigation that began eight

years ago in 1967. But the roots of our inquiry began to grow much earlier, when we were both graduate students at the University of California, Los Angeles. Although they have not been directly iaHoLied in these particular studies, two of our professors had an immense influence on our training and, of necessity. our motivation and views of biology. To Dr. Frederick Crescitelli we are grateful for continually insisting that we be as precise as technique would allow and, always, that we interpret data in terms of their significance in natural history. We have tried here. We thank Dr. Boyd W. Walker for imparting to us his affection for fishes and his insight that biological understanding requires the integration of information at many levels. We hope that this background is expressed in our papers. for these studies reflect their efforts as well as our own. Each deserves our lifelong gratitude and respect. We are grateful to Mrs. Alberta Jackson for technical assistance in typing and proofing the manuscript.

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Part III: The evolution of photopic visual pigments in fishes.

PART III: THE EVOLUTION OF PHOTOPIC PIGMENTS IN FISHES” VISUAL W. N. MCFARLAWJ Section of Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New...
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