


J. Pallen, Y.H. Tan and Graeme


of Molecular

in cell signalling

and Cell Biology, National University Singapore, Republic of Singapore

Protein phosphorylation is the most common ion and plays a role in all known pathways phosphorylation is a result of the balance of and phosphatases. There is increasing evidence of phosphate groups from proteins, catalyzed required for the downstream activation of



in Cell Biology

Introduction This review summarizes some recent advances that pinpoint both serine/threonine and tyrosine phosphatases as key participants in signalling pathways. Phosphatases can be directly or indirectly involved; either a dephosphorylation event is required to activate downstream signalling components, or the restraint of dephosphorylating activity is necessary to permit phosphorylation and signal propagation. In some cases the relevant phosphatase has been positively identified, while in other cases the involvement of a phosphatase has only been implied. We have emphasized the regulation of phosphatase activity where it has been identified; diverse regulatory mechanisms include phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, protein-protein interaction with activators or inhibitors and regulation by second messengers.

The protein


Protein phosphatases are classified as serine/threonine phosphatases or as tyrosine phosphatases according to amino acid sequence and substrate selectivity. There are four major classes of serine/threonine phosphatases (PP-1, PP-2A, PP-2B, PP-2C), each of which has isozymic forms, and several related but distinct novel enzymes (reviewed in [ 11). The tyrosine phosphatases can be classed as either receptor-like or non-receptor molecules, and they encompass a rapidly expanding number of members (reviewed in [ 21).

R. Guy of Singapore,

post-translational modificatof signal transduction. Net activities of protein kinases that the regulated removal by protein phosphatases, is other signalling proteins.

1992, 4:100&1007

Phosphatases transduction Phosphatase

in membrane-to-nuclear


Very few serine/threonine phosphatases, with the recent exception of calcineurin (see below), have been identified as active participants in signal transduction pathways, although they are certainly involved in signal attenuation. This is supported by the finding that specific inhibitors of protein phosphatases-1 and -2A (PP-1, PP-2A), such as okadaic acid, calyculin A, tautomycin and microcystin, rarely inhibit, but often mimic, various aspects of signal transduction, including enhanced phosphorylation and activation of signalling enzymes and activation of transcription factors and genes. In most of these studies the inhibited phosphatase in a particular pathway has not been located, and it is difficult to distinguish whether inhibition mimics a physiological phosphatase inhibition or merely reproduces the same effect as physiological activation of a kinase, or both. The ligandinduced inhibition of phosphatases in signal transduction is not a well explored area of research. The use of phosphatase inhibitors in suggesting such a possibility has been demonstrated by the initial finding that okadaic acid closely mimics aspects of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)/interleukin (IL)-1 signalling [?I], and the subsequent identification of a phosphatase activity that is rapidly repressed following treatment of human fibroblasts with TNF/IL-1 [4**]. This may also be found to be the case in other pathways that are mimicked by okadaic acid.

Abbreviations CSA-cyclosporin


A; CYP-cyclophilin; FKBP-FK-binding protein; IL-interleukin; PMA-phorbol 12-myristate lbacetate; PP-protein phosphatase; TCR-T-cell receptor; TNF-tumor necrosis

@ Current


NFAT-nuclear rdgC-retinal factor.

Ltd ISSN 0995-0674

factor of activated degeneration C;

T cells;

Protein Drosophila


A tyrosine phosphatase encoded by the gene corkscrew participates in a signal-transduction pathway that determines terminal cell fate in Drosophila [5**]. The corkscrew phosphatase acts distal to a receptor tyrosine kinase, torso, and in conjunction with the Raf serine/threonine kinase it effects the downstream activation of two genes (hucklebein and taz2Ies.s) that encode putative transcription factors. The corkscrew phosphatase is a non-receptor type enzyme containing two amino-terminal src homology (SH) 2 domains, suggesting that Corkscrew protein function or regulation involves the recognition and binding of phosphotyrosyl-containing proteins. Several similar mammalian tyrosine phosphatases with SH2 domains have been cloned [6*-8*] and could also be involved in transducing signals from receptor tyrosine kinases. A novel serine/threonine protein phosphatase encoded by the Drosophila retinal degeneration C (rdgC) gene is required to prevent light-induced retinal degeneration [9**]. The RdgC protein has approximately 30 % homology with the catalytic domains of PP-1, PP-2A and PP-2B, and the carboxyl-terminal half contains five potential Ca*+-binding sites, suggesting that phosphatase activity is regulated by Ca*+. The photoreceptors of flies with an rdgC mutation degenerate if the flies are reared in light. This effect is mediated by light-activated rhodopsin, but does not require activation of the norp A encoded phospholipase C, a downstream component of the rhodopsinG protein phototransduction cascade. The rdgC phosphatase may participate in an alternative rhodopsin-initiated pathway that regulates photoreceptor membrane renewal [lo].


in T-cell


At least two protein phosphatases are essential components of the T-cell receptor (TCR) signal transduction pathway. The receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase, CD45, is involved in early membrane-associated events, and the serine/threonine phosphatase calcineurin (PP-2B) mediates a subsequent downstream step. Stimulated T cells lacking CD45 are unable to generate the phosphatidylinositol-derived second messengers inositol trisphosphate and Ca*+ [ 111, probably due to their failure to activate tyrosine kinases [12**] that couple the TCR to the phosphatidylinositol pathway (reviewed in [ 13151). Candidate coupling kinases and CD45 substrates include the CD4associated Lck kinase and the TCR 6 chain associated Fyn kinase, both of which are proposed to be activated by dephosphorylation of a regulatory carboxyl-terminal tyrosine residue. The mechanism regulating CD45 activity in response to antigen binding is unknown, but activation could involve the association of CD45 with the TCR, CD4 or other Tcell surface proteins. Decreased CD45 activity and a loss of serine phosphate from CD45 occur in response to an ionomycin-induced increase in intracellular Ca* + [ 16**], suggesting that a negative feedback loop comprising the


in cell signalling

Pallen, Tan, Guy

Ca*+ stimulated dephosphorylation of CD45, possibly by calcineurin, could restore CD45 activity to resting levels. The immunosuppressant drugs cyclosporin A (CM) or FK506 bind to intracellular receptors called immunophilins [ cyclophilin (CyP) or FK-binding protein (FKBP), respectively] and interfere with a downstream signaIling step in T-cell activation. Both drugs effect a remarkably similar and selective inhibition of the Ca*+-sensitive transcription of a subset of early phase T-cell activation genes, including the gene that encodes IL-2 (reviewed in [ 171). The drug-immunophilin complexes of CsACyP and FK506-FKBP (but not CyP or FKBP alone) were recently shown to bind to and inhibit the activity of the Ca*+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin ([18**,19”,20*]; (reviewed in [21,22]). CsA and FK506 also inhibit the activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), a transcription factor that regulates the Z-2 gene. They interfere with the Ca*+ -dependent nuclear transkxation of a cytoplasmic component of NFAT, which normally complexes in the nucleus with a phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-inducible nuclear subunit to constitute active NFAT [ 23’1. Overexpression of the catalytic subunit of calcineurin stimulates NFATdependent transcription [24”,25*m], indicating that the phosphatase is coupled with and functions at a point preceeding activation of this factor. A dephosphorylation went must be a direct or indirect prerequisite for translocation. Calcineurin could dephosphoxylate NFAT itself, or act on an upstream activator of NFAT or on a substrate that inhibits or is part of the translocation machinery. Whichever the case, calcineurin has now been recognized as a component of the so-called ‘black box’ in T-cell signalling, coupling cell membrane associated and nuclear events. What is the function of calcineurin in other cell types? This phosphatase may also be involved in the CsA- and FK506sensitive irnmunoglobulin E receptor signalling pathway leading to mast cell degranulation 1261. Simultaneous mutation of two yeast calcineurin genes blocks the recovery of yeast cells from mating pheromone-induced cell-cycle arrest, suggesting that calcineurin mediates an essential Gt-S phase transition step in the mating response [ 27**]. Calcineurin and FKBP are present at high levels and co-localize in brain [ 281; both proteins, as well as CyP, are found in a variety of other tissues. Do natural ligands of the immunophilins exist that promote complexation with calcineurin and inhibition of phosphatase activity? This would be desirable if calcineurin phosphatase activity was not required in response to elevated intracellular Ca*+ levels, or if inhibition of calcineurin favored net phosphotylation and activation of signalling components in other pathways.




Treatment of CV-1 cells with isoproterenol, forskolin, CAMP analogues or phorbol ester results in tyrosine phosphatase activation, suggesting that the second messenger-stimulated protein kinases Aand C regulate ty-





rosine phosphatase activity 1291. The peptide hormone somatostatin stimulates tyrosine phosphatase activity in pancreatic cancer cells through a G-protein-mediated mechanism [30*]. These observations suggest that ty rosine phosphatases actively participate in transduction pathways, an area that warrants further investigation.

Regulation of transcription phosphatases




Phosphorylation is the primary mode of regulating transcription factor localization, DNA binding and interaction with the transcription machinery (reviewed in [31,32]). In a few instances, the ability of transcription factors to activate target genes is impaired by phosphorylation, and dephosphorylation is required for activation. The calcineurin-dependent translocation of the transcription factor NFAT has been discussed above. Nuclear translocation of another transcription factor, the yeast !WI5 protein, is effected by dephosphorylation [33*]. During the S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle, SWI5 is retained in the cytoplasm by the CDC28 (equivalent to Cdc2)mediated phosphorylation of three serine residues close to or within the nuclear localization signal. At the anaphasffit transition these sites are dephosphotylated by an unidentified phosphatase and SW15 enters the nucleus. The inactivation of the CDC28 kinase at the end of mitosis is important for SW15 dephosphotylation. Whether an unaltered level of WI5 phosphatase activity is then sufficient to effect net dephosphotylation or whether this phosphatase undergoes a coincident activation at the end of mitosis is not known. The best example of DNA binding of a transcription factor being controlled by probable phosphatase regulation is c-Jun. Constitutive phosphotylation of three serine/threonine residues near the DNA-binding domain of c-Jun inhibits DNA binding. Exposure of cells to phorbol ester (PMA), which activates protein kinase C, induces dephosphorylation of these sites and DNA binding [34*]. There is at present no positive identification of the phosphatase whose activation is an endpoint of a protein kinase C-induced pathway, but recent evidence indicates that a protein phosphatase of unknown nature is regulated, not only by PMA and growth factors, but also by some transforming oncogenes [31 I.


in cell-cycle


The activity of a key cell cycle regulatory element, the Cdc2 serine/threonine kinase or p34cdc2, is determined by its phosphorylation state (see Fig. 1). Activation of p34cdc2 (complexed with cyclin B) at the G2-M phase transition requires dephosphotylation of Thr14 and ‘Iyrl5 and continued phosphorylation at Thrlbl. Activation of a tyrosine phosphatase encoded by the c&25 gene results in dephosphotylation of Tyrl5, and probably of Thr14, in p34cdc2, and the consequent initiation

of mitosis. PP-1 and PP-2A act in pathways regulating the entry to and exit from mitosis.


Cdc25 was not initially recognized as a tyrosine phosphatase due to its low sequence homology with known members of the tyrosine phosphatase family, although several observations closely linked Cdc25 action to Cdc2 dephosphotylation (reviewed in [ 351). Isolated Cdc25 protein was finally shown to have intrinsic tyrosine phosphatase activity and properties characteristic of other tyrosine phosphatases, including the hallmark loss of activity upon mutation of an essential cysteine residue in the active site [36*-41*]. Two notable features of Cdc25 are its high specificity for p34cdc2 and its probable dual specificity for both Thr14 and Tyr15 in p34cdc2. Cdc25 is most homologous to the vaccinia virus tyrosine phosphatase VHl, and unlike other tyrosine phosphatases, Cdc25 and WI1 can dephosphorylate both tyrosine and serine residues in vitro [40*,42*]. In Xenopus, the activity of Cdc25 is regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphotylation and through proteinprotein interaction. Interphase Cdc25 is a phosphosetyl protein with basal phosphatase activity. Near the onset of mitosis, multiple serine and threonine residues in the amino-terminal region of Cdc25 are phosphorylated, resulting in a five-fold increase in the phosphatase activity of Cdc25 [43**]. The preponderance of serine/threonine-proline motifs in this region of Cdc25 suggests that the kinase responsible for this may be Cdc2 or a CdQ-activated kinase. Dephosphotylation of Cdc25 by an okadaic acid-sensitive phosphatase restores Cdc25 activity to interphase levels. The activities of the Cdc25-speciiic kinase and phosphatase are cell cycle-regulated, with a coincident rise in the stimulatory kinase activity and decrease in the inhibitory phosphatase activity just before mitosis [43**]. The phosphatase activity of Cdc25 is also stimulated four-fold to five-fold in vitro by B-type cyclins, which contain a potential transactivation domain homologous to a region in other tyrosine phosphatases but lacking in Cdc25 [44**]. Cdc25 undergoes a cell cycle-dependent association with the Cdc2-cyclin B complex. This association peaks at mitosis and closely preceeds maximal kinase activity of Cdc2 [ 45**]. The events described above may be features of an interlocking, positive feedback mechanism that regulates Cdc25 activity. Association of Cdc2-cyclin B with Cdc25 could sufficiently stimulate the basal activity of a portion of Cdc25 to dephosphotylate a few, or even more, molecules of Cdc2. This activated Cdc2 could directly or indirectly phosphotylate the complexed Cdc25 to bring about further activation of Cdc25, and so on. Such events would be favoured if they occurred in conjunction with a reduction in activity of the CdQ-specific tyrosine kinase (wee 1 or mik 1) and increased inhibition of the Cdc25specific serine/threonine phosphatase (see below). A cyclical and rapid accumulation of dephosphoCdc2 and phospho-Cdc25 would drive the initiation of mitosis.




in cell








mik 1 wee 1 :inases -




1 PP-2A?



Fig. 1. The known


roles of protein phosphatases as p34cdcz. See text for details.




in the

in the





P, inorganic

PP-1 product in fission yeast acts in the pathway that regulates initiation of mitosis, but does not appear to affect Cdc2 kinase through wee 1 or Cdc25 [53]. The addition of inhibitor-2 (a specific protein inhibitor of PP-1, see below) to Xeno pus oocyte extracts causes premature activation of Cdc2 kinase and entry into mitosis, whereas addition of PP-1 retards mitosis [54**]. As PP-1 activity is high during interphase and reduced before mitosis (see below), these observations suggest that the PP-1-mediated dephosphorylation of unknown interphase substrates delays mitosis, perhaps while other preparations for mitosis are being completed, and that PP-1 activity must subsequently be suppressed to allow the actual initiation events to occur. .

Cell cycle-dependent changes in PP.1 localization and activity are consistent with this phosphatase having dual functions in mitotic entry and exit. The activity of PP.1 peaks during interphase, decreases near the onset of mitosis, and peaks again during mitosis when Cdc2 kinase activity is maximal [54*-l. Alterations in PP-1 localization may regulate its activity and substrate specificity, because in mammalian cells PP-1 is cytoplasmic during Gt and S phases and accumulates in the nucleus during G2 and M progression, where it is tightly associated with condensed chromosomes during mitosis [49’]. Two specific protein inhibitors of PP-1, inhibitor-l and inhibitor-2, may also modulate PP-1 activity in a cell cycle-dependent manner. The level of inhibitor-2 oscillates with the cell cycle, but peaks when PP-1 activity is required for mitotic exit [ 551. However, Cdc2 kinase may catalyze its own inactivation, because Cdc2 can phosphorylate and inactivate inhibitor2 in vitro, a reaction that activates PP-1 [56-l. Mutation of a PP-2A gene (ppu2+ ) in fission yeast results in premature mitosis [ 571, as does the inhibition of PP-2A with okadaic acid in Xenopus oocyte extracts [ 581, and PP-2A is a component of INH, which was identified as an activity that prevents activation of p34cdc2 during G2 [59*]. Thus PP-2A, as well as PP-1, appear to regulate the timing of initiation of mitosis. One way in which PP2A could effect this is by acting in a cell cycle-specific manner to maintain Thrl61 of Cdc2 in a dephosphotylated form and consequently prevent cyclin binding to Cdc2 (511. In fact, a critical concentration of cyclin is required to overcome INH activity, but okadaic acid does not enhance cyclin binding to Cdc2 [ 511, suggesting that neither PP-2A nor PP-1 regulate the interphase phosphorylation of Thrl61. A more likely but indirect mechanism by which PP-2A could prevent Cdc2 activation is by maintaining Cdc25 in a dephosphotylated form, which would block Tyrl5/‘T’hr14 dephosphotylation of CdQ. The Cdc25-specific phosphatase is sensitive to lower concentrations of okadaic acid which inhibit PP-2A [43**]. As PP-2A levels do not alter during the cell cycle [ 57,601, PP-2A activity must be tightly regulated, with a precisely timed reduction in activity occuring near the initiation of

mitosis (a decrease in the Cdc25specific phosphatase activity has been observed at this point [43**]). Although PP-2A activity is reported not to change through the cell cycle, this could reflect the use of artificial substrates in the assays [ 57,601. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PP-24 inhibits phosphatase activity [61*] and various regulatory PP-2A subunits could also modulate phosphatase activity or specificity.



of src kinase

The non-receptor tyrosine kinase ppbOc-src is a downstream target of p34cdC2 that is activated at mitosis and repressed during interphase. Phosphorylation of Tyr527 in src effects a negative regulation of kinase activity. Mitosisspecific dephosphorylation of Tyr527 is partially induced by p34cdc2-dependent phosphorylation of the src aminoterminal residues Thr34, Thr46 and Ser72 (suggesting that phosphoseryl/threonyl-src is a better substrate for a Tyr527specific phosphatase or a worse substrate for a lyr52i’specific kinase), and partially induced by a mechanism independent of p34cdc2-mediated src phosphotylation (suggesting activation of a Tyr527specific phosphatase or inhibition of a Tyr527specific kinase) [62,63*1. A receptor-like tyrosine phosphatase, PTPa, is a candidate ‘Iyr-527 phosphatase. Overexpression of PTPa in Iibroblasts induces Tyr527 dephosphotylation and persistent activation of ppGO~-~rc[64**]. However, cellular overexpression of a non-receptor tyrosine phosphatase, PTP lB, has no effect on src phosphorylation or activity [65], indicating that PTPa-mediated effects on src may be specific. PTPa could mediate the mitosis-specific, and/or the growth factor-induced, activation of src kinase. Overexpression of PTPa in fibroblasts also causes cell transformation and tumourigenesis [64**]. Thus PTPa may function as an oncogene, possibly if overexpressed as a consequence of gene translocation or amplification, or as a result of defects in the regulation of this phosphatase. Nothing is presently known about the regulation about PTPa activity.


Receptor-like tyrosine phosphatases (CD45, PTPa) act as upstream activators of tyrosine kinases, and a non-receptor tyrosine phosphatase (cor~screzu) acts as a downstream effector of a tyrosine kinase, indicating that such phosphatases may represent missing links in numerous transduction pathways involving tyrosine phosphosphorylation. Studies with specific inhibitors and genetic approaches are revealing unsuspected actions of the serine/threonine phosphatases in cell signalling pathways. We predict that many more instances of the critical function of both tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphatases in transduction will be elucidated, and that signalling cascades will be shown to utilize ‘cross-talk between


serine/threonine/tyrosine phosphatases and kinases as a primary mechanism of signal propagation and cell regulation.


in cell signalling

Pallen, Tan, Guy

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and recommended


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Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: . of special interest .. of outstanding interest 1.

COHEN P: The Structure and Regulation of Protein Phosphatases. Annu Rev Rio&m 1989, 58:453-508.


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Gtrv GR, CAIK~‘sJ, NG SB, TAN YH: Inactivation of a Redox Sensitive Protein Phosphatase During the Early Events of TNF/IL-1 Signal Transduction. J Biol Chenz, in press. Demonstrates that TNF/IL-1 treatment of cells inhibits the activity of a .serine/threonine phosphatase. Cellular phosphatase activity towards labelled phospholHsp27 was measured by cold phosphate chases in the presence/absence of TNF/lL- I. 112r?lro assays of phosphatase activity in TNF/IL.I treated cells were also carried out. The results of both types of experiments indicate that phosphatase inhibition is an early event in TNFiIL-1 signal transduction. 5. ..

PEWINS LA, LU~~EN 1. PERKIMONN: Corkscrew Encodes a Putative Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase that Functions to Transduce the Terminal Signal from the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Torso. Cell 1992, 4:225-236. Mutant cor%screu~emhryos have abnormally developed embryo termini. The cor&reu~gene encodes a tyrosine phosphatase with SH2 domains, and genetic analyses show that it acts in the tonso tyrosine kinase signal transduction pathway to activate downstream terminal genes. 6.


SHEN SH, BAV~EN L, POSNERBl, CHRETIEN I’: A Proteintyrosine Phosphatase with Sequence SimIlarIty to the SH2 Domain of the Protein-tyrosine Kinases. Nature 1991, 352:736-739.

This report discusses cloning of a novel type of tyrosine phosphatase possessing two amino-terminal SH2 domains. The SH2 domains of this phosphatase can bind to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins, including the epidemrai growth factor receptor. 7. .

PLUTLKYJ, NEELBG, ROSENBERG RD: Isolation of a Src Homology 2Containing Tyrosine Phosphatase. Proc Nat1 Acad Sci USA 1992, 89:1123-1127. Cloning of an SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase closely related to that discussed in [6*] is described. This phosphatase is highly expressed in haematopoietic and epithelial cells. 8. .

YI T. C~VEVWD JL, ISLE JN: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Containing SH2 Domains: Characterization, Preferential Expression in Hematopoietic Cells, and Localization to Human Chromosome 12p12-~13. Mol Cell Biol 1992, 12:836-846. This paper reports the cloning of an SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase that is closely related to the phosphatase discussed in [6*]. This phosphatase is predominantly expressed in haematopoietic cells. STEEU FR, WASHBURNT, R~ECERR, O’TOUSA JE: Drosophila retinal degeneration C (rdgC) Encodes a Novel Serine/Threonine Protein Phosphatase. Cell 1992, 69669-676. The ‘d&gene encodes a new type of setine/threonine phosphatase that may be regulated by Ca*+ binding. RdgC protein is expressed in the adult Ry visual system, where it acts in an unknown rhodopsin-initiated signaIling pathway to prevent photoreceptor degeneration in re-

KOR~KV GA, PICUSJ, SCHULTZ T, WE&~ A: Tyrosine Phosphatase CD45 is Required for T-cell Antigen Receptor and CDZ-mediated Activation of a Protein Tyrosine Kinase and Interleukin 2 Production. Pnx Nail Acud Sci USA 1991, B&2037-2041. A CWS-deficient Jurkat cell clone is used to examine signallmg defects upon activation of the TCR or stimulation of the accessory molecule CD2. Responses that are lacking in these ceUs include no increased in tracellular calcium, inositol phosphatases or tyrosine kinase acivity, and no IL-Z production, indicating that CD45 is normally required for these sigmalling events. 12.





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Concentrations of the immunosuppmssants CsA and FK506 that inhibit IL-2 production in activated T cells also inhibit caicineutin phosphatase activity. 21.

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a Cahnodulin-regulated


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Science 1992, 256:121S-1217. The hormone somatostatin stimulates tyrosine phosphatase activity in pancreatic cancer cells. Stimulation is blocked by pretreating the cells with the G-protein inhibitors pertussis toxin or non-hydrolyzable GDP, This is the first example of a G-protein-coupled phosphatase.

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the CDC28


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the dephosphotylation

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WG: The Cdc25 Protein Controls Tyrosine Dephosphorylation of the Cdc2 Protein in a Cell-free System. Cell 1991, 64903914.

Demonstration that the addition of purified Cdc25 protein to Xenopus oocyte extracts or to affinity purllied pre-maturation promoting factor induces tyrosine dephosphotylation and activation of Cdc2. The Cdc25 protein is not identified as as tyrosine phosphatase, but is proposed to stimulate the activity of a CdcZ-specific tyrosine phosphatase or to inactivate an inhibitor of Cdc2 dephosphorylation.


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Demonstration that the addition of purified Cdc25 to purIIied CdcZ-cyclin B results in tyrosine and threonine/setine dephosphorylation of Cdc2 and activation of the kinase activity of Cdc2. Cdc25 is proposed to be a phosphatase specific for CdcZ-zyclin B.

38. .



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Cell 1991, 67:189196. The Cdc25 protein possesses intrinsic tyrosine phosphatase activity towards a variety of synthetic substrates, including a Cdc2 phosphopeptide. Cdc25 shares several properties with the classical tyrosine phosphatases, such as inhibition by vanadate, molybdate, zinc and alkyIatIng agents, and loss of activity upon mutation of an essential cysteine residue in the active site. MJ,







Purified Cdc25 activates purified CdcZ-cyclin B and dephoshorylates TyrlS and Thrl4 of Cdc2. Sequence comparisons show that Cdc25 has regions of sequence homology with other tyrosine phosphatases. Mutation of the essential cysteine residue in the predicted active site of Cdc25 abolishes tyrosine phosphatase activity.




p8Ocdcas Mitotic Activates p34cdca 10:43014309.



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is the Tyrosine Phosphatase that in Fission Yeast. EMBO J 1991,

Cdc25 induces tyrosine dephosphorylation and activation of Cdc2, and is also capable of dephosphotylating setine residues in the synthetic substrate casein. Cdc25 exhibits the characteristic responses to various inhibitors of other tyrosine phosphatases, and Cdc25 activity is abolished by mutation of its active site cysteine residue. These results indicate that Cdc25 is a tyrosine phosphatase with dual speciliciry. 41. .



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Purified Cdc2S activates Cdc2 in Xenopus extracts and immunoprecipitates. dephosphorylates recombinant Cdc2 on tyrosine, and dephosphorylates para-nitrophenyl phosphate. Cdc25 is suggested to be the tyrosine phosphatase responsible for the activation of Cdc2 at the G2-M phase transition.

42. .


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CJ Pallen, Cell Regulation laboratory, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511, Republic of Singapore.

YH Tan and GR Guy, Signal Transduction laboratory, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511, Republic of Singapore.


Protein phosphatases in cell signalling.

Protein phosphorylation is the most common post-translational modification and plays a role in all known pathways of signal transduction. Net phosphor...
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